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William Fraser

Location: Annan
Skills: Charisma

William was almost disappointed when help was finally offered to Rutherford. The sight of the Lord struggling on the ground had been a welcome distraction from the stench of blood and death, but as Lady Kirkpatrick's companion moved forwards to help, the bitter air came rushing back. Practiced hands, moving quickly, made quick work of the tangled beads, removing the rosary still intact. William continued to watch, silently. This detour had certainly been an interesting one, and he was intrigued by the two women they had stumbled across. Not only Lady Kirkpatrick, who was already living up to the near-legendary status her name carried with it, but also this other woman, where clearly there was more to her than first met the eye.

Not just a woman, but a mother as well, if brief conversation she had with Lady Kirkpatrick was anything to go by at least. For the second time, William found his thoughts wandering to his own mother. His memory of her was fractured at best, but what memories he still had, he clung to, refusing to let them slip from his mind. Her kindness had never left him, and he had a vivid memory that he'd never let go, of her singing to him, while his father played the violin. Her voice had been flawless, and his father's passion and love had flowed with every note. That was when his father had played his instrument for joy, after William's mother had passed, it had become an obsession. His father would play and play until his fingers bled, until every note was perfect, swearing to himself that if he ever found the Devil, he wouldn't lose a second time.

William shook himself out of it again, maybe he was getting old and nostalgic, maybe steady company was shaking his facade loose, but he had found himself losing himself in his thoughts more often that he normally did. Glancing around, he caught Millicent's look back at him, before she moved back towards the carriage after Rutherford, and Lady Kirkpatrick's scathing comment, before she too moved towards the carriage. Left alone with the other woman, William decided to try and make conversation, hopefully doing better than he had with Millicent just a moment before. Putting on his warmest smile, he turned to her.

"We haven't been properly introduced. William Fraser, at your service. Will you walk with me?"
Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Billiards Room
Skills: Wisdom, Charisma
Hit Points: 6

Mauve seemed to follow Cobalt's gaze, and realise what he was referring to. The answer she gave was a sign of some trust between the two at least, although it wasn't far from what Cobalt had been expecting. She hadn't killed anyone at least, and from what she was saying, it had only been in self-defence. Cobalt met her gaze as he pondered her proposal. She could clearly handle herself, judging by her story, and if guests were going to be running around attempting to stab one another, then it certainly made sense to have some semblance of an ally. As a call for help echoed through the door, and Mauve made it clear she was in no mood for helping the wounded man she had left in her wake, Cobalt made his decision. An easy smile crossed his face, his eyes not leaving Mauve's as he spoke.

"I'm shocked that anyone could find it in themselves to try and hurt you, Madam, but I'm glad that his aim left so much to be desired. I would certainly enjoy a companion for the evening, and there are none I would choose over you. The only tragedy is that your beauty is hidden behind that mask, but perhaps we can remedy that in time."

As he finished, a bell rang through the house again, but Cobalt's eyes didn't leave Mauve, watching for any reaction from the woman standing before him.

William Fraser

Location: Annan
Skills: Perception

William winced as he saw the expression that crossed Millicent's face, and he could only watch as she turned and began to move away. Deciding against pursuing her, William returned to his own grisly work. But his mind was elsewhere as he forced open the grimacing jaws of the Soulless at his feet. It was clear that Millicent was more complex than the women that William normally found himself spending time with during his travels. He was out of practice, too used to his easy charm and good looks being all he needed. Before he could stop himself, the thought of Jemima Moore drifted into his mind. Now there was a woman with a fire in her heart, but it had been too long, years now, since William had last crossed paths with her, and he had lost his edge. In Millicent, he saw unmistakable shades of Jemima, and he wasn't sure if that intrigued him, or terrified him.

William's train of thought was derailed by the sound of a scuffle, and he turned in time to see Rutherford falling to the ground, seemingly entangled with a corpse as he collided with the mud. William was too shocked by the bizarre scene to even manage a smile, seeing the intimidating figure of Rutherford being sent sprawling certainly robbed the Lord of much of his dignity. Instinctively, William's gaze moved to Millicent. He saw the satisfaction that crossed her face, only for an instant, before she remembered herself and adopted an expression of mock concern. She moved to help Rutherford up, but she could clearly have moved faster, and William smirked. There was clearly some fight left in the young woman. The smirk faded as he watched Millicent be knocked to the floor herself by Rutherford's flailing.

