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Quick question, you mentioned in the opening post that the RP would have three episodes, following rebel infantry, imperial agents, and mercenary pilots. Did you mean that you wanted everyone to make a Rebel for the first part, an Imperial for the second part, and so on?
Krista Reynolds

Krista grumbled as her shot went wide, barely destroying a mech in a glancing blow. Off to her side she saw Neo Angel firing into the westernmost turtle, and the tentacles trying to repair it. "Some sort of self repair machanism," she said to her self. Still, she turned her attention back to the CWM squad she had shot at first, just in time to see the center turtle's shot inbound. Reflexively she flinched into the crater, waiting for the impact. By the time she popped back up, the cruxi had retreated to the edge of her range.

"Sloppy," she said to herself. The squad had moved to the edge of her range. She needed the time to line up shot. Confident in her relative safety, she made sure that her shot would hit one of the Cruxi at E4 center mass, hopefully taking the other out in the same blast. Then someone shouted over the comms just as she pulled the trigger.


She didn't see if her shot connected, instead she was trying to identify who the newcomer was, if they were a threat, and then ask why they the hell they just shouted something so obnoxious over the air. Leaving herself peaking over the edge of her crater, she saw the newcomer slice up a turtle and zoom around at record speed. Checking her IFF systems, she tried to see who the hell the newcomer was. Frustratingly enough the newcomer was an unknown. Also worrying was the red critical status of Neo-Angel. "I hope she's alright."

Elise's message came through first, snapping Krista back to reality. "Understood, " she responded. Realizing how exposed she was, she stepped back into her crater to mull over her next step. She picked up that the recently destroyed turtle was the one that shot Neo-Angel from Maria's message. She thought back to the first turtle she helped Paladin destroy, and compared to the two other turtles she'd seen. She kept talking over the general channel . "I think that my plasma shots can stop the turtles from healing, but I need to get closer. Think you guys can help open up a path for me?"
Krista Reynolds

Krista grumbled as her shot went wide, barely destroying a mech in a glancing blow. Off to her side she saw Neo Angel firing into the westernmost turtle, and the tentacles trying to repair it. "Some sort of self repair machanism," she said to her self. Still, she turned her attention back to the CWM squad she had shot at first, just in time to see the center turtle's shot inbound. Reflexively she flinched into the crater, waiting for the impact. By the time she popped back up, the cruxi had retreated to the edge of her range.

"Sloppy," she said to herself. The squad had moved to the edge of her range. She needed the time to line up shot. Confident in her relative safety, she made sure that her shot would hit one of the Cruxi at E4 center mass, hopefully taking the other out in the same blast. Then someone shouted over the comms just as she pulled the trigger.


She didn't see if her shot connected, instead she was trying to identify who the newcomer was, if they were a threat, and then ask why they the hell they just shouted something so obnoxious over the air. Leaving herself peaking over the edge of her crater, she saw the newcomer slice up a turtle and zoom around at record speed. Checking her IFF systems, she tried to see who the hell the newcomer was. Frustratingly enough the newcomer was an unknown. Also worrying was the red critical status of Neo-Angel. "I hope she's alright."

Elise's message came through first, snapping Krista back to reality. "Understood, " she responded. Realizing how exposed she was, she stepped back into her crater to mull over her next step. She picked up that the recently destroyed turtle was the one that shot Neo-Angel from Maria's message. She thought back to the first turtle she helped Paladin destroy, and compared to the two other turtles she'd seen. She kept talking over the general channel . "I think that my plasma shots can stop the turtles from healing, but I need to get closer. Think you guys can help open up a path for me?"
Krista Reynolds

Krista grumbled as her shot went wide, barely destroying a mech in a glancing blow. Tracking the squad as they retreated, she was ready to fire again when she saw the turtle's shot inbound. Reflexively she flinched into the crater, waiting for the impact. By the time she popped back up, the cruxi had retreated to the edge of her range.

