Avatar of Princess of God
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    1. Princess of God 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
God loves You...why can't you love you?


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Sure that's fine ! I like it
Okay. So should they all know each other or jusyt the hufflepuff gal and my slyithern male ?
Awesome now where should we begin ? Train station ? Or just getting to the chool ?

I made it so Tom if the head of the syithern house so he is so post to be the leader anf the example that all others are to follow yet his best friend is Hufflepuff girl and he has no shame of it and will stan dup for their friendship against all odds and bullies.
Name : Zedryan Ventrij

Age : 17

House : RavenClaw

Interesting fact

- Has a Savvanah cat named Drez

- Knows many advanced spells thanks to intense study in the arts of magic

- Knows a lot of hidden history

- Knows the castles hidden halls and corridors

- The Team captain of Ravenclaw

Picture :


Drez - A cat that's up above her knee, its defensive of its owner and will take on things bigger then itself. its trained to attack and defend.

I have added one character up so far ! I hope you like Tom and Phobos {His snake}
Name : Tom Hiddleston

Age : 18

House : Slyitern

Interesting Facts {Always update}

Picture :

- Head of the slyitern house

- is the only student that has brought a snake to school He named it Phobos

- He is calm and level headed always making a plan instead of going head first into fights

- He is a rare student that can speak to snakes like Harry

- He tends to stay around mythical animals

Phobos his snake - very sweet snake that loves to scare people and get attention

If the master hontestly thought she was as easy as othewr paddaans to turn her emotions off the master was in for a surprise as she wouldn't ever change even when trying the hardest she could make the darkest momment light up in a laughter and the hour of doom to that of sunshine. it was a gift she had learned adn what was it called positivity and sometimes yes emotions where not always good but positivity and never doubt was something Jedi would always have and it's something she was given and born with. so like it or not it was never going to leave the girl and it might be the reason she lived through her life. "happiness while yes is not always good at moments they are gine for momments when needed. I am sure you have had toime of great joy and great sorrow in your life master. And showing it is never bad its when you let it manifest that it turns into something that could be used against you" she said in a very wise tone. She might not seem like she was smart but she was far smarter then she let on which they would learn as well. The only problem she had was an actual fight against people that actually wanted her dead could scare her and that when kindness and sweetness of the girl went out the window and the force took over and thats when....trouble always happened.

"I'm good with logic not a master of it like the clone is or a master jedi but I know how to win a fight with limited material and rescoures. Learning 101 with battles you make everything a weapon a twig to a rock to a blaster to a lightsaber. All things even the mind and soul and engery one holds can be used as a large weapon against any force" she said shurgging her shoulders.
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