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9 yrs ago
Hi Everyone, due to the dangers of rugby I'm now in hospital so I'm not going to posting for a few days. Sorry if I'm letting anyone down!


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Iowa turned to wash with a smile, "Just a little project, An old friend calling in a favor so to speak," He turned his data pad to Washington, "I'm trying to turn my medical knowledge into technical stuff. I'm hoping to change this scanner into a multipurpose tool maybe link it into A.I systems and so on. At the moment it only detects living organisms. But after some improvements it should be able to look after systems, hack into computers and more. It's nothing right now, but soon I hope to test it out in a combat, there is a couple of tools that i find make come in handy." he turned off his pad and turned to face him, "So what do you think this all about, I heard you talking to your sister about a mission, do you think it's our turn?"
"Grables!" Basoth exclaimed as he human's body rose to the surface, he didn't have time to check the vitals he needed a quick solution. "Thank you for your help humans. You will no longer be of assistance." He jumped out and formed back into the small RC helicopter. in proximity was a small boat Power boat. landing on it he said: "Human I am sorry to make nuisance of my self, i am new here, I need you to save someone. They are stranded in the water." The person turned around somewhat shocked by what he'd just seen but just nodded along. He turned around with shock and headed in the direction of the unconscious Human. the boat slowed down making sure not to make any ripples, Both Basoth and the human helped lift her out the water.putting her in the back of the boat. the driver of the vessel looked at him "what next?" asked the driver "I don't know,How do you humans respire?" The driver looked dumbfounded "just drive to the land, there should be Medical engineers there, yes?" The human nodded and left towards the land where the others were he picked up the unconscious human and jumped on the land, "Humans, Please, this one needs medical attention"
Didn't think of that, I think I'll go get a boat.

EDIT: Just as a note I'm about to take a lot for granted, if you have anything against it please say and i will edit accordingly.
Basoth was confused when all of a sudden his ally disappeared in a flash of light. He was in no condition to fight themm all on his own and so he ran, he understood how cowardly it was, but he couldn't fight them all on his own. Basoth's next goal was to find an exit to the hell hole of the ship, as it lurched about he became even more lost in the labyrinth that was the alien ship. financial the ship stopped lurching he felt that he was on solid ground again. he had will power again.he ran as fast as he could to the sound of a woman's voice. he reached the air lock and looked out into the water. A girl was there, half swimming, half drowning. Basoth knew he had to do something, but he couldn't go near the water. He jumped out of the ship and turned into his Rc Helicopter and flew after her.

"Do not be alarmed. Human, help will arrive as soon as possible." He flew out to the nearest patrolling news helicopter and changed back into normal form making the helicopter to lurch slightly to the left. "Please humans, there is someone in peril you need to fly you contraption to her." he said pointing at her whereabouts. The pilot looked slightly shocked, but still nodded as the helicopter changed course flying as low to the water as they could. Basoth reached out his hand and said: "Human, Please take my hand."
"Of course I'll get right on it" He said getting up and completing his scan on South, he saved his data and followed North to the briefing room. "She's fine, the dopamine receptors in her brain have stopped being accustomed to food intake, So you won't feel the need to eat as much as more, neither will food give you that Buzz. In short, you'll be fine you just won't eat as much." He entered the Briefing room with Oregon and Penn waiting inside. "Well, Nice to see that you two are introduced" he said taking his own helmet off but keeping his data pad in hand. Iowa was in a good mood today, he couldn't tell why, but he didn't care. Smiling he went to the side of the room and leant against the wall, and plugged an ear piece into one of his ears, linked to his data pad. He loaded up a quick project he'd been working on and waited to be called.
Uhhhm no, i just wanted to make sure for the post i was writing, Thanks.
Iowa woke with a start. It had been some time since he’s had a good sleep. He looked at his pad and realized what time it was. He was going to run late for breakfast and he hadn't even had hid daily run yet. He rushed to get something on and ran over to the armory to grab his Armour. He ran into the canteen with his helmet in his hand and straightening up his hair. He quickly grabbed some grub and saw North and South.

"G'morning," he said as he moved over to South and North, He sat down with them. "tiring week south?" He took out his data pad and did a quick scan. "Well it's good news, some of the stuff we taught you is still in your brain." he turned the pad towards he showing a graph peaking, ",your Brain stimulation is the highest it's been all week." He took the banana off his tray and gave it to her, "It's high in proteins and it tastes better than those protein pills they give you in Basic training," he took a bite of his sandwich and noted down all of her statistics. "I hope you don't mind, it's best to keep track to make sure I'm not over working you."
Penn is the explosive guy, Iowa is the medic. Just letting you know.
Is Basoth is still on the ship? that is plummeting towards earth?
Sounds good to me
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