Avatar of Ryonara
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Malakaus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1817 (0.48 / day)
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    1. Ryonara 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Just because you "fight a good fight" doesn't mean you didn't do horrible things.
7 yrs ago
Not feeling too great everyone. Sorry if you're waiting on me.
8 yrs ago
I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for me. Some real life stuff happened, but for now things seem calm. I'll try to post in my RP's ASAP.


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Corvid I'm used to, I've been keeping watch over the kids since March and doing my best to run my business from home. Recent political movements are more concerning for me since they're very close to my home.

"Whaaaah Umi, we're super late!"

Running through the streets was a normal girl with an abnormally large sword on her back. She had a thick leather bag in her arms as she ran through the streets heading towards the guild hall. But not just any guild hall: It was Chrana Guildhall, where a new group of adventurers, warriors, and craftsmen were gathering for an epic quest: to stave off starvation! For most it was just fear mongering, but Yumi has it on good info that there's going to be a famine that'll ravage the lands soon. Already her family was working to capitalize on the disaster but Yumi was given a specific task to join these people and learn all she can from them. Befriend them, get them to help her, to talk to her, so she can help her family and their business. To that end Yumi had already been in town for a short while, having spent a better part of her days preparing gifts for her new coworkers.

Soon Yumi would arrive to the guild hall, which was absolutely bustling with activity. All sorts of people were going out and about their lives, either returning to collect pay, heading out for a quest, or gathering fellow adventurers for a job. Yumi had been here before but this would be the first time she was here for official business, and that context alone made this place feel so much more immense. It almost made Yumi nervous. However she steeled herself and continued onwards. She knew where she needed to go. But while it seemed like Yumi was just walking straight towards the meeting rooms, she was also listening in on recent bits of rumors, gossip, and other possibly important info. Something about a beastkin masquerading as a spirit, some sort of fight happening, and the general affairs of people's lives and concerns. For most people it was useless info, but Yumi has always learned that there is no such thing as useless info. Anything she learns can always be woven into other tidbits of news to either see the full picture, or fabricate one.

Eventually Yumi would arrive to the meeting room. She opened the door as quietly as she could as she entered, closing the door behind her as she bowed. "I apologize for my tardiness! My name is Yumi Umami, and I heard about the job here! I wish to join, and I come bearing gifts." Yumi approaches the table and sets down various metal hip flasks, each one embroider with the Yozakura-Kai emblem. There was enough for everyone to have one. She would happily pass the flasks around, and anyone who'd open them would be able to smell the beer inside of them. "My father was a baker and brewer, and I'm skilled in both. My mother taught me how to hunt and handle large swords, so I can assist you in the field as well. However my true specialty comes in alchemy, specifically infusing the drinks I brew with magical properties. These flasks contain not just beer, but also a healing elixir that helps rejuvenate your stamina. I call it the Hunter's Brew."

As Yumi introduced herself, her spirit companion manifested behind her, floating around playfully. "Oh right, this is Umi! She's my spirit who helps me brew alcohol and helps me here and there. We'll glad to make your acquaintance and I hope you'll take care of us!" Once the flasks had been passed around, Yumi took a seat. She had to take her sword off her back and carefully hold it so it wouldn't fall over and hit someone. She looked around to everyone to see how they reacted to her gift. She really wished she wasn't late anymore since now she has to figure out who these people are and what they said while she wasn't here. But she'll learn soon enough.
Okay, do you have a discord link? The one on the first page doesn't work.
With a combination of Corona Virus forcing me to work from home and recent protests preventing me from leaving home regularly, I'm pretty much up for anything.
Character Appearance:

