Avatar of PPQ Purple
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 362 (0.28 / day)
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    1. PPQ Purple 4 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Nihilism is freedom. To be without purpose is to be free of the oppression of destiny. To be without cause is to be free to make your own. Woe to he who has an outside reason to be. For he is a slave.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Let's not go too far off the deep end. They do have to fit inside the box. And in spite of just how big this thing is, and it's big, it can actually be kind of cramped in here.
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3 yrs ago
I can agree to that compromise.
3 yrs ago
But life is empty. Always has been and always will be. It's just a way to pass the time until you die and vanish forever into blissful oblivion. So like don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
3 yrs ago
Of course not. But you can't consistently get it out of human writers either. That's why you read all the millions of manuscripts sent to you by would be Tolstoys and Tolkiens and pick the good stuff.


Long ago in the distant past there was only color. Color to be loved, to be hated, color to please thoughts and corrupt minds. Color to color but newer shape. And than one day everything changed. We do not speak of this event nor of the times thereafter. For they were dark times when color took shape and shape rejected color. To this day the two remain separate, ever touching but newer becoming one. With one exception.

What you see before you is the purple cube of the cosmos. The merger of shape and color and ultimate avatar of the color purple in its physical form. Its N-dimensional form exists beyond your comprehension leaving but a shadow in the form of a cube for you to perceive. A cube with right angles and yet no sharp edges.

It's guardian, a being of it and yet distinct from it and one with it all at the same time dwells within. Or perhaps they dwell together, or just dwell. The later is most certainly true these days a the cube orbits earth having after an eternity in space discovered the internet and its endless supply of cat videos. Now the two orbit hungrily in search of satellites to consume so as to feed its insatiable hunger for cute.

Special notice:
I will not be joining or starting any new games on this forum. I am only sticking around for the one I am already in.
If I have a moment of weakness and apply or show interest for a game please reject me and remind me of this pledge.

Most Recent Posts

Mia was following the discussion intently. Well, as intently as one can when stuffing one self with food and coffee at an alarming rate. Alarming for her calorie count that is. There was quite enough to go around. She on the other hand hadn't eaten properly in almost a day and was most assuredly making up for lost time. And besides, she'd burn it off sooner rather than later.

At some point though she was finished, or close to it anyway, and the time had come to chime in. Or at the very least point out the plainly obvious.
"None taken."
"And somehow I think that's, like, the point." She took another sip of coffee.
"I don't know about you guys but I am no detective. Not unless you count punching as an investigative skill. And this whole universe destruction stuff is frankly going over my head."

She had a point. Something destroying universes was not just a physical impossibility for the most part but also just a matter of logistics. I mean, how the bloody hell do you destroy a whole universe? The energy required to do so alone would need to be... universal. Mia wasn't stupid, far from it, but it didn't take a genius to realize they were missing pieces of the puzzle here. Either that or they were going up against a literal god. She hoped it was the former.

Thus, she continued "So my guess is our best bet is to go in there, find one of those whatevers that were messing the place up and hit him or her repeatedly some place soft until we get some answers. Or at least the name of the next person up to 'visit'."

"And if they happen to find us first that just makes our job easier."

She said this fully seriously, and with a honest smile that lacked any malice. It was just a statement of fact, nothing more. And yet it was exactly that which make the fact that she was talking about finding someone to torture for information somewhat awkward.

You would expect such reasoning from most of you. But you had been through wars and done nasty things. She hadn't. Not that you knew this. But even so would any of you really said it so matter of fact and without dropping their morning coffee smile? Maybe you would. In which case this was you looking into a mirror you might not have wanted to see.

Mia for her part was equally surprised. This was not exactly her usual style after all. And maybe it was this strange alien coffee speaking but honestly at this point she didn't give a bleep. She wanted some answers. And frankly some payback as well. And while she wasn't quite ready to kill for them just yet a little percussive persuasion was a line she would cross happily.

As she said this she took another long and slow sip from the cup whilst casting a careful look over the team. They knew she was right. Or at least that no matter what the plan was this is how it would inevitably turn out. How they would make it turn out...

You don't just take a bunch of really strong people and kill everyone they love without making it personal.
And thus you see her slowly transform from the innocent sport fighter girl into... well.. you'll just have to stay tuned for the character arc.
Welcome and rest assured. You are not old. Well not unless I am old as well. And as old as I say I am I am not old and refuse to be old even when I say I am old because I am old. So you can't be old either. Point is old is complicated. :)
Didn't go to the doctor. I just sort of popped medicine and hoped for the best. And whilst the "best" isn't exactly great I am still not dead. Not dead is good. Not dead is great. Not dead is satisfactory. :)

And right now I am willing to settle on not dead. I'll visit the doctor after I am done with my current projects at work so that I can take a decent day off without having the deadline hanging over me.

In hindsight the deadlines might just be the reason why my BP is spiking...
Dark Souls 2 SOTFS was my first Dark Souls game due to it being a better PC port than the Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition, so it holds a special place in my heart despite being what seems to be the least-liked game in the trilogy. It didn't require me to be familiar with most of DS1 since it did its own thing in terms of the setting, and I really liked how much of a mark the player can leave on the levels as they progress, like illuminating the Gutter, raising and lowering platforms in Shulva, stopping the Earthen Peak windmill, disabling the Iron Keep fire traps, bringing Brume Tower to life, and any time you can break walls with explosive barrels.

That's basically my experience as well.

As for multiplayer I will honestly say that I newer much enjoyed that whole aspect of the game anyway. For me the real fun was always PVE. So I can't comment on that.
Yea, like. I could get fresh and start asking question to prolong the scene if that's what you guys like. But that's about it.

Well that and my blood pressure spiked at 165/110 yesterday. So if my heart explodes in the near future remember me.
fun not found
Honestly I've got nothing. Like, I am all ears about the plan but there does not seem to be anything for my character to do at this point beyond follow along. And I am posting this because I get the feeling more than just I are in the same boat.

EDIT: Although I am sorely tempted to play dumb on this one.... I might just...
DS1 remastered did 2 things right.
1. They included a couple quality of life improvements from DS2 into the game.
2. They made the controls far more PC friendly which allows you to actually play it on PC without having to buy a controller.

#2 is what did it for me. If they literally hadn't changed anything else I still would have bought it for that as I am a PC exclusive no controller player. I just don't enjoy the feel of controllers in my hands.

As for my comment about DS2 my point is fairly simple. Is DS2 a fantastic game worthy of DS1? No, of course not. There is plenty about it to dislike. But is it still a fantastic and fun game? Yes it is. And the sheer amount of hate it got is unwarranted as most of it came from people who were disappointed that it wasn't another masterpiece like DS1 and than massively overreacted. Same thing happened with DS3.

Evaluated on their own merit without comparing them to DS1 both are quite enjoyable and good games. DS2 even more so than DS3.
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