Avatar of Ryteb Pymeroce
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    1. Ryteb Pymeroce 10 yrs ago
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Zane Wulfe

With a rush of wind, a grey blur sped through the Admin block, quickly signing up for Magical Geographies, Duelling Traditions, and the Extermination Quest. There was nothing really behind his choices except they seemed interesting.

Heading to an unused classroom, Zane began to set up the dinner for him and Nulong. A bit of temporary transformation runes and the room became a viking longhouse, perfect for a norse feast. In the center of the room, he set up a firepit and began to spitroast the meat he bought, adding spices to get a nice flavour to them.
"Shishishi... let them deal with the robot, I'm not on repair duty this week." sniggered Felix. He was annoyed Toscy nicked his jam, he was planning to use that on the bedsheets of the others. Eh, no matter he'd just have to find some other sticky and slimey substance. Maybe some goopy cream, that'd get a hilarious reaction out of them.

Upon seeing the new guys Felix turned to Toscax and said: "Pay up, I told you anime characters would show up."

Zane parkoured up the robot like he'd done this a thousand times before. Then again, considering the robot was smaller than the Infershia he fought during the war, it was no surprise he found it easy. Seeing another man jump out to try and spear the thing, he decided to give him a bit of help. Leaping off towards the guy, he grabbed him by the arm and used the momentum to spin in midair, charging the man with his lightning magic, before pushing him towards the robot at higher speed.

Of course, this sent him flying away from the robot, but allowed him air time tp charge up his special move. Turning his fall into a flying kick, he called out;


Around his leg, lightning coalesced into a pair of snapping jaws. Aiming for the center of the Heartless, he smashed one of the fat armoured ones in the chest, shattering through its armour. The resulting explosion took out every heartless within a ten foot radius, though left Zane unscathed. Settling back into a combat stance, he laughed and charged again at the poor Heartless who had the unfortunate luck of spawning near the Dark Knight.
Felix floated down next to Toscax, again using his trick with Aero to levitate along. In his lap was a bowl of white chocolate. Suspiciously familier white chocolate. Being fair, Toscy should really guard his stash better if he knew his fellow chocophile was around. But the fox was nothing if not generous, so offered some to his ally in trolling.

"Shishishi... so do you want to handle buffs or healing? I'm fine with whichever." he snickered, watching the others try to fight. Honestly, it's like they have never encountered a heartless invasion before.
"FUUUUUUUCK!" Came the yell of a figure as he fell out the sky. Clad fully in some strange armour, the figure cursed to the five wizards that every time he changed worlds the fates thought it funny to drop him several hundred feet above the ground. Freak'n magic and it's stupid rules.

And, of course, he had to land in the middle of a force of invading darkness. In his stunned state one of the minions managed to strike him... only for nothing to happen. He sent the creature packing with a burst of lightning before summoning Fenrir. Behind his helmet a savage smirk appeared on his face as he blasted through the heartless with his blade.

With a slash and chop the weaklings succumbed to his blade. Lightning sparked through the battlefield as the warrior searched for a true challenge. When he realised what was leading the heartless, he had to laugh.

"Well, that's just not fair."

Somehow these heartless had gotten their hands on a version of Travellion, though this thing was far sleeker in design. It looked like it was originally white, but the black ichor of the dark creatures was spreading across its body. Seemed to be more designed around fighting larger opponents, so might be a good idea to break into the cockpit. Volgel above, this was going to a bigger pain than that world where the cities ate each other. Sighing, he leaped and used his blade to gain a foothold on this iron giant.

Music Playing

"Ding dong,
I know you can hear me,
Open up the door,
I only want to play a little..."

Screams echoed through the corridor as a little girl with fox ears went on a murder rampage. Felix had snuck through the vents and gotten behind the guards. It was such a shame the guards weren't trained for fighting horror movie monsters.

"Ding dong,
You can't keep me waiting,
It's already too late,
For you to try and run away..."

The sounds of bullets accompanied the singing, as the guards tried killing the girl only for her to vanish into the shadows. You could almost hear her thoughts of "Nin-Nin", as she caused her patented chaos.

"I see you through the window,
Our eyes are locked together,
I can sense your horror,
Though I'd like to see it closer..."

She was almost disappointed when the concussion grenade came out, as it meant she wouldn't get to continue playing with them. Felix gave her best innocent expression marred slightly by the fact she was soaked in blood. Also the fact she was currently beating a poor guard to death with his own arm.
"Well, while this has been entertaining, I have a date with a hot dragon priestess to prepare for. Adieu, mes laquais!" Zane laughed, as he used his cards to creste an explosion. When it cleared, he was gone. For those that knew him, it was a favourite trick of his, especially around teachers.

