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@EurmalEye the post is finally done and posted but it may be a little bigger then the other co post so there is quite a lot to read.


Jane and the students managed to safely restrain Blake as Arken finally showed up to put a stop to all the chaos and teleport everyone to the training room. Jane watched as the other teachers introduce themselves and finally it was Janes turn. Jane walked to the Center of the training room.

“My name Jane I am the practical magic teacher and will be helping you to master your magic. While my specialty is voodoo magic I can use any form of magic I want due to my use of magic gems.”

With that basic explanation Jane returned to the other teachers. While she watched the students introduce themselves she paid close making notes on anything the students needed to improve on However when Manta stepped up and Poffin started to speak she quickly created a green gem and used her wind powers to create a small void around her so sound waves couldn’t reach her ears. Jane then removed the void so she could hear the rest of the students introductions.


Ryu watched as Arthur lunched his counter attack only to have Arken show up and cancel his attack like it was nothing. Ryu was then teleported to the training room with the teachers and the other students Ryu watched as all the teachers and most of the students introduced themselves while giving a small display of their powers. Ryu paid little attention to the abilities of the other dragons since he already knew what they where capable and in all honesty most of the other introductions a little boring that is until Manta flew into the centre of the training room. Ryu listened to his introducing and like with the other students found it pretty boring but after Manta was done as his little puff ball pet spoke up Ryu suddenly felt like he should do all he could to protect Manta and defending him form anyone who would harm such a defenceless creature besides fighting Mantas battles for him could prove to be excellent training. Ryu stepped

“I am Ryu a dragonkin who was raised by dragons when I was a human child but transformed into a dragon when I mastered dragon slayer magic. Since transferring I have gained a numbered new powers and abilities but I haven’t quite mastered all of them yet so I’ll just stick to explaining and showing you my Elemental embodiment that’s my slayer magic evolved into. Basically I have the power to eat and drink pretty much any element you can think of to regain my stamina and in the case of the element I eat being an attack from an enemy I also gain the power infused into it. This is not limited to the elements of nature like water and air however it includes crystal, various toxins and venoms and blood and much more.”

Ryu then simply created a fire ball in his left hand and as it began floating around him he created a water ball and as that floated behind the fire ball he made a lighting ball and continued this pattern with air, light, dark, metal, earth, crystal, poison, blood and even bone. After showing he can generate and manipulate so many different things Ryu decided he had given enough examples of the things he could eat and manipulate and as his various balls disappeared Ryu returned his seat.


Kai watched as Arken appeared and put a stop to all the fighting and suddenly teleported everyone to the training room. Kai found it a little strange the he appeared in the training room already separated from Red and looking like his normal self and not in his makeshift chopper from. Kai watched as the other students began to introduce themselves and eventually it was time for him to step up Kai walked into the centre of the training room and turned to face everyone.

“My powers aren’t as impressive as some of yours I simply have the ability to alter the density and by extension the size of myself and anything I touch and the power to manipulate any kind of stings, threads or wires.”

Kai then pulled out a little stick from his pocket and turned it into a full size bo staff the tapped it on the ground then as he went to do it again the bottom of the staff passed though the ground. Kai then put the stick back in his pocket as his hair, the fur on his clothes as well as the ribbons on his arms and even the treads in his clothes began to sway on his body almost like they where dancing as if to show that pretty much everything has some kind of thread in it that he could manipulate Kai then returned his seat.


Danielle watched as Blake wha knocked out and as light descended from the heavens not far form the meeting location while at the same time Blake’s injuries where healed by Arken when he finally appeared .Arkan quickly put a stop to all the fighting and teleported everyone to the training room and asked them to introduce themselves. Danielle watched as everyone introduced themselves paying especially close attention to Manta, Shela, Red, Green and the twins thinking that it was a little strange to invite such young kids to such a dangerous environment but at least they would be safe on campus and some of them are clearly pretty powerful for their aged. Danielle waited for her change to introduce herself that chance came after Ryu Danielle walked into the centre of the training room and turned to face her classmates.

“My power is a little different from most of yours I don’t have any racial abilities or unique powers I was born with. Instead I have inherited my family’s position, title and responsibilities as a magical guardian. This give me many abilities although I can’t demonstrate them all I will explain all of them and demonstrate what I can. I have the the ability to use some magic although I still have a lot to learn in the mystic arts, I also have the power of supernaturally enhanced combat meaning I can naturally use any weapon with superhuman efficiency and with what magic I do know anything is a weapon in my hands even a simple musical instrument can be considered a weapon when you have sound and music magic. I also have the ability to inspire my allies making them fearless while also enhancing their combat potential stamina and motivating them to fight harder. Superhuman conditioning meaning my physical strength, speed, endurance and stamina are far beyond that of a normal human. I have a strong soul and indomitable will meaning I can not feel fear and cannot be controlled influenced or manipulated in anyway. Finally this is not my power exactly but my magic dose make it far more useful, My sword can absorb kinetic energy and amplify that energy as well as convert it into other forms of energy and with my magic I can change the form of my sword turning it into anything I want.”

With that Danielle drew her sword and turned it into a piano and began singing.

As Danielle sang those listening would feel her power radiating out though every note and at the same time feel the power within them swell up for the duration of the song they would have far more energy more power and more stamina then normal. After the song was over Danielle would turn the her weapon back into a sword only to jump backwards into a summersault as her feet landed on the wall she jumped again this time towards the ceiling then swung her sword firing off all the kinetic energy her sword absorb while she played the piano firing it at the ground as a burst of electricity like a lighting blot. Danielle then jumped off of the ceiling towards the wall behind the other students and as her feet hit the wall Danielle simply let herself drop down to the ground landing gracefully in front of her seat with an elegant bow before sitting back down next to Manta and Poffin.

“Poffin you really should be careful when saying please anytime you ask something of someone and use that word they feel compelled to fulfil your request it’s actually pretty damn close to mind control especially when you say please multiple times and you make a request.”


Pink was jumping though the air using her Rune magic to make stepping stones in the air and the even with her enhanced speed travelling to the academy by running and jumping took far longer then it should even considering the fact her home was half a world away and that Pink had to cross an ocean. Pink was running way behind schedule because she was taking her time so she could enjoy the scenery and stopping every so often if she caught a glimpse of a dolphin or a whale swimming close to the surface of the ocean or if she saw a particularly pretty flower Just then Owlly spoke up.

