Avatar of Searat
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    1. Searat 6 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Can someone please lower Life's difficulty setting?
6 yrs ago
Pizza is a main course, but is also a pie. Therefore, I can eat pizza as my meal and have another pizza as my dessert.
6 yrs ago
When I need a left sock, there is none. When I don't need one, there is a surplus. I think the world is toying with me.
6 yrs ago
Sunny days are meant to be spent in a dark room surfing the net and watching series in netflix.
6 yrs ago
Eating a stick of butter is not as fun as it sounds to be.


I am Searat
Half sea, Half rat, All Aqueous Rodent.

My role playing career is something i consider as a hobby of some sort but as to how long i have been role playing, I would say that i have three to four years under my belt. (Though most of the times I was role playing, they were nothing as serious as this and were more of a means to relieve stress with my friends or test out ideas that came to mind with them.)

As for my preferences to genres of role play, I would have no biases nor specific preferences to any genre and would be able to adapt to the genre as best I can when placed into it.

Some of my hobbies consist of: playing games, surfing the web, walking, bowling, darts, and cooking. I sometimes write and draw things but not as much to consider it to be a serious hobby.

Most Recent Posts

Intimidation: 19
Arizona is a scary man if he needs to be.

HP:160/160 | MP: 168/168 | SP: 176/176

Raime's eyes never left the froggy behemoth even as it returned Mag's bow. For a moment, Raime thought that they had just avoided the confrontation. That is until the creature entered a combat stance reminiscent of what the martial artists do in the old-timey kung fu flicks. There was no turning back now. Even more so when Mags had a suicidal determination to fight this creature. "Ah, for fuck's sake, Mags!" The scout managed to say before the person in question launched her attacks against the frogman martial artist. Raime gives the monster a quick bow to signify his taking part of the fight, before activating [Zoned In]. Time slowed in Raime's perspective, allowing him to take aim at what he assumed to be any creature's weak point.

The head.

With near superhuman speed, Raime let loose 4 bolts at the 'boss' creature's slimy face. Regardless of the distance between him and the frogman, he would then keep moving around the area. To both steer clear of melee range and, gain better vantage points to shoot from. If this creature really was an area boss, then at least the chances of success would increase ever so slightly now that it was two against one.

"Going back t-to the village would be good." Griz says as he finally managed to calm himself down. Ancestors above, he never wanted to experience that again anytime soon. He'd hoped that he would have never experience that again, but it was too effective a weapon and he was almost sure that the chief would approve of the weapon without a second thought. Griz looked towards the setting sun and estimated how long until the woods would be enshrouded in shadow. "If we move now, we would reach the village just before the stars appear in the sky."
Edward Marsh

Ed smirked a little as he saw the underground movement. Their plan was slowly falling into place, despite the minor setback. Shit was about to hit the fan. Though what wiped the smirk off his rat face was that one of the things tunneling underneath the earth was heading towards him and Mother Rat. Time to make sure that he and Mother Rat weren't caught in the impending shitstorm. He glanced back to the hobgoblin to see that he was more interested in investigating the fence rather than discern his shadowy form in the distance. Quickly climbing down from his position, he gestures to Mother Rat to keep quiet and follow him.

He would keep himself low on the ground while he went to retrieve his great club from the ground. He quickly glanced back to the cage, hoping that his little distraction had managed to give Asteria the opportunity to escape. They could investigate the inside of the camp once the myrminors had softened the defenses. But for now, they had to withdraw or risk fighting the bandits and the bugs.

Giligan may not have seen the stranger's face through the helmet but he was sure that underneath the helm, the lawman was smiling at the barkeep when he described how he dealt with the intruder. The dwarf had a no-nonsense attitude towards outlaws. He respected that. He then goes to take a look at the round thing he slid towards him and the others to see. He recognized it to be a poker chip. Like the ones used in more organized establishments for gambling back West. But other than that fact, he had little else to share. It was around this time that he realized that the strange woman had introduced herself and her companion to him and the scaled woman that was seated in between them. Not wanting to be ruder than he was by not paying her any mind, the stranger uses a gloved hand to slightly raise the brim of his helmet up and down as if he were greeting someone with a wide-brimmed hat. "Howdy, Ms. Lei, Ms. Fera. I'm a lawman from a place West called Arizona. Doubt you've heard of it, though."
Proficiency with Playing Cards Intelligence Check 9
Flat Perception 12
Many thanks @AsheTheReborn.
No problem

HP:160/160 | MP: 168/168 | SP: 176/176

"Better than nothing." Raime says with a shrug as he wipes away the residue of the wild corn dog from his mouth. A handful of white herbs was better than a handful of nothing. He harvests the plants and stuffs them into his pocket before returning to his companions. They soon leave and begin killing whatever kappa they encountered along the riverside. It was a rocky start but once the group had a good flow of what to do, the turtle manlets soon became more of a passing nuisance rather than an actual threat to the group. Whatever damage they sustained was healed by the level ups that soon followed after. Raime passively allocated one point to hs HP, MP, and SP every level he gained, while splitting the remaining points between Agi and Dex. If there were any left, he'd place it to End to buff his defenses and SP regen.

It was not long after they bumped up to lvl 9 that they encountered what seemed to be their first real threat. A behemoth sized frogman that even towered over the massive Klein. There seemed no way of escape and it was a fight or die moment. Raime never realized how scary this creature was up close. Despite his actual life not being in any sort of danger from this creature, he could feel his heart hammering inside his chest, and beads of sweat begin to drip from his brow. The game actually managed to activate his instinctual response to a perceived threat. The fight, flight, or freeze response.

Stupendous. He would give the game a standing ovation if he could.

Never before in his life had he felt this level of intimidation. Not when he faced down his bullies. Not when he nearly crashed when he was learning to drive. Not even when he was face to face with a wild boar when he was out hiking. This was a new level of fear. And he was excited about feeling it. It was then and there Cacophony Concord became his #1 favorite game of all time; surpassing even his childhood favorite, Rayman Legends. He still loved the game without a doubt but it was just that no other game that made him feel this way, other than CaCo that is.

His hands gripped his crossbow so tight that it shook slightly in his grasp. Mags had offered a bow to the creature. Perhaps intending to convey the message of them being not threats, or even perhaps to lull it into a false sense of security. Only the reaction of the colossal frogman would confirm or deny his suspicions. If it were to be friendly, he would relax his grip upon his weapon. But if it were to prove itself to be aggressive, Raime would activate [Zoned In] and lodge three bolts in its chest before it could even try to harm his friends.

Though only time will tell if this would be their first boss or first friend out here in the wild.

The stranger offers the dwarven barkeep a polite bow as he places a single gold piece beside his mug of dwarvish stout beer. He was never one to drink before a job, but he was thankful for the dwarf's generosity. Perhaps after the job is done and over with, the stranger would share a drink with the dwarvish man over the information regarding a certain outlaw. But before that, he only couldn't afford to be sloppy and it was not like he was going to be long in town. "Thank you kindly, Mr. Giligan, but I don't drink before a job. If you got any more information about the gang or whatnot, I'd be mighty grateful." The stranger asked. Going in with the barest information would be tantamount to suicide. He needed to know as much as he could before deciding his next course of action.
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