Name: Ulhar "Blue" Bekilk
Race: Lizardfolk
Class: Dream Druid
Character Sheet Link: Google-Doc
Likes: Meeting new people, entertaining people with songs and dances
Dislikes: People assuming he's a Dragonborn, reading books
Backstory: Ulhar is a shaman of the Deep Water Tribe, of clan Bekilk. As a shaman it is his duty to teach the younger generation of his people's histories and guide them to strengthen the village, often by training them in the healing arts or having them perform ritual ceremonies. However unlike many of his people, Ulhar had a sense of curiosity. For his people lived underground in the vast Sansea desert, protecting sacred oasis which grant the lizardfolk their lives. They never interacted with surfaces directly due to their past, but Ulhar wanted to know more about the world that grew above them. As Ulhar himself is old enough to have already trained a successor, but has no notable history in his lifetime, or even recently; his people had always lived down here and has never truly developed any new cultures, technologies, or innovations for as long as he knew. Conversely, reviewing what little history he knew about the humans on the surface via old tales and how they are now, made Ulhar realize how much has changed, and how the Lizardfolk have never really lived beyond their past.

So one day after Ulhar prepared his new successor to take up his role as a shaman, Ulhar left his tribe. He wanted to go see the world and how it has changed. How perhaps he could learn something from the outside and bring it back to his people so they are not just hidden enclaves of lizardfolk surrounding a body of water, but because a proper civilization. He lived his life as a mercenary, selling his sword to face dangers he's never faced before, befriending others through the bonds of battle or making enemies of those who cannot see him as anything other than prey. With spell and sword Ulhar continues to travel the land, gaining experiences he would have never been able to even dream of if he had simply stayed at his village and never thought about the world above him.
Could be something worth talking about IC, since it's actually Ulhar's personal pet peeve that people mistake him as a Dragonborn or has any real history with dragons. Neither he nor his people, the Deep Water Tribe, have any notable history with dragons and has more of a history in regards to their troubles and trials with humans and other foreign settlers. Namely, how Madam Merseger looked like a prophet leading her people to the promised land, but for the lizardfolk who lived in the desert she lead an army that forced them out from their ancestral homes and made many tribes shut themselves off from the outside world for their own protection.

Ulhar himself understands this ancestral hatred but doesn't care much for it himself. He sees it as old history and doesn't want to beholden to have grudges only his ancestors feel strongly for. For him, that was just messy business and a natural part of living in this sort of environment; predators compete with one another for the spoils of nature, and the Lizardfolk lost. That's why Ulhar now travels to learn more about the world outside so he can one day teach them how to start winning.
"Well that answers that question." Darc says as the group was told to just pick whatever bounty they wanted off the board and go for it. Everyone was still milling about, talking to each other or leaving for their own quest. No one seemed to pay him too much mind which made Darc feel lonely, so he should go look for a team to work with. Already two people had picked a contract and were going to look for a group. Either some wolf or some troll. Darc decided he would go after the troll; chances are they'll have the strength in numbers against the troll, which will make Darc's own unique magic talents more obvious. Not to mention the chances of Darc getting a troll as an undead servant was too tempting to pass up if they can slay it. So Darc goes over to the table with the two girls and smiles at them. "Hello hello! I'd like to join your hunt. Darc Riovas, at your service. My magic ought counter the troll's regeneration, so I'll leave it to you two to make sure he doesn't get too close to me."
Instead of a warforged I think I'll do a lizardfolk instead. A lizardfolk Dream Druid.

He is one of the clan shamans, however unlike his fellow kin he has a curiosity to the world outside of his home and wants to share the stories of the outside world to his clan so that they may learn from others without being directly exposed to their conflicts. So he left his home to collect stories, basically becoming a bounty hunter of sorts for two reasons: first to just have a steady income and to witness stories in person. He actually doesn't care to read books.

Additionally while he still has a swimspeed and the ability to hold his breath for a long time, his clan of lizardfolks are actually desert dwelling instead of swamp or coastal. Though they do have control of a hidden oasis which again, is one of the reasons he choose to leave the village instead of suggesting that they open up to outsiders, knowing how important water is in a desert. He hopes to one day return to his clan, let them know what he's learned, and use that experience to elevate his people from just their small tribal life style.

Edit: Here's my character sheet.
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