“Pink we are already very late perhaps we should pick up the pace or at the very least send a little to let Arken know we are on our way”

Just then pick had a great idea and pulled out a sheet of paper as a pen appeared above the sheet writing everything she sang enchanting the paper with a song.

“Tell everybody I'm on my way New friends and new places to see With blue skies ahead yes I’m on my way And there's nowhere else that I'd rather be Tell everybody I'm on my way And I'm loving every step I take With the sun beating down yes I'm on my way And I can't keep this smile off my face Cause there's nothing like seeing each other again No matter what the distance between And the stories that we tell will make you smile Oh it really lifts my heart So tell 'em all I'm on my way New friends and new places to see And to sleep under the stars Who could ask for more With the moon keeping watch over me Not the snow, not the rain Can change my mind The sun will come out, wait and see And the feeling of the wind in your face Can lift your heart Oh there's nowhere I would rather be Cause I'm on my way now well and truly I'm on my way now Tell everybody I'm on my way And I just can't wait to be there With blue skies ahead yes I’m on my way And nothing but good times to share So tell everybody I'm on my way And I just can't wait to be home With the sun beating down yes I'm on my way And nothing but good times to show I'm on my way Yes, I'm on my way”

With that she sent the letter on ahead carried by a gust of wing generated by Owlly.

“That was not the kind of letter I was thinking off but I guess it gets the job done.”

With that Pink continued her journey towards the academy. Just as the letter flew though the doors it opened up while floating in the air and began playing the song and delivering her message.

Overall it took about 10 hours to finally make it to the academy just and Pink managed to arrive just a few minutes after her message finished playing Pink took a look around and thought this would be a good opportunity to introduce herself. As Pink walked though the doors and towards the Center of the training room she began singing to announce her arrival.

As she sang she created a musical rune in mid air that began playing music as he bestowed life into all the chairs of the other students and had them sing along while she created runes in mid air for her to jump off as she bounced around the training room each one making a different note as she landed on and jumped off it to add to the music already playing. As Pink finished landed she walked to one of the empty seats satisfied with her domination however Owlly realised that she had yet to giver her name as she spoke up she flew behind Pink following her to her seat

“My name is Owlly and that lovely ball of energy is called pink and the little white rabbit with her is called Mr rabbit.”

As Owlly finished speaking he sat himself of Pinks shoulder as they waited for the others to introduce themselves.

Arther noticed a new human show up and begin attacking the human children Arther didn’t care what happened to them but apparently some of the others at the meeting location didn’t shear his distain kids or humans. However Arken suddenly showed up and stoped all the fighting he couldn’t believe how a human was the headmaster of this academy. This was supposed to be a prestigious institute yet they have lowly lizards children and undead teaching here and now a human headmaster. Arther wanted to leave more then anything well almost he wanted to keep his position as the crown prince or the high elves and he knew his mother wasn’t joking when she threatened to remove him from the line of succession. Arken then teleported everyone to the training room and told them to introduce themselves Arther was board out of his mind not a single one of these pathetic displays of power not one interested him except Sekhemis he found his display of power mildly amusing the fact that this dolt actually thought defeating an army of powerless holograms would be a suitable demonstration of anyone’s abilities. Arther founds Mantas introduction the most boring of all as if he wanted to sit there and listen to his life story Arther simply leaned back in his throne and used his echokinisis to block out the sound Arther almost fell asleep while everyone dominated their powers. After a little while Arther saw his opportunity to put a certain arrogant prince in his place Arther flew to the centre of the training room upon his steal throne as he turned to face Sekhemi.

“That was the most pitiful display of power I have ever seen, All you did was defeat a horde of powerless holograms that you created for the soul purpose of defeating them. How about you step up and put on a real demonstration of your supposed superior power. Let’s see if you can land a simple hit on me because there’s no way you could hope to actually win a mock battle with me.”


Sekhemi listened to Arthur and laughed at his pathetic words. He stepped up gladly and began to crack his knuckles.

"Oh I'm going to beat you good."

He placed his golden knuckle dusters on then covered them in dark fire. He only had to hit him once? Easy. He stamped the ground causing dark energy to shoot up into the air. He punched it and sent it towards Arthur which would explode upon impact. Then he teleported to him using darkness and went to do a dark fire kick to his skull which would immediatly be followed by several powerful and explosive punches. Then he back flipped in the air and shot a dark blast out of his hands which split into multiple smaller dark bombs. He landed on the ground and punched it causing the ground underneath him to explode and shoot fire up towards him before finally ending it with one final explosion from the firery flames


Arther grind as Sekhemi accepted his challenge but was a little disappointed as he watched him send dark energy flying towards him even for a mear human this was a rather pathetic attack. Arther simply created more steal blades out of thing air if front of him to intercept the dark blasts using his Ferrokinesis and infused then with light energy using his Photokinesis the dark blasts where powerless against his light infused blades. As Sekhemi appeared in front of Arther with his leg heading for his skull all Arther had to do was put up a physic barrier with this Arther blocked the kick inches from his face with a cocky grin on his face. As Sekhemi followed that up with several explosive punches Arthur dropped the physic barrier and teleported all the light infused steal blades he had created to him forming a shield in front of him blocking all the dark bombs. As fire shot out of the floor hitting the bottom of Arther’s throne Arether looked to Sekhemi with an amused look on his face.

“Maybe I should hire you as my personal seat warmer at least then you would be good for something”

As the last explosion came from the ground Arther simply teleported behind Sekhemi and whispered in his ear

“Do you get it now? Can your underdeveloped primitive mind comprehend just how outmatched you truly are. Do you finally understand that I am your superior that any magical race is superior to you just give up now and save yourself from further embarrassment.”

Sekhemi and Arken

Sekhemi watched as Arthur blocked more and more of his attacks which made him angrier and angrier. When Arthur spoke to him Sekhemi scremed and did a spinning kick to try and hit him then he covered his fists in dark fire again about to launch another series of attacks when Arken stepped forward and spoke up.