He started forwards, intending to help her up, but Lady Kirkpatrick was closer, and surprisingly quick for a woman of her age, even having time to snap at Rutherford again. Regardless, William moved to join the rest of the group, stowing the kopis in the sheath across his back as he did so. Glancing down at Rutherford, he considered helping the man up, but decided against it. Now he was closer, he could see that he was entangled by a rosary, and any attempt to free him could potentially damage the prayer beads. Instead, William glanced around the other figures gathered around the struggling Lord, wondering if any of them would attempt to aid him.
Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Billiards Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt turned his head slightly as a bell rang through the manor for a second time. For now, he decided to ignore, deciding to focus on the far more pressing matters at hand. He nodded towards Jane in greeting as he stepped into the room, but his attention was firmly on Mauve, watching the woman just as she was watching him.

His attention seemed to wander elsewhere though, almost beyond his control. His gaze left the figure before him and looked past her, to the far wall of the room. Not at Jane, but at the fire she was tending. The flames seemed to enchant him, and he watched them dance in the hearth, the shimmering colours totally enthralling. When Mauve spoke again, and began to move towards him, it took all of Cobalt's effort to pull his attention away from the fire, almost physically having to shake himself out of the strange stupor he had fallen into. He frowned for an instant, it seemed every time he tried to properly look at the woman, something distracted him. Perhaps she was an enchantress, using her spells and witchcraft to slow his thoughts, or perhaps Cobalt was simply finding it hard to focus around a pretty girl. Or at least presumably pretty, underneath that mask. He shrugged, he knew which of the two was more likely.

Focusing again, or at least as best he could, Cobalt met Mauve's gaze, and listened to her proposition. He could see her point at least. With the house itself seemingly against them, it certainly seemed like a good idea to have some allies at least. And of all the unusual characters he had crossed paths with, it was Mauve that he been most intrigued. Just for an instant, his gaze flickered down to the blood that stained her clothes. And then he spoke.

"I'm honoured, Madam. I've been entertaining myself with the Chanteuse and the good doctor, but that game was getting old. Perhaps you can be more entertaining. You've already been having a more exciting time than I have, at least by the look of it..."

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1802

2nd of February

The Empire of Attolia mobilizes. Declaring a state of emergency, the nation frantically rallies it's people, ready for the war against The Kingdom of Ubren it already finds itself firmly in the grip of. Although help is coming, Attolia's armies lie in ruins, their provinces aflame, so the Emperor himself takes to the streets, desperately attempting to keep up the people's spirits, to prevent the nation buckling under the unbearable weight. In Calae, the grim determination of General Keskitalo is being pushed to the limit, forced to defend a city with a tattered army, a desperate last stand against overwhelming odds, every street becoming a bloody and frenzied battlefield. And in Bergen, although General Klemetti does what he can to rally his forces, the city of Argenles is on the brink of falling to the Ubren invaders.

3rd of February

True to it's word, The Three City's Republic of Ianian officially declares war on The Kingdom of Ubren. Clearly fearful that the war could spread even further, or perhaps wary of opportunistic uprisings, General Giano Barbario is redeployed to watch over the Republic's colonies to the west. Also staying true to their word, The Republic of Toubres, The Holy Territories of Edoniras and The Redcliff Empire all also declare war on Ubren. The balance of the war has drastically shifted.

5th of February

The Kingdom of Aontas seems hesitant in involving itself too greatly in the war against The Kingdom of Ubren. The memory of the massacre that was the attempted defence of Torrik is no doubt still fresh in the minds of the Aontas people, and for now, the Aontas armies do not march. General Herjolfsson remains in the colony of Suveren, establishing himself as a temporary 'governor'. His first proclamation is far from popular. Reparations are offered only to 'loyal' Aontas citizens, and this only reignites the flames of inequality amongst the native population. Only the military presence prevents the hostilities from beginning again, and after what was seemingly the last straw, almost the entire native population flees into the welcoming arms of The Republic of Toubres to the west.

7th of February

The riots and protests all across The Hastel Dominions have continued for months. Industry has ground to a halt, and the rulers of the nation cower behind their walls and their soldiers, terrified of the blazing fire that burns in the people's hearts. The pressure is constantly building, and it is close to bursting point, if the nation continues to ignore the war of it's ally The Kingdom of Ubren, the violence will only continue to escalate. Now that the balance is shifting against Ubren, the calls for the Dominions to aid them only grow louder.

8th of February

Aware of the high cost of war, or merely not enjoying how low their impressive wealth has fallen, The Three City's Republic of Ianian announces an increased tax rate. In truth, the people of the Republic are content, flush with trade, and secure in the security that the European Trading League has created, and the change is barely noticeable. Once again, the coffers begin to fill, even with war on the horizon.

9th of February

Relief arrives for the entrenched army of The Empire of Attolia in the province of Calae. It is a blessing that the city of Poirac is a port city, as it allows the European Fleet of Attolia to sail to its defenders aid. As well as bringing in fresh supplies, the ships braving the artillery firepower of The Kingdom of Ubren, the fleet also brings firepower of it's own. With their attacks co-ordinated by the same shapes in the sky that Ubren first sighted over Bergen. Balloons, tethered to the ground and floating high above the city, the men hanging in a rudimentary basket beneath the balloon communicating with the forces below, directing their fire towards the Ubren formations. The Attolian cannons take a bloody toll, as well as giving fresh hope to the cities garrison.

