Avatar of ReveTheDreamer
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    1. ReveTheDreamer 7 yrs ago


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@OliveYou Thank you! I love the lil drawing of him ^^ I love all of them v much in fact

also i cant wait for the dynamic mom and dad duo Monty and Bekah are going to be
Alright posted!
I feel like my first post always tends to be the most disorganized, but Monty always addresses everyone in a room if he can help it. Even if that means not even giving any space for people to respond, haha.
Monty wasn't used to being this late. He felt like most days he used to be here before the sun was up and certainly before any of the other employees. But, because of the long (and probably much needed) vacation, he'd gotten just a little off his game, that's all! But it didn't mean he jumped out of bed with any less urgency (Or as much as one can muster when you have to first put on your legs in order to get anywhere), or gotten ready and ran out the door in any less of a hurry either. He considered himself especially lucky today, considering he lived just a few minutes walk from the cafe, and even luckier that it was only a couple minutes run.

He arrived at the rather familiar sight of Café Crème, a place he'd missed dearly during his time away. Grinning, he pushed open the doors and walked inside, only slightly out of breath from his run. "Good Morning!" He chirps, walking up to Minkyu and March, the two faces he recognized at the moment. There was also another lady who he didn't seem to know. Someone applying, perhaps? Well, it didn't matter at the moment, but it might soon considering Amelia was nowhere around. Minkyu, as much as he adored the kid, was no good at interviews. But work was for later, catching up was for now. Especially because Minkyu looked about two words away from just dissolving into the floor. "Long time, no see you two! Did you miss me?" He said, mainly directing the last remark at March who's probably been working the kitchen alone for a while now. "I certainly missed being here. I'd love to tell you all about my adventures, but, I couldn't possibly without Amelia here. Where is she, anyway?" Before he even gave a chance to respond, he then looked at the new lady, realizing he'd almost forgotten to introduce himself. "Oh and its nice to meet you too! I'm Monty, those are beautiful. Heh, I might be out of a job soon if you're applying!" He motioned toward the plates of sweets she'd set out.
@OliveYou Thank you!

@OliveYou Yayy!! Im so excited! I'll have a post done soon.
Okay, I think I have my form done! I probably could spend more time on it, but im really excited so I hope this works. ^^

there really are a lot of people here rn haha
im doing pretty well
aside from the fact that I have absolutely no focus at the moment haha but what else is new
@OliveYou You got it! As soon as i finish up some of the HW I've been neglecting i'll actually work on finishing it up and with any luck i'll be done tonight, Tomorrow at the latest.
@OliveYou Oh Monty definitely told them. He was so excited to be back that he messaged them as soon as he got home telling them he'd be into work the next day.

and I'll have my CS in by then, maybe not saturday but sunday definitely
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