"Enough. You can't win Sekhemi. We need to move this forward so others can do their introductions. Now let's end it here."

He could see Sekhemi was getting angry and when he got angry he got blind with rage. There was no point in continuing the fight when Arthur was already a far better match than Sekhemi. He walked back and made sure they did too. Sekhemi cleneched his fist tighter. He would get Arhtur. How dare he humiliate him like that! He was so angry he couldn't find the words to scream at him. For now he just stood to the side with his fist clenched tight.


Watched as Sekhemi got angrier and angrier then suddenly span around to try and kick him in the face. Arther simply say there protected by his psychic barrier as as Arther got ready to block Sekhemis follow up attacks Arken spoke up and put an end to their mock battle Arthur looked to Sekhemi with a cocky grin

“You see everyone here knows you have no hope of landing a hit on me and I wasn’t even fighting back how could you ever believe you have the power to defeat me if I actually fight back I would destroy you now sit back down and accept just how powerless you really are”

Arther then flew back over to the other students and ended his little presentation.


Rin saw as Blake was knocked out cold only to see him wake up seconds later when Arken appeared and healed his injuries then teleported them all to the training room and asked them to introduce themselves. Rin listened to Arkens explanation about how the training room worked then watched as one student after another stepped up to introduce themselves. After a few new students showed up late and took their turn Rin decided it was time for her introduction Rin looked to Arken a little nervous about walking into the centre of the training room.

“Arken I have a dangerous demon sealed in my sword and if I walked into the Center of training room it will have access to the holographic projectors and will be able to make a temporary body for itself. I can’t make an introduction or participate in any training sessions while it’s active.

Arken and Grace

Arken listened to Rin then looked around. With the amount of students and teachers that was here he was sure that they would be able to handle most any demon that came through. Besides it would be good for her to fight it physically and mentally as it would help her in binding the demon to her. He knew that if worse came to worse he could put a stop to it.

"Don't worry. We are more than prepared to handle any trouble if needed. I will personally step forward if I have to."

Seconds before Rin entered the Training Room Grace looked up from the file that she was reading and shouted out loudly.


Grace looked to Arken with a serious face and sent him a telepathic message. 'In that sword of hers is the High Demon Prince Astaroth. You can't allow him to form any kind of body' Arken looked to Grace with slight surprise and shock. He didn't expect such a powerful demon to be weilded. Without questioning it he clicked his fingers and the magic drained out of the room using the magic generators rendering it powerless.

"I apologize, you were right Rin. You may not use the training room at all when it is active. It is too dangerous. Now, you may enter without further distruption. Thank you for informing me and thank you Grace. Grace gave a nod to the two then sat back down and took a sigh of relief as she went back to watching.

Rin listened to Arken she knew he didn’t know just how powerful the demon in her sword was but he seamed so confident that he and the teachers could deal with ‘Any’ demon. Rin knew he must be aware of the demon princes and the unholy trinity Rin started to think she was overthinking this that maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she originally believe that was until grace spoke up and shouted “stop.” Rin listened to Arken as he reconsidered his choice to allow her access to the training rooms magic Rin knew Grace must have said something to change his mind but what could she have said she couldn’t know the identity of the demon sealed within her sword right? Or could she how would that even be possible that has been a closely guarded secret in her family ever since they sealed Astaroth. Rin didn’t know what Grace knew but that didn’t matter right now it was her turn to make her introduction. Rin walked up to the centre of the training room and turned to face her classmates.

“My name is Rin I am a Moon Elf Sherman meaning I can tap into and channel the power of the night the moon and the starts as well as control all manner of sprits I also have access to the powers of the demon sealed in my sword but I won’t be demonstrating those at this time.”

Rin then drew her sword and held up her left hand as her eyes began to glow wight

“Sprit control Beast into the sword”

As she called out she summoned the soul of a dead hellcat a white Tiger glowing with blue flams appeared behind her for a second.

Just as quietly as it appears the soul tiger turned into a white ball of soul energy in her left hand at that moment she placed the soul into her sword and sprit energy covered her sword and blue flames formed around the blade. Rin sung her sword and sent a stream of bluer fire shooting out of her sword towards the other students flying safely over their heads as it dissipated.

Cherry Rose

Cherry was running late. She wanted to go but at the same time she didn't. This academy was her only hope left of ever finding a solution to her problems but what if nobody believed her? A thirteen year old girl who has been living for hundreds of years. She slowly made her way to the meeting location as she did she listened to Xorgrekah speak in her head as Crimson sat on her shoulder. "It's Pointless. You won't ever be free from this curse. You will suffer. You will die. They won't believe you and even if they did they can't help you. You're body is already weak." Cherry continued to walk and shook her head. "I have to try. They have to help. I have no choice anymore. This has to work." Crimson quickly realised that Xorgrekah was talking to her again and spoke into her ear. "It will work Cherry. Don't give up. We'll find someone who can help." Cherry reached the meeting location but everyone had already gone. She looked up into the sky then looked to her scythe. With her powers weakening she was going to have to rely on his power. She took a deep breath then covered herself in black energy. With that she flew up to the academy. Once there she looked around a little then followed the loudest sounds she could hear. As she followed things got louder until she walked into a room and saw all the students there. For now she just stood and watched. As she watched she sensed a powerful yet familiar demonic energy that made her call out loud enough for Rin to hear but it wasn't in her voice. In that brief moment Xorgrekah's spoke through her in shock and amazement. "Astaroth!" Crimson looked to Cherry then looked to Rin's sword. "So that's where he has been hiding. He was sealed away. Maybe our solution is closer than we thought." He may be the only one who could undo the curse. With him trapped in the sword then maybe Rin would be able to tap into his power if not then maybe killing him would work. It was then that Cherry took a deep breath and slapped herself in the face. "It's now or never." She looked up trying to encourage herself and began to talk out loud.