11th of February

The recovery of The Kingdom of Sescos is once again given a welcome boost. A diplomatic party embarks from The Three City's Republic of Ianian, crossing over The Echyan Empire and offering Sescos industrial planners and designers, continuing the spark of the Kingdom's rebuilding. Sescos is quick to accept the offer, and the industry in the nation roars into life once again.

13th of February

The army of The Holy Territories of Edoniras marches north. Wary that The Kingdom of Ubren has already proven itself canny in outflanking and outmaneuvering the armies of The Empire of Attolia, the Edoniras army under General Bertino Fioranati arrives at the province of Augverne, almost eighty thousand men under the Pope's flag taking up positions in defence of the province. The defensive line that Ubren faces has been seriously bolstered.

14th of February

Aware that The Echyan Empire has pledged to intervene in the war, as a part of the European Trading League, The Empire of Attolia is quick to send a diplomatic party to their fellow member of The Continental Alliance. The diplomatic party expresses it's understanding that Echya cannot spare any of it's forces, not with the combined might of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar still on their border. Instead, the Attolian diplomats ask for financial aid, all too aware that their economy is on the brink of collapse. The Echyan Empire, their own economy enjoying the relative success of their colonies to the west, accepts the offer. They agree to providing Attolia with one hundred thousand Echyan Crowns, an impressive offer, with the unspoken agreement that Attolia will come to Echya's aid, should the Hijeen armies march to war.

15th of February

Admiral TristΓ£o Gouveia takes command of the 1st Fleet of The Republic of Toubres and sails to war. Giving the conquering army of General Janik Tillich no respite, the formidable fleet begins a seemingly relentless series of attacks against The Kingdom of Ubren forces in the province of Belgae. The flooding has receded almost entirely, but the coastal cities of Houte and Nartoise have no shelter from the roaring cannons of the Ships of the Line. The naval power that Toubres can bring to bear is intimidating, even for the might of Ubren. While one fleet raids Belgae, the 2nd Fleet of Toubres, commanded by Admiral Diogo Florencio, sails to the direct aid of The Empire of Attolia, joining the European Fleet of Attolia around the besieged city of Poirac, lending their firepower to the Attolians, as well as providing vital supplies.

17th of February

The fleet of The Empire of Attolia in the far east continues to lick it's wounds. They find that the colonies they left behind have changed in the time they have been away. The East Asia Trading Company wields almost total power in the region, their private army seeming to run nearly every aspect of the colonies. Regardless, the fleet is able to resupply, the Trading Company making a great show of providing discounted goods. For now at least, The Shuren Dynasty does not stir.

20th of February

Continuing to show it's commitment to waging war against The Kingdom of Ubren, The Three City's Republic of Ianian orders General Stagio Fiorensi to muster an army in the province of Rodesia. The main strength of this army lies in the regiments of the Foreign Legion, highly trained and well armed soldiers that stand ready to march to war. Despite Ianian and the other nations of the European Trading League coming to the aid of The Empire of Attolia, the war is far from won. Although the dogged defence of Poirac continues, Argenles finally falls. The walls in ruins, the garrison is finally overwhelmed, and the Ubren army continues along the river, towards the provincial capital of Bergen itself.

21st of February

No doubt growing weary of the naval bombardment that he has suffered in the coastal cities of Belgae, unable to fight a war against ships at sea, General Janik Tillich is glad to receive his orders. Leaving the captured cities of the province garrisoned, the main force of The Kingdom of Ubren marches south. Wary of Attolia's allies mobilizing, Tillich decides that the battle over Bergen needs to be drawn to a close. Reaching the city of Orris, Janik sieges the city. With the taste of defeat still fresh in his mouth, Janik is in no mood for wasting time, and the attack on the city is ruthless and relentless.

22nd of February

Admiral Meo Viari sails to join the allied fleet surrounding Poirac. With a fleet of The Three City's Republic of Ianian at his back, the Admiral makes the short journey easily, and when he arrives, it only pours more woe onto The Kingdom of Ubren army besieging the city. The combined fleets of three nations bombard the army almost relentlessly, and thousands already lie dead, no shelter from the raining fire.

23rd of February

Orris falls under the burning fury of General Tillich. Now only the city of Bergen remains, a final stand by the forces of The Empire of Attolia against the seemingly overwhelming numbers of The Kingdom of Ubren. One army already besieges the city, and now the army of Tillich marches to join them. The already slim hope for the garrison has now been all but extinguished. The aid of The European Trading League is still arriving, but it is slow. To the north, an army of The Republic of Toubres is mustered in the nation's capital, Amzores. Highly elite riflemen, well-drilled and well-equipped, they stand ready to march to war in the coming months.

