Avatar of SayZun
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    1. SayZun 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I'm a cashier so at the end of my shift I'm supposed to count of how much money is in the cash register. For whatever reason I was $200 short so wish me luck tomorrow.


Whatsup :^)

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"Sorry I'm late. I got a little sidetracked on the way~"

Takeo would take his attention off the Genin sqaud to focus on the new comer. "Right. You're Kohaku Tsukarei. I'm Takeo-Senseo." He would say approaching the boy. The note the senseo was given stated the boy would be arriving late due to a mix up. "Glad you could join us. We were just about ready to start our test. The group will fill you in." The jounin would direct the boy to the group and walk back to the center of the training ground field ready to start the race. "Whenever you guys are ready!" he would shout from a distance waving. Hm...I wonder what they're planning over there. I thought this test was pretty easy.


Takeo would patiently wait as the Genin planned among themselves. This made Takeo feel confident in his squad's value of teamwork. Takeo knew the task he gave to the genin was very near difficult and even impossible for some, but he had faith his squad would not easily give up on the challenge. The sound of fluttering would interrupt the Jounin's pondering of the group as a bird would descend onto his shoulder. He would take small paper which was rolled around the leg of the bird to which the bird would fly way after. Scanning over the note, he would call Momo over before stuffing the paper into his pocket. From the remaining squads perspective, their senseo would have a small conversation with the girl followed by him patting her on the back as she left the training ground. The man would turn back to the group, smiling warmly as usual.
@Vongola_Hasayo Good stuff. Slide it over to the char tab. You might be able to join.

Hideo Moto

The Jounin would say nothing while the shorter genin went on in a spree of questions. Once the genin seemed to finish the jounin would simply shrug at the boy. "I don't wanna give you all too much info now." The man would reply. "That'll ruin the suspense." The jounin would then stare at the paranoid genin's eyes scratching the back of his head. "If you really must know, I don't really know yet. Like I said, I'm kinda going off the top of my head right now on this one."

"If you wanna get technical though, this is really just so I can see you all's ability and how well you work as a team against a tougher opponent. So far the only likely way you could fail is if you went and left right now, which I would if I were you."

The jounin would then walk to the edge of the circle leaning his face closer to the single genin boy. "You don't look like you'd be a big help, pip-squeak." He would say in a much lower and intimidating tone. Hideo hoped his words would be able to antagonize the boy. Essentially Hideo wanted the team to not hold back on any doubts and strictly follow his instructions.
Hideo Moto

The frustrated man would stare at the hill behind him reevaluating all his life choices up until now. "..." The man would utter poetically. He would manage to hear the genin arrive at the dull training grounds. Glancing back at them he would give a casual nod. They seemed to keep their distance as they arrived. The man would look at the one female genin as she started towards him. She was judging me. She had a bow and quiver which Hideo quickly noticed. This would probably cause some troubles for the test he had planned. Either way Hideo was confident enough in his skill. The other genin was a white haired boy. He was scarcely tall for his age and if Hideo was any shorter the boy would grow to tower over him. Scary stuff.

"Hurry up!" He would shout already questioning the intellect of his new squad. He scoffed as he noticed the lack of one member in the squad. Oh yeah. One fucknugget is missing.

The jounin would clear his throat casually thinking of a way to make his introduction easily understandable. "Alright, losers. My name is Hideo. Your Sensei. He would scowl down at the female Genin, Kiyoko Mizushima. "Starting now, you all listen to me and only me! My word goes, got it? And don't even think I'll be afraid to give you all a good lesson in pain tolerance if one of you steps out of line."

The jounin would then proceed to smoke the Electronic cigarette again before another would genin appear. "Who the hell is this?" The man would ask openly to the two. A young looking genin would arrive looking as if he sprinted in a haste to arrive. The newly arrived genin was shortest of the group, Hideo would notice. The boy would greet the two others with a bow and finally hand Hideo a scroll. Hideo would grab the scroll, rolling it out to read the contents glancing at the boy then back at the scroll occasionally.


"Hehe...I like you, kid. Fashionably-late." The jounin would comment smirking at the boy before tossing the scroll aside. "Anyways...apparently this is your third squad member. Jiro Nakahara."

"Now...like I was saying. I want you all to know that I am a very strict leader, so I don't want any messing around in this group. I personally want you all to be the best so I can brag to other people about how good of a Sensei I am." He would say exhaling smoke from one side of his lip.