"I'll be the best they've ever seen! I'll make them so dang proud of me. It'll take some work to get to where I need to go but I'll be there before I know and it's hard and I'm tired but I'll work..... to get higher!" She started to walk towards the training area then suddenly her legs completely turned to jelly and she found herself falling rapidly onto Leval. She held out her hands and grabbed hold of him to keep herself up. "But it seems I've lost all function in my legs. Is this...normal?" She then quickly realised she was still holding onto Leval. She used her powers to keep herself slightly floating off the ground, her legs flopping like dead weight. "It's fine! I'm fine! Am I fine? I'm sure it's fine! Am....I going to die?" She shook her head quickly to try and clear her head then flew in the middle of the training room. She felt her legs come alive again and gently landed then looked around at everyone. She gave a sigh and thought it was best if she was just honest and try explaining herself. "I'm a wreck! I'm in a downward spin and I don't know what it feels like to win but they tell me "Just gotta put in the work, you'll be fine." And they tell me "Everyone falls down time to time." but no matter how hard I try there's this little voice in my mind and it tells me every time that I will NOT be fine. I'll be the best you've ever seen!" "You fell, you tripped, you're making a scene!" "It'll take some work to get to where I need to go." "They're better of without you, you know!" "Ooooh.....It's hard!" "Too hard!" "I'll work!" "Won't work." "I just gotta keep telling myself that I'll be fine! It's fine." "Not fine!" "I'm fine." "Not fine!" "We're fine!" "Not fine!" "I'm sure it's fine!" "NOT FINE!" At this point Cherry collapsed to the floor and slammd her fist into the ground. Crimson flew off her shoulder and landed next to her. He thought that maybe it was best that he let her shout it all out. It would let everyone know exactly what was going on. Cherry continued to talk in a sad, defeated voice. "I'm a wreck! I'm in a downward spin and I....I don't know what it feels like to win but they tell me "Just gotta put in the work, you'll be fine." And they tell me "Everyone falls down once or twice." And though I try....and though I reach for the sky! There's this voice that's getting louder in the back of my mind saying "I'M NOT FINE!" It's screaming at me saying, "I'M NOT FINE!" I'm a mess, my life is an uphill climb, I get halfway up but I slip down every time..." Cherry took a deep breath then started to scream at the top of her voice. "AND I HONESTLY DON'T THINK I WILL EVER BE FINE CAUSE MY HEAD KEEPS SCREAMING "YOU'LL ALWAYS BE BEHIND!" AND THEY TELL ME IT'S ALRIGHT, EVERYONE TAKES THEIR OWN TIME BUT MY TIME IS MOVING BACKWARDS, I DON'T THINK I'LL GET IT RIGHT CAUSE I'M LOSING MY OWN BATTLE, CANNOT FIND THE WILL OR MIGHT CAUSE THE LITTLE VOICE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO CHEER ME ON IS THE ONE I HAVE TO FIGHT!!!" She breathed heavily then began to slowly stand up. After taking a deep breath in she began to talk again. "It's fine....I'm fine.....we're fine......I'm.....I'm sure it's fine.....I.....I don't think it will ever be fine." She took a deep breath for giving a long exhausted sigh. Slowly she walked back and sat down. Crimson flew over to her and landed on her shoulder. "Hey. It will be fine. I promise. We'll get through this together. We just have to put in the work." He looked at her worriedly before looking around seeing how everyone reacted to that before looking back to her. Cherry just needed some time. The two of them then heard someone singing and she looked over to Big Red who was inviting the children to join her. Crimson smiled brightly and nudged Cherry who gave a small looked then shook her head. She bowed her head down just staring at the floor.

Big Red

Big Red had already received and read her acceptance letter but was taking her time packing and heading to the academy. Big Red had no interest in getting there on time and having to suffer though meeting everyone knowing full well that there would be an introduction phase on the first day there was always an introduction phase and she couldn’t stand sitting though pointless introductions of people she had already met Big Red was munching on a human leg while she was heading to the academy. Once Big Red arrived at the meeting location and saw all the other students disappear realising they had gone up to the academy Big Red grew some blood wings and flew up to the island. As she walked though the halls her meal still in her hands she walked towards the sound of Arkens voice arriving at the training room just as the introductions started. Big Red walked quietly to one of the empty seats and watched some of the students introduce themselves once she realised kids where among her classmates she put her leg in her bag out of sight of the kids not wanting to scare them. Big Red was paying special attention to the young children She was a little surprised at just how many kids had gotten accepted knowing how talented you must be to even be considered for a spot in this academy. Big Red then saw cherry enter the training area and saw her legs give out hearing her speak to herself this definitely wasn’t normal Big Red felt especially drawn to Cherry and Shela because of Shelas dark past and Cherrys obvious unnatural situation. Big Red would do her best to help them and cheer them up. When Manta made his introduction however Big Red also felt sorry for him considering all he has been though but in Mantas case she felt an unusually strong desire to protect him but she wasn’t exactly sure why since he was more capable of protecting himself then Shela was. After a few more students made their introductions a letter suddenly flew though the doors carried by the wind and began playing a song letting everyone know someone was on their way this annoyed Big Red it’s one thing to show up late but another to loudly announce that your in route when your already running late and whoever sent this letter forgot to sign their name so there was no way to know who was on their way. Big Red decided she would teach whoever sent this letter a lesson is respect and decency however Big Red became more forgiving when she saw a young Usamimi girl suddenly forgetting to sign her name made a lot more sense and she understood why the young girl thought it was a good idea to sen the letter and she probably thought it was just some harmless fun. With Cherry and Sheala needing you be cheered up and Pink clearly being a fan of songs combined with the other kids who must be pretty bored at this point Big Red decided she would go next and put on a little show for the kids.


Big Red then began singing woah repeatedly after a few seconds she quieted down a little as she began singing in a softer tone

“Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for (woah)
Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor (woah)
And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore”

Big Red then got up from her seat and slowly began walking backwards to the centre of the training room while waving over the children beaconing them to follow her while also using her Rage powers to push anyone who wasn’t a child back into their seat as a not so subtle warning to sit the fuck down all the while singing loader then she was before.

“Taking your breath, stealing your mind
And all that was real is left behind
Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after
Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer
Just surrender 'cause you feel the feeling taking over”

Big Red then turned around and as she starting running to towards the centre of the training room three spotlights appeared dangling down from the ceiling made from her blood manipulation with rink rage coloured lights shining on the centre of the training room with all the children that decided to join her following close behind.

