Avatar of PiscesMel
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 37 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. PiscesMel 5 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current So in the mood for a supernatural genre roleplay.
1 like
5 yrs ago
If only banging your head against the wall worked to help get the creative juices flowing so you can catch up on rps -_-
5 yrs ago
Chicken for the win. it's my cat's favorite as well
5 yrs ago
When you're craving a genre to rp so badly but no one seems to go for it, quite a stall in inspiration
5 yrs ago
The excitement of starting a few rps but then getting to the point where none of your partners are online *sigh*


Birthday: February 25 2001 (18 yay!)
Like having romance in all of my role plays especially supernatural and fantasy.
Huge gamer and I'm currently playing a lot of Rainbow Six Siege even though at times I want to slam my desk in rage (and I do :P but I play it on the PS4 a lot so it entails slamming my controller as well...)

Always looking for new rp partners! If you're interested here's my interest check! roleplayerguild.com/topics/177295-loo…

Most Recent Posts

Hello! I'll try to keep this short. I've been roleplaying for several years though I am in university now so it will make it difficult at times to keep up with the rp. If I'm busy I will try to at least post once a day but again it will be difficult. However, I will understand if you become busy as well, and generally, I won't message about your whereabouts I'll just assume you're either busy or lost interest in the rp and move on. My style is casual, a paragraph or two but I can go on for longer depending on the scenario though I'm not interested in doing really long posts that have ten paragraphs. I also will only play the female main characters though I wouldn't mind playing either gender when it comes to side characters if it helps with the story. Though I'm always open to ideas so don't be afraid to speak up if you want to add something or change anything. :)

Below is a list of pairings, plot ideas will be discussed in pm.

[M] Alpha Werewolf/ Lone Werewolf [F]

[M] Alpha Werewolf/ Human [F] (Really Craving)

[M] Lone Werewolf/ Human [F]

[M] Werewolf/ Witch [F]

[M] Werewolf/ Vampire [F]

[M] Vampire/ Vampire [F]

[M] Vampire/ Witch [F]

[M] Vampire/ Human [F]

If you have any pairings you would like to try that you don't see here feel free to message me :)
Do you have it on pc? I got the pc version not too long ago. ^^ @Odin
Hello! I'm looking to do a 1x1 supernatural based rp with any of you guys (not the show the genre.) I've been role playing for about six years and one of my favorites tend to be this. I always want romance in any rp that I participate in and I prefer to play as the female in a MxF based one. I turned 18 last month so I'm definitely open to trying out any mature content if any of you guys would like to do that. I have a few sparse ideas for plots since I tend to like winging when it comes rping on generic based ideas but if you have any developed plots or ideas feel free to share it! In terms of writing style I prefer paragraphs but I usually match whatever writing style my partner goes for so if you like writing long paragraphs or short ones I'll match it the best I can. If you're interested feel free to either post here or pm me whichever you feel more comfortable with ^^
Aww thanks ^^
Thanks :D
Hey there! My name is Melissa and I turned 18 last month, the best part about it is I don't have to lie about the year I was born in just to look at a game site (huge gamer by the way.) Anyway I've been role playing for about six years in many different genres. My favorites tend to be supernatural and fantasy though I'm always open to other genres, always like to add romance into any role play as well. As of right now I would like to try out a one on one role play just to get familiar with this site before going on to any of the bigger ones, so if any of you are open to a one on one feel free to message me! Think that's about it really, so I look forward to role playing with you guys! Oh! I also am interested to try out any of the mature ones. Okay now I'm done XD
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