Avatar of QueenOfWands
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    1. QueenOfWands 6 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current @Dark Cloud. I'm a little jealous. It doesn't snow at all where I live.
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2 yrs ago
Let me know if anyone is interested in a 1x1. :)
2 yrs ago
I took a long hiatus... May be back eventually
6 yrs ago
All Dressed Chips are HEAVENLY
6 yrs ago
I decided to go red.
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Hello, if you are reading this, then I am hoping you are looking for a 1 x 1 RP. Bellow, I have a few personal preferences, that I will elaborate a bit more on. You will see the main headers below that list what I primarily am like in my RPing style, and what I'm looking for. Along with different matches/pairs I like to do.

Semi. Lit.

Personally I love to read a lot, and I love detailed posts. But my posts can range from 2 to even 10 paragraph responses, but I usually don't go over that. I also love a lot of dialogue between characters, so be warned that some of my posts may be shorter than normal if it is just mostly verbal response, but I will NEVER do one-liners. I do understand though that everyone has a creative block, and one paragraph is all we can muster up, and I completely understand that, but please do your best to put as much as you can. I also understand if there may be a few grammar and spelling errors. We are all only human, right?


Romance is my favorite genre of roleplaying, and in every roleplay, romance can be intertwined into it. But I ABSOLUTELY LOVE roleplays that focus on just romance. But be warned ahead of time: I love to cause conflict and drama, and will often try to stir something up. I only like doing BoyxGirl RPs, and I prefer playing the female, for obvious reasons. But, if you prefer to be the female character too, we can do 2 BoyxGirls at once, where we both control a boy and a girl. There are a few RPs that I'm interested in doing, and I will put them bellow. If a sex is not labeled with the title, I don't mind it being male or female roles.

❤️ Like
💜 Love
💙 Craving
💡 Idea for Plot
Classical Era

      ✖ Prince x WarriorFemale 💜💡
      ✖ Princess x WarriorMale 💜💡
      ✖ Warrior x Warrior
      ✖ Princess x Prince of different kingdoms
      ✖ SkilledAssassin x Target ❤️💡

Victorian Era

      ✖ Rich x Rich
      ✖ Rich x Servant 💜💡
      ✖ --Something Midsummer's Night Dream themed/plot--

Common Era

      ✖ WWII AmericanSoldierMale x GermanFemale ❤️
      ✖ TeacherMale x StudentFemale ❤️
      ✖ Girl x Sister's Boyfriend ❤️
      ✖ Prep x Stoner 💜
      ✖ RichGirl x PoorBoy
      ✖ BadBoy x Prep
      ✖ ValedictorianStudent x FailingStudent 💙💡
      ✖ Foreigner x Native ((As in, native to the country the RP takes place in.))
      ✖ Police x LostForeinger
      ✖ ExperiencedPolice x NewbiePolice ❤️


      ✖ HetaliaCharacter x OC
      ✖ TimeTraveler x "WildWesternStyle"/"SouthernStyle"Person 💙💡
      ✖ Angel x Demon ❤️
      ✖ Werewolf x HumanGirl
      ✖ God/Goddess x Human 💜
      ✖ Reaper x Human ❤️
      ✖ Pokémon Themed RP

If you have any other suggestions, I would gladly discuss with you over them.>/list]>/list]

I prefer posting in forums than in PMs, for one main reason, and that is I love decorative posts! So if you don't mind both, I really appreciate it. If you are interested, either send me a PM with the title "1x1 Roleplay" where we can discuss the roleplay before posting in the forums. Also, please share your opinions and ideas! They make roleplays fun!

Most Recent Posts

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ➳ ♥

"Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal."

Sitting down in the café, Victoria was growing slightly worried for her knew acquaintance. He acted as if he didn’t know how to function as a human being. He didn’t know how to order food? What to order? Didn’t know about penmanship, quilting. And what the hell was peanut butter? She imagined churning peanuts like a handmaid would churn milk into butter. It didn’t quite sit well with her, and it had her slightly on edge. But it wasn’t a huge shock, this man had been acting strange since the very beginning. She concluded he had to have some brain damage if he was acting and talking the way that he had. So bad that he couldn’t acknowledge what was wrong with him. Yet at the same time, he talked to sane and naturally to her, it was all just so confusing. This all didn’t explain the tiny blue bulb that Xavier carried around with him.

She symptomized with his story about his childhood. It sounded like a rough upbringing from the start, and the odds simply weren’t in his favor it seemed. It was unfortunate that orphans these days had such awful cards played to them so early in life. Victoria wondered if the future would somehow be different. She wondered if there would be a future where ‘orphans’ became an archaic word.

In hopes of trying to rattle his memories some, she started to speak. ’Well, penmanship is simply the skill of having neat and legible handwriting. It is one thing to know how to read and spell, but if others can’t read your handwriting it is pointless. Quilting is sewing together patches of cotton, wool, and other soft fabrics to make a large blanket. The style right now is making a quilt of family members, or ones that tell stories through little pictures on them. The easiest ones to do, though, are the mosaic quilts. A horse is… a four-legged beast. I mean. You saw what it looked like. They are mostly tamed, but they say you can find tons of wild ones far out west, along with savages.” Victoria had also ordered a coffee, but just got it black. She much preferred the bitter taste of coffee.