25th of February

The Kingdom of Ubren shows the first sign of perhaps doubting itself. All too aware that it has left it's flanks weakened during their push to the west, and very wary of the army of The Redcliff Empire that is gathering to their southern borders, General Fritz sends several thousand men from his force back to garrison the cities of Kleinhut, as well as preparing for The Empire of Attolia to receive reinforcements from the south. The main force remains focused on the Siege of Bergen, their numbers significantly bolstered by the arriving army of General Tillich. Although the garrison of the city is still in high morale, thanks to the command of General Klemetti, they are almost ludicrously outnumbered, and they are forced to fight almost endlessly to maintain their tenuous control of the city.

26th of February

The Siege of Poirac has dragged on, but the balance has turned against The Kingdom of Ubren. Any attempted attack that the Ubren forces launches is quickly sighted by the balloon hanging above the city and reported down to the vast fleet sitting off the coast, who are able to target their fire and quickly blunt the attack before it can build momentum. Perhaps realizing that victory is slipping away from them, General Wulf begins preparing a new strategy. While drawing up plans for his force to retreat back to Belgae, or to hold the already captured cities of Calae, Wulf sends a scouting party to the capital province of Attolia. What they find is particularly surprising.

27th of February

With the path now open through The Redcliff Empire, the army of The Empire of Attolia previously stranded in The Kingdom of Sescos begins the long march back to their homeland. Their orders call for them to aid the defence of Bergen, but with only the provincial capital still in Attolian hands, and with a significant journey ahead, their may not be any Bergen to defend by the time the army gets there.

28th of February

The vast army of The Redcliff Empire once again marches to war. But now, the nation is not standing alone against the combined weight of its neighbours, instead, Redcliff stands shoulder to shoulder with its allies in The European Trading League, and alongside the members of The Continental Alliance. While the army of The Empire of Attolia is still miles away, and the army of The Holy Territories of Edoniras seems to focus on reinforcing the defensive line, the Redcliff army takes the fight to The Kingdom of Ubren. General Melezio Parenti is keen to shake off the resounding defeat he suffered at the hands of The Republic of Oflua and The Kingdom of Ilastiri in wars past, and he marches into the province of Bergen with eighty thousand men at his back. The meagre Ubren garrison left to hold the city of Argenles is shattered in a matter of hours. Redcliff has a taste for war again, and the beast is reawakening.

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Joyous Corridor β‡’ Billiards Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

The corridor was busier than it had been when Cobalt had last had the opportunity to visit it, clearly the other guests had also begun to explore the impressive house. In truth, Cobalt paid them little attention. Mauve hadn't moved far, and the unspoken invitation was only made clearer as she beckoned him to follow her. The door that she moved towards was the Billiards Room, and Cobalt watched as she stepped through the doorway and into the room beyond. An invitation from a woman who had managed to acquire blood on her sleeve since they had last seen each other, blood that Cobalt doubted was her own. He had had worse propositions in the past, but everything about this evening set him on edge. He hoped that Jane would still be within the room, so that they he wouldn't be entirely alone with the Madam.

Cobalt tried to weigh up his options, his eyes scanning Mauve for any source of the blood, but all he could focus on was how the dress clung to her. A stabbing pain behind his eyebrow caused him to wince slightly. The headache that had seemingly sprung into existence as he arrived at the manor continued to rear it's ugly head. It seemed to flare up whenever he attempted to focus, and he closed his eyes for an instant to clear it. Maybe there really had been something wrong with the food? Sighing, Cobalt shrugged slightly as he followed Mauve into the Billiards Room. After all, what's the worse that could happen?

William Fraser

Location: Annan
Skills: Charisma

Millicent spoke as she worked, and William walked by her side, carrying out his part in the bloody but necessary task. Having retrieved the decapitated head from where it had presumably rolled to, William ripped the too-long canines from within the foul creature's mouth, the face frozen into a snarl. Returning to the headless corpse, William made sure that the fangs were properly inserted into the arteries that ran down each side of the Ryne's throat. He'd encountered this particular breed of Soulless before, and he knew all to well that if they were left, they could well rise up once more, their unquenchable thirst driving them to prey on the innocent. William was a wanderer, drifting from town to town, seeming to owe allegiance to no-one, led by his own desires, but when it came to the Soulless, he had a different outlook. He had been trained to fight them, long months spent in the frozen north, and although it was arguably misguided in his father's case, William still shared the honour that had driven his father. The Soulless were a blight, and even though it was a blight that had faded in the last few years, it was one that William was all too happy to stand against.

