Avatar of Shadya
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 15 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Shadya 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Sorry! Work all day @ my roleplay friends. Promise, I'll reply soon!
8 yrs ago
Naruto is amazing <3
8 yrs ago
Hey, I'm so sorry to anyone I fell off with. I had some family business and needed a bit of recovery time. I'll do my best to reply to everyone!
8 yrs ago
Gosh, sorry to all my rp buddies I've neglected! Busy day!
8 yrs ago
When you have a typo in your title and feel like an idiot D:


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@ViolentViolet Gee, thanks xD
Wanna pm me your ideas? Or lets hear em here. Plus, we can mix the silly fairy tale fetish of mine with some darker themes!
Booty bumpity
Hey, I'm sorry I've been so inactive. I'd be happy to continue, if you're interested.
Naeema kept silent during the tour. She kept her smart remarks to herself, listening and looking around with narrowed eyes. Even out of her element and slightly sea sick, the girl could fall back on old habits. Get the lay of the land- well, ship. Size up possible threats. Understand the hierarchy, who's at the top and who's on the bottom. Sure, the setting changed, but people don't. The succubus, Captain Victoria, was at the top. Her mate, Darrel or something, was second and everyone else was below. Men seemed to be ranked by their usefulness. The cook, while weaker physically than the deck hand with a tree trunk neck, was ranked higher than him because he was skilled at not only cooking, but some medicine and sewing. It seemed being a jack of all trades would serve the girl well.

Once they were at the captains very own cabin, Naeema took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dark. It was simple, not at all what she imagined. There was no bed made of gold, or belly dancers ready in a corner to entertain the fierce captain. She was, quite honestly, disappointed. Watching Victoria with careful eyes, the girl pushed her own hair back.
"I'll be fine in these clothes for now, thank you cap." Cap. Naeema found the nickname cute. Grinning her mischievous grin, she leaned against the doorframe. "I should warn you, Cap-attack. I'm horrid at cooking. Not a domestic bone in my body. I might accidentally kill you all." It was hard to tell if she was serious or not.

Turning away, the short thief- traveling performer, waved over her shoulder. Gods, she'd have to remember who she was. Nita the entertainer! As if to prove a point to herself, the girl did a quick backhand spring on the ships deck, moving towards the kitchens.

Nita the entertainer was entertaining. She proved herself charming and quick witted, making friends easily with the men she'd met. She matched their raunchy comments with her own and managed to one up a few. She chopped enough potatoes to drive her mad, but kept up her cheerful attitude. The pirates she'd met didn't really seem all that bad. A bit dirty, sexist and horny, but not terrible guys to be around.

If you paid close attention to her words, yoid find her asking subtly about the captain. The born con artist was looking for some angle. A pirate ship could be a valuable asset, for transporting stolen goods or making get aways. And even if Naeema couldn't find some way to manipulate the good captain, staying on her good side was a good idea.

She worked till dinner, cleaning and assisting the chef, talking his ear off. Dinner was ready to be served and Naeema handed out the good bowls. Sully, the dear, had gone all out to greet their unexpected guest. She felt a bit uncomfortable, getting as many rude glares as she did kind looks. Feeling a bit trapped, the girl looked around for the Captain. Sure, she'd made nice with these men, but pirates were pirates.
Relief washed over the girl, though she kept on a goofy smile. This could be good. She could last two days on a pirate ship, could she not? Naeema accepted the knife with a not, placing it on her belt quickly. She hoped she wouldn't need it. At her introduction, the short girl moved close to The Captain, made a bit nervous by the men's searching eyes. She had to clench her fists to resist going through Captains pockets. Her well trimmed nails digging into the skin of her palms.

"I um.." She watched with wide eyes as the men listened, responded to her in a way that showed obvious respect. Naeema was amazed! She was wonderful! Giving a little wave as the men dispersed, the short thief laughed softly. "Yes, yes. I'm Nita." She didn't know what the captain could've possibly heard. It was no point of pride to her, that she was infamous, among thieves at least. Stealing the crown Jewels of Hawthorne, one of the most sword happy kingdoms in the world, was no small feat.