"Sloppy," she said to nobody in particular. The squad had moved to the edge of her range. She needed the time to line up shot. Confident in her relative safety, she made sure that her shot would hit one of the Cruxi at E4 center mass, hopefully taking the other out in the same blast. Then someone shouted over the comms just as she pulled the trigger.


She didn't see if her shot connected, instead she was trying to identify who the newcomer was, if they were a threat, and then ask why they the hell they just shouted something so obnoxious over the air. Leaving herself peaking over the edge of her crater, she saw the newcomer slice up a turtle and zoom around at record speed. Fascinated by the fact a new Framewerk had somehow snuck up on them, she stood there dumbfounded.

Elise's message came through first, snapping Krista back to reality. "Understood, " she responded. Then Elise's order came through, almost pointedly at her. Realizing how exposed she was, she stepped back into her crater to mull over her next step.
Krista Reynolds

The flurry of activity quickly devestated the left flank of the Cruxi formation, most of the squad making quick work of the enemy. She couldnt help but feel some satisfaction at helping the Paladin double tap one of them. Still, the battle was moving quickly. She registered Katya's order to move up just as her rangefinder told her that there were no targets in optimal range. "Target down," she said, already moving towards the crater. "Taking cover in that crater" she said over the coms.

Scuttling along like a bug, she was glad that most of the Cruxi on this side of the battlefield had been taken care of in the opening salvos, letting her move in relative safety. She pushed the thought of being hit by the weapoin that made this hole aside. The crater provided a great place for her to take cover, a prospect that seemed almost silly with how big their machines were. With just her turret sticking over the edge, it reduced her already low profile even more, letting have a pick of targets. With a quick snap to the right, she took aim and fired off a shot towards the group at E5.

Combat Actions:
Moving to D8, taking cover, and firing on E5

@HellisFair enough, I guess that was kind of the idea. Have the mentor be mortally wounded on the battlefield. I do like the idea ofa weak but skilled character though. Ill think on it
So just a quick clarification, for the living weapons, smiths who can make it are found outside of Nanjin, albiet more rare, right? Additionally do the weapons have to incorporate part of the sacrificed person or anything? Like they dont need to have a human's body part in them. Finally, would it work as well if the person is already on their deathbed when they make the sacrifice? I was thinking of someone who's elderly mentor was struck down and their apprentice has to take up the reigns.
Krista Reynolds

A scar. Hou Yi had a scar. The technicians had repaired Krista's Framewerk in time for this new battle, but the lack of time to paint the newly replaced armor plates made them stand out. Krista herself had spent the time studying what she could of the last fight, quietly trying to figure out what she could've done differently. The answer frustrated her: Don't get shot, idiot.

She pushed the thought to the back of her head during the briefing, quietly absorbing the information on the situation as it was presented. At first she thought the Deep Strike would be doable, she had practiced the maneuver in the simulator dozens of time. However the heat generated during the real deal was suffocating, and she had to strain to focus on the proper landing in her specially designed drop pod. Her werk had to be specially folded up and placed into the pod after she had climbed into the cockpit to ensure that she would land upright. Immediately upon landing she felt the extra gravity, her body heavy in the seat, the climate control working quickly to bring the cockpit back to a more comfortable temperature. And that wasn't even accounting for how much heavier Hou Yi felt. For a moment she worried that she shell wouldn't open but with a series of concussive blasts, the panels fell away to let her stand up.

Immediately she saw several targets within range, all set against the backdrop of a ruined world. Just like her home. She took a deep breath to try and steady her voice and opened the comms channel. "This is the Hou Yi, I landed safely.". Stepping clear of the drop pod, she saw the fight had already started, with Paladin firing upon a pair of Cruxi targets. She decided to assist Paladin, adding her own fire into the mix to help ensure target destruction.

Combat Actions:
Firing upon target in C7
Oh neat I can dig this. I need to do some quick research since I'm not too familiar with the non-movie stuff outside of the Battlefront 2 game. I was thinking of making a rifleman. We don't need to strictly adhere to the roles you suggested though, do we? You do get final say in everything though.
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