Big Red then continued singing as she used her blood manipulation to creating a small herd of horses and their riders who where standing on the horses performing little tricks as they marched behind her and 10 gymnast in the centre of the training room four of whom where holding blood sticks with red flames and as all the lights when out for a second they held up the torches and just as the lights came back in they blew the red flames out and into the air as the other 6 threw rings up into the air like they where juggling them. As the horses began to circle them.

“It's fire, it's freedom, it's flooding open
It's a preacher in the pulpit and you'll find devotion
There's something breaking at the brick of every wall, it's holding All that you know So tell me do you wanna go?”

As she sang she stomped on the ground and infused her rage energy into the floor and shot out a dozen rage balls out of the ground as the lights went out that exploded like fireworks right as the lights turned on creating almost blinding flash of light for a split second.


Manta watched the students do their demonstration. A few new arrivals came and he watched closely. Soon one of the new arrivals started to Sing. Manta turned to her and watched her as she got up and beckoned others to follow. Manta quickly flew up with a smile and flew around her head then flew in with her. Just as the lights came on and the flames were shot out Manta released sparkling water from his feet which circled around the fire making the fire sparkle and burn brighter. He used his psychic waves to start chanting a song while at the same time he brought one of his shared memories alive playing in the background.

The scene changed as the memory of a single Flying Mantaray chanting to her egg giving it all her power and passing on the memories of the next generation. For anyone that knew this was the Flying Mantaray ritual taken place deep in the ocean. His mother raised her feelers and millions of Mantaray were created joining in on the chant. The chanting got louder and louder as he flew around the Flying Mantaray warping the water around and creating rainbows within the water while thick sprays of water would shoot out at the stage center creating an even bigger rainbow above the entire crowd.


As Pink sat down she heard someone start to sing she looked around and saw who it was and as the girl got up out of her chair to beckon her to join in on her song Pink practically jumped out of her seat as she ran to follow her. Pink saw as Manta used he water powers to make the flames sparkle as she created a strange scene that she didn’t fully understand. Pink began singing again as she jumped though the hops that the gymnast where throwing up creating runes to jump off of in mid air to change her direction and fly though another hop and another. As the rings disappeared and a large forest appeared Pink began jumping though the trees sliding on the branches and swinging on vines. Pink then heard Red start to sing as she heard her sing “come alive” Pink had a fun idea she poured life into the forest bringing the trees the plants and even the leaves to life as the forest itself began to sing along and dance with the magic as leaves swirled the the stage dancing in the air like petals on a gentle breeze.

Little Red

Little Red was running late because she had to say goodbye to all of her animal friends. They wanted to come with her but they couldn't. Most of them wouldn't be able to make the journey with it being in the sky. It would be unfair to allow some to go but leave others behind. She couldn't do that. After she finally left she went to the meeting location which was completely empty. She wasn't really surprised she was running late after all. She closed her eyes and let out a calm sigh. Suddenly the wind began to swirl around her and started to lift her up. When her eyes opened they were pure white. She used her storm powers to lift herself up and quickly fly her to the academy. Once on the island she flew into the academy and through the Grand Hall where she saw a blurr of a person walking away. She flew at them and followed them quickly and moments later she was in the training room.

She looked around and saw how everyone was introducing themselves. As she stood watching the fierce storm around her blew causing the wind to howl out loud. The wind may of been strong enough to knock back a few students if they were standing too close to her. She deactivated her power which cleared her eyes and killed the storm then watched as the students went up to introduce themselves. It seems that most of them had already gone up. Soon the girl she had followed in began to sing and encourage others to step up and join her. She still needed to do an introduction and demonstrate her powers so she decided why not demonstrate her power while making a new friend. Whoever this girl was she could feel the beast inside of her. She stood up and walked in with her. She watched at first seeing how Manta demonstrated his powers and how Big Red demonstrated hers. Once again Little Red took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. Once again the wind began to swirl around her. She opened her eyes which had gone pure white again. Little Red raised her hands and a fierce lightning storm appeared out of nowhere. The entire ceiling was covered in thick black clouds and lightning began to strike the ground as a tornado had been created around her gathering up the energy from the lightning and shooting it out double the power. The wind howled and the lightning roared. At this point fire became wild and far firecer than ever before with huge gusts of wind that was so powerful it could demolish buildings and rip the trees from the earth. With all this going on Little Red began to sing out loud. Her voice echoed from the tornado like a huge megaphone being blasted at full volume above all other sounds.


Green watchched as everyone introduced themselves. He felt like he had to protect Manta especially. He didn't want his species to be extinct. He had to do everything he could to help him. Green continued to watch until he saw Cherry. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He knew that something was definitely wrong long before she started. He could sense it. When he listened to who he continued to listen and watch silently until she had finished. Slowly he bent his head unsure of what to do now. It was then that someone began to sing and he lifted his head to turn to Big Red. He watched as she invited everyone to join her and for a moment he hesitated. He looked to the ground again before flying up and joining her. Once there Green took a quick look around before giving a nod to himself. This time he would display his full power. He lifted his wings and took flight. As he flew around he began to sing. At the same time he created a huge thick forest on the hilltops around the entire area leaving a gap so everyone could see the center stage as well as Manta's memory. He then created fields of vegitation and mountains all with his mind.

(Obviously ignore the bit with "mother nature" and "Queen"

Dixon and Dixoz

The two twins watched the introductions with wide excited eyes and huge smiles. It is when Cherry began her introduction that their smile faded and their excitement died down. As they listened to her they slowly looked to each other and then back to her as they kept watching. When she was done they heard someone start singing and the two of them turned to Big Rose who got up and began to invite everyone to join in. They instantly got up and ran along with her. Once on the center stage they looked around before looking at each other. This time they wanted to show off their power even more. The two of them started to sing and as they did Dixon used his light energy to shoot out huge light bombs which would light up the night sky and sparkle light down on everyone. Dixoz used his dark energy to bring everyone's shadow alive and have the shadows dance and move along with the songs. The shadows on the walls joined in to all of them just getting down with the beat and began to chant the song with the twins making a powerful chant. As they chanted anyone who controlled light, dark, earth or water powers would feel empowered. Stronger, faster and better.

