Avatar of Robo27
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    1. Robo27 10 yrs ago


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SO seeing as it is basically the last few weeks of school I will be checking in a little less frequently, the same will go with my posts, just wanted to let you guys know!
God damn did that feel good to finally be back.
Kei Kinzo

The past few days were a blur to Kei. Aside from the mess that was Swan's Song Monday night, his eveyryday life seemed to go right back to normal, it was without a doubt typical for Kei's daily life to return to normal without a hitch despite recent events. His day was as normal as ever. He went to his classes as he did every Wednesday. They were as boring as ever, as always though he was a hermit and really did not converse with anyone within his classes. Each and every lecture he attended during the day was as uninteresting as ever and were not really able to keep his attention long enough to stay awake. While he wasn't trying to be rude in any way he just could not help falling asleep in front of his lecturing professors during the day. As his classes came to a close around lunch time he let out a load sigh of relief within his last class of the day, attracting the attention of some of the other students that were also attending the lecture.

Realizing the amount of attention he was getting he quickly settled himself down and quickly gathered his belongings in order to rush out of the class room to avoid the awkward situation he had created. With everything gathered and put into his bag he quikcly got up from his seat and rushed out the door, not letting anyone say a word to him. Once he was out the doors of the classroom he let out another sigh of relief but this time quieter and in a more discrete fashion. As he began walking down the halls, he could hear all the chattering of various students. Without meaning to he would listen on other students' conversations hearing various topics that ranged from school work, to what they had for dinner the other night, to how great the party was from the other night. It was a treasure trove of normie conversation, something that he was not super well versed in. As such without missing a beat he was out the doors of the classroom building and already headed to the parking lot where he had parked his car.

Seeing as it was lunch time, Kei figured that it was the perfect time to go and pick up something to eat in order to avoid his own stomach eating itself. As he felt the grumble of his stomach echo all throughout his body he hastily shifted his car into gear and took off from the parking area, setting off a car alarm or two due to his loud satisfying engine.

While the drive was not a long drive, the wait was gruelling simply because it was lunch rush hour and it was hard to go somewhere to eat without having to wait in a line of cars or people depending where Kei went. He ended up settling for a small little sandwhich shop close to home. Seeing as it was a bit of a hole in the wall type of shop he was able to get a sandwhich in decent time. Just in time to appease the gods that resided deep within his inner guts.

He took his time in enjoying his meal. After all he had no other plans after lunch so spending as much time as possible on just eating alone was a good pass time for him. Sadly no moment could last forever and as such he was finished eating his food well within thirty minutes of getting it. Seeing as he was able to appease the oh so benevolent gods within his stomach, he let out a grunt of satisfaction as he got up from his seat. Once he gathered all his trash together he went ahead and tossed all of it in a designated trash can and recycled any piece of recycleable material into their respective bins as well. With it all said and done, he started towards where he left his car, but as he was walking his secondary work phone went off in his pocket. Stopping where he was he dug into his pocket and pulled out the phone from it. Seeing as it was his burner phone he flipped it open and read the contents of the message. It was a simple message and one that meant he had some work to do tonight. The message read『Need a tasting done, meet at the Arcade』Kei's face went from being satisfied to being somewhat annoyed, he was hoping to not have to do this again but there it was, his wares were being requested and he really couldn't just deny the request, after all he made a name for himself. With a sigh of acceptance he began typing away at the little t9 keyboard.『I'll be there.』Once he confirmed that the message was sent he went ahead and removed the battery cover, took the battery out, and slid the sim card out. First he broke the sim card intop pieces, and then with the phone in hand he snapped it right in half and tossed it into the river.

Once he was back in his car, he immediately went home, switched cars to a more discrete vehcile and made his way to a storage unit that he rented out near his home. Upon arrival he navigated the maze like halls of the storage area until he was standing in front of his own unit. After unlocking it, he let himself in and closed the door behind him. This is where he spent the next few hours until it was evening and almost time to meet with his contact.

ah good time for me to come in thank god
Gah so super out if the loop, need to catch up tonight and get myself in before the time skip.
Alright I am now back home, replies will now be more frequent and consistent lol
Kei Kinzo

Everything was happening so fast at the time, it was getting a bit confusing for Kei to follow, so as soon as Marlin decided to go up and take the spotlight he turned himself the other way and laid his head against the arm rest. Letting out a loud sigh he drowned out all the outside noise with his own thoughts, as he was slowly drifting away in his thoughts, he was abruptly brought out from his day dream by the sound of the fire alarm going off and water from the sprinklers splashing all over him. Looking up he was confused. Without a second moment of thought he got up from his seat and began heading towards the door as every other patron was doing, there was no point to staying inside the venue and getting both soaked and deafened at the same time.

He slowly began shuffling towards the door, looking at his surrouding to see if everyone he knew was also getting out and was safe.

SO very very short post but nothing major from me, no worries I will keep up and catch myself up!
Ok ok sorry been a bit busy since I have been out and about with the girlfriend the past few days but I have some down time right nopw so let me pump out a post!
<Snipped quote by aladdin_sane>

Great post. Il make sure to have fun with that ;)

<Snipped quote by Monacho>

Lengh is what lengh your happy with, and how you think it will best work.
If you write 3 or 30 paragraphs, it's OK.

We like lonver as you get more detail, story and such in it.
But if short, we'll it is short because it's how it's best written. :)

Il reply to everyone tonight. This may take a while though.

Guess I shall make a small post then in the mean time.
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