Avatar of Royale Luna


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2 yrs ago
Current Im back! Kinda- and seriously craving some Kpop especially since my list has grown lmao Anyone interested?
5 yrs ago
No; I am simply really trying to find /someone/ that still roleplays Kpop; ive had a craving for a week now and have gotten onl lke 2 bites..x.x
1 like
5 yrs ago
Am I the only one out there that still roleplays and enjoys kpop? anybody? -has been dying for it-


Okay so admittedly I haven't done one of these in a very long time; but here goes nothing. I am a roleplayer that's been at this game for a fairly long time; a few eyars but don't let that intimidate you. I'm in no way shape or form picky about post length or any of that; so long as the roleplay is fun; for BOTH of us. I'm happy; haha! Anyway, so I do a number of fandoms; Animes, Movies, etc though I confess I do have a /few/ cravings I'd really love to find some help with! Especially a certain plot based loosely off a mix of the Dracula Games and the movie with Hugh Jackman *YAY remembered his name for once! xD*
Note: Bold is what Im craving like mad right now

Most Recent Posts

The moon; a beautiful thing to some- to others? A terrifying reminder of the creatures that lay in wait in the shadows to attack; Vampires; Werewolves…Monsters of all shapes, sizes and capabilities. These were what Abraham Van Hellsing was known for hunting. In his years of work there seemed to be no creature that could escape the cunning skill and sharp tools at Hellsing disposal. Until Him; the infamous Count Dracula, king of the creatures of the night most feared; Vampires. In the years of hunting this elusive; hunter Hellsing has been pushed to his limit and is now obsessed with capturing and killing him. This is how our story begins; in this obsession; this need to hunt down the infamous king of the vampires had changed him. Pushed him to do things; including blackmail. This is where Luna Cromwell comes into play; once a dear friend and alie to the hunter; now a pawn in his twisted game of cat and mouse with the Vampire king. Reuniting with Hellsing as a friend was both the biggest mistake and the best thing she could have done for herself; why do you ask? Because he used her magic, and threatened to reveal not only her power but her guardianship; how she watched over the lore and legend of Ireland and its home within the Shire if she didn’t go in trying to become one of his many brides. Now you might be wondering why this turned out to be one of the best things; instead of a horror story that could easily get her killed? The answer is him; the very Count that Hellsing is so obsessed with finally taking down. After spending almost two years within the castle; she had begun to lie to Hellsing, lead him on goose chases, in his desperate obsession he believed it all but this was running short and he was starting to figure out what she was doing; luckily though it seemed he was oblivious to the very reasoning behind it. Luna had, without a doubt fallen head over heels for the strong, seductive and charming Vampire King She simply had not had the nerve to tell him; especially not to tell him what had brought her here; the more she knows him though the more she feels she needs to. She only hopes that it won’t ruin the bond they’d built. Because at this point; she would fight the hunter herself before she let him hurt the count….

Notes: Looking for something based loosely off either the game Dracula Love Kills; its predecessor and the Hellsing film with Hugh Jackman; if anyone is willing to play either version of the count I would LOVE you for life but I am open to any variant. And can/will gladly double as whoever; Id gladly make this a crossover of sorts if you have something in mind
Free bump- also

Feeeeeeed me Seymore; feed me ALLL night LOOONG~
~*One on One Search*~

Okay, well I haven't done this in, well forever; But I need some new Roleplay Partner, Although I must admit it's harder to find the rarer fandoms here then it is anywhere. But, I digress. So, my search begins! First up of course are a few rules/Guidelines, there’s not many I promise =)

1. Please, if you roleplay with me and lose interest. Do /not/ just disappear on me... This has happened more times than I can count and I really get tired of it, I am a big girl. I can take it...

2. If we're doing a Fandom, and playing Canons ~*Which more than likely will be included*~ /Please/ try to be as in character with whoever you’re playing as you can; I am not asking for perfection...Just do your best and try to think like whoever it is.

3. I do have some restrictions, I like to keep this tasteful...But we'll discuss this in more detail as we decide what we're doing if our rp will work out.

4. I am not picky about literacy, I only ask that you write so I can understand. And Please no Chat-speak...It annoys me to no end Lol, Rofl, etc. I don't mind, but OOC only.