"Mother of Darkness" "Mother of Light" (Both) "Earth beneath our soul in flight. Songs of love and love of life guide us to our hearts. Like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean we all come from the Goddess and to her we shall return."


Moon was running late but she was already on her way. She flew quickly using her Moon energy up to the academy and through the halls. When she arrived she saw Big Red getting up with a song and inviting others to join her. She walked in slowly not sure exactly what was going on so she watched for now. She saw how they demonstrated their power and gave a quick nod. She think she had an idea on what she needed to do. She stepped forward and raised a single hand out to the sky. She channled her power over the Moon into the sky just as the black storm clouds started to appear. As she did the storm clouds parted and a huge red moon appeared in the sky looming over the entire area. It's red light shined down on to Moon but she quickly noticed that the red light also shined down on Big Red. Moon laughed a little and gave a smile then closed her eyes. Channeling her moon over the Wolf Moon she spread the power throughout the entirety of the room making hundreds of wolves howling their call to the moon to call forth their brethren. Then with that Moon began to sing the song of the Wolf to bring out anyone's inner wolf including her own. As she sang she felt Karma's grow more and more powerful. She projected and released Karma out in the training room and she howled at the red moon calling out to Big Red's inner beast. The wolves howled in unison now and sang along with Moon singing the song of the wolf to draw out Big Red's inner beast.


Miarikia was running late. She just had to collect a few more things. She placed her cauldron in her pocket dimension as well as all the ingredients that she needed. She had made a few potions already so she had plenty to go. With that she teleported her and Flash to the Academy. Just as she got to the training room she saw Big Red inviting all the children to join her. She watched for now as everyone displayed their powers and abilities. Miarikia placed her hand on her hip as she watched and nod. This would be a perfect chance to boil up some more potions. She went in and clicked her fingers summoning her cauldron and all the ingredients she would need. She knew she would only have time for maybe one potion but that was okay. Miarikia began to sing as she threw the ingredients in the cauldron. As she did she noticed that someone was speeding up the time it would take to boil. Her eyes widened and she gave a huge smile. She made the potion then started brewing another potion. As she sang out the ingredients she used magic to display the ingredients in the air in big flashy pictures with their name floating above them. She could teach them potion making while demonstrating her abilities. She even started to show them the potion make up and the final product through big flashy displays of magic. She was enjoying this. She got plenty of potions, she taught others potion making and she did her introduction all in one. Flash stood to the side and just watched smiling at how much she was enjoying it.


Shela watched as everyone did their introductions. She didn't say a word. Instead she just kept quiet and watched. When Manta came and did his introduction she felt sorry for him. She wanted to help him but she didn't know how. She kept watching until Cherry came and did her introduction. Shela knew something wasn't right with her. She didn't understand why she was so hurt and so alone but she knew that she wasn't fine. She looked away slowly as Cherry finished and someone began to sing. She looked to her and watched as she invited everyone. At first she didn't want to go. She had no powers so she couldn't do anything anyway but as she saw more and more of the children joining in Shela slowly stood up. It kind of made her want to go. She was the last person to go in and join Big Red. She looked around wondering what to do before sighing. She had no powers. Had she come up here for no reason. Shela looked up to everyone and there was only one thing she could think to do that would allow her to join in with everyone. Shela began to sing. At first it was obvious she wasn't very confident but as she kept on singing her voice became louder and stronger. She became more confident as she went on. She even did a bit of a dance as she sang smiling and enjoying herself.


Arken watched as everyone did their introductions. As he watched he noticed a few of the late students coming in. He kept watching making notes on everyone as he did. When he saw Cherry he watched intently. He had heard about her and heard how she was cursed. He listened to her and didn't interrupt her introduction. He knew that she never introduced herself properly but he would let it slide for her. He understood that she was having a hard time. Just then somebody started to sing. He turned to Big Red who was one of the students who arrived late. He watched as she invited all the children to join her and tried to make them have fun. As more and more people joined in he realised that the scene was getting a little bit hectic. Just as Shela ran through to join Arken placed up a strong barrier protecting everyone from the storm, trees and vines as well as any other dangerous powers. He watched intently quite interested in what was going on. As the storm started to die down a little Arken slowly lowered the barrier. He watched as Red then began to invite everyone to go on up and join along. He continued to stand by and watch to see who would go along and join in next.


Red watched as everyone went up. She saw Manta and she really liked him! She wanted to be his friend and help him. She continued to watch and her attention came to Cherry who began to talk to herself. Red watched her closely and was growing more and more worried as she fell onto Leval. She could see her legs flopping and knew that was definitely not normal. Red continued to watch now closer than ever not taking her eyes off for a second. She felt horrible the more she listened. When Cherry fell down again Red stood up and stared horrified. She wanted to run over to her and give her a big hug. This wasn't right. She listened as she started to shout at the top of her voice and for the first time in forever Red felt actual fear. Not for herself but for Cherry. The fear was so strong all she could do was stare and watch. When she finally finished and sat back down Red didn't know how to approach or what to even say. She listened to Crimson and finally she opened her mouth to say something when someone began to sing. She turned to Big Red and watched as she stood up and began to invite the children. Red only gave a small smile. She liked it but she couldn't enjoy it not when someone was hurting. She slowly followed Big Red and looked back to Cherry. She watched as Crimson nudged her but she shook her head and hung it low. Red didn't feel like doing anything anymore. She was so worried for Cherry. She looked around as everyone sang and joined in. Serpent who was watching her gave her a small nod with a serious face and she knew what she had to do. Electricity began to course through her and with that Red began to sing out loud.

As she sang she held out her hand and let her electricty shoot out at Cherry and Crimson heading straight for them. Just before it hit them it began to course around them giving them an electifrying energy. She hoped that at least this would give Cherry the energy and motivation to join in. She deserved to be happy. She wanted Cherry to come join in. She wanted her to have fun to and to do that Red had to get through to her. So she put on the best show and dance she could. Singing loudly, sending her electrity out through her hands as it coursed through and around her body wildly. Now Red invited everyone to join in especially Cherry. It didn't matter who they were. She wanted them to be a part of this too! Just as she invited everyone the storm was starting to calm down.

