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    1. PixelJunkie 9 yrs ago


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@Aspen Wren@FallenTrinity@Silent Observer It's up! Finally! Sorry it took so long...I meant to post yesterday, but I had a really bad headache =/

Also, Alice's table-movey-thingey isn't really all that noticeable to anyone else at the moment, it's more like foreshadowing at this point =P She'll be able to chill out in a few moments when she realises that Laurel's probably not a threat (as far as we know...=P) =)

Alice sat up bolt upright at Sulley’s tone, and she bit down on her tongue to prevent the squeak of surprise that threatened to escape. As he went on to introduce her to Kiara, Alice bit down harder, especially when he sort of semi-addressed her. Did he expect a response? Was he teasing her? Where the two of them secretly working together on a plot to kidnap her whilst Oliver wasn’t looking? She settled on a small terrified nod in reply, and warily eyed the two of them, not that it would really tell her very much, everyone here seemed just as suspicious as everybody else… she really didn’t know where she was supposed to stand.

Of course, she’d much rather stand somewhere that was as far away from Kiara as possible, because she was seriously beginning to infringe on Alice’s personal space. She glanced towards Suleykaar, eyes wide with fright, as Kiara approached, rippling with an air of something that wasn’t quite malevolence, but close. She turned back to Kiara, or rather, was compelled to. A strange tugging sensation wrapped around the pit of her stomach, tendrils that reached deep inside her soul, the very core of the anxieties and fear that had taken root, and pulled. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before, full of a resonant emptiness, a dull exhilaration that tingled through the tips of her fingers like pins and needles.

Alice could only sit, dumbstruck, as she felt her pulse slowing, her breathing becoming a little easier, her muscles relaxing, all replaced with a sense of hollow relief that seeped into her limbs and settled. She wasn’t sure if she should be terrified, or if she should be grinning wildly… it was definitely strange, and disconcerting, and… now she was being called delicious. That was definitely terrifying.

“I-I’m what?!?” She yelped, startled at the complete frankness of the statement. She didn’t really want to be called delicious, by anyone, never mind scary cryptids with black eyes and vaguely menacing smiles. She felt the fear that had been taken slowly beginning to accumulate again, almost as if it was a physical thing. She shivered, and pulled her coat tighter around her willowy shoulders, “What are you? What did you to me?” She muttered, her pitch high, but the pervasive numbness mad it difficult to articulate the words. And then she realised she’d just talked to somebody she’d only just met, on her own, without extreme prompting. That was a chilling thought. If the… thing that Kiara had done could lower Alice’s barriers so far in just a matter of seconds, what could it do over an extended period of time? Could she really trust somebody who referred to her as a piece of confectionary? She tried to make desperate eye contact with Suleykaar, but he seemed rather preoccupied by the fact that his cigarettes where currently somewhere other than tucked neatly into his pocket.

Of course, at that moment, yet another complete stranger arrived at the table, and Alice couldn’t help but wonder what degree of ridiculously scary this person would be, on a scale of creepy soul-suckey-ness to nicotine deprived dragon. She couldn’t be any scarier than anyone Alice had previously encountered, right? Apparently she also already knew Kiara, like everybody else, and upon this realisation, Alice tensed.

They really were going to try and kidnap her, weren’t they? She was vastly outnumbered, this was bad, with this many people she could be taken down in seconds. She felt a pressure building up in the back of her mind, an energy that ebbed and flowed, uncontrollable. In front of her, the table rattled slightly.

Her breath caught in the back of her throat. This had happened before, once, when she and Oliver had been cornered. It hadn’t ended well for anyone, least of all their hunters. She gulped, and tried to get a grip, hopefully she could put a lid on this before anything happened, or before anyone noticed. If not… well, she really didn’t want to consider that.
@FallenTrinity That'd be Miss =P And I have most of a post typed out now, I'm just finishing it off =)
I'll get working on a post tonight, was super tired yesterday so I didn't get round to it, and I'm going climbing after college today, so I probs won't be on (except on my mobile to spy on everyone =P) until about 7/8
@FallenTrinity I thought it was great =D Also, I am now inspired to see just how long Oliver can get away with inadvertently depriving Sulley of his nicotine fix =P
@Silent Observer Alice's probably going to want to run away as fast as her legs will carry her, but Kiara seems like the persistent sort :P
@FallenTrinity It's up! =) I'll get something written for Olilver later on, but I think I'm gonna let some time pass before he gets back (he's waaaay to ditzy for this to be easy =P I honestly have no idea how they survived for so long on their own...)

Also, Alice will (possibly? Maybe?) get some confidence later on, but that's a job for character development ;P *insert evil cackle here* (Why yes, of course I understand that character developement is definitely is not just an excuse to be a horrible person)

If what he said was true, Alice supposed she could try for a little courage. It wasn’t as easy as everyone seemed to think though, sure, she could resolve to brave and determined as much as she liked, but that didn’t stop the fear when it came. When her hands started shaking, when her throat constricted to the point where she could barely breath, when it felt like the whole world was about to crash down around her ears, it wasn’t something she could just stop. And of course, there was the omnipresent apprehension that if it did stop, she’d lose a part of herself, a part that gave her humanity, made her normal, because what kind of person could live in a body like this and not be scared?

Oliver understood, partially anyway. Of course, his idea of a solution to Alice’s worrying was just to worry about it more. He did everything he could though, everything in his power to try and make sure Alice had nothing to be afraid of, but he had a hard time realising that as soon as one problem disappeared, her brain would invent another just to take its place.

At least Suleykaar’s guarantee that there were good vampires out there was reassuring, albeit difficult to believe as the only good vampire she’d ever met was Oliver, and he hadn’t even properly come of age yet. But his words would be comforting for a time, as long as she didn’t allow herself to overthink it, and seeds of doubt to crawl in where they were most definitely unwanted. She inhaled deeply, building herself up, before daring to give him a small smile and a nod of understanding. It wasn’t much, but it was all she had to offer right now.

She looked up as she noticed the girl who’d sat down at the table, and a crimson hot blush spread rapidly through her cheeks and up to her ears. There was another person here? Another stranger? Had she heard everything she’d just told Suleykaar? Did the entire school already know? She tried to keep the panicked flailing to a minimum as she sank down into her chair, eyes flying round the room rapidly, almost as if she expected hunters sent by her sire to be dropping in through the windows at that very moment.

She bit down on her lower lip, teeth digging into the already damaged tissue. The girl introduced herself as Kiara, literally oozing confidence as did so, and making Alice’s stomach clench painfully. The girl extended a long, slender arm of introduction to Suleykaar, but Alice could only watch their interaction as she willed herself to sink down deep under the floor.
@FallenTrinity I can probably get started on it now, I didn't check the bus times and it turns out it only gets to where I live at 1:30 (half an hour away =P) because it's Sunday =)
@FallenTrinity Sure =) I'm going out now, but I can write something when I get back =) I shouldn't be too long =)
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