The next Soulless corpse that William reached was a bloody mess, the side of it's skull caved in, clearly with some considerable force. He glanced back at the two women that they had first encountered standing atop the pile of corpses. Either the blow had been struck by one of their two companions, before they themselves had been struck down, or one of the women was far more formidable than they appeared. As William and Millicent worked, he noticed they were approaching Lady Kirkpatrick herself, where they would presumably be joined by Rutherford and the other woman before long. His moment with Millicent, the first time the two had been able to talk privately, was slipping away. Her warning had been clearly foreboding, but it was also surprisingly vague. In this dark world they lived in, was anyone truly who they seemed? Realizing time was fleeting, William cast a cautious glance to Rutherford before he spoke to Millicent again, his voice low.

"Forgive me, ma'am, but why haven't you run then?"

The words felt wrong in his mouth, almost before he had even spoken them. He frowned for a moment, fearing he might have pushed too far, forcing such a direct question on a young woman that had seemed timid at times. But hindsight was curse that William endeavored not to indulge, and he forced the frown from his face, his dark blue eyes watching Millicent.
"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1802

1st of January

The European Trading League acts. Reeling from the revelations made by the tribunal of The Holy Territories of Edoniras, condemning The Kingdom of Ubren for performing subterfuge to stoke the flames of rebellion in Belgae, the Trading League quickly holds a summit of all members. In a series of letters, an ultimatum is delivered to The Empire of Attolia. If Attolia accepts the League's terms, then the League will intervene in the Ubren-Attolian War in Attolia's favour. The terms are simple, that Attolia recognizes the province of Centrix as belonging to The Redcliff Empire once more, and that Attolia signs The Colonial Treaty of the New World. Although there is some debate, Attolia agrees to both of the terms, and the League unanimously agrees to come to Attolia's aid. The nations of The Three City's Republic of Ianian, The Republic of Toubres, The Echyan Empire, The Holy Territories of Edoniras, The Republic of Oflua and The Redcliff Empire all now prepare to intervene in the war, as well as lifting the League's short-lived embargo on Attolia. While the balance starts to shift, The Hastel Dominions continues to sit dominant, quickly becoming one of Ubren's only allies. The riots and protests continue to rage, crippling any plans that the Dominions may have that do not involve at least acknowledging the plight of their neighbours.

4th of January

Around the city of Nartoise, an uneasy siege has begun. The formidable army of The Kingdom of Ubren, commanded by General Janik Tillich, has dug in within the city walls, and the army of The Empire of Attolia, intended to liberate the city, has begun a loose siege, not wanting to be outflanked by the second Ubren army that they are all too aware is slowly making it's way to the city. But it is not here that the first conflict of the year is fought. The idea of Ubren fighting it's war against Attolia simply with the aim to liberate the people of Belgae, and to return Centrix to The Redcliff Empire, is abandoned, as from the province of Kleinhut, General Fritz Hecker marches. With nearly eighty thousand men at his back, General Hecker is keen to build on his exploits, the conquest of Centrix already under his belt. However where Centrix was barely defended, Bergen will prove a greater challenge. Although without a General to command them, the garrison of the province still stands at more than thirty thousand men. And the garrison is prepared. Somehow, the Attolian army knew that the Ubren army were coming, and scattered reports from the Ubren army itself tell of strange, distant shapes in the sky. Regardless of how they did it, the Attolian garrison uses the time to prepare, entrenching their positions. Although the Ubren army comes looking for an open battle, they instead find well-defended cities, and so it is one of these cities that they march towards. The Siege of Argenles begins.

5th of January

As if summoned, General Eerikki Klemetti returns to the province of Bergen. Five thousand cavalry at his back, Klemetti races back from the raiding of Obertal, and joins the defence of The Empire of Attolia province. He is so loved by the men under his command that the news of his mere presence in the province ignites a fire in the garrison, and as Klemetti rides to the province capital, the defenders grit their teeth and continue to stand resolute against the forces of The Kingdom of Ubren.

7th of January

Bloodied yet again by the fleet of The Shuren Dynasty, Admiral Topi Valtonen finally seems to abandon his apparent vendetta against the Dynasty. In truth, it is only the Admiral's charm, and the respect that his men have for him, that have seen the sailors of The Empire of Attolia have not broken following their string of defeats and narrow escapes. Now, at least, they seem set to return to more friendly waters. The order is given for the fleet to sail south, to lick their wounds at the Attolian colonies. Although their route inevitably takes them past the Shuren Dynasty, they are left unchallenged, although they are never without the distant shapes of ships watching them on their journey. Finally, they arrive into relative safety, but the fleet that arrives is a shadow of the hopeful fleet that stopped at the colonies months before. Their numbers are in tatters, the thousands of crew have been lost to the sea, and the ships and sailors that do remain are in tatters. The slow process of repair begins.

