Avatar of Rosalind
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  • Old Guild Username: Ice
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    1. Rosalind 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Just a heads up I had the Oxford jab last week and the flu side effects kicked my arse. Replies are coming I’m just exhausted
9 yrs ago
My interest can be short lived. Slow moving stories do not last long with me.
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Unaware of the display happening not far from the horses, Catherine was completely enamoured by the creature. Her lithe fingers traced patterns down the side of the horse, the course hair folding beneath her touch. She smiled as she looked to the horse, which seemed to hold herself without the haughtiness of her father’s stock. Quite often the horses were so heavily regimented that their spirits were broken, and Catherine would feel deep pity at the broken look in their eyes. Animals weren’t held in affectionate thoughts to the people of her class; they were merely there to serve. Catherine often believed herself so out of place quite often, from her love of literature to her dislike for dinner parties, she was most different to others of her standing. She was expected to be a fine young lady in society, but her mind was filled with thoughts of adventure and more, a mind that would be heavily disciplined if any were to discover.

Catherine smiled still as she reached for the little bag beside the stable door, pulling out a sugar cube. “I am sure we would both be in trouble for this” Catherine mused as she extended her flattened hand, and just as the horses lips snatched up the treat, a voice sounded from the side which startled her a little.

“Oh” Catherine said somewhat dumbfounded as she tried to gather herself, smoothing out the rustle in her skirt. “Yes…” she quickly added, looking from the man back to the horse. “Yes she is lovely”. Catherine turned back to the man and once her eyes were steady she quickly learned was the animal tamer. Whilst she’d found him majestic before there was something extraordinary about him up close. Almost like one of the characters from one of the many books she had read, there was almost a magical element to him. Perhaps it was the fearless way he had interacted with the animals, the way he had danced with beasts so fierce. But standing this close to him now, she was almost overpowered by a mystical power that he carried, one that made no sense to the blonde.

“She is most different to the horses I know” Catherine confessed, returning her attention to the mare. Catherine had expected a swift escort back to the crowds, a colourful insult of some kind. She had heard nothing but unpleasant things about the Gypsy fold and those who worked at the circus. But the man spoke with an unexpected kindness, and even if she was somewhat knocked off balance by the exoticness of his looks, she did not miss the fondness in his eyes when he looked to the horse. At least this horse would never know the burden or agony of bearing reigns and forced into prancing at the lead of fancy carriage.

Returning her hand to the horse once she was nuzzled by her, she once again took the man into sight. “Your show was incredible… but do they not scare you?” Catherine asked, unable to hold back the excitement of talking about such a subject.
Reply will be with you shortly.
That was just an opener, I tend to babble a bit during an opening post. I won't keep up the 1000+ words in the future, don't worry. Three decent paragraphs is good enough for me. And also, it's about quality not quantity and you're a good writer.

Please don't feel like you need to do novel style posts each time. Interaction posts will naturally be shorter.
The extensive grounds of their new home still confused her, despite the time already spent in residence the young socialite could easily find herself lost. Still not quite accustomed to the more luscious surroundings and with a daily pang of longing for London, Catherine could not have been more delighted with the news her father broke one morning. Having felt the withdrawals of events and spectaculars by their relocation down south, she could barely contain the excitement that came with the arrival of a travelling circus. Unlike before where she would have to venture to Hyde Park or further, now the vast grounds owned by her dad would play host. It served to steer her mind away from her recent engagement.

A lover of anything that connected her to her youth, she’d always been fascinated by the magic of the circus. From the aerobatic dancers, to the exotic animals and the breath-taking stunts and displays, all of it caused such wonder to the young blonde.

On the day of the opener, and under almost constant rain, Rose and her older cousin Angela were all a giggle as they readied themselves. The older of the girls had the Wellington’s dark hair and handsome features, taller of structure with a fuller figure. Her wedding was little more than a few weeks away, and there was a noticeable change in the brunettes personality and demeanour as she prepared herself for married life. Catherine, though a woman by society was still in possession of softness to her. Her blue eye, though of shape were wide and always so full of life. But surrounded by a mass of lengthy, curled lashes gave them quite the alluring capabilities over those she held in company. A smile that could charm and an infectious tinker of a laugh, Catherine was often described as the walking copy of her mother.

Taming her long golden hair into position and securing with grips and ribbons, Angela whittled on about her new life down in Plymouth, and all Catherine could think of was what was going to happen to her once she had left. Her mother had passed two years after arriving to their new home, and as a way to cope her father put all his efforts into expanding and maintaining the Leigh Park estate, building vast walls around Staunton to secure the lands. It had been his late wife’s dream and he was sure to see it done in her memory. Though he kept a hand in society and his politics, kept in public life and was even Inspector-General of Aldershot, within the privacy of his home he was a deeply depressed and saddened man. Was Catherine to be left alone with only the company of such a melancholy man? Was it selfish for her to think in such a way? Her face fell a little as she looked back into the mirror and to her reflection, feeling guilty for thinking of her own plight and not that of her father.

