Avatar of RisenSun
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  • Posts: 68 (0.03 / day)
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    1. RisenSun 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Nice work, Bone Daddy
6 yrs ago
Whats my probability of winning the lottery & never having to work again? Ya girl is strugglin
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
Sunday funday amiright ya seahorses
6 yrs ago
Late night apple juice is how I thrive


Hola profile viewers, I am Meg & roleplaying is cool. Ive been doing it for about 6-7 years now, mostly writing forums like this and even a bit on tumblr. Really hoping to get back into the swing of writing because it is a passion of mine. What better way than this? Also have interests in photography and crafting. My log in times will be a bit spiratic but atleast once a day. Im pretty friendly, dont be afraid to say hey :)

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Chapter 1

It was October 1st, the beginning of a spooky, ghoulish time. A holiday, a classic nuance from the jolly family humbling feelings that most holidays bring. It was a time for monsters, witches, “creepie-crawlies” and the alike to be celebrated. The idealistic notion that on Halloween night these creatures lurked in the shadows with us. Yet the truth was, they always were.
In a small town, roughly southern Louisianna, called Rilla they held a festival all month long. It was here a cult classic horror was filmed, Nights in Graves. The movie wasn’t fantastic, it was actually rather stupid. 80s gore movies weren’t really up to par in effects, especially considering the low budgets they usually dealt with if coming from an original script. Because of it’s not-so-serious reputation, it built fame from shame & humor. It was ironic to enjoy the movie-and that is why people enjoyed it so much. It was a movie everyone loved to hate. The festival would begin on this day and run the length of the month, up until Halloween night. People all over the country would travel to visit.
It was here a young girl, Belinda, would be working in their haunted house as a ghost doll. They ran practices all through September to work on perfecting jumps & scares for opening night. Every actor felt prepared, comfortable with the house and knew the run through like the back of their hand. This year would be the biggest year yet.

Belinda was taking a small snack break in her little cube of a section as they held off the line a few minutes, giving each actor a chance to rejuvinate their spunk. Her bloodied braids swung as she bobbed her head, munching on some goldfish. She heard a small snarl behind her, piercing through the music that played repeatedly. Belinda payed it no mind. She kept snacking, thinking it might be another actor or just something on the tape.
“Turn around,” she heard a voice say. But when she turned there was no one to be seen. “Hello?” She called out. She opened up a black tent flap, to the outside of the haunted house. “Hello?” She repeated. She stepped out, peering into the dark woods that were behind her. Just then she heard screams from scared walkers and quickly panicked back into place, ready for them to pass through.
“I SAID turn around!” A womans voice yelled behind her again. A crack would fall through the air but land on deaf ears as the music continued over it. Belinda was in someone’s hands, arm twisted and tilted. Just as the walkers began to reach Belinda’s section she felt sharp pains in her neck, so excruciating she began to screech at the top of her lungs. Blood seeped down her doll dress, adding to the effects of the fake blood. The lights continued to flash, music kept playing. In came the group. She locked eyes with one of them, a man. The monster was tearing into her neck, destroying it, flesh torn aggresively. Belinda cried and screamed “help me!” She pleaded them. “Please!”
The family believed it to be a part of the show, like everything else.
Belinda quickly passed out from the trauma, and the monster continued to have their way with her, with no one paying any mind even after seeing it first hand. Her body was left to drop on the floor once they were finished, her wig and dress taken, leaving her naked and dead in the haunted house.
A coworker of hers stepped into the room, being only a tent or so over. “Were you adlibing?” He was yelling over the music, “that wasn’t your usual act..” he lifted the tent cover to find her on the floor. “Holy shit.” He would run to the front through the walkway, stopping any new walkers and turning them around. “Belinda is hurt!” He kept screaming, barely audible. When he finally reached the front of the house, it was quickly shut down. Police were sent in. Belinda was pronounced dead on scene.

