Avatar of Riddles
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 819 (0.22 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Riddles 4 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current The real holiday is the day after Valentines Day, when all the chocolate goes on sale.
8 yrs ago
Looks like we've got another wave of spambots.
9 yrs ago
Just a little heads up, exams are coming up soon, so I might not be able to post very often.
9 yrs ago
It's October and it's already starting to snow. God damn it.
1 like
9 yrs ago
Happy birthday to me!


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Mia let out a loud sigh as Jason and Shaula continued to bicker. She knew that arguing with people like Shaula was pointless, but it seemed that Jason hadn't realized that yet. "Seriously, Jason, why put in the effort?" It was rather annoying, having to listen to them argue nonstop from the moment they first met each other.

The subject of the thieves came up. They were the reason they came here, after all. "It looked like they were the ones that made the portal in the first place. If that's the case, then finding them should be our ticket out of here." While it was likely that they'd passed through this town, they could also still be lost in the maze, or they could have ended up at a completely different exit. "We should ask some of the mole people if they've seen them. Then we'll at least know we're going in the right direction."

Though Lance had no intention of rushing into this conflict, it seemed that Celina did. To her credit, though, she did manage to incapacitate all but three. The pelican, along with two of its pursuers, landed near the entrance to the cave. Lance let out a sigh. At this point, there was no avoiding a fight. "Let's get back to the cave, Trevor. Try not to let them see you." With that, he began making his way back, ducking behind rocks and trying to stay hidden. As the birds were close to the ground, it should be easy enough to hit them before they flew out of his reach, as long as they weren't ghosts like that beaver from before. All he had to do was catch them off guard.

It seemed this world had already started getting to Trevor's head. At first, Lance thought that he'd gone over to the campfire to salvage what little warmth the dying embers could give him. Needless to say, he was quite surprised when the lizard scooped up a handful of burning coals and shoved them into his mouth. This wasn't the first time he'd done something like this, either. Lance recalled him sticking his tail into the fire last night. There were many questions running through Lance's head, but the conversation he overheard between Trevor and Jeri answered most of them. The creature Trevor had turned into apparently had the ability to breathe fire, something Trevor had yet to accomplish.

As his reptilian friend headed outside, Lance decided to accompany him. As Celina scouted from above, the two of them walked along the edge of the newly-formed lake, in the hopes that there was a way to get around. They didn't get far, though, before something above them caught Lance's eye. It was a flock of birds, similar to crows, chasing what appeared to be a chubby pelican. "What on earth?" He turned to Trevor. "You must know what those are. Are they ghosts, like that beaver?" Regardless of Trevor's answer, Lance wasn't willing to fight them. Even if he could hit them, it would be extremely difficult to hit a flying opponent.

It seemed that their shadowy friend had some kind of luck-based power. It didn't seem to do anything at first, but soon after they found themselves at the maze's exit, in a city of mole people. One thing was for certain, they weren't on earth, or at the very least, they were in some undiscovered part of it. As far as Mia knew, Earth didn't have any underground cities like this one, and everything was written in a language she'd never seen in her life.

It seemed the exit to the maze wasn't the only thing Aerin's powers brought them. A glowing stone lay on the ground in front of them, and the moment Trevor picked it up, it seemed to give him the power to understand what was printed on the signs, as well as what the mole people were saying. "You can understand them? Did the stone do that?" Mia asked. "Try asking one of them where we are." She wasn't entirely sure if Trevor could speak this language, but if he could suddenly read and understand it, it was highly likely.

As he awoke, Lance's eyes very quickly adjusted to the darkness of the cave. It seemed that this new body of his was suited to the dark. As he stood up, he noticed that he'd also noticeably grown since last night, though he was still much smaller than he would be as a human. As he looked around the cave, he saw that some of the others had already woken up.

As he made his way past the dying fire and over to the cave's entrance, he saw the same light that he'd seen the night before, though it was now clearly visible. It seemed that Trevor saw it as well, and suggested that the group head out to investigate. Lance nodded. "I have no intention of continuing to wait here."

As he looked down, he noticed their first roadblock. It seemed that there was some flooding, as there was now a large pond between them and the forest. He could barely swim as a human, and attempting to do so in this body would be difficult, if not impossible. "I'm not sure if that's shallow enough to wade through, and I'm not taking any chances. Celina and Vi, would you mind scouting ahead while we figure out a way to get across?" They seemed to be in an area with a lot of hills and cliffs. It may not be possible to simply go around.
Donovan would most likely follow everyone else. You can assume he went down with them.
Did you draw that?

I did, yes.

As the storm raged on outside, all they could do was wait for it to die off. It was steadily getting worse, to the point where some were concerned about flooding. Celina even seemed to think they would drown, for some odd reason. "Drown? While a flood is certainly possible, I doubt it would be severe enough to drown us." Lance pointed out. "Still, a barrier is a decent idea. Any water that gets into the cave could easily put out our fire."

The spider very quickly died to Trevor's electricity. Oddly enough, there was something shining in the darkness near its corpse. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be some kind of coin, though Mia didn't recognize it at all. Considering everything that's happened so far, though, finding a few foreign coins certainly wasn't too strange. "Is there any writing on them? That could give us at least some idea of where we are." Best case scenario, they'd have the name of the country they came from, though Mia doubted that it would be that simple.

In total darkness, they didn't really have any way of navigating. Mia just followed the others and hoped that they would find a way out. They seemed to be going nowhere fast, though. They wandered in the darkness for a while, until the smell of freshly baked bread filled the air. To Mia, who hadn't eaten anything since the night before the meteor hit, the smell was almost intoxicating. "Is there someone living in here? Besides the spiders, I mean."
Needless to say, some of Josh's teammates were confused when he clubbed Anthony over the head with a chunk of ice. Miles in particular was very quick to put himself between the two of them. It was understandable. He probably thought the stress of this mission had driven Josh completely insane. "I know how this must look, but-"

He'd barely gotten a chance to explain himself when Anthony suddenly began barking orders. Or, more accurately, his weird alternate personality did. "ALRIGHT, MAGGOTS! IT'S TIME WE TURNED YOU INTO MEN!" It was exactly like every other time this ability activated. "Alright, MAGGOTS, send the enemy your best barrage! NOW! FIRE AT WILL!"

"I'm sure you remember this power. It's the same one we used against Reshiram." Josh explained to Miles. "The trick to activating it is a blow to the head, though I only figured that out just now." With that out of the way, he turned his attention to Kyurem. With Anthony's ability activated, there were even more attacks than usual flying across the battlefield. Josh added to this with Dragon Pulse, sending not one, but three waves of destructive energy towards the enemy.

As Spruce and Celes teleported away with the Guildmaster, the dragons lurking in the dark corners of the room emerged. Dexter began to taunt them. "What? Did you three finally grow a pair now that the scary fairy's gone?" He chuckled to himself, before letting out a Howl to boost his attack. He knew he couldn't do much against the Hydreigon. That was better left to Rebecca. Instead, he rushed forward and sunk his teeth into the Dragonite.

Donovan had no clue what just happened. One minute he was out in the middle of the forest, and seconds later he was inside some kind of building. "Where am I!?" He cried out, still struggling to get himself back upright. He then felt someone pushing on his shell, turning him over little by little until he was back on his feet. He scrambled to get a look at who had helped him, only to see the very same Pokemon that he had fought before, plus another Aron that he didn't recognize. At this point, he had calmed down, at least a little. The bloodlust and rage that fueled his rampage had disappeared. He pointed at the Salandit that helped him up. "You! Are you the one that brought me here?"
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