Caramel macchiato? It sounded like it would be a fancy Italian drink. Caramel in a drink though? It sounded kind of gross. And clothes for the price of coffee? What kind of coffee cost $2??? It better have been made with the finest beans the world could produce, and made with the purest water the Earth and heavens above could produce. ”Look, Xavier. If we are going to accept you into our home, feed you, and clothe you, I want you to be completely honest with me… You can’t be serious about all these ramblings of yours. I refuse to believe it.” She shook her head, rather exasperated and on the verge of being annoyed. ”And how could someone not like grits? They are delicious!” She almost was yelling at this point, a few of the workers started looking their way. Victoria blushed and covered her mouth, calming down. ”I didn’t really give you enough for anything fancy here. Just order some bread and butter and it should hold us off for a while… Maybe some fresh fruit as well…”

Victoria sat back in her seat, her arms crossed in front of her breasts. She was making a rather stern face. Victoria was a woman of reason and logic, and so much of his ramblings weren’t making any sense to her, and it was causing her to be frustrated. What was he trying to hide so much from her?

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It took a little while for Arthur and his group of friends to start calming down after the encounter. Any time Munez or one of his gang ended up in the same room as the rest of them, things always grew tense. It was a natural power struggle between them, and one that the Munez family had been losing for a while now, probably long enough in their eyes. Of the four, Jacob was probably the most worried about the Munez family. They were the main competition for control over their city, and the Swedes knew that just about nothing was off limits, which is why Ricardo insinuate towards Eva. But Arthur still couldn’t quite pinpoint why Ricardo would point them out. Arthur barely knew that she existed prior to this morning and classes today. Arthur just kept shaking his head and sighing, rubbing his temple. Today just didn’t seem like it was his day. ”Well, while we start cooling down, lets talk about plans for Friday.” Terrance spoke up, resettling back in his position by the fountain. Jacob and Alexander sat, relatively at attention. Alexander jokingly pulled out his notebook and a pen, rapidly clicking it. ”Okay, I’m ready to take notes. Fire away!” Arthur scoffed, shaking his head.

”First, list of things to do: Alexander- get the alcohol. We all know your older brother will hook us up well.” Alexander grinned widely and nodded, quickly jotting it down. ”We need handles of vodka, jack, tequila. Some mixers. Your lilla älskling said she likes fruity drinks. So I’m thinking we get her some malibu and orange juice. Perfect for someone who has never really had alcohol before. It is so sweet you don’t taste it, and don’t realize how much you have.” Alexander was writing hastily on his notebook, and Arthur shot a small glare towards Alexander. ”Don’t call her that... and you shouldn’t be trying to get her so drunk. She is a small girl, she could get sick.” Jacob, Terrance, and Alexander all stopped in silence and staired at Arthur. ”That is a pretty defensive thing to say, Arthur.” Before He could protest, Terrance chimed in. ”Yeah, and we aren’t the ones trying to get her drunk. That is your job. I know for certain she has never come to our parties. Which means she has never really lived. Arthur, min vän, it is up to you to help her learn what it is like to have fun.. Maybe you could learn a thing or two as well.” Terrance snickered and Arthur scoffed looking over towards Eva.

They didn’t need to be drunk to have fun… Or at least, Eva didn’t. Arthur had been known to let down his guard some when he was intoxicated. It was natural. The calming buzz of alcohol almost brought him into a calm zen. But he wasn’t about to force someone to drink to “have fun”. He had seen too many girls try to impress him, by matching him in drinks. And every single one of them ended up hunched over a toilet, with their hair pulled back in a ponytail. Alcohol was dangerous for a lightweight, and Arthur was sure that Eva was no exception to this. Maybe it would be fun to see her a little tipsy, but he wouldn’t push her past her limit. He could see Eva having a deep red, drunken blush across her face, red solo cup in hand, and smiling brightly at Arthur. It would be fun to see how she acted when intoxicated, much as his own personality changed under the influence. His mind wondered back to the shape of her body. It was hard to perfectly tell where all the curves were on her, as the school uniforms were meant to not be super revealing for girls. So his imagination just drove wild for a second. Starting at her nimble fingers, through her bare hands, up her arms to her shoulder blades, around to the nape of her neck and slowly down her back, and around to her front-

”WHAT?” the yell echoed through Arthur’s ears and quickly brought himself back to reality before he thought any further on it. Arthur could feel his heart jumping sporadically in his chest, and felt it grow tight with anxiety. ”Then let’s review. Alexander handles the drinks, I’ll handle setting up my house and making it party proof. Jacob will be the hookup for anyone who wants a smoke.” Jacob scratched his cheek, nodding. ”I’m only bringing hash… We don’t need a huge group of kids doing anything harder than that… and anyone who I have seen show signs of paranoia are not allowed to smoke at all. That includes you, Alex.” Alex grinned sheepishly and shrugged. ”And Arthur will be our bouncer of unruly guests.” Arthur stood up quickly, not really acknowledging much of what his friends said and just nodded.

