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    1. shadowkiller912 10 yrs ago


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It is only the second week into this semester and I am bloody tired of it already...
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9 yrs ago
I am currently working on my literary analysis while watching the Pacquiao vs. Mayweather fight.
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9 yrs ago
I am currently working on my literary analysis.
9 yrs ago
Working on a research paper right now.


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I am not sure if any of you knew about this but their is a new "World of Remnant." roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-season-3..
Vegas' post while small is combined with Sarinas' to create one combined post. Check it out.
So I could not wait to edit in combine post as I am still waiting for the green-light from VGNB if it acceptable. Its just for Sarina defending the caravan. I will edit in Vega post later on. I do not want to waste an IC post space.

Also, are we getting a new RPer?
Sarina Tala Dei – Team JESS - Defending a Caravan

Sarina did not expect the air current to shift her away from the caravan when she dropped down. An unlucky fate for her as she realized she fell into a group of nightmares. They surrounded her as Sarina was on the ground, looking at them as observed her with a killing intent. Of course she had her sword… Wait where did I lose it when the air current shifted. She clenched both of her hands into a fist, nothing;

Arbiter/Torment was not in her hands. Damn it had been with her since she started Haven as she cursed under her breath the loss of it though there was no time to lament its disappearance… [1]

And Sarina saw Estelle ram her body into a nightmare. She immediately took this opportunity to activate her semblance as the nightmares would focus on her and charged up her body quickly and went into the hand-to-hand combat stance she used. With Estelle weight pushing down on one nightmare; it would make her an easy target for the remaining four. One charged at her and Sarina with blinding illuminating speed landed a punch on the body of that nightmare to use it hooves to pummel Estelle. That punch sent it off into oblivion, that only god knows where, seeing the stellar burning light engulf it in the distance.

Sarina then focused her sight on two nightmares charging at her and like nothing she launched two medium stellar bolts [2] at the charging nightmares, sounding off like a military class rail gun as it sent them off flying…into oblivion…again…disintegrating in the distance. She turned her head to the final nightmare that was…running away. It was a common move by her foes when they view the goddess in action. Sarina made an egotistical half-smile firing off another shot, ending the existence of a fleeing nightmare.

Sarina then turned her attention to the last nightmare being crushed by Estelle. “Thanks for being the bait while I finished off the others” making an egotistical half smile towards her. She crouched down to the nightmares head and punched it with strength, pummeling it into the dirt, as its head began disintegrating. “You should get off from it; I don’t want you to get burned again…oh and I lost my sword. If you find it, then inform me.”

Sarina Notes

[1]: Character Background Info
[2]: Another of Sarina semblance ability


Vega Venetia – Team VGNB - Outskirts of the City

The modern lights of the city shined in the distance, the location where Bianca was held at by Dodici Cosca. Scum. Maybe ironic from the connections she supposedly had but in her mind they were rumors. [1] Nonetheless she had been waiting for this moment despite the fact this would considered a suicide mission for a beginning team. After all they had each other and she was grateful for Ozpin in pulling the strings to go on this personal mission.

“Gratia and Napoli you lead the attack. With the amount of bullets that are going to fly, that redirection” as she nodded to Napoli “is going to be needed. Me and Beryl will take the shadowy route to find Bianca.”


Vega Notes

[1]: Hm?

@Savato I just want to say I like your character especially her personality, semblance and weapon.

It has been a busy week for me and the others. It will end soon of course.
<Snipped quote by shadowkiller912>

Stray Dogs: Bullets and Carnage?

Yup, correct.
Just gonna leave this here:


Fun fact, my inspiration for Sarina came directly from a character from Shirow Miwa series, Dogs.
<Snipped quote by shadowkiller912>

Reading the book might be a good first start. Unfortunately the more of the assignment questions I read the more this looks like something I will not enjoy reading and is in fact 200 pages of Amir guiltily obsessing over some thing he did to or didn't do for some guy called Hassan.

Watch the movie version of the book. Kite Runner is on netflix if you have it. When you read the book after watching the movie it will be easier to understand. Also try listening to an audiobook of it.

Amir has sins that involve Hassan. (I am starting to remember the Kite Runner again).

Anyway whip out the assingment questions.

@Prince of Seraphs
Anyone here read "The Kite Runner"?

If so could you please do my homework for me? It is painfully boring.

I have chapters 1 - 20 and all the assignments there in due tommorrow cause I was out a couple of times over the last two weeks.

@Prince of Seraphs

What do you need help on? I read this in my ENG 1A class in the spring
Sooner or later, it was going to happen.
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