Avatar of Redthorn Anvil
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    1. Redthorn Anvil 9 yrs ago
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is it just a me problem where you own all the art/office supplies in your house so you basically become the pencil cartel
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One of your issues with Fallout 4 is you're not playing Fallout: New Vegas


That's me. I also go by Anvil.

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In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@SashaWindrider Seph is the one watching the dragons right now, not T'vor XD
"No, sister, you need to keep yours seperate from mine. Ours could get mixed up. Hmm... Oh, here," Sparhawk said, rummaging around again. He found another tin, dumped out its contents, then handed it to her.
"Keep your money in there, and then hide it somewhere so no one else can find it."
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Mm, that would be rather... unfortunate. For me, anyway," Seph replied.
"As to where I got the dragons from, they were brought here with us, and I didn't 'get them', as you put it. Dragons aren't pets for a person to own, you know. If it's at all possible, they're probably even more sentient than we are. Intelligent far beyond what you'd expect, even for hatchlings. Already they're far wiser than you or I, and they'll only grow more so as time passes. Apparently, these humans have records of dragons so ancient, the humans of today don't even believe in the existence of the creatures. It would seem that dragons have visited this planet before. I find that curious."

Chrissa's face lit up.
"I'd like to get a pet someday. Especially a cute fluffy one, like what you described. Aww, it sounds so cute!"
She made a little hop in the middle of her stride.
"Imagine cuddling a small furry animal. So precious!!"
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T'vor shook his head.
"I really doubt that her presence here would have caused an uprising. Perhaps you haven't been keeping tabs on the Angels but they were not overly fond of her themselves. True, the idea of being ruled over by a Demon must not be particularly favorable, but I think *that* would be more likely to cause a riot than the removal of your princess, and it has not. Next time you want to make any decisions, I suggest you speak to me first."
He frowned.
"As for changing her mind, we can't do anything now until his Majesty has been informed of what has taken place here."
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"The name, I know. It was the face that I didn't. Have a seat, Je'Nai, I won't rip your head off. That's my General's area of expertise. I must apologize for him, too. I imagine he must have given you a rough time of it. He's that way to just about everyone, really. Whatever he told you, don't take it personally. My word of advice."
Seph donned a wry look.
"More likely than not, we'll be spending a considerable amount of time together. Be it known to you that you are sworn to secrecy about anything you overhear in my service. I can't have all my secrets floating around, you know."

Chrissa shook her head.
"Oh no, this is fine. I walk around a lot during the day anyway, serving and clearing plates, cooking--why, I'm almost always on my feet, really."
She grew curious.
"So then, what are humans really like?"
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Training with dragons essentially amounted to sitting around, watching as the dragons attempted to fly. They were growing quickly. Seph was sitting on the edge of a large rock, his feet dangling casually and his wing draped behind him. His feathers ruffled as he sensed that someone was approaching. He tilted his head to look. A woman was standing there.
"What do you need?"

Chrissa grinned brightly. "At least I'll have one customer!"
She laughed.
"Where are going?"

"Oh hush, you," Ariadel told the bird, wincing at Asmod's current position. With a heave, she managed to push his legs onto the cot.
"That'll have to do for now."

T'vor frowned.
"That may not have been the best decision. His Majesty had every intention of fulfilling his promise to help her learn, and you've effectively counteracted his wishes by sending her away. But more than that, if she decides to hold a grudge, she could cause serious damage to us and the safety of this colony. It would have been far safer to keep her here. We should bring her back here."
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Um, to be honest, I have no idea. I've never drunk this stuff before, I just prescribe it," Ariadel laughed.
"All the demons I give it to never end up complaining about the taste, though, so there's a pretty good chance that it's not too awful."
She went into the lab portion of the tent, coming again a few minutes later with a small disposable cup of what looked like cough syrup. It was purple.
"Down the hatch! If it doesn't work, at least I can guarantee you a fantastic nap."

It was then that a realization came to T'vor.
"After your men took the princess, what did you do with her?"

