Avatar of Reaper
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ReaperZ
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1262 (0.33 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Reaper 10 yrs ago


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Spends way too much time on his computer.

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Sorry, been sick the past couple of days, the some people from my church had to pull their 5 month old baby off life support earlier today.
Jun's memory was hazy as she stood up to find herself facing a mirror. No, it was no reflection looking back at her. The eyes were wrong.

"You wear my face, but I don't have a twin. What trickery is this?" She demanded, having had enough of this strangeness. She had been here long enough to know this place was not normal, but to think she was standing face to face with a clone, in this bizzard realm... This must be where the kidnapped kids go. She realized. They had all seen this place. If that's the case, I'll be fine, right?

"Not a twin, no, though that is an appropriate term, in some regards. I am who you wish you could be... Free of responsibilities to the clan. Free to love who you wish, without interference from a close-minded father. Free to lose yourself in passion and desire and power. I am you, Jun. The part you don't wish to acknowledge. The lesbian love child of a yakuza boss who takes pride in being a disappointment to her parents... A cliche of a rebellious teenager." The alternate her spoke, giving voice to the part of her that she denied existed.

"Fuck off. Like you could ever know-" Well, not to play the part of rebellious teenager, but who would freely admit the darkest parts of themselves existed? This ghost of her might have her face, but she was not the same Jun who had lived.

"What it's like to feel shame for kissing a girl you're attracted to? To know that the gaze you feel upon your back is the wrath your father will bring upon her, just for touching and indulging you? I know, because you know. I know it's a rush for you to know you will anger your father by flaunting your sexuality and rebellion in his face, and damn whoever gets hurt along the way as long as you can keep rattling your chains. It's the only way you know to fight back... because you're too weak to escape."

The words cut deep. She has my memories. Jun figured. It happened enough in movies for her to guess this strange place was where people's worst fears and secrets were brought out before them. Was this her trial then? Did she have to defeat this evil twin in order to escape? Anger boiled in her blood as she processed those words. How dare this poor imitation presume to take her burdens and pain, claim it as her own? How dare this copy claim to know what it's like living a life where one wasn't allowed to be who they are, with who they loved?

How dare this shell dare to say her life amounted to nothing more than a sham?

"No! That's not it at all! You're not me!" Jun yelled as she picked up a katana that had been lying around, ready for a fight. She was met with mocking laughter as the form before her warped and shifted.

*Presses Q*

You up for continuing our previous RP?
@Reaper still kicking? Just in case, I'd like you to send me your character's acceptance speech, and their "rejection" speech which transforms the shadow into its boss form.

Working on that speech... Had exams to deal with. Did you want me to include the shadow's half of the conversation as well?
The rest of the journey to the FEZ had been relatively quiet. Maki assisted with the repairs where she could, or ran supplies back and forth between crews. With the number of casualties they sustained, her help was appreciated even if she was not exactly qualified for the job. Following instructions were simple enough, however. There were a few newbloods who were wounded and shell shocked, being put through two heavy fire fights in little to no recovery time. She comforted and encouraged them where they could, but they'd have to find the steel to temper themselves from within. There was only so much she could do.

She had forgotten exactly when she stumbled back to her bunk and fell asleep, but the Lincoln's dramatic entry into the FEZ was enough to wake everyone up. Nobody wanted to fight in the FEZ wounded and exhausted, but they might have to, Maki simply got up and washed up, yawning lazily. Alexis was a capable leader and had won her admiration not just based on tactics and how she led the 101st in battle, but how she led them out of it as well. Their Captain was more than capable of talking down a FEZ blockade.

True to her conviction, the stand down signal was given and everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Rest and recuperation could come now, they'd have a brief respite while the Lincoln was being repaired. The FEZ wasn't exactly a tropical vacation, but at the very least the authorities kept the whole neutrality thing intact. Not that she'd be letting down her guard. "Accidents" could always happen. Tempers would be ready to blow at the slightest provocation considering the heavy fighting that had gone on.

Leave the war on the battlefield. Her father used to say. Maki took that advice to heart and lingered in the background as Alexis dealt with the FEZ bureaucrats, only approaching after everyone had disappeared. "So... got time for a drink, Captain?" Maki asked, letting her wily, sultry side slip out now that they had a moment of privacy. "Or has Ardin seen to that already?"

She let out a laugh. "Yeah, I heard. Gossip runs fast on the ship... does he know you bat for the other team?" She leaned in closer, not quite caring that others might see them as she whispered in the Captain's ear. "You do still kind of owe me a reward for getting my ace, I believe?"
Yup. Bogged down a little with real life but I'll get on it
I've got a lot of real life stuff but I promise a post will be up soon >.>
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