He wouldn't be able to get a beast from the forest, so plan B was the butchers shop. Probably should also visit the grocers for some other stuff. If she had even half the appetite of a dragon he was going to prepare a feast lest he end up like her duelling partners.

It always amused him how people were so slow they needed that train to get around campus in any meaningful time. Then again, most users of Reinforcement magic regarded it merely as a combat tool. Eh, not his problem the battle junkies don't bother to think outside the box. It does always amuse him when people learn his actual magic, especially when he is revealed to be Existance. It was probably his innate chaos and insanity that made it hard to believe...
"Shishishi... what's the matter Dan?" Felix laughed, slinging an arm around the mage's shoulder, "I thought such a skilled mage would be glad to teach the new generation of keyblade wielders? I personally am looking foward to tort- training them. Gods know some of them need it..." He snickered wondered who would be stupid enough to rise to his bait.

The rooms themselves had been prepared indeed, prepared for a prank on a scale heretofore unseen since the Jam Incident. Toscax was still bugging him on how he managed to get all his coats in that. For raptor girl, he had set up a varient of the Toad spell to transform them both into chickens.

The pretty boy scholar was going to find himself drenched in honey and then the box of feathers would fall on him. The box that he was currently holding. Huh... so that would mean the fireants were in that room. Crap. He quickly motioned for one of his minions to switch the boxes round before anyone got killed by the mutants he 'borrowed' from R&D. Those were for one of Leo's fleshpuppets.

The red haired thief would find his floor had been replaced with quicksand and itching powder. He wouldn't drown, as there was a teleport rune... right into the women's showers. He was about 70% sure the women wouldn't kill him. Okay 50%.

The desert dweller was going to encounter a slime monster, some of the more ambitious mage students created them after playing too many RPGs. Apparently they make decent XP for low levels... except these ones tend to get a bit handsy with people. Eh, not his problem if he loses his virginities to a slime.

For the 'noble' thief, he had an elaborate obstacle course set up with humilating traps, including one that forces him into the stereotypical robber outfit. Best of all was the fact he had recording equipment set up to capture some juicy blackmail. He might even share some with Dan if he asked nicely.
Felix sat in lotus position, using Aero to keep himself aloft. The focus required to keep himself at a stable height was immense, but a good distraction from boredom. The shrinks said he might have Attention Deficit Disorder, he personally thought it was because his brain was hardwired for combat... and pranking. Pranks were great, and generally brought combat which was always a great plus.

Letting the part of his mind not focusing on psuedo-levitation pan across the room, his senses immediately pinged danger. Crap, the girl had a damn raptor. Inwardly he cursed that bitch Artemis for creating such a skilled creature of the hunt, he would be forced to reveal part of his hand early. Ah well, c'est la vie.

The girl herself seemed to be a minor threat... though magic screwed with perceptions of things. Wait... did he just hear that right, she wanted to try and tame Heartless? He almost fell down laughing at the girl's naivety. Eh, if she wants to be consumed by the darkness he was sure Leo had some spots open in his club.

"Shishishi... see Boss? Keyblade weilders can have colour to them, stop being such an emo and wear something other than black." he laughed, poking fun again at Toscax's attire, "To answer your question little girl, the Heartless are what happens when a person gives in to darkness and their heart is torn from their body. They are driven by their instinct to collect more hearts by forcing their darkness upon others. Only magic and the legendary keyblade can harm them. Shishishi... they go boom real good."
Ah, convincing a teacher why he shouldn't be given detention. A skill every delinquent rogue should practice with impunity. Admittedly Via made things difficult (he kept telling they should go with the catapult idea), but what was life without a bit of a challenge. Switching to his diligent student face, he began to weave his bullshit story.

"Well, you see Professor, I was escorting some of our novice students through the secret passages to show them how to reach classes faster, with my good friend Will helping to watch out for dangerous critters. We were going to head straight for the main hall when we heard a commotion. By the time we reached there we found La'Tavia bound up underground. Rhea tried to dig her out, and got buried for her trouble. When me and Will tried to rescue her, the treants thought us also part of that group and pulled us under. Please don't punish them for misunderstanding the situation..."

The last statment was accentuated with the secret technique of puppy dog eyes. Admittedly the technique is better with Vivi, but he was an experienced user of it.
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