8th of January

No doubt inspired by the recent discovery by The Kingdom of Aontas, and encouraged by the war that only continues to escalate against The Empire of Attolia, The Kingdom of Ubren begins work towards the creation of a new musket. Although Ubren still boasts one of the finest trained armies across Europe, a workman is only as good as his tools, and the musket of the Ubren army is becoming increasingly outdated. The full force of the Ubren Academy of Ballistic Science is put to work, their previous project of rockets largely abandoned.

10th of January

Although bound by a colonial treaty to the west, to the east, The Empire of Attolia still has clear aspirations of colonial expansion. A colonial party is gathered, protected by a regiment of Attolian Line Infantry, but the journey ahead is a perilous one. Following a route that had only previously been charted by The Three City's Republic of Ianian, Attolia sails even further, finally reaching their intended destination. They find that the island is already inhabited, and that the inhabitants are not the most welcoming. Although they watch the newcomers warily, the three thousand armed men accompanying the colonists is more than enough to dampen any hostile thoughts amongst the natives. Not to be put off, the colonists establish themselves, and although they are careful to keep the soldiers between themselves and the natives, the colony of Rouzon is formed. What is most surprising however, is that the offer from Attolia for the Attolia East Asia Trading Company to expand their charter to the new colony in exchange for shares is rejected. While Attolia has been racking up debt, the Trading Company has been flourishing, and they have been only further increasing their power in the colonies of the region. The Empire of Attolia is ruler only in name.

11th of January

With their colonial holdings only growing in strength, The Republic of Toubres looks to encourage the migration of it's people to the colonies. They look to achieve this through the creation of three 'convoys', regularly travelling between the Toubres mainland and The Western Territories, The South-Western Territories and The Southern territories respectively. Embarking from Toubres laden with bright-eyed new colonists, and returning with the crucial colonial taxes and other luxury items, the convoys are to be protected by a branch of the Republic's formidable navy, and they are prepared to begin at once.

13th of January

Clearly in response to their pledge to intervene in the Ubren-Attolia War in favour of The Empire of Attolia, The Holy Territories of Edoniras begins mustering an army in the province of Sul. Nearly eighty thousand men, with the Pope's personal blessing, stand ready to march to the aid of Attolia. Whether they will actively engage with The Kingdom of Ubren still stands to be seen, as no deceleration of war has been made, but it is still a clear sign of intent.

14th of January

Looking to build further on the burgeoning Officer Exchange Program, The Three City's Republic of Ianian proposes a further exchange with The Redcliff Empire, a promising Echyan naval officer becoming an Admiral for Redcliff, and in return an equally promising Redcliff army officer becoming a General for Ianian. By chance, General Roberto Valier has long been considering his retirement, his long tenure in the colony of New Genia convincing him to spend his last years there. The man that takes his place is Stagio Fiorensi. A young man, but already the most talented general that Ianian commands, Stagio is reckless, but brilliant. Although he is yet to earn his men's trust, he may well be soon put to the test.

15th of January

The war of The Empire of Rubrus and The Kingdom of Claidor against The Kingdom of Vendsyssel and The Kingdom of Ilastiri has ground to a halt over the cold winter months. Although Norzeg is firmly under Rubrus control, the Rubrus army was quick to abandon its planned further invasion of the province following the deceleration of war between The Empire of Attolia and The Kingdom of Ubren. Keen to honour their pledge to Attolia, Rubrus have since then been attempting to negotiate their way out of their own war. And finally, those negotiations can come to a close. The terms laid out by Vendsyssel and Ilastiri are far from generous ones. Rubrus and Claidor must both concede that the war was started by Claidor, and that all actions taken by Vendsyssel and Ilastiri following that outbreak were just. The conquered land will remain conquered, and Rubrus and Claidor must pay for the damage and loss of life they have inflicted. It is a brutal and woefully one-sided treaty, but Rubrus and Claidor both sign, and the war officially draws to a close, the main Rubrus army retreating back to friendly territory. Perhaps in preparation for the next war, the Empire of Rubrus makes contact with their allies to the north, The Kingdom of Aontas, placing a sizable order for the 'Aaberg Musket'. The factories of Aontas are happy to accept the full payment, and begin work at once.

17th of January

Despite the conflict with The Empire of Attolia raging to the west, The Kingdom of Ubren is not entirely focused on war. In Altubren, a vast project, aimed at further increasing the already burgeoning industrialization of the region. By pouring more of the nation's sizable economy into new and developing industries, as well as attempting to tempt new talent from neighbouring nations, Ubren is continuing to define itself as one of the leading industrial powers in Europe.

