Avatar of Rhythmloid


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I have too many ideas for rp and I’m afraid I won’t be able to like, act on them all... I just need like... more hours in the day...
5 yrs ago
It feels so good to start back up again. I miss roleplaying.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Oh, it’s my 3 year anniversary. I didn’t even know
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I


Let’s keep it brief

Name: Rhythmloid, Rhythm, Mäuschen, Famine
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, playing and listening to music, video games, writing, roleplaying, talking on discord
Residence: California, USA

Music/Arists I listen to: Ghost, Jack Stauber, Aurelio Voltaire, Billie Eilish
Video games I play: Overwatch, NieR: Automata,Bloodborne, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Smash Bros.
Instruments I play: Flute, Piano, (soon) bass guitar

Discord servers I run:
Overwatch (specifically Crusaders): discord.gg/RqQrs23
Bloodborne: discord.gg/KBbDJSv
Ghost (the band): discord.gg/5wQqX78

Most Recent Posts

In the ocean near Europe in the year 18XX B.F., there was a rather large city at the bottom of the sea. The population was kept in large domes encasing vast buildings of the city of Grimsworth. The city was filled to the brim with scientists. Grimsworth was the most advanced in Europe’s empire. But because of the risk of it being destroyed or taken, it was hidden away. Luckily, the city does fine on its own without the need of its larger counter part.

For a while...
Charolette Bell

Alright! Most of our stuff will probably be in the discord but here we can work things out as well.
Bumping this just in case someone is interested
Please PM me and we can work everything out there!
Two households; both alike in dignity. Both powerful, regal, and refined. But both hate eachother terribly. They bicker and fight at any chance they get. But once you get passed all of the argueing, violence, and hatred, Love is blossoming. Two people from opposite kingdoms have fallen in love with one another. They keep it a secret to hide their romance, but if anyone finds out it could be catastrophic. What will happen?

In this roleplay, you will be playing everyone in the kingdom you choose. Everyone in the castle is based off of chess pieces. From the king to the pawn, everyone has a piece. But you will also choose who falls in love with whom. No character sheet is needed but I would like background information on your kingdom. There are too many characters to make a sheet for anyways.

I need someone to also write at least 2 paragraphs (if possible) per reply. A long term partner would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading. I hope someone is interested.
Meine Königin

Mawi ran though the thick bushes and vines that surrounded her town. That english man was driving her nuts! All of that talk of being together forever and living in the same household as one another was crazy talk. She was a princess and had to marry royalty. That was the law of the town.

The princess ran as fast as she could, dodging tree branches and avoiding wild animals. She didn't realize how fast this man was. He was insane! In mere minutes the German man caught up to her and grabbed her arm. He got down on one knee, smiling wide.

”Listen to me, Meine Liebste, you have to come stay with me! I know you hate it here, and I hate it in Germany too! Lets move far, far away and start a new life together!” It was true. She hated being a princess and being stuck in her town with nothing to do but wait for a suitor to come and marry her and turn her into a mother of 7 or more. Such was the custom. Mawi sighed and looked into the man’s eyes.

”Do you really, truly, love me with all of your heart? WIll you promise to never leave my side, no matter what?” Mawi asked.

Alder nodded. ”Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! Come! Lets run away togther! I’ll have to ask to find the quickest trip to Germany and to a new country.. oh! And I need a ticket for you too!” He began to ramble on and on about their life together and how they’ll be a perfect couple. Mawi laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Maybe being with this man wouldn’t so bad after all.

Alder was sitting in his office of his new home, reading letters, paying bills, and tossing junk mail. Mawi slowly came into his office with a big grin on her face. She snuck up behind him and covered his eyes.

”Guess who~?” she sang.

”Is it meine Königin?” he asked.

”Mm hm~! I brought you something~” She set a plate of cake in front of him. He laughed.

”Danke~ my dear. You are always so sweet to me.” He took a bite and kissed her cheek.

”Alder could I ask you a question?” He nodded and let her continue.

”Good! So... um... Girl or boy?” Alder looked at her confused.

”For what?” He asked.

”For what we’re having! Whats your preference?” She smiled.

”I... dont understand...”

”Oh for the love of... Honey! I’m pregnant!”

Alder took a few moments before bursting into tears. He was finally going to have a child! He got up and hugged Mawi. He picked her up and spun her around, kissing her gently on the lips.
One of the slicks was trembling in his shoes. He didn’t sign up for this! These people were crazy! He gave his pole to his boyfriend, kissed him on the cheek and ran as fast as he could away from the mountain.

As he was running he almost slammed head first into the Turbos. He apologized perfusly.

“Oh my god what are you doing!? Get out of here as soon as you can! These guys are crazy! Oh, I hope Jeremy is ok...” He continued running down the mountain.
The sound became louder and louder as the Salt Bay Turbos grew closer and closer to the Slicks. All of them were yelling and screaming. They were banging pots and pans, metal poles, and clashing rocks together. They were furious, and hungry for revenge. They wanted to take back what was rightfully theirs.
The slicks were climbing up the mountain chanting about the upcoming war. All of them were in a line, carrying cigarette lighters. Their faces were covered in red and white face paint. Some were carrying metal poles. The Slicks seemed very aggravated.

Xavier was at the head of the line. He climbed on top of Ghost Rock. Xavier screamed out ”Defeat the Turbos!” The rest joined in. The mountain boomed with the words, “Defeat the Turbos!”
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