"As first order of businesses, I am going to put you all through a little prerequisite." He would motion their attention towards the dirt circle he created. "I'm really pulling this shit out of my ass but it goes like this. I stand in this circle. You all try and knock me out with any way you see fit. But..." He would pause to exhale another large smoke puff from his mouth and remove the cigarette from his lips

"You set foot in this circle, and I'll break every bone in your body...figuratively speaking though." The man would chuckle. "You'd useless if your bones were all broken now, wouldn't you? But seriously, I will attack you though. Hard."

The smoking Jounin would motion the genin to step farther away from the circle before searching through his pocket. "Whoever manages to push me out will get...21 ryō." The man would add pulling out the money from his pocket and showing it to the group.

"Just a little competition to get you all's fire going."

The man would then stand casually with both of his hands in his pocket staring at the three genin. "Welp, I guess you guys can start or whatever."
@Zugzwang YEAH! CS is all good too! slide it over to the character tab and join the IC as soon as you can. For your post, just make your way to the training ground 11 and meet up with the others.
@Zugzwang Read over the rules one more time.
<Snipped quote by SayZun>

Good to hear. I was thinking about repurposing an idea I had, and there is a spot for "bloodline". Is the Magnet Release acceptable for my character to possess? It is pretty central to the character, is all.

Yeah its cool. I've read about magnet release a little, interesting idea. Especially the way its used in the latest boruto movie.
@Zugzwang Yeah we're still accepting. Just get up a CS and I'll approve it. You'll most likely just start off meeting the others in the training grounds rather than the classroom.

“Hello. Are you Takeo-sensei?”

Takeo, half-asleep, would jump up at the sudden utter of someone mentioning his name. His eyes would be squinting trying to adjust from their closed state and stare at the three genin as he examined them carefully. There was a brunette girl with a huge scroll, Momo Sakurai. She looked confident yet snarky at the same time. A deadly mix. Takeo would remember seeing the girl in the squad files he skimmed over the day before. She was significantly skilled in Bukijutsu for her age. Much better than him atleast.

There was also a pale boy with striking grey eyes that came off almost as silver. The Jounin couldn't admit the boy was ravishingly handsome for his age. He looks just like me when I was a genin. The man would break from his vivid thoughts as he returned back to creepily scanning the boy from his seated position. Kite- no. Keita Ryuukaze. He was skilled in Ninjutsu, wind and fire, if he remembers. Promising stuff. The Jounin would try and not take an unfair favoring to the boy seeing as how he is the only other male in the squad. Bro's

He would then finally look upon a girl who would be at eye level with him from his lowered position on the stump. Isami Suzuki. She looked fairly younger then the other two, and much frailer. She almost looks like she should still be at the academy, as if she was twelve. The girl was overall very skilled and talented as a Genjutsu user, he was told. He also heard rumors about how her sensory skills were among the best. "If ten people farted at the same time she would be able to know which one ate curry last night." He would remember hearing and doubting out of pure ridiculousness.

The Jounin would finally stand after the long awkward pause he took to examine all of them. He would then smile before raising his closed fist hoping they would give him a returning fist bump.

"Yup! My names Takeo." He would finally get to saying with a warm smile. "but it'd be cool if you could call me Takeo-senseo. Rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?"

"Don't worry about introductions either. I already know who you cool cats are." The Jounin would say before pointing at the genin followed by snapping as he called their names. "Momo, Keito, and Isamo."

"Anyways, as your Senseo I have very high expectations of you all. I know each of have your own talents and I also know each of you have potential to be as strong and capable Shinobi." He would then walk past the three genin motioning them to follow him. The man then would form his hand to act like a puppet. "But senseo, why did you bring us here today?" He would utter with his puppet hand.

"Ahh...great question. The main reason you all were brought here today was so I could put you guys through a little test."

"Don't worry! It's nothing involving pen or paper now. It's just a little race around the training grounds. Let's go about thirty, maybe fourty laps. Light-work. Just stay around along the path and no cutting corners, alright gals and guy?"

The jounin would then point his finger and show the path genin are meant to take. Along the right inner area of the forest, over or through the widely stretched lake, up the steep jagged hill, down the other side, then through the outer portion of the left area forest, then finally back to the open field to which will count as one lap.

"I don't want to make this a competition between you all though. Essentially first, or second place doesn't matter betwwen you guys. The only person you should really worry about is..."

He would then cock his head towards the three genin as his usual warm smile was now giving off a more intimidating vibe. "...Senseo."

The jounin would begin to crack his knuckles as he started towards the center of the training grounds. "I'll give you all the go ahead once you dudes seem ready."
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