Big Red

As all the kids started to get involved adding their own powers to the show and singing dancing and having fun Big Red began trying to incorporate their creations into the show. As the flamethrowers and fireworks died down Big Red created more blood golems to join in as a knife thrower and a spinning target with another blood golem tied to it appeared as one of Mantas memories started playing in the background Big Red created more performances that start doing synchronised swimming throughout the memory as a storm started brewing so Big Red created a large lightning tower out of blood making sure their was plenty of iron in the tower to attract the lighting. Big Red then created swings hanging from the ceiling and trapeze artists to swing from them and as the lighting hit the tower the electricity would run though the swings and into the trapeze artists making them glow like storm clouds before the release of lighting. Big Red then created a seesaw and an almost giant like figure with another blood golem on its shoulders that would jump on the other end of the seesaw to lurch more trapeze artists into the air and onto the swings while creating small blood explosions around the stage creating blood mist to add to the atmosphere. all the while still singing and directing the show like the ring leader of a circus.

“Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show”

Big Red then saw as a forest grew around the sage reaching the ceiling in seconds she watched the trees and the plants come to life as the twins shot off light fireworks and brought everyone’s shadows to life to Dane along side them. Big Red infused her rage energy into the forest making the plants and trees glow red and the leaves that where not dancing shot off like fireworks and exploded in the air. then created a large blood mist and ran though it as she care out horses, elephants followed behind her with acrobats preforming even more tricks on the animals as they followed behind Big Red with another small horde of preformed following Big Red in between the animals.

“We light it up, we won't come down
And the sun can't stop us now
Watching it come true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show
colossal we come these renegades in the ring (Woah) where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king”

Big Red then noticed some creating a blood red moon while singing the song of the wolfs. Big are began to stumble holding her head as she tried to suppress the wolf inside her she didn’t want to risk scaring the kids and she didn’t want to stop the show when they where having so much fun. As Big Red got back to the centre stage A few more students started to get involved singing along one even started making potions as the elephants began to stand on their back legs as all the performers continued to do tricks in front of and around the animals. Big Red then created golems holding blood rope with acrobats standing on the rope and getting lunched in their air as the golems holding the rope pulled it tight and thrust it into the air while more golems start blower fire from flaming blood torches once again and as they did 6 acrobats each holding an single rope where pulled to the ceiling as the rope shot up on their own while a baby elephant with a dwarf riding it rode around the stage and more hoops appeared around the stage and dangling on the ceiling as acrobats jumped though them then two more flaming hoops appeared in front of Big Red as two lions jumped though them Four elephants started preferring tricks on various stands two doing headstands and the other standing on their back legs. Big Red then created a top hat made of blood and began passing around handing to one of the elements who then handed to other performers Including a pair of Siamese twins and a bearded lady who eventually handed it back to her. Big Red continued singing though all of this while managing to hold back her transformation for a little few more minutes.

“Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya It's only this moment, don't care what comes after It's blinding, outshining anything that you know Just surrender cause you're calling and you wanna go Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, intoxicating you Oh, this is the greatest show We light it up, we won't come down And the sun can't stop us now Watching it come true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show It's everything you ever want It's everything you ever need And it's here right in front of you This is where you wanna be (this is where you wanna be) It's everything you ever want It's everything you ever need And it's here right in front of you This is where you wanna be This is where you wanna be”

At this point Big Red could no longer hold back her wolf transformation as she began to limp off to the side of the sage out of view of everyone watching while Shela and Red began singing and inviting the other students to join in.


Yu watched as Arken showed up and gave her a little disapproving lecture after that he teleported everyone to the training room. Yu watched the other students take turns to intolerance themselves although right before Rin introduced herself something interesting happened and Arken turned of projectors because of some demon that was sealed in her sword. As Yu tried to work up the courage to make her introduction Big Red then started to sing and as more and more people started to join in she realised she was now the only who hadn’t done her introduction yet after she realised that she was the last one left Yu slapped both her cheeks and decided and she tried to pump herself up to finally introduce herself. Yu then walked into the big show and stood off to the side but instead of looking at the other students she stared at the ground as she began singing quietly.

“Umm my name is Yu and as most of you probably heard from Arken I can manipulate time. But umm I have trouble controlling my power, umm sometimes i lose control and umm my power goes out of control effecting everything around me. And I umm struggle to judge the right amount of power I need to use and umm I can’t focus my power on one thing properly so I end up effecting things I didn’t mean to effect. Umm I have these gadgets that can absorb and convert different from of energy that I pour my power into and umm turn it into heat or sound waves or anything else that I can disperse into the air without hurting people.”

Yu didn’t put on a big flashy show and as she sang about herself letting people know about her powers she knew it didn’t rhyme and it didn’t anywhere near as good as the other students songs but she did think of a way to add to the scene and safety demonstrate how her powers worked fist she stared to fast forward the witches potion making speeding up the brewing time making the potions finish in seconds as she did this she decide to demonstrate her power to see the glimpse the future or at least a possible one . Yu used her time powers to look into what would of happened if Grace hadn’t warned Arken and Rin had entered the training room while it was fully functional she used the protectors to show it to the other students. Everyone would see Rin walk into the centre of the training room as she got close enough for the facility to scan her mind a large demon appeared in front of Rin.

“You fool Arken you should have taken Rins more seriously Pozuzy by the power of the demon code I order you to kill Rin and free me from my seal.”

As the demon spoke he the gates of hell opened up and though them the other 8 princes of hell charged though quickly followed by all the dukes and knights of hell even the more common and lesser demons came flooding though the gate and as all the demonic energy seeped into the air Shade lost control and began to rampage. It was at this moment the vision ended as Yu was overwhelmed by what she was seeing and feeling suddenly the image would disappear as Yu suddenly saw herself waking up tomorrow morning with Saber in a mad frenzy with blood stained lips and her pocked where she keeps her blood vials open and empty suddenly Yu was back in the training room holding her head and feeling a little dizzy and followed Big Red out off the stage.
@EurmalEye i am still waiting on some of the responses I need to finish up my post since I realised based on Big Reds personality she would do something for the kids and I just need Darksadow and the one to type up a response for their child characters so my post should still be up today before I go bed but it all depends on when I get their responses.
Name: Pink
Gender: Female
Species: Usamimi
Age: 10
Faction: Human

Personality: Pink is a cheerful care free girl who enjoys the little things in life like watching the clouds or picking the flowers. She will give attention to the most non important things. Pink is kind and will always try to be friends with everyone especially those who seem to have little to no friends at all. She is the kind of person who will sing a song to cheer people up or to give them a hug so they feel loved. Her goal is to just make her friends smile. That is all she cares about. She wants to have fun and she wants her friends to have fun too. Even when she is fighting she will actively talk as if her enemy is her best friend. Pink believes the best way to get to know someone is through a song. She will actively encourage people to sing so she can get to know them better and understand them more.