”I think I am going to go home early, I have been feeling sick all day.” Terrance and Jacob both looked alarmed at Arthur, and Arthur just began walking out towards the parking lot.

”What the hell?? Arthur! It is the middle of the day, you can’t just- Dude you’re our ride! Oh, vad fan!” Arthur didn’t heed his friends as he made his way towards the front gates of campus, and straight to the student parking lot. Getting in his car, Arthur sat there for a while, and rested his head on the steering wheel. Today was barely halfway over, and Arthur felt like he has gone through a rollercoaster of emotions. It wasn’t something he was used to, and as hard as he was trying to repress everything, something just kept eating him alive from the inside out. He couldn’t handle it anymore, and decided to drive home, shooting a text to his friends. I will get you after classes. With that, Arthur drove away.

The three leftover Swedes sighed upon receiving the text message. ”I’ve never seen Arthur act like this before… do you know if he has a stressful or high status mission soon? It just seemed like he had a lot on his mind today.” Jacob shook his head in response, looking over at the group of girls across the way, specifically Eva. ”He has a lot on his mind… but it isn’t a mission.” Jacob knew exactly how Arthur was feeling, because it was the exact same way he had been feeling all day. His eyes slowly wandering to Alyssa, it was excruciatingly painful, and even more painful when she refused to look at him. But it was better that way, Jacob supposed. Rather than dragging her into his mess of a life.

Terrance pulled out his phone and shot a message to Helene. Don’t know what’s up with Art. Acting weird. Party is still on- lots to plan involving our two love birds. Tell me your plans, skön. That is beautiful, in case you didn’t know. 😉 Terrance put his phone down and looked up in the sky. God was he excited for Friday.

╚══════╬ "We Swedes are used to the cold... I just don't want you to freeze beside me." ╬══════╝



Translations: [1]Little Darling
[2]My friend
[3]What the fuck

I Feel... Sick.
I am At... Home
I am With... Me, Myself, and I
I am Thinking..."...What is wrong with me?"
I am Wearing...The school uniform; Black dress pants, white button down shirt, blue suit jacket, black tie, and black shoes.
Just a heads up, I'm lurking a but at work. I'm off at 10:30, but then I'm driving 2 hours back home, so I may not get a response up til midnight-ish

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╔════════════╬ ╬════════════╗

Finishing off Alexander’s lunch, Arthur sighed gratefully and handed over the empty container to Alexander. Alexander snatched it back, rather grumpily and continued eating the plain sandwich that was traded to him unwillingly. ”You’re lucky I’m a lover and not a fighter, Arthur. My mom’s cooking is no joke.” Alexander huffed before going back to staring at Gigi from across the courtyard, not paying much attention to the other girls bickering. He just daydreamed about seeing Gigi dressed up. ”Don’t you think she would look stunning in a short skirt, and a tight top?” Alexander sighed, resting his face in his hands and just starring, mystified by the beauty. Terrance and Jacob both rolled their eyes, but Arthur followed his gaze. But rather than looking at Gigi his eyes rested on Eva. His stomach was no longer turning, as it seemed food allowed it to settle, but a tight feeling came across his chest. A short skirt? A tight top? It wasn’t normal for Arthur to really think of girls or women in that way.

But for some reason it was so easy for him to picture Eva in that way. Wearing a cute, short blue skirt, and a tight-fitting top. He hadn’t realized it before, but she was quite pretty. If that was the most appropriate term, Arthur wondered. In fact, she practically radiated around her friends. Her golden long locks, sweet smile, and bright blue eyes, Arthur found him self getting lost in imagination. It was almost as if everything else around him melted away and there was only him and Eva, across the courtyard. Hi, Arthur. How have your classes been? He could hear the sweetness of her voice playing through his head, and the corner of his lips became slightly up turned. ”Incoming transmission, Earth to Arthur. You are staring too long into the sun.” Smacked back to reality, Arthur saw Eva back in her normal uniform, and now looking like her friends were surrounding her, giving her some proposition that it seemed she couldn’t refuse. Damn, he had been caught staring again and he quickly sat up, crossing his arms. But when trying to divert his eyes away, they just remained locked on Eva.

”I’m not staring. I’m thinking Arthur responded, but Terrance just laughed, once again, Jacob kept a close, keen eye on Arthur. ”And we now observe the stalking prowess of the great beast on his poor, unexpecting pray.” Arthur growled and pushed Terrance, almost knocking him back into the fountain. ”Knock it off, or I swear I’ll knock you out.” But his threats didn’t phase the friends, as they simply laughed at him in response.

”Did your parents not teach you to play nice with your friends, sueco?” A familiar voice called out, and all four of the Swedes came to attention, quickly turning around to the group of Spanish students standing near them. Terrance, Alexander, and Jacob each became as stone faced as Arthur, it was a major personality shift for them, from their normal laughing and playful nature. The four stood still as the Spanish boy, Ricardo Munez, standing up front stepped towards Arthur, an obnoxious and smug grin on his face. ”Suecoooo… It has been too long since I’ve seen you. Let’s catch up, why don’t we?” He put his arm around Arthur. Arthur’s friends were about to jump on the Spanish boy until his friends began reaching in their pockets. It was rather still stalemate. None of them wanted to cause a scene on campus, too many people within ear shot, and too many witnesses. Instead, the Spaniard walked off with Arthur, the two unusual groups of friends locked in a glaring match.

