Avatar of Rhythmloid


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I have too many ideas for rp and I’m afraid I won’t be able to like, act on them all... I just need like... more hours in the day...
5 yrs ago
It feels so good to start back up again. I miss roleplaying.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Oh, it’s my 3 year anniversary. I didn’t even know
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I


Let’s keep it brief

Name: Rhythmloid, Rhythm, Mäuschen, Famine
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, playing and listening to music, video games, writing, roleplaying, talking on discord
Residence: California, USA

Music/Arists I listen to: Ghost, Jack Stauber, Aurelio Voltaire, Billie Eilish
Video games I play: Overwatch, NieR: Automata,Bloodborne, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Smash Bros.
Instruments I play: Flute, Piano, (soon) bass guitar

Discord servers I run:
Overwatch (specifically Crusaders): discord.gg/RqQrs23
Bloodborne: discord.gg/KBbDJSv
Ghost (the band): discord.gg/5wQqX78

Most Recent Posts

Ok cool
Charlie nodded and stuffed her face full of pasta. They definitely needed a client. Maybe someone who wouldn’t mind giving quite a bit of money towards them to help solve the case. Charlie could see it now, she could finally pay her bills on time without picking up an odd job!

“Lets do it!” She said with her mouth full.
Charlie sighed. “Y-yes yes it’s true. Do you want to try and solve it? If we do, a lot of things will change for us. We could easily get killed for knowing what we know.” Charlie rubbed her temples and sighed. It was a big decision. But she was going to take it.

“Alright, lets do it. Let’s go back to her house after lunch and see what we can find.”
Once the two sat down, Charlie folded her arms and sighed.

“Julian, about that girl... was she really dead? If she was, were we just hallucinating? I’m not so sure about this. This could be something big Julian. But I’m scared...” Charlie was visibly uncomfortable. She knew that something seriously wrong was going on in Grimsworth that could change the town forever. But she didn’t know what.

Before she could continue, the waiter came by asking for what they wanted to drink. Charlie ordered a plain water and waited for Julian.
“That’s ok. I’m used to motorcycles. Let’s get ice cream!” He said, climbing onto Chet’s bike. He gripped tightly onto Chet’s back. Toby clearly knew what riding on a bike was like. “Drive, drive! Vroom!” He kicked his little legs and giggled.
Toby nodded and and his face lit up. Who could say no to ice cream!?

“I want chocolate! With a cherry too!” Toby thought it was a pretty good deal. But he had to leave the slicks. That’s was going to be a bit of a problem. But like the smart kid achey said he was, he could weave his way and find a loop hole in the deal. He agreed and followed Chet down the mountain.
“T-Toby... What’s your name? Do you live in the forest?” His blue eyes shot through Chet’s soul. They had an innocent, yet sad and mysterious demeanor. Like he knew something. Something important.

“Where’s your family? Do they know you’re here?”
The kid nods happily and smiles. “Yeah! I wanna play with you! Let’s play!” He said, grabbing Chet’s hand and following him down the path. The child was being taken away from a very bad decision.
The slicks were too busy chanting about the end of the Turbos to notice the crunch. Except for one little slick. He seemed a little too young to be around these kids, but they didn’t seem to mind. He turned around and slipped away from the rest without being noticed. The young one tugged on Chet’s shirt as he was trying to slip away. The boy had blonde hair and his eye was swollen shut. Like he had been beaten up recently. The boy looked no older than 10.

“H-hey, where are you going? Are you gonna play slicks with us?” He asked quietly, his eyes beaming with innocence. The poor child didn’t realize what group he was hanging out with.
Charlie smiled as she held her box of sweets. “Come one Julian! Lets go out to eat! We can figure this out better with full stomachs! I wanna eat at that new cafe!” She said. “Bye, Ms. Bitterling! See you soon!” She dragged Julian by the wrist and walked outside down the street.

“Julian, youre paying for lunch since I payed for the macarons!” Charlie said, even though they were free.
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