Sure, lying to the person protecting you wasn't ideal. But Naeema didn't want to risk recognition. She moved to face the Captain, a mischievous grin in place. "Has anyone ever told you, you should write a book about your life! I'm sure its wildly exciting! Perhaps I could even play you!" The girl grabbed Victoria's sword and held it up dramatically, swinging it above hr head before striking a pose. "I think I could capture the spirit of the Succubus, don't you?"
Naeema frowned, mildly annoyed this Succubus could read her so well. Yes, that hadn't been her best lie, but she still could've considered it. She moved around so her and the lady pirate were facing each other. Naeema was even more annoyed to note how tall the pirate was. "Why? Well that's a long story. I mean, I guess there's a short version, but that isn't as interesting." The girl played with her long, dark colored braid. She thought a moment, trying to come up with a plan. Gulping, she smiled in her charming way, with one dimple showing.
"I am quite useful, I assure you. I tell jokes, do impressions. I'm a pretty good dancer too." She elbowed Victoria in a playful manner, deciding it best she keep her true trade to herself for now. "I'm a traveling performer! I was with my company when I got the ships mixed up." Naeema did her best to look innocent, keeping her eyes wide and looking the woman in the eye. She was a lovely Lady, with pretty eyes that Naeema admired and envied. She carried herself with a strength the thief found admirable.
"I assure you, fair Succubus, this is a mistaken. I will do whatever work I must to earn my place here, till you dock and I will take my leave."
Today was just not Naeema's day. She woke up with her feet hanging off her bed, which should've warned her of her coming bad luck. But the girl foolishly ignored the sign and prepared for her day. She had a tight schedule to keep to and couldn't risk any oversight. After braiding her hair back, out of her face, the girl set off on foot towards the former household of a Mister Grank. Not a nice name, for not a nice man. He was, however, very very rich. In fact, he was the one who funded this little port towns creation. In his day, he was an extremely powerful man who owned the everything from the lowest saloon to the bank. And did he love his bank. Mr Grank loved his bank and his money so much, he commissioned a tunnel to be built. From his cellar, to the vault it ran.

It was of course now out of use, for Grank had died many years ago. And his house had been turned into a museum, in honor of the honorless man. It was against the rules to even enter the cellar. Plus, the museum was closed on Sundays.
Fortunately, Naeema didn't work regular hours. She reached the museum and carefully picked the sad excuse for a lock. The house wasn't as impressive as it once must've been. It seemed small and damp, the smell of the sea sunk unto the old rugs and wood. The walls were lined with pictures of the old man, with eyes that followed her. The girl frowned and waved to one. "Hey. Hi. You're looking good." She bowed grandly and laughed. Not like he needed the money anymore.

She moved through the old, rickety halls, towards the kitchens. The walks boasted of how he once used a pasta or something, Naeema didn't look to closely. She moved to the big door tucked away in the corner and opened it. Stale air whooshed upwards and she stumbled back, shaking her head. Gross.
Naeema moved down the stairs carefully and looked for a second door. She found it, soon enough, hidden behind a sad little stack of pots and pans. This door opened to a tunnel. Long and straight, with little light. Lighting a torch, the young thief took off, coursing herself. She'd underestimated the distance. She ran as quick as she could, fearing her window would be missed. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your outlook, she didn't. The girl came to the ladder and climbed up quickly. She pulled the hatcher down and yelped as two bags of gold fell down, just missing her head. Jackpot.

She hurried up into the vault, tossing down bags of gold, silver and whatever else she could find. Her heart thrilled at all this, though it dropped when she heard a voice behind her.
"Ahem.." Naeema turned slowly, eyes wide. There stood the banker, a town guard and a little old woman who was coming to view the objects in her late husbands deposit box.
You can't account for death, the thief supposed.

There was a short scuffle, which ended with the brown skinned girl escaping onto the street. By now, every guard had heard if her attempt and was looking for her. Half of them were already on her tail. She moved through the crowded streets with ease, a small grin on her face. It was nerve wracking, being chased so. The girl could always feel the hand of a guard closing in on the back of her neck. An arrow, just missing her ear, made her mischievous smile disappear. The girl ran faster, to the docks. She could lose them at the docks. She hurried onto a random ship and hid.

She his and hid, until she fell asleep. And then, the next day, she awoke with no feeling in her left leg and a loud voice ordering her to show herself. Had she been caught by guards? She looked around frantically for an out. Not seeing one, she sighed and stood, arms held up.

