Avatar of plsdeletemyacc
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. plsdeletemyacc 7 mos ago
    2. ██████ 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
I think I'm just going to watch for a little bit, as I did when I first started roleplaying publicly. See how things are done here - Things are most definitely different than in-game roleplaying.
8 yrs ago
Well, I've got some free time, let's see what I can do.


Some dumb weeb lookin-ass kid that likes to fight. I'm everywhere, and you probably know me, even if you don't know that you know me. If you wanna scrap or just meet a character, hit me up, I'll hit you back. Especially if we're fighting. I'll DEFINITELY hit you back.


Most Recent Posts

Hello! I haven't seen anything like this on this site before, and if this is the wrong place or it doesn't belong here, PLEASE let me know!

With that being said..

I'm in the midst of writing a character sheet for a very very complicated, deftly planned and carefully build character I've played extensively over the past.. 7-8 years now. Maybe more than that, maybe 9, I'm a bit vague with myself on exactly what month it was. Writing his sheet is incredibly difficult due to all that needs to be written, and even as I'm going to be doing this, I'm going to be going back and adding more to all the other bits too, expanding ever onwards. My biggest hitch is his backstory. I have a median of eight years of roleplay with this character, and that's not just "i made him here, and played him here and there". I made him roughly eight years ago and played him near every day until 2 years ago where I cut him down to weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and then bi-monthly events. With so much to write, I don't know where to start or what to include. So I'm going to ask literally anybody that's reading this for help. Post a question here, OOC, phrased either at me the writer or at Apoch the character, and I'll go over to the IC section, quote your post and then answer as Apoch. I feel like this will really help me get a cohesive chunk for his backstory once I compile it, and it'll be fun having Apoch answer some things. If you want some inspiration on what to ask, you can find his unfinished sheet in my character sheets.

Please! Ask away! Help me fill this out!
The Godmodder realized that he was so unbeatable that even all of this wasn't a challenge. Nothing could be a challenge.. save for himself. The Godmodder is the only acceptable challenge for the Godmodder, and therefore he must do battle with himself.

Drama is the one way to make me wish I'd applied. Damn.
Oh my.
what the heck is [img[/img (removed some of the brackets show up) used with. like, how do i utilize this feature, i have absolutely no idea.


So basically just put someone into a fighting ring with a nuke?


You blood shall earn me bragging rights.

I am going to carry it around in a small vial, and when the next challenger approaches, i will thrust it in their face and say: "THIS IS RIDAKU!"

That's assuming you can extract blood from an Ultra-Tsar Bomba. I actually want to make a character sheet for this and have people challenge it as a joke.
<Snipped quote by RiDaku>

Doc, if i get Melon down, it's your ass next, champ.

Ya'll know i'm gunning for that tile of a rising star because i need to have something to my name besides being the Grand Procrastinator.

Hey, hey, you can be my first victim.
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