Avatar of RisenSun
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  • Posts: 68 (0.03 / day)
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    1. RisenSun 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Nice work, Bone Daddy
6 yrs ago
Whats my probability of winning the lottery & never having to work again? Ya girl is strugglin
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
Sunday funday amiright ya seahorses
6 yrs ago
Late night apple juice is how I thrive


Hola profile viewers, I am Meg & roleplaying is cool. Ive been doing it for about 6-7 years now, mostly writing forums like this and even a bit on tumblr. Really hoping to get back into the swing of writing because it is a passion of mine. What better way than this? Also have interests in photography and crafting. My log in times will be a bit spiratic but atleast once a day. Im pretty friendly, dont be afraid to say hey :)

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@RisenSun yeah let me give you a link to the wiki https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Nanatsu_no_Taizai_Wiki also have you never seen the anime?

I’ll be honest I havent but i think i can manage? Will try my best because the idea sounds awesome.

Should probably move to introduce in the IC, where is everyone?
@RisenSun it's cool also make sure she has the lion tattoo somewhere the storm can still be with it but she needs the lion tattoo as its the lions sin of pride

U got it

+ is there an original thread I could be referenced to, I feel like im missing info on specifics
Name: Naomi
Age: 16

Powers: Invisibility
Bio: Naomi is a small town girl approaching a much larger world. She has no real clue about her ancestory since both of her parents lost themselves to a tough drug addiction when she was young. She has bounced around foster homes since seven years old and was recently exposed by a roomate, who in turn got her enrolled in the school so she can “thrive in a new and healthy environment”

But all Naomi wants is a normal life for herself, not anything special.

Personality: Loner, shy, passive aggresive. By nature stays out of the spot light as much as possible. Forgiving, kind, good hearted.

Could I join in on the fun?
@RisenSun yeah we still need the space just create a cs and you're good

I went with pride instead my apologies
Name: Lorelei
Age: 22

Race: Fairy
Sin: Pride
How they got their sin:
Lorelei came from a large fairy family, which was rare for her kind. Her parents were of lower status of the fae realm & went along their love filled lives relentlessly mass producing baby after baby. Lorelei was the only girl of fifteen children (when her parents HAD to stop for fear of their mother’s health) & the youngest. She grew surrounded by fearless, forceful, rambunctious boys who quickly became men but never ceased on their teasing and exploiting of Lorelei’s weaknesses.

At a young age her family arranged her with a noble fairy who she would wed. But, Lorelei had fallen in love all on her own for the first time.

All her life she had seen such a beautiful connection between her parents, but the harsh environment she had been subjected to by her brothers made her heart far colder, impatient, selfish. She was looking out for herself. And she wanted to have what SHE wanted to have-who she wanted.

Love had made a change in her. But in the end of this love affair, in the raging fires of it’s end, she had found her heart on the floor, bleeding and tired, as she found her affections were being used, swallowed whole, she had been made a fool. For he was with another girl he claimed he truly loved and the girl had fallen pregnant.

Lorelei herself, was with child. And the wedding with her arranged husband was called off at once as well. Despite the heartbreak it put her through, she birthed the child and gave it to her parents to raise as their own-she couldn’t have an abandoned, fatherless, guiltily loved child.

A child she didn’t want, couldn’t want. She wouldn’t embarrass her family, her brothers, herself in such a way. She put her pride and theirs first, before an innocent life.

None of her brothers were punished this way and Lorelei felt it unfair the treatment she faced.

It was on the night of the child’s birth, when she ran from the village home of her family, clinging to any piece of herself that she could still recognize, that she earned her sin. Not a word was spoken of her baby. The fairy boy would never know. And she was hoping to forget, to move on from such a hurtful, dreadful, soul crushig time in her life.

With her head held high, she walked away from any and all anyone had tried to give her, grace her, because it wasn’t what she wanted for herself. And she felt she deserved far better choices.

Power: Lorelei has the ability to manipulate feelings, emotions-to instigate a certain idea or need. She can sense what you feel and bestow another. It’s not always useful, some people are more susceptible than others.

She also is very flexible and agile.

Sacred Treasure:
Lorelei seeks her own personal redo button. A magical scroll that recites the rewinding of time, to bend backwards and get a second try. Its a very dangerous treasure and one highly sought after.

She possesses a necklace passed down from the women in her family that gives her strength/fuels her drive to be the very best at any and all she sets her mind to.

She has the mark of the stork behind her neck (as permanent shame for her abandonment) & a tattoo on her lower hip in the shape of a dripping set of wings-a family symbol.
Unsure if the space still needs to be filled but I would up for Envy
I would hate to revive such an old thread but I got sucked into the black hole of writing my own book and now that it’s finished and fairly edited I would love to give this another try.

As for those who were in this past journey, you can certainly rejoin or remove yourself-however you see fit!

But now I can actually focus on this & try again.
Thats fine, I have work the next few days as well
It is .... UP finally!!! Ive been having such a hard time deciding what I wanted to throw at us first but I am excited & feeling good about it!!!
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