A little ways away, Ricardo spoke up. ”Ah, my man. There has been a tragedy in my family recently… I don’t know if you heard the news?’ He began, not looking directly at Arthur but just at his surroundings. ”An old family friend of ours… Well, he has unfortunately passed, ya’know? He wasn’t that old either, so we found it odd… But that was when we found out he was gone because a bullet got put through his skull.” Ricardo now made eye contact with Arthur. His bright playful eyes were now cold and serious, reflective of Arthur’s. Arthur kept his composure, knowing exactly what he was talking about. The hit over the summer Arthur had, for the money-laundering businessman, was money-laundering for the Munez family.

”That is a really sad story, Ricardo.” Was all Arthur responded. Ricardo obviously didn’t like this answer, but instead broke into a odd laughter. ”It really is, isn’t it? Especially for my family, it is really hard on us right now… You know, I would only hope that the same… unfortunate demise doesn’t fall on anyone close to you… It really breaks a man, ya’know?” Ricardo leaned in close on that last statement, before his bright green eyes darted to Arthur’s right. Arthur followed Ricardo’s eyes and saw that he was looking towards Eva. Now Arthur looked back at Ricardo, and there was a very quick, very slight look of panic in Arthur’s eyes before they went stern again. Why did Arthur feel a jolt of panic? He didn’t know Eva that well, it wasn’t like Ricardo was threatening someone he cared about, like his mother or little sister. So then why did it feel like his heart just plunged into the depths of the Earth? Ricardo’s grin was growing wider seeing Arthur’s response. Arthur crossed his arms, standing up straighter and looking away. ”Your little threat doesn’t phase me, Ricardo. You can take it and shove it right up your röv.” Arthur huffed.

Ricardo laughed jovially again, patting Arthur’s back as if they were close buddies. ”Oooh, Sueco… if that is how you truly feel, very well. I look forward to getting to know your little novia better.” With that, Ricardo called for his friends to rejoin them, and they moved far across campus. While walking away, Ricardo turned his attention back to Eva and gave her a large, warm smile, and a polite wave. Arthur’s face twisted with disgust and anger. As they left Arthur’s friends were slowly calming down before quickly approaching Arthur. ”What was that about, Arthur? What did Ric-do-do want?” Jacob was huffing, glaring at the back of their heads, as if it could cause them to drop dead. But Arthur didn’t respond. He was staring at Eva again, and that sinking feeling appeared in his gut again. Why was he getting this feeling of worry? He wasn’t worried about Eva’s safety. She was just a classmate, no one special… His worried face dissolved back to its serious demeanor and he answered his friends. ”He just wanted to start a fight. Wasn’t going to give him what he wanted…” Arthur’s arms stayed crossed tightly against his chest. ”But keep your guard up… He is wanting to stir up some trouble…”

╚══════╬ "We Swedes are used to the cold... I just don't want you to freeze beside me." ╬══════╝



Translations: [1]Swede

I Feel... Enraged.
I am At... School -> Fountain/Courtyard
I am With... Jacob, Terrance, and Alexander
I am Thinking..."What a prick."
I am Wearing...The school uniform; Black dress pants, white button down shirt, blue suit jacket, black tie, and black shoes.

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Terrance looked over his shoulder in response to Helene and he sighed, exasperated. ”No offense to your friend… I don’t know why he chases her.” He tried to quickly recuperate from his statement. ”I mean. She is totally and absolutely uninterested in him! He tries so hard to impress her, and to no true avail. Which do you think will happen first? She’ll break and go out with him? Or she will snap and break his neck?” Terrance laughed jovially at the thought, though he was incredibly sure that Alexander would be the type of guy to some how come crawling back from death to pester her still, beyond the grave. Of the group, he was definitely the hopeless romantic among them, and somehow, he had fallen for Gigi. Maybe it was the same way that Eva liked Arthur, except Alexander was about a thousand times more obnoxious about his attraction and flirtation.

Arthur turned back around towards his group of friends, pulling out a copy of his schedule that was handed out in their homeroom period. ”If the bureaucrats can do anything right here… we probably don’t have any classes together." Terrance pulled out his copy to compare and simply shook his head. ”And I vaguely remember Terrance’s schedule… It looks like they tried really hard to keep us all separated. Damn I’m going to be bored.” Terrance sighed, rather annoyed. Arthur looked indifferent, but he agreed. The only interesting thing about his classes was interacting with his group and watching their shenanigans. How the hell did they make it to senior year? He wasn’t very sure. Maybe teachers were just passing them to get them out of their hair. ”Probably won’t see Jacob again until lunch… They may hold him for a while.” Arthur concluded. Of all of them, Jacob was probably been in actual trouble on campus the most of the 4. According to Jacob the principal kept a laundry list of every little outburst and fight Jacob had been a part of, and every time he came to the office, the Principal would recite it to him. Arthur guessed it was to try and make Jacob feel guilty for his actions? Either way, Jacob’s visits to the office progressively got longer and longer.