But distraction quickly came as a knock at the door sounded, and the news of arriving company was told. Rose and Angela quickly dressed, knowing her brothers had come. A boned bodice pulled in her frame; flattening the front of her body, save for her breasts that curved up, pressed uncomfortably tight against her. Fashion had changed so much since she had arrived, though she was ever thankful that the uncomfortable bustle was now completely out of style. Though dresses remained gathered and accentuated at the back. It left the front of her attire looking narrow and smooth, but from behind multiple layers and ruffles fell. By the time she was announced ready, Catherine looked to the light blue gown with such delight she couldn’t help but squeal as she was aided downstairs and where she saw Frederick waiting.

Reunions were made and pleasantries exchanged, with her brother helping her into her coat as she asked all about his officer training and what life was like now in the army. His wife stood to the side, a little sour of expression and nursing a noticeable swell in her belly, she had declined to attend the circus, fearing the excitement may compromise her unborn child. No one really persuaded her or made the effort for the woman to join them; Catherine hadn’t seen her beloved brother since the burial of their mother. With her gloved hand tucked into the crook of his elbow as he told her about his meeting with her betrothed, and how the man was to make it down in a few days. Rose was still a little uncertain on the matter, having heard nothing but unpleasant things about the serving man. Apparently he was of a cruel and impatient disposition, and had little time for frivolities such as a circus.

Once again conversation served as a perfect time killer, and before they knew it they were grouped amongst the benches all smiles and excited whispers and lights dimmed down and the show began. Along with Frederick, Catherine cheered loud and applauded with enthusiasm. Gasping at the test of strength by the ‘Strong man’ and gasping in awe at the displays by the dancers and performers, any trouble of her future and nuptials were quickly forced from her mind. Even the comic tramps had tears rolling down her side from laughing so much. And then they moved to the last show, what she so looked forward to, leaning forwards a little as she clutched her gloves in her lap, watching as the animals were shown. But unlike the others around her, her interest was not just of amusement, but wonder. Catherine had always loved animals, though her own interactions were limited to horses and dogs. But the majestic natures of these creatures had her in awe, caused her heart to skip and face to crease in genuine contentment.

Catherine watched as another was plucked from the crowd, a mild pout creasing her painted lips as the girl was made part of the routine. A little flash of envy was felt, wishing she could be so fortunate as to get so close to the beautiful animals. But it was when the fearless and graceful animal trainer leaned in, and her attention moved over the dark haired man that she felt a flicker of something else, something almost as compelling as the show itself. It caused Catherine to falter and her eyes to stare, jostled only by her cheering brother and with it knocked back into sense.

And then far too quickly it was over, the performance was called an end and the noise from the audience rose quickly, talks and laughter bouncing off of the tent as her own party made their way to the exit. But as she walked, Catherine looked to the side as someone bumped into her, and caught sight of some others looking at the animal stars of the show. “Oh Frederick, we have to go over” Catherine said, pointing over to where she intended. However her brother was momentarily distracted by her father’s introduction of someone, and Catherine decided to use their temporary lapse in concentration to her advantage. Nibbling down on her bottom lip in a mischievous way, Catherine tucked her gloves into her pocket before weaving her way through the crowd and heading round to where the animals were. But she didn’t stop to just watch as they were walked back to stable or cage, instead slipping to the side to look to the horses.

Her father was an expert on horses, and through him she’d established a love for the equine. These, though perhaps not the perfect breeds her father handled, were beautiful in their own right. And it was one of the whitest coat she’d ever seen that caught her attention. Almost bright enough to blind, this had been the very horse that had caused her breath to hitch when she had been in the audience. Slowly she extended a hand, stopping only when the horse lowered its head to her open fingers and she smiled, her delicate fingers stroking gently through the creatures mane, a smile as wide as ever illuminating the young girls face.

Sat at the back and out of immediate shot of the teacher, Maddie dug her phone out of her bag. Her phone was bleeping away numerous notifications, and it was with a fond yet sad smile she scrolled through them all. She missed her pals back home, she missed England. She really did not get America, so many things were different. She couldn’t quite grasp this driving on the other side of the road, and she was convinced she was going to have a crash soon. The numerous advert breaks during the TV shows here were different, and she was pining for the Soaps and reality shows she adored back home. Maddie desperately wished she had siblings so at least she wouldn’t feel so isolated. Her father was so often busy with his new wife, and whilst Maddie got on with her, she wasn’t one could call a friend. She sighed and rested her chin on her hand as the English teacher announced the years study plans, and of an upcoming trip they’d be taken on to watch a play.