Despite her murder investigation, everything besides the haunted house remained open. All the food trucks and pop up shops stay, the corn maze, the haunted hay ride, even the haunted school walk through stayed open. A murder on sight would only really add to the scare factor of the festival.
As for Belinda, her coroner case seemed stumped. They could only chalk her murder up to some sort of animal that may have gotten through the back of the tent. How else could you explain the mutilation on her neck, shoulders, and thighs? People spread rumors of a real life zombie that had come, quoting the movie the festival was themed after. But no one actually believed that because zombies were of fiction.

Newspapers across the country reported on this, as well as a few online articles. It became a phenomenon. Everyone had their eyes on the Nights in Graves festival. But only a few would look to it with certain suspicion. What had really killed her? Only a certain few could find out.
Im not exactly sure what I am even seeking for interactions between Elizabeth & Naomi. For Elizabeth to utterly shatter Naomi’s spirit or for Elizabeth to learn from Naomi’s unspectacular/invisible middle child life.
“Sure, I’ll take a look at her, see what’s going on.” Beau took his last of breakfast and forced it down his throat. He was raised to finish his meals-there were people starving in this world & he was lucky enough to be someone who could eat. He wouldn’t dare be so disrespectful. With Sam’s words, he followed the glare out the window.
Naomi brought Duke over to sit with them, petting him & trying to help him relax as she knew deep down the dog would feel anxiety over not having Max by their side.
“Such a good boy!” She kept saying in a quiet puppy appropriate voice. He seemed the slightest bit content with it.

Things in the mess hall took a turn as others began to peak there head out. But neither Beau or Naomi payed it any mind until they heard money being talked about. Beau had already gotten up from his seat after hearing Charlie’s request. He would head over, drag Naomi with him, and see what was the matter. But now there was something else to worry about.
10 million dollars.

Beau crossed his arms, inching closer to the convo. “Unless thats 10 million sent straight-“ Naomi put her hand on his shoulder. Beau had little tolerance for the whole shibang. He felt Elizabeth’s just showing up unannounced and trying to buy them out was tacky and irritating. Then to receive such a little offer, it made him nearly furious. Beau knew what land was truly worth-his life on a farm gave him that. This island, its facilities, its people were worth so much more-frankly, more than any money, in Beau’s eyes.

Naomi took her hand off of Beaus shoulder, only to momentarily lock eyes with Elizabeth. She gave her a small smile, trying to politely mind her business. A million dollars sounded like a lot of money, it sure did. Money like that could help her family. But deep down Naomi knew that any amount of money couldn’t fulfill her goals in the field. Although, it might shut her parents up for a little while.

As someone burst in, babbling about a pipe, Naomi whispered to Beau that they should go. He would look to Charlie for a moment, giving her a nod before exiting the mess hall, Naomi in tow.

As soon as they exited the hall, Beau expressed his frustration, “I never thought a day would come that someone would actually try to buy us out.” He shook his head. “Evil always looking to swallow up a good thing.”
“Maybe its not a bad thing? Whos not to say she wont leave it be?” Naomi questioned.
“ Nothing good ever comes from rich folk with an agenda,” he answered, “especially when that agenda entails paying you off.”
Beau didn’t necessarily grow up poor, but he grew up with appreciation for so much more than wealth or greed. Situations where people practically flaunted made him uncomfortable. Deep down he felt worry for his animals and like the protective father he knew of his own family on his farm, he became defensive.

Naomi fell silent then. She knew what money could do and what lack of it could do. There were times growing up in a house of 7 kids that were depressing and extremely low, thanks to no money. She barely was able to get loans for school considering the amount her parents were already dealing with from her older siblings. Wouldnt it have been nice to pay off that debt for them?

The pair continued on their way to Copper, as instructed, with slow paces. Both seemed to have a lot on their mind.

{ @Belle & @Legion02 }
Beau only got through half of his oatmeal before he was done with it. He was getting sick of the apple cinnamon & knew he needed to request a different flavor on the sheet-maybe a variety pack. As he set his spoon down, along came Sam. “Goodmorning,” he greeted, “we’ve got dolphins on the brain today. Ive gotta start marking down days on release for a few of them.” He would smirk, looking to Naomi. “Yeah, trying my hardest.”
Beau was quite fond of the girl, she had true passion and thus potential. Passion was all you truly needed to succeed in Beau’s mind. The rest would follow.
“You wanna tag along?”