A few students wondered how he hadn’t been expelled yet, but his friends knew why. The principal was tied up in his own… outside affairs, that were connected to Jacob’s family. Expelling Jacob would be a slap on the wrist to the entire Patrone family. And the Principal knew a lot better than that, or he may go missing. No doubt by the assistance of the Myles family. Arthur grinned a little at the thought, and coming back to reality, he saw that he was once again staring at Eva. His stomach felt like it was placed in a pot of boiling water… or maybe it was doing somersaults. Either way, Arthur felt sick again, and quickly turned his attention towards Alexander. GAH! Why did that keep happening?

Alexander’s grin seemed significantly wider due to Gigi’s response and he clapped his hands together. ”Wonderful, min vackra blomma! I missed seeing you so much this summer. I went to Paris with my family, and it was simply stunning. Though its beauty pales in comparison to yours. The skyline was amazing too, at the top of the Eiffel tower. I felt like I was standing on the top of the world. I yelled with all my might and declared my love for you and I lost my voice for a few days. I w-“ Alright, this was really getting out of hand. Arthur walked over to Alexander and placed a stone cold hand on his shoulder, pulling Alexander away as he continued rambling on about his undying love or whatever to Gigi. Poor guy, the feelings would probably never be reciprocated. Arthur seemed to storm away, dragging Alexander with him and Terrance just laughed, rubbing his head. ”Oh jeez… sorry about him. He can really get out of hand and exaggerate too much… We will see you all at lunch, alright?’ Terrance winked to Helene and Eva and quickly took off after the retreating and reluctant Swedes.

The day seemed to drag on when the lunch bell finally went off. Arthur was exiting what was probably the only class he enjoyed at this school, Advanced Guitar Classes. Students could only be a part of it if they were enrolled and passed all the preceding guitar level classes. Arthur had been playing since he was 13, and sometimes it was a nice escape from the world, besides his own imagination some times. Yet something was still picking at his brain for the past few hours, and that was his stomach. He had felt pretty awful this morning, as if he was suffering from some intense sea sickness. But after homeroom the feeling seemed to clear up. It really striked him as odd as it was only really occurring around that odd group of girls. Were they making him sick? It really didn’t make sense- and it was bothering him a lot. Reaching the center fountain of the courtyard with Terrance, Alexander, and Jacob, Arthur was still lost in his thoughts.

None of them were being obnoxious. In fact, he appreciated the fact that they all seem very uninterested in bugging him. Terrance had been distracting Helene with charm, Gigi was being harassed too much by Alexander to really acknowledge Arthur, and even Alyssa seemed to use all of her strength and power to pretend that none of them existed. The long, blond-haired Eva however, obviously enjoyed Arthur’s company. But she wasn’t being a pain or annoying. In fact, she was just acting like a normal person. Yet there was something odd about her that Arthur couldn’t quite pinpoint it. But as soon as he looked at her, at her cute face, or bright sapphire eyes, he-

Oh god, there was that feeling again. His stomach was hurting, and he felt his head spinning. He hunched over holding his head tightly in his hands. ”Woah, Art! Are you okay?? You don’t look so good.” Arthur just shook his head. God, what was wrong with his stomach? Even his heart felt strange. Like it was beating sporadically off rhythm, and as if it were going to burst out of his chest. Oh god, had he been poisoned? The only thing he had eaten so far today was the toast at home, so it didn’t seem likely. But God! What was this. ”Maybe you should eat something?? Here, I brought my mother’s left-over dinner. It is hearty and should settle your stomach.” Arthur reluctantly ate some of the leftovers, and as soon as food hit his stomach it seemed to settle down and Arthur sighed loudly in relief. ”There you go! I swear, my mom’s food is a cure for everything.” Jacob simply watched Arthur with a raised eyebrow. It wasn’t until Arthur was ‘cured’ of his upset stomach that he realized the group of girls had already reached their bunch. Shit, had they seen him doubling over? And when Arthur’s eyes scanned the group and stopped on Eva. He stared for a few seconds, before the feeling returned, and he began shoveling the rest of Alexander’s food into his mouth to ease his stomach. ”Arth-! Ah man. You couldn’t leave any for me???” Arthur quickly reached in his bag and through his lunch towards Alexander. No way was it a fair trade, and Alexander became a little huffy.

╚══════╬ "We Swedes are used to the cold... I just don't want you to freeze beside me." ╬══════╝



Translations: [1]My beautiful flower
I Feel... Sick, upset stomach.
I am At... School -> Fountain/Courtyard
I am With... Jacob, Terrance, Alexander, Eva, Helene, Alyssa, and Gigi
I am Thinking..."This food is pretty delicious."
I am Wearing...The school uniform; Black dress pants, white button down shirt, blue suit jacket, black tie, and black shoes.

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ➳ ♥

"Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal."

