Avatar of Rhythmloid


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I have too many ideas for rp and I’m afraid I won’t be able to like, act on them all... I just need like... more hours in the day...
5 yrs ago
It feels so good to start back up again. I miss roleplaying.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Oh, it’s my 3 year anniversary. I didn’t even know
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I


Let’s keep it brief

Name: Rhythmloid, Rhythm, Mäuschen, Famine
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, playing and listening to music, video games, writing, roleplaying, talking on discord
Residence: California, USA

Music/Arists I listen to: Ghost, Jack Stauber, Aurelio Voltaire, Billie Eilish
Video games I play: Overwatch, NieR: Automata,Bloodborne, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Smash Bros.
Instruments I play: Flute, Piano, (soon) bass guitar

Discord servers I run:
Overwatch (specifically Crusaders): discord.gg/RqQrs23
Bloodborne: discord.gg/KBbDJSv
Ghost (the band): discord.gg/5wQqX78

Most Recent Posts

@TwelveOf8 Just gonna put this out here.

Rolo - Gluttony
Charles - Pride (or Greed)
Corrine - Greed
Divo - ???
Switch - Lust
Chet - ???
@TwelveOf8 schedule?
@TwelveOf8 it's nice to go back though.
@TwelveOf8 I really missed this...
Corrine jumped as Rolo screamed as his friends. She didn't quite understand what was going on. Why wasn't she allowed? She just wanted to look for sea shells. But she seemed to have caused a bit of conflict. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but decided to keep it to herself. Did they get into a fight while she was away?

She decided to brush it off and continue following Rolo. But something in her churned the wrong way. It wasn't fair! She should be able to go where ever she wants! Why was she even listening to them?!

"Oh no! I dropped something!" She lied. "I'll be right back!" Corrine kisses Rolo's cheek before running back under the docks. She smiles at the Salt Bay Turbos and takes out her pocket knife. She quickly carved her initials on the back of the wooden pole, making sure no one can see what she was doing. She gave a cute, but almost evil grin and ran off snickering.

She wrapped her arm around Rolo's and giggled happily.

"So, where are we going?" she asked.
Ah, well, I'm not sure if one ore the other will be able to do a movie like poster. @TwelveOf8
Oh I thought we were just gonna keep going normally
I'll send some people if I find any that are taking commissions right now
@TwelveOf8 Ah ok. I could find an artist to commission if you'd like.
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