"I'm unarmed. Though, isn't that funny? You have to show you arms, so show you are unarmed." She chucked, turning around slowly. Her eyes widened when she saw, presumably, can Lady pirate. Naeema coughed and backed up, gulping. "I um.. Is this ship to Henle? I'm headed to see my sister. She just had a baby."
Name: Naeema Djem

She goes by numerous other names, most starting with an 'N'. Nancy. Nina.

Age: 19
Though, as any great thief, she can change her mannerisms and looks to appear older or younger.

Title: She's the Honorable Thief.

Appearance: (I'm horrible at choosing actual people references, I hope you don't mind I use some digital art?)
Small, flexible with nimble little fingers that are constantly in motion. She's nervous energy incarnate. Esmeralda doesn't stop moving, and if she's really excited, talking. She dresses for comfort, mostly. Loose pants, thin shirts. She keeps a little pouch at her waist, filled with nice little trinkets, keepsakes.

Naeema is a fickle person. Sometimes she is playful, and steals your hat just to return it with whipped cream inside. Other times she's stoic, planning out her escape rout after stealing a jewel worth a fortune. She's kind and highly intelligent, despite her background. A life full if ups and downs has given her an older, more mature sense about her. She's cynical, yet holds herself to some code. She believes that people can be good, and while she isn't exactly a prized citizen, sees herself as a good person.
She's brave and Courageous, never backing down. She doesn't shy from conflict, but embraces it. Naeema is at her best when the world is at its worst. She functions best in chaos and calm makes her uncomfortable. She's a mixed up mess of mature and childish.

History!: (gosh I'm horrible at this! Tell me if it sucks!)
Naeema grew up poor. She learned to take care of herself. One day, she stole from an old thief. He took the girl under his wing and taught her the old cons, techniques and skills of the trade. He taught her the code of thieves and the honor in it. He died, eventually, though Naeema didn't mourn. He'd saved her, and now he was safe somewhere else.
So she moved on. Pickpocketing, doing smash and grabs and long cons. She pretended to be a nobles distant cousin for a month, before taking off with his gold. She also spent a few months in jail.
The girl traveled, doing as she pleased and living a dangerous, exciting life. She helped people where she could, always giving away the earnings from her stolen objects. Naeema didn't steal for money, or fame or to gain possessions. She stole for the rush of it!
Name: Naeema Djem

She goes by numerous other names, most starting with an 'N'. Nancy. Nina.

Age: 19
Though, as any great thief, she can change her mannerisms and looks to appear older or younger.

Title: She's the Honorable Thief.

Appearance: (I'm horrible at choosing actual people references, I hope you don't mind I use some digital art?)
Small, flexible with nimble little fingers that are constantly in motion. She's nervous energy incarnate. Esmeralda doesn't stop moving, and if she's really excited, talking. She dresses for comfort, mostly. Loose pants, thin shirts. She keeps a little pouch at her waist, filled with nice little trinkets, keepsakes.

Naeema is a fickle person. Sometimes she is playful, and steals your hat just to return it with whipped cream inside. Other times she's stoic, planning out her escape rout after stealing a jewel worth a fortune. She's kind and highly intelligent, despite her background. A life full if ups and downs has given her an older, more mature sense about her. She's cynical, yet holds herself to some code. She believes that people can be good, and while she isn't exactly a prized citizen, sees herself as a good person.
She's brave and Courageous, never backing down. She doesn't shy from conflict, but embraces it. Naeema is at her best when the world is at its worst. She functions best in chaos and calm makes her uncomfortable. She's a mixed up mess of mature and childish.

History!: (gosh I'm horrible at this! Tell me if it sucks!)
Naeema grew up poor. She learned to take care of herself. One day, she stole from an old thief. He took the girl under his wing and taught her the old cons, techniques and skills of the trade. He taught her the code of thieves and the honor in it. He died, eventually, though Naeema didn't mourn. He'd saved her, and now he was safe somewhere else.
So she moved on. Pickpocketing, doing smash and grabs and long cons. She pretended to be a nobles distant cousin for a month, before taking off with his gold. She also spent a few months in jail.
The girl traveled, doing as she pleased and living a dangerous, exciting life. She helped people where she could, always giving away the earnings from her stolen objects. Naeema didn't steal for money, or fame or to gain possessions. She stole for the rush of it!
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