It amused Victoria watching Xavier fiddle with the piano the way he did, pretending like it was a person. He wasn’t wrong in that it had been a very long time since the sound of the piano warmed the home. Victoria loss herself slightly in a daydream, remembering the days when the sound of playing echoed through the shop and the home above while her mother or younger sister played. But she quickly shook away the daydream, it wasn’t safe to linger to the past too long. ”The tavern in town has a piano already where you could perform for them… You just won’t be able to get much practice at home. If you do impress them though, and start making money, it would be nice if you could replace the cords.” Victoria paused her statement for a second, as they were walking through the town and to a tailor to have him fitted into some clothes. Well, he really didn’t have to spend his money fixing up the piano. It wasn’t like it belong to him or was his. In fact, she was surprised her father still held onto the old thing and didn’t just sell it for parts. The cords were bad, but there were other little mechanisms to it that she was sure others would need to refurnish or fix their own pianos. Victoria wasn’t sure the last time someone tried to convince her father to fix a piano though.

At the tailor, Victoria was about to purchase for Xavier three outfits. A night suit, two day suits, and a Sunday suit. The Sunday suit was meant to be very nice, however it was significant outside of her budget to buy something extremely nice. What they got would have to do, and even then, it was more expensive than the other two articles of clothing. ”You better take could care of these… especially the Sunday suit.” She stated, handing over the boxes of clothes for him to carry. She found it a little odd when he asked which measurements they used. The Imperial system, though she thought on it more. If he really was a scholar, he probably preferred the metric system… But still, why would he ask that? It is a common knowledge thing.

Getting out into the streets again, as the day grew more and more busy, keeping up with Xavier was keeping up with a child in a candy shop. He had to run off and examine such mundane things frequently, like a coach and horses, and even picking up a piece of paper to smell it. He was really off his rocker, and Victoria determined that he must have banged his head pretty hard falling into the river. Maybe on a few stones on the way down.

Continuing from the tailor, they started to make their way to the tavern, to give him a chance to see it, and try to convince the owner to let him practice a few bars. But it seemed that he was quickly distracted by day gamblers. Victoria sighed and kept a close eye on the boxes as he set them down to show off his own deck. Victoria didn’t particularly like gambling. Statistically almost everything was in the initiator’s favor. Especially with this guessing game. Victoria kept a close eye on the Queen as the man shuffled and mixed her around. Each time, Victoria had no difficulty keeping up with the Queen. In fact, she could have easily wiped the poor fool clean. But she felt that gambling for money wasn’t an honest earning.

She was a little impressed with his shuffling skills. He was very good at it in fact. Even she tended to struggle making a perfect bridge, as her hands were too small to properly hold the cards. But, for him to mentioned he gambled for food sounded suspicious to Victoria. If he was a scholar, well he didn’t have to be rich, but he certainly wouldn’t be broke either. Why would he have to gamble his way just for a meal? Getting away from the gamblers, and all of the clothes boxes still intact, Xavier started questioning her more about such mundane things. ”Did you bang your head on your fall into the river? These are really such common things, little kids would know them… Do you think we should have you go to a doctor? There is one not far down the road.” Victoria looked worried at him, and then heard his stomach growl, and something clicked. If he hadn’t eaten in a long time, perhaps he wasn’t able to focus due to the hunger. Victoria reached into her purse, pulling out a few coins and placing them in Xavier’s pocket.

”It would look odd if I bought us something to eat… Let’s go to a café and get you something to eat. There is one just a few blocks away… and if you still aren’t feeling well, I’ll take you to the doctor. With that, Victoria turned and began to walk at a slightly quicker pace to the small café that was jointed with a small general store.

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Arthur thought for a minute what Eva was referring to. Things happen? What did she mean by that? Was she referring to the relationship between Alyssa and Jacob, or was it something else? He huffed a bit in response and started to hear some of the other girls murmuring around them. It entertained Arthur a little bit, that these girls were so jealous and angry at someone they didn’t know, simply because they were sitting together. It wasn’t like they were holding hands, or kissing. Girls just really wanted to be angry at something, it seemed to Arthur. From his memories, Eva was probably the nicest girl on campus. He couldn’t think of anyone who would have any reasons to hate her. Besides being too nice. Was it possible to be hated for being too nice?

The homeroom teacher began doing her little tirade of welcome backs, her plans for the school year, their impending graduation, so on and so forth. Arthur tended to tune her out every year, and instead his eyes wondered the room drifting into his imagination. He thought back to the last mission he had to carry out over the summer. He had to take out a hit on a high ranking numbers man working in for a large corporation, CSPEC. Arthur remembered it so clearly because it was one of the few missions he ever had to perform this city. Supposedly the guy was doing some under the table money laundering, except he was doing it in the wrong direction. Rather than pulling some money towards the business, he was pulling money from the business into his own pocket. The man wasn’t leaving his workplace until it was already dark out, and the only light from the headlamps were so dim, it was hard to see 5 feet in front of himself. Arthur had used the darkness to his advantage, and had memorized the placement of every security camera that lined the street and alleyways. It was a highly stealth mission, and one screw up could have got him caught. He remembered sneaking up behind him, gun attached with silencer, pulled on the trigger and –

BRRIIIIINNGGG!!! The school bell rang and Arthur was once again snapped back into reality. Coming back to he realized he was staring straight at Eva. He quickly turned his head and could hear his friends snickering beside him. How long had he been staring at her? He tried to play it off as no big deal, gathering his books and preparing for the next class. But on the inside he felt like he was dying from embarrassment. God, was he good at covering it up. ”Get lost in those eyes, did you Arttie?” Arthur scowled, he hated being called that, and they knew it too! But getting lost in Eva’s eyes? Hmph. ”I was just daydreaming.” He spoke cooly, walking out into the hallway with his friends. Terrance’s eyebrows raised so high it seemed like they would sneak away into his hairline. ”OOOOOh! Daydreaming, huh? Daydreaming about our sweet little Eeeeva?” Arthur groaned and rubbed his temple, damn was Terrance good at getting under his skin. Arthur continued on as Terrance hung back with Helene and Eva.