5. If the plot is getting dull, then tell me. I'm very open minded we can mix it up, add/remove ideas. I want to make it enjoyable for us both.

6. As for characters; I can double, triple etc. etc. And prefer to play a person for you and an OC and you do the same.

7. I think that’s about it aside from having fun =D

Not really a 'rule' but a small note; I do prefer to rp over skype or something along thoes lines because its just easier for me; personally but I can do it here on site via PMs. I just don't do over the forums myself, im terrible at keeping track of them there.

Okay, see? that wasn't all bad xD Now, for Genre's /mostly/ Fandoms. But I do other things; Fantasy, work, things like that... Although I honestly prefer fandoms I am willing to do others, depending on the plots and such.

& = Plots

~~ = Who I’d like you to play



Disney &

White Collar ~Neal~ *Anyone*

1/2 Prince ~Guii~ *Anyone*

Vampire x Anything ^Mortal, Gifted, slayer Etc.^ &&& *Anything*

The Great Mouse Detective & ~Basil~ *Anyone*

Ghost x Anything & *Anything*

NCIS ~Gibbs~ *Abby*

labyrinth &&&&&&&& ~Jareth~ *Anyone*

Yu-Gi-Oh! & ~Atem~ *Anyone*

Ouran High School Host Club &&&& ~Tamaki and/or Kyouya~ *Anyone*

Doctor Who && ~10~ *Anyone*

The Door Within ~*Anyone*~

Harry Potter ~Barty, Sirius~ *Anyone*

YouTube ~Mark~ *Jack, Pewds*

Magi ~Sinbad~ *Anyone*

Lucifer ~Luci~ *Anyone*

Sleepy Hollow Fox Series ~Ichabod~ *Anyone*

Demon Detective Neuro Nougami ~Neuro~ *Anyone*

Sherlock ~Sherlock~ *Anyone*

Celtic Thunder ~Paul~ *Anyone*

Naruto ~Kakashi, Lee or Gai~ *Kakashi, Gai, willing to try anyone but have only seen the first 2 ish seasons*

Hetalia ~France~ *Anyone*

Once Upon a Time ~Rumple or Hook~ *Anyone*

Vixx Kpop ~Leo/Taekwon~ *Anyone*

Assassin’s Creed; Brotherhood or Syndicate ~Ezio Auditore di Firenze~ *Anyone*

Jekyll and Hyde ~Hyde~ *Anyone* &&-ish

Kamisams Kiss ~Tomoe~ *Anyone*

Van Helsing *Movie not the anime* ~Dracula~ *Anyone* &

Persona 5 ~yusuke~ *Anyone*

Undertale ~Mettaton~ *Anyone* &

Feel free to make suggestions!

I will not rp:


animals (except maybe Disney characters)

warriors (sorry I haven't read it)
Okay so First off Rules; Yes I know we all hate them but they have to be covered,

1. Literacy; I am Not PICKY! Honestly just give me something to respond too, that's all I'm asking; more then just a line or two; you write full huge paragraphs? Brilliant! Just- be forewarned I only write maybe a paragraph and a half or so haha

2. Limits; Depends on how this goes, Gore id like to keep to a minimum if needed; other things we will discuss; overall I have very little in this arena...

3. PLEASE don't just poof on me; I know I haven't been active on here but its only because I have been busy as all hell; things have finally calmed down so I can be more active around here.

4. The Basics of which you should by now know; no gm, pp, etc etc!

That wasn't so bad now was it? Now the fun part; My idea...Its basic but could be fun if played right~
Btw; I can DOUBLE! I'm not all that- experienced in some of the lesser known characters but I will give anyone a shot~

Okay so we all know the game can end multiple ways, we're going to be going with the pacifist end; the monsters are free etc....My idea is that Metta here becomes a superstar even outside of there little world; Maybe hes out on a grand tour! Only he comes back to find that an old friend of Alphy's, My OC Belle who is a tech girl with some serious talent has been helping him out by keeping the show running down in the monster world; needless to say Metta will be surprised but who knows; he might find this girl to be quite fabulous! Maybe even a 'spark' will fly~ What will happen? Will He have a co-host? Will she go on tour? Its up to us~
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