Seph wasn't difficult to find, of course. One had only to scan the mass of tents to find the pavilion at which he stayed. Granted, he didn't stay in there all day, but the two demonic guards that stood outside the entrance would be sure to know where the man was at any given time.
"If you're looking for his Majesty, he's not here." One of the guards informed Je'Nai.
"More than likely,he is at the training grounds with the dragons. That way," he added, pointing off towards the treeline.

Chrissa half-strode, half-jogged to keep up with the tall demon's long legs, but she didn't mind it.
"So then, you were gone for a long time. Must have been pretty lonely," she observed.
"I hope maybe once things start settling down for us, I can open another flower shop."
She sighed wistfully. "It's not practical, I know--that's why I'm cooking now. It's really the only other thing I'm any good at." She giggled.
"Miss Anuriel wants to promote me, I think she wants me to take over for her someday. D'you think I could manage being a full-time cook and florist?" She laughed at the thought.
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
[pffffft, Asmod, "hate" is such a dramatic word xD]
Ariadel made a noise.
"No, she can't, not until I'm done with you. So just relax. the more you fidget, the longer I gotta keep you here, yanno!" She laughed. She took a blood sample from his arm.
"For my records. Everyone has to do it that comes in here," she explained.
"Now, let's see if we can't do something about your memory, huh? Retrieving memories isn't a simple thing though, in fact you'd have more luck talking to a psychiatrist or a witch-doctor or something. My method sometimes works, and sometimes not. Basically I'm going to give you something to sleep for a while, and the idea is some of your memories might come back as dreams. the trick is remembering the dream when you wake up. But it's really all I can do for you, because you seem healthy otherwise. If this doesn't work, well," she shrugged.

T'vor glanced at the Angel.
"You are right, that isn't appropriate. I'll admit you have me rather surprised, however. It's been only a couple of months or so since you began working for me. This is hardly a thing I would expect from you. It would, however, explain your recent behavior. Do not let it cloud your judgement, Stormy. There is still much work to be done, and I need you at your best. When this shaky business with the princess is resolved... I'll be willing to talk more about this then."
He also needed time to think about what she'd just admitted to him. Emotions were delicate things, and, despite his rough exterior, he wasn't in the habit of being completely soulless.
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ariadel promptly cut Je'Nai off. "For the last time, no visitors until I'm done here! By the Powers, you people think you can just waltz right in here whenever you please. Shoo, woman!"
She practically shoved poor Je'Nai right back out of the tent again. "You can see him later, when I'm done. Good grief..."
She returned to her patient.
"So basically, you don't remember a single thing. You just randomly came out of nowhere, and you're suffering a serious case of amnesia. Got it. Well, Just relax for a bit, I'm going to see if I can't come up with something to help you remember what happened. Also I need to do some routine screenings, because that's what doctors do."

T'vor hadn't noticed the Hybrid woman enter the tent, so he was distracted when Ariadel started shouting again. He turned to look at the woman.
"... Je'Nai, wasn't it? I've heard your name before."
His eyes narrowed at her, despite his helm concealing that fact.
"Oh. That's right. You're that... what, beautician? That is what you call yourselves, isn't it? Can't imagine how much work there is for people like you at the moment... You being the exception, perhaps. His Majesty has deemed it fit to offer you employment. If you have any hope of maintaining your profession, I recommend you accept his offer. He is not typically so generous, so you had better make your mind up before he changes his own."
With that, he returned his attention to the struggling Azurael.
"Walk with me while you think about whatever it is you want to say," he encouraged her. He made his way away from the tent with a gesture for Azurael to accompany him.

"No--no, not at all!" Chrissa smiled brightly.
"To be honest, I'm glad there's a face here that I recognize... I didn't have any family back on Genesis, and now with all these Demons around..." She looked around hurriedly, as if worried that someone might be listening.
"They kind of terrify me, you know? I mean, not Anuriel of course! She's very good to me, but... I'm not used to it at all..." She laughed sheepishly.
"So, how come I haven't seen you until now? Were you on that last ship, too?"
In Hi. 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@AceofrealityRun while you still ca-- Ahem, no, nothing. Greetings!
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