18th of January

The Second Siege of Nartoise continues. By now, the second army of The Kingdom of Ubren has also reached the city, and half-circled the besieging army of The Empire of Attolia. Neither Ubren or Attolia seem willing to play their hand yet, waiting for orders to reach them. The tension in the air around the city is thick, but relief is coming, or at least a form of it. While the Attolian army under General Joel Keskitalo awaits their orders, Admirals Antti ErkkilΓ€ and Kai Kauppinen receive theirs. Abandoning their raiding of the ports and coastal settlements of Torrik, the Attolian fleet is ordered to sail down the flooded rivers of Belgae, to attack the Ubren forces. Months have passed since the initial flooding, and the waters have largely flooded, but a handful of sloops still make the journey, harassing what supply lines they can reach. It is around the city of Nartoise itself that the fleet finds the greatest success. The bombardment requires some control, due to the Attolian forces gathered around the city, but steadily, the Attolian ships begin to chip away at the Ubren armies.

20th of January

With the ink on the Colonial Treaty of the New World still drying, The Republic of Toubres sends a diplomatic party to The Echyan Empire, keen to establish a working relationship between the two nations, not only as they divide the south-western continent between themselves, but also opening the possibility for collaboration in further exploration of Africa. This diplomatic party is warmly greeted by Echya, and the two nations quickly go to work.

21st of January

The Kingdom of Ubren continues it's sweeping invasion of The Empire of Attolia. The Siege of Argenles is continuing to drag on, the army of Ubren unable to break down the spirited and entrenched defence of the cities Attolian garrison. But to the north, General Wulf Weigl is also on the march. More than eighty thousand men make use of the narrow passage between the provinces of Obertal and Calae, conquest in their heart as they flank around the Attolian army still besieging Nartoise. What they find in the province of Calae is a welcome surprise. While General Fritz Hecker struggles to break down the spirited defenders of Bergen, General Wulf Weigl finds that in the province of Calae, there are no defenders at all. Conquering the province becomes a simple task of travelling from city to city and tearing down the Attolian flags. The City of Camsir falls first, and the Ubren force marches onwards, towards the provincial capital of Calae itself.

23rd of January

In the province of Centrix, an army of The Redcliff Empire is mustered. Redcliff has lost some of the awe-inspiring might that it once possessed, but when needed, it can still call upon one of the most powerful armies in Europe. The army that musters in Centrix stands at more than eighty thousand men, highly trained veterans of war, summoned to honour the Empire's allegiance to the Trading League. No more will the Empire need to rely upon goodwill and pity, it will forge it's own path once again.

25th of January

While their homeland is ravaged by The Kingdom of Ubren, the army of The Empire of Attolia marches not to aid their compatriots, but instead to the south, returning to the capital of The Kingdom of Sescos. Larymnas is a burnt and broken ruin, abandoned by all but a few stragglers, and Sescos have instead taken the city of Kavros as their capital, deep in the untouched province of Svoza. The nearly fifty thousand strong army of Attolia serves as an honour guard for the signing of the new alliance, a show of solidarity with the Kingdom, even while their own nation is invaded.

26th of January

The province capital of Calae falls. In truth, with no garrison of The Empire of Attolia to defend it, the conquering of the city is little more than a formality for the army of The Kingdom of Ubren. Only the port city of Poirac remains, and it's people can only sit and wait for the Ubren army to reach them. No doubt buoyed by the sweeping advances of his compatriots, General Janik Tillich, entrenched within the city of Nartoise, decides to decisively break the siege of the city. The supporting army of Ubren, further bolstered by reinforcements from the city of Houte, stands at more than a sixty thousand men, and within the city of Nartoise itself, General Tillich personally commands almost the same number again. Although the bombardment from the Attolian fleet has certainly taken its toll upon the Ubren force, the Attolian army is still outnumbered more than two to one as the Ubren army charges their lines. But finally, General Tillich meets his match. While the Attolian General Joel Keskitalo is poorly suited to besieging a city, in holding a line, he is more than equal to General Tillich, in fact, he is a greater strategist. Rings of exquisitely designed and constructed defensive fortifications make the superior numbers of Ubren count for little, and the Attolian soldiers fight like lions, General Keskitalo seemingly everywhere at once. With the Attolian fleet continuing it's bombardment, the Attolian soldiers hold the line. The battle is bloody and brutal, tens of thousands lie dead in the marshes around the city of Nartoise, but when the dust finally clears, the Attolian army still holds its ground. General Tillich is no fool, he knows he is sending his men into a meat grinder, and he does not enjoy the unaccustomed taste of defeat. Pulling back his forces, Tillich retreats into the city of Nartoise, seeking shelter from the naval bombardment.