Bio: TBR

Power 1: Life Creation (Can bring inanimate objects to life granting them a power creating a sentient guardian to fight beside)
Power 2: Rune Magic
Usamimi Ability 1: Super human leg strength giving her enhanced speed and agility.
Usamimi Ability 2: Enhancement Magic.
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Her shoes have the power power to match the speed of her enemies/ opponents. Her gloves have the power to absorb, amplify and control the magic/ mana around her. Her hood has all physic powers and abilities, Cloak has the power to communicate with and control animal, Her has the power to control all things that are or come from plants and trees.
Other: Mr Rabbit has a scarf made of lickerish

Pet Name: Mr Rabbit
Pet Age: 200
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Rabbit Familiar
Pet Appearance: the Rabbit in the picture.

Pet Personality: Mr Rabbit is a fun loving rabbit who just want to have fun. He is cocky and doesn't take anything seriously. He is always trying to lighten the mood with stupid jokes. Mr Rabbit is always hyper and always looks forward to a fight. He finds fighting fun and believes that the best way to get to know someone is through a fight.

Pet Power 1: Sweet Manipulation (can create control and manipulate anything with sugar.)
Pet Power 2: Sweet Empowerment (grows stronger when eating anything with sugar.)

Pet Name: Owlly
Pet Age: 100
Pet Gender: Female
Pet Species: Owl
Pet Appearance: the Owl in the picture.

Pet Personality: Owlly is the boring one. She is rational and logical. Instead of the over the top singing or brutish fighting she prefers a nice civilised talk where she can have a intelligent conversation. She is more down to earth than her two friends are and won't get excited over the tiny little details like Pink does. She is much rather to stay calm and peaceful than to participate in a fight. She will only fight if she absolutely has to. In her personal opinion the best way to get to know someone is to talk to them and have a calm, rational and intelectual conversation.

Pet Power 1: Aerokinesis
Pet Power 2: Feather Manipulation
Name: Big Red
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Age: 2200
Room Number: 302
Rooming With: Moon
Human Appearance:

Werewolf Appearance:

Personality: Big Red Isn't the best social person. She hates people who start up pointless conversations that are there just to converse. If she is going to have a conversation there has to be something to it. There has to be some kind of point to the conversation. She is harsh with her words. She will tell you exactly what she sees and thinks of you. She will tell you all of your contradictions and point out your flaws when you point others' out. She won't hold back the truth to spare your feelings. Her tongue is sharp and she uses it as deadly weapon. When somebody dares to insult her or her friends power or her strength Big Red won't just stand around and complain she will fight as a solider would and defend herself. She won't pretend to care and she won't try and make an effort with anyone who makes pointless conversations. It isn't worth the effort. She won't satisfy other's needs by smiling and playing along instead she will tell them outright that she doesn't want to be their friend. When it comes to children Big Red is like a mother. She will actively try to make an effort with them and be their friend. She believes that all children deserve a chance to be listened to. They need that social interaction and they need someone they can look up to in order to grow and become strong. Big Red is willing to take that role. She will go and talk to the children and anyone who is alone or struggling. She understands the harshness of war and battle. She won't let them fight that battle alone. She will be there for them to be their friend and support them through the battle and if possible she will join them in their battle. Big Red won't sugar coat everything for the children but she won't tell them the whole gorey truth either. Instead Big Red will tell them what they need to know in order to survive. She won't give them any unneeded information that may mentally scar them. Big Red isn't a flashy person. She won't make a big entrance she won't try to impress everyone and she won't draw unneeded attention to herself. She hates anyone who is all "look at me!" and constantly draws all the attention to show off when it isn't needed. She will give them the attention just not the attention that they were expecting. She stands for equality and it is one of the things she is most passionate about. She wants equal rights for all races. No matter who or what you are. If someone threatens that she will gladly put them in their place and fight for what she believes in.

Bio: TBR

Power 1: Blood Manipulation
Power 2: Rage Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Red her Semi Auto Shotgun Enchanted with an infinite ammo enchantment, able to load and fire Range bullets blood bullets and silver bullets.
@EurmalEye personality I would definitely think you should make the source related to the sin of gluttony although this will be a double edge sword. Darkshadows banshee would be able to take advantage of her gluttony sin but at the same time which gluttony powers you have a bottomless pit of a stomach as well as the ability to eat and digest stuff like poison, various metals and potentially even things that don’t have a physical form like fire wind or even sprits depending on how far you want to go with it. You could make her the child of a sin demon or have her have a sin demon inside herself or an item like with Rin, Cherry or the reaper or just have it as you said a blessing or course but it would not only make sense how she got that power but also let her eat more things making her more versatile and more powerful.
The personality for Big Red and Pink are done and I have typed up all my responses I am just waiting for the ones response so I can finish up my post for Arther and Rin then I just need to type up a post for Big Red and Pink I’ll start working on that in a bit so depending on how long it takes for the one to respond I may have my post up by tonight.
I have finished typing up my response for Jane Ryu Arther and Danielle so I just need to finish typing up my response for Kai Rin and Yu and finish my CS for Pink and Big Red and type up a post for them so my post will be up sometime tomorrow.
@EurmalEye Lol nah he just says a few minutes then gets bored and takes a break but hay it’s not that bad considering once he said “I’ll post tonight” at around 7 or 8 o’clock and ended up posting 4 or 5 days later lol.
@EurmalEye and bare in mind Pink has been weakened quite a lot her staff used to be a lot more powerful and she also has her own “puffin monstrosity” that I decided not to add to her pet list since she really doesn’t need it and it wasn’t in her picture lol.
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