Avatar of ScorpionFlower
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 94 (0.03 / day)
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    1. ScorpionFlower 9 yrs ago


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Scorpion's Flower here, Hello all!

My native language if French, but I think I defend myself pretty well in English. I am currently studying German, too.

I currently study in general History, and I have a deep passion for it. If I was forced to pick a favorite time period, it would be Antiquity in general. If I had to pick a favorite civilization, it would be the Romans. In no way, though, does this mean I am not interested in anything else from the 1st, or before, to the 20th century !

I love Fantasy-Roleplays, a lot. It is my forte, and what I most often play part in. I also love Sci-Fi, but have had a really hard time taking part in ones that lived, or truly caught my utmost interest. I love romance in my roleplays. I would not put it under obligatory, but if you Roleplay with me, you probably will end up witnessing some form of romance. Slice of life, anime, realistic, present times and many others are also things I could easily do. In fact, I think I can easily be interested in all subjects.

Hope to see you around !

Most Recent Posts

Age: 250 and more : physically look in her 20's
Gender: Magical construct

Personality: Juniper's whole personality is resumed best with one word: Curiosity. Awakened in a world unknown to her, Juniper is actully unaware that she is...unaware, of things. She show no restraint in the pursue of knowledge of even the most basic things, meaning that on the very moment a question sparkle in her constructed mind, she would ask it. Knowing little to no fear at all also makes it easy for her to get in dangerous situations. Dangers that, most of the time, she would not realize exist. Juniper has no hostility towards anything unless she is threatened. Most of the time, she will be as friendly as her knowledge of social customs allow her to be.

Fauna & Flora

Magic (Even though she uses it)
Big settlements

Hunting sources of Magic
Looking for her Past

Into Magick

Here is the OOC! :)
Do you want me to add anything? I kept it only simple, so I can add stuff such as maps and informations on the first OOC post later on, if need be!
You did catch my interest. -I am over 21, 23 to be precise. Studying in History. -I'd call myself High Casual, and I can probably match your post frequency of 1 to 2 days, that is do-able. -I also enjoy plotting and discussing the Roleplay. I prefer for my partners to help in its creation, it makes for a better experience for the both of us. -I do MxF or FxF also. I would be interested in at least knowing more about your ideas, if you have any and are also interested in a 1x1 with me. Do you want me to send you a PM, or can I expect one from you?
You seem like a type of person I would enjoy roleplaying with, as this thread looks exactly like one I'd write and such. Should I send you a PM?
Send me a PM if you are interested please. :)
Hello! I just got back from a long pause of Roleplaying, and am looking in starting things slow with an idea of mine I been wanting to do for quite some time. I am looking for people who sees themselves as Casual or Advanced writers! I am studying in History, which makes it pretty obvious it is a passion of mine. I have been reading a lot on the Feudality, as well as; finishing catching up on Game of Thrones (Finally), playing multiple political games, playing Long live the Queen! (Doesn't look like much, but it'shard as hell!) and the such. So much to say, I have a big hype that pushed me to, finally, sit down and get this going. I do not want to lay too much of the plot here, as I'd like to know if anyone around here would be interested by such a Roleplay? It would involve political intrigue, as well as love intrigues, wars, conflicts and the such. The plot if pretty advanced, I only need to put the pieces together. If you are interested, send me a PM so we can speak about the details !
Hello all ! My name, so to speak xD, is above the title right up there. I took a pretty long break at Roleplaying, but have had many ideas lately, so here I am...and it truly did miss me! I was overjoyed to see the Guild got a great update, so I am thrilled to be back. :)
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