28th of January

Finally, orders reach The Empire of Attolia army in Belgae. With the Attolian fleets continued bombardment covering their retreat, the ragged, bloody but victorious army of Attolia retreats in the face of The Kingdom of Ubren forces. By either a complete fluke, or a tactical masterstroke, they are ordered to retreat to the province of Calae. They arrive into the city of Poirac just days before the celebrating Ubren force arrives to finish their conquest of the province. The Attolian army has no time to lick it's wounds, but General Joel Keskitalo simply grits his teeth, and the Siege of Poirac begins.

29th of January

All too aware that war seemingly continues to spread unchecked, The Three City's Republic of Ianian once again pushes for recruits into regiments of it's Foreign Legion. The move is a successful one, at least partially. It is clear that it is conflict that breeds soldiers, and in the colonies of north Africa, and the colonies of the Far East, plenty of men are found willing to sign up, if it means they have the safety of a weapon in their hands, and other soldiers at their back. In the flourishing colonies to the west though, the Colonial Treaty of the New World and years of rich living has made men soft, and far less willing to endure the rigours of a soldiers life.

30th of January

In Amzores, the capital of The Republic of Toubres, a great fleet is being assembled. No doubt in response to the nation's pledge, along with the other members of League, to come to the aid of The Empire of Attolia, the fleet is formidable, and it does not come a moment too soon. Attolia is a battleground. In the province of Bergen, the siege of Argenles drags on, but the defences are beginning to crumble. The garrison of the city is still resolute, encouraged by the presence of General Eerikki Klemetti, but there is a chance that the city will break before the soldiers do. In Calae, the majority of the province is firmly in the hands of The Kingdom of Ubren, the last point of resistance is the Attolian army entrenched within the city of Poirac, and the city is totally encircled, only the sea to the north offering any possible escape, or relief. The situation looks desperate, but the nations of The Redcliff Empire, The Holy Territories of Edoniras and the Republic of Toubres are all mobilizing, preparing to come to Attolia's aid. But soon, there may not be any Attolia to save.

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room β‡’ Joyous Corridor
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt was quickly losing his patience with the four men. Their quips and sarcasm had been almost charming at first, but it was quickly grating on him. He didn't respond to their jibe about his name, simply returning their sarcastic glances with a cold one of his own. He watched Amaranthine turn to look at him, but her attention quickly shifted over his shoulder, and a cold gust reminded him that the hidden doorway was still half-open. He looked back at himself, frowning for a moment before shrugging. It had somewhat lost it's draw for him, and besides, he had far more ...he struggled to find the right word... interesting matters close at hand. As if on cue, the voice of Mauve echoed around the room again.

He smiled at the bitterness in her voice as she spoke to the four men, clearly she also wasn't entirely fond of the unusual quartet. In truth, Cobalt couldn't fully remember why he had left the charming woman in the first place, although clearly she had been busy in their time apart, his eyes flicking to the blood staining her sleeve again. But regardless, the pointed look she cast his way could hardly be misconstrued, and he'd been tiring of the present company anyway. Almost as suddenly as she had arrived, Mauve seemed to resolve to leave the room again, making her way back towards the main doorway. If Cobalt had been still deciding on his next course of action, the wink that Mauve cast back his way more than helped make up his mind. Cobalt burst to life himself, striding across the room, addressing Amaranthine and Swamp as he did so.

"Chanteuse, Doctor, it has been a pleasure. I'm sure I will see you both again."

As he walked past the four men, presumably musicians, he maintained his easy smile, but his eyes were cold.

"I look forward to seeing you perform, gentlemen."

With that, he had reached the door, and stepped through it after Mauve, glancing around for her.

William Fraser

Location: Annan
Skills: Charisma

William smiled as Millicent took the weapon from his outstretched hand, and he had half turned away before she spoke. Glancing back, William couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he saw that the weapon had been quickly concealed, presumably within the young woman's dress. An impressive feat, considering the size of the dirk, and the slightness of Millicent's figure. Very curious. Although in all honesty, William spent far more time trying to remove dresses, rather than conceal anything within them. Realizing that he hadn't replied to Millicent's words snapped him back to the present, and he smiled slightly as he started after her, towards the nearest of the bodies. His voice was low when he did speak.

"You have my word, m'lady."

William crouched beside the nearest Soulless corpse, kopis ready in his hand to pry open the jaws of the creature. He hesitated as he looked properly at the Ryne's face for the first time. Or rather, where the face should have been, for the body at William's feet was headless. He couldn't help but smile at the sheer macabre absurdity of it. Glancing around, he caught sight of the head, a few feet away, and he had half risen to his feet when he heard Millicent speak again. The smile was gone in an instant.

He quickly glanced back to where Rutherford was standing, crouching down again as he leaned closer to Millicent. Watching her face, his voice low, William asked the question that had been plaguing him since he had seen the first shimmer of fear in Millicent's eyes.

"What should I be running from?"
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