”Wow, Eva. You really must have caught Arthur’s eye, don’t you think? He was staring at you for practically half the class.” Terrance teased her, and Arthur turned back to look at the pair. Arthur was sure that he was only staring at Eva because of him being lost in his daydream. Yet that weird warmth erupted in his stomach when he looked at her bright blue eyes. Oh god, he felt like he was going to throw up. He quickly turned ahead again, putting his hand over his mouth. But it seemed once he stopped looking at her, the pain in his stomach disappeared.

”I look forward to seeing you all at my party. Eva, I think this will be your first time at one of my EPIC parties. Tell me, what is your drink of choice? Just so I can be sure to get it stocked up for you.” Terrance grinned widely towards the two girls. It wasn’t hard for him to be charming and friendly. Hanging back a little bit farther was Alexander, who quickly approached Gigi from behind. ”Gigi, min vackra blomma. You are coming to the party this weekend, right?” Alexander shot his shot with Gigi. The guys had all lost count of the number of times Gigi had rejected and turned down Alexander. Perhaps it was his need to be loved by everyone that made him so persistent to charm the poor girl. It was pretty obvious she didn’t put up with his attempts of hitting on her.

╚══════╬ "We Swedes are used to the cold... I just don't want you to freeze beside me." ╬══════╝



Translations: [1]My beautiful flower
I Feel... Sick?...
I am At... School -> Hallways.
I am With... Jacob, Terrance, Alexander, Eva, Helene, Alyssa, Gigi, and others.
I am Thinking..."Ugh, my stomach..."
I am Wearing...The school uniform; Black dress pants, white button down shirt, blue suit jacket, black tie, and black shoes.

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ➳ ♥

"Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal."

Mr. Livingston raised an eyebrow as Xavier went on about the different parts and their repair. Victoria could tell that his father was somewhat impressed with his knowledge of these things. Victoria herself was more so patting herself on the back for not bringing home a complete lunatic to her father. Still they would have to be somewhat on their toes, as he was still a stranger. ”You really seem to know your stuff, Xavier. Very well. I can give you a place to sleep, and Victoria is an excellent cook.” He beamed when he mentioned Victoria, and her face went slightly pale. Oh no, he was about to go on his tirade. See, Victoria was at an age where it was still odd that she wasn’t married, but more odd that she didn’t have a steady suitor to begin that process. Sometimes he made it sound like she was an item to be auctioned off to any man that seemed suitable enough to her father. Victoria could only assume because he was handsome, and mildly knowledgeable, that he could be a potential suitor.

”Yes, Victoria is an excellent cook, a kindhearted and sweet young lady. Her penmanship is more perfect than any person’s I’ve seen in the entire state. I’ve seen her make quilts and hem clothing faster than a rabbit runs from a hungry fox. She is very literate and knows how to read and write properly. She can play the violin, she is good at arithmetic, and she-“ With that Victoria quickly intervened, pulling her father aside. ”Papa! Why don’t you tell Xavier all about your model steam engine? It is perfect to scale representation, and he is so proud to talk about it.” Mr. Livingston’s face lit up again and he turned his attention back towards the steam engine. ”Wonderful invention, isn’t it? It uses the pressure of coal and steam to power locomotives and boats. In fact, I’ve done several maintenance works on the steam engine ferry that goes back and forth on the Savannah river.” With that Mr. Livingston got off his tangent of his daughter and onto the mechanics of the steam engine. Victoria let out a gentle sigh and hurried back to the front desk while the two men were distracted by their work.

Reaching for her basket behind the desk, Victoria grabbed her book on mechanical devices and hurried up the stairs to her bedroom, being very careful to upon reaching the hallway just above her father’s workshop. She quickly stowed the book under her pillow and tiptoed back out into the stair well, where she heard her father’s voice ”I don’t have any clothes to give you… As I’m the only gentleman of the household, and any of my clothes would be too small…” Victoria was just getting back into the main entryway when she saw her father emerge from his workspace, pulling out the tin box holding the day’s earnings. He pulled out a two dollars and handed them over to Victoria. ”Take that and this young man to the town. Get him some new clothes.” Victoria overheard his question about a piano and Victoria pointed down a small hallway to a sitting room. ”We do have a piano in the sitting room… It may need to be tuned though, as it hasn’t been used in a few years.”