Maddie was aware of the attention she was receiving from the other students, and was constantly in their eyes or on their tongues. The blonde pushed a hand through her hair and tried to act indifferent to the attention she received, but in truth it was starting to grate on her. Maddie wasn’t exactly a shy person or an introvert, but being stared at was enough to make anyone feel uncomfortable. She jotted down notes and spent most the lesson secretly on her phone, talking amongst her friends back home and telling them all about life state side.

The lesson continued and Maddie took little notice of what was going on. When her phone quietened down she was left with either education or her thoughts, and what was prominent was those red eyes. She thought back on her vision, and she remained confused. Previously whatever she had seen had always come true, had always been to do with the familiar. Yet now she could make no sense of those blood red eyes and the gleaming teeth, nor of the sun, it was all nonsense. Maddie found herself looking around for someone with red eyes, as if it would be staring right back at her. And when the bell rang, the confusion had developed into a genuine headache.


Again, I find myself begging forgiveness.

I have been in hospital for a while and as such I lost all interest in writing. However I am now getting back into the swing of things and will get you a reply done today.

I am so so sorry for the wait.

Maddie had hoped the girl hadn’t noticed, she hated trying to explain what was wrong whenever she had one of these visions. People would think she was crazy if she told them that she saw things! They always came true though, whatever she saw had happened. So what on earth did that mean? Red eyes were only seen in films and the sun had yet to make an appearance here in Forks, it left her confused and a little unsteady. But she had no time to dwell as Risa was in front of her, a familiar look of concern etched on her face as she looked to Maddie.

But the blonde offered a smile and tried to brush off what had happened, cursing this condition she had. It had been useful sometimes; it had gotten her out of a few dangerous or troublesome situations, and had saved her backside more than once. But when she looked like an absent freak clutching her head in public, she could have gone without it.

“I get these headaches sometimes” Maddie lied reaching into her bag and pulling out a bottle of water. “They come and go really quickly” She added, downing half the bottle in once before making her way again. “Oh, and I’m Madison… Maddie” she said introducing herself.

It took sometime but eventually the pair found their lockers, and she was thankful it wasn’t at the other end of the building, but rather situated close to the cafeteria. Off-loading half her bag and hanging her coat in the locker, she checked down her schedule once more and was a little disappointed to learn they wouldn’t be sharing a class until Gym. With a promise made to meet up on break, Maddie made off for the English building.

The English building was quite the distance away and it took Maddie some time to find which room she was supposed to be in. Although she was quickly accosted by some of the regular Forks students who were in awe of her and kept asking questions, something she managed to get out of when she finally found the English room she needed. Maddie made her way into the class, still trying to make heads or tails of that vision as she handed a piece of paper to the teacher before being directed to a seat at the back of the classroom.


The message was sent and Edward did not have to wait long for a reply. Carlisle phoned straight back and Edward hid behind a row of lockers, and told Carlisle everything. The senior Vampire sounded concerned, and told Edward he would look into all that he could, and that Edward was to tell the others of his problem with the smell, so that they could keep an eye on him. Edward refused of course, he hated the thought of being babied but he was certain Carlisle would inform the others anyway. He would not act out of malice but rather protection for his adoptive son. Edward had a deep respect and fondness for Carlisle, and could not carry disfavour for anything he did in the interest of others.

With the phone call ended he continued on his way to the history block, and was thankful to learn upon arrival that he was seated towards the back once more. Edward was already advanced in his education, having taken school several times already. But as he did not sleep he spent his forever expanding his knowledge. He was well versed in all subjects, both practical and theory. Edward had to often ignore the urge to correct teachers when they distributed incorrect information. He knew it was the same for Jasper when they learnt about the Civil War. Jasper had actually served in it and knew more than anyone alive today.

Placing his bag on the table he pulled out the notebook and pen, though any notes he took would be for show only. He’d taken history numerous times and always excelled, receiving perfect grades on all his work and exams. Once he used to make errors on purpose just to look more human, but out of habit he just wrote what he knew. The Cullen clan all help perfect grades, despite occasionally having to miss school, like when it was sunny. Rosalie spread the rumour that when the sun was out they all went hiking or camping, and no one ever questioned it. They couldn’t risk coming to school when the sun was out, the shimmering skin would give them up as something not quite human.

Edward remembered he had been too still too long and he moved his shoulders and moved his chest, following the routine of actions to make himself look more human.
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