Naomi finished scribbling a few things on the paper, feeling satisfied with her choices. She took a final bite from her apple, turning back to Beau & now Sam. Just as she was about to join them, she spotted Duke and Max. Naomi gleefully made her way over, extending her hand out to the pup. “Hello to my favorite little doggy!” Naomi exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. Her endearing puppy love mindset took over as she squatted next to him.
“Hey Max! Hows the island holding up?” She looked up at his owner, a big smile on her face.

With @2plus2isnot5 & @Kitty
Will post some time today!
I thought it would be best to just throw naomi & beau in there together
“So today I was thinking we would work with some of our dolphins. We haven’t touched on them since you arrived-we can’t work with the turtles everyday, Naomi.” Beau was walking along the path, Naomi in tow. It was usual of her to be shadowing someone for the day, whether it be the vet or one of the animal specialists.
“All of the animals are exciting to me, I just prefer the old folks of the ocean.” Naomi barely defends herself, looking at her feet as she follows along.
“Mm, well, today we play with the animals who have childlike tendencies instead. You like children?”
“Eh,” was all she could give. That made Beau chuckle.

Naomi did actually enjoy working with all the animals they had here, but she also liked to mess around with Beau. For one of the older people here he was pretty layed back. Not to mention definitely some good eye candy.

The two stepped into the mess hall, going for some breakfast before heading in for the day’s work. Beau had some instant oatmeal, while Naomi worked on an apple. They enjoyed some peace while they ate.
“The supply request sheet is up,” Beau points over to the wall, “if theres anything you foresee yourself needing any time soon, I suggest you get it up there.”

Approaching the little sheet, Naomi scanned over it, tapping her foot in an attempt to instigate thought.

Beau Lassittor
Beau has always had a strong love for animals. He grew up on a farm in the midwest of the USA. It was often that aiding an animal took your own hands and no special doctors. It was from watching his father care & love those animals that inspired the young boy.
Growing up surrounded by land, Beau never saw the ocean until he was 25 years old. It took a lot for him to get the gull to leave his home town. But when he found the opportunity to help sea life and work with it everyday, he ran for it. The everyday cat & dog was starting to numb him of his passion for his job. He needed this change.

Favorite Sea Creature ~ Stingray


Naomi Jensin
College Intern-Marine Biology Major

A girl from a family of 8 children, Naomi is somewhere lost in the middle of the lineage. Her parents always pushed each of them to go to school and make something of themselves, considering the poorer life they had to give their children.
Although Naomi never let her parents pressure really ever bother her, they werent exactly pleased when they heard she was going to school for a science. Something that didnt necessarily promise a job once you left school.
This internship is a savior in Naomi’s eyes. Not only is it an amazing opportunity for her but it is also something to prove to her parents she wasnt wasting her time with this. She would make something of herself.

Favorite Sea Creature ~ Turtle

Beau Lassittor
Beau has always had a strong love for animals. He grew up on a farm in the midwest of the USA. It was often that aiding an animal took your own hands and no special doctors. It was from watching his father care & love those animals that inspired the young boy.
Growing up surrounded by land, Beau never saw the ocean until he was 25 years old. It took a lot for him to get the gull to leave his home town. But when he found the opportunity to help sea life and work with it everyday, he ran for it. The everyday cat & dog was starting to numb him of his passion for his job. He needed this change.

Favorite Animal ~ Stingray


Naomi Jensin
College Intern-Marine Biology Major

A girl from a family of 8 children, Naomi is somewhere lost in the middle of the lineage. Her parents always pushed each of them to go to school and make something of themselves, considering the poorer life they had to give their children.
Although Naomi never let her parents pressure really ever bother her, they werent exactly pleased when they heard she was going to school for a science. Something that didnt necessarily promise a job once you left school.
This internship is a savior in Naomi’s eyes. Not only is it an amazing opportunity for her but it is also something to prove to her parents she wasnt wasting her time with this. She would make something of herself.

Favorite Animal ~ Turtle
Will have character up tomorrow, just got back to work this week so things are a little crazy
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