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Arthur nodded to Eva in response. Yep, Alyssa- he was certain she was the same girl Jacob had relations with in the past. No wonder she was being so distant and angry. And no wonder Jacob wasn’t acting quite like is upbeat and sociable self. It just reminded Arthur of the dangers of getting involved in a relationship with their line of work. Maybe it was easier for his three friends because their line of work may not directly affect their classmates. Drug trade? Eh, maybe it helped some of them get their hands on weed or cocaine. But Jacob was higher up in the chain than just some street dealer. Spying? Maybe one or two, at maximum three of his classmates had any political involvement. Even then Arthur wasn’t sure if Terrance's family was keeping any tabs on them. Then thieving? Unless one of his classmates owned some rare, expensive gem, or was hoarding a mountain of cash in some secret vault, Arthur highly doubted it. But a hitman? A hit could be put on anyone. Whether it was a political leader, to one’s too noisy neighbor that they wanted… silenced. Arthur didn’t know if he had ever killed anyone close to any classmates. He didn’t want to know, in fact. He got his missions, he carried them out, he got paid, and that was it. Any more involvement or association with the target or the person instigating the hit left too much room for emotions.

A dark haired girl interrupted his thoughts as a handful of students seemed to scatter away from her in a hustle. She was dressed significantly different from all the other girls in the class. She didn’t pretty herself up, and didn’t go out of her way to be your friend it seemed. He saw the tiniest bit of his own personality in her, which is the only reason he remembered who she was- Gigi. Another one of Eva’s friends, Arthur remembered. ”Herregud. Är hon inte den vackraste kvinnan du någonsin sett?” Arthur turned his attention to his friend Alexander, who was resting his elbow on his desk, and his chin in his palm. His eyes didn’t seem to leave Gigi the minute she walked in. Terrance seemed to roll his eyes so hard it was as if his head would pop off. ”Du kan inte vara allvarlig.” was Terrance’s response as he leaned in close, as only their group of friends could hear.

”She is like a female version of Arthur. Of all the hot chicks in this school, why are you attracted to some dirty, punk chick? Alexander’s eyes didn’t leave Gigi’s body for a second as he shot back a response, just smiling. ”Sure, we all have our flings. But there is always that one we love. You wouldn’t understand. Only I and Jacob have ever fallen in love with someone. OW! The sudden outburst of pain came from Jacob slamming a punch into Alexander’s side. This was obviously still a very sore subject for Jacob, Arthur observed. ”Shut it, Alex.” Was all Jacob gritted through is teeth. ”JACOB PATRONE!” A voice shot through the air. Ugh, it was the homeroom teacher. ”I won’t tolerate your abusive behavior this year! Principal’s office! Now!” . Jacob scowled and shot up from his seat, grabbing his bag, and marching straight towards the door.

Terrance called out after Jacob as he stormed out. ”Look, Jacob. You need to start getting over that thing. I’m already setting up a party for Friday night. And I bet you anything she is going to be there too, because her friends are going to drag her along.” Arthur just shook his head. It was obvious that Terrance was really putting his, well other extremity, before his brain. But then Arthur caught something Terrance said and shook his head even more. Oh Lord, not another party. Arthur was tired of having to fend himself off from fan girls in the comfort of his friend’s house. Why couldn’t they just try and stay in one weekend like normal people?

Jacob walked out into the stream of the hallway and slammed the door behind him. It just caused some of the posters and pictures hanging on the wall to quiver. ”As for the rest of you!” It was very obvious that she was specifically targeting the group of Swedes. ”I won’t tolerate any shenanigans for you three either. I am not afraid to get you all expelled, even if it is your last year!” Damn, Arthur thought. Were they really as bad as she was making them all out to be? The very smallest smile couldn’t help but sprout from the corner of Arthur’s mouth. He knew they were bad, but it was fun seeing teacher’s faces turn purple. Sometimes Arthur imagined what it would be like if he ever got a hit on a teacher that he hated. Killing a teacher like her would probably be too enjoyable, he would have to be extra careful not to do a sloppy job. Leave no evidence behind!

Arthur turned his head back to the 4 girls. It was interesting how strongly a role three of them had in his friend’s life, that he hadn’t really noticed before. His eyes moved down to the petite Eva sitting on his left. She was the only outsider in all these relationships, kind of how Arthur was the outsider in his friend’s relationships too. Maybe it would be easier for him to remember her name this year. He determined it was kind of nice sitting next to her. She didn’t harass him so far, unlike some of the other girls who would be doing so much to try and get his attention. Some would pull his hair, which he absolutely despised. ”Are you alright?” The words came out so suddenly he wasn’t sure why he asked. Well, he knew the context of the question was in response to Jacob’s very loud scene and the teacher’s screeching fest. But, he wasn’t sure why he was asking her if she was okay. Damn, there was that weird warmth in his stomach again.

╚══════╬ "We Swedes are used to the cold... I just don't want you to freeze beside me." ╬══════╝



Translations: [1] Oh my God. Is she not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?
[2] You can’t be serious.

I Feel... Warm?...
I am At... School -> Homeroom.
I am With... Jacob, Terrance, Alexander, Eva, Helene, Alyssa, Gigi, and others.
I am Thinking..."My stomach must be upset..."
I am Wearing...The school uniform; Black dress pants, white button down shirt, blue suit jacket, black tie, and black shoes.
Oh my goodness, haha! It will be interesting to see how he reacts to normal things.
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