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I guess mental instability is a good excuse for why the psychic can't just go prying answers, but you'd think she'd be used to that, considering she deals with monsters and magical girls and works for a horror. Alas.
I assume that even with a clueless patron who's just like 'do all the things for me', the psychic and the empath would at least be somewhat connected to the magical girl community, or aware of it. Hence knowing of Beacon, and also the recent disaster in the community
It's the same for Julia and Jillian; dislike by necessity, since they're basically ghost girls.

It is said that many magical girls hold the favor of Lady Luck; that their existences are a whimsical thing fraught with fortuitous events. Sometimes, Julia Durant mused, this became clearer than usual.

Because, truly, who could have predicted such a stroke of luck as this?

Julia's smile was uncanny upon her exhausted face, paired with bloodshot and tired eyes. Jillian's mind stirred with hints of excitement behind her, and she slowly brought Julia's wheelchair to a stop upon the sidewalk. She leaned over the top of it, and caught her dear other self's eye with a curious expression. It was a very familiar face that Julia saw; the similarities between them always put her at ease.

Jillian's tilted head was met with a fond smile and a nod, and the twinned soul needed no further encouragement to push her dear other self's wheelchair off of the sidewalk, into a nearby alley as the sound of the commotion echoed around them.

Clearly, it was good fortune that brought them towards the hospital for a routine checkup on the same day that so many magical girls chose to make a ruckus. The poking of needles and the prodding of hands, the scanning of a body that should not have been so wracked with weakness, the futile efforts of doctors who were made not to question why two girls would arrive alone and leave the same...

Julia's smile became a grin. This was a much better way to spend their time.

Those reassuring hands left the wheelchair's handlebars, and Julia closed her eyes and directed her focus inwards. The words left her lips as easily as her breath. "I am all, and I am none. Under my will, all become one." Something stirred behind her ribs and rushed up into her skull, through her nerves and her flesh. It quivered in her skin, and then exploded forth with boundless energy. She unraveled, from her cloth to her bones, and became her greater form.

This is power. When she drifted up out of the wheelchair, she was no longer her frail self, and she did not rise of her own physical power; the thrumming distortion sensation of her gravity lifted her ephemeral frame as if she were a feather, and freed her. Yes, free. This is freedom.

She's so pretty.
I am. Focus.

The other presence swam with eagerness and anticipation, and Julia knew they were both smiling when she spoke her solemn vow and incantation. "I am the part, and I am the sum. By my hand, her will be done."

She felt it rather than saw it when her other self transform, the same expulsion of power as she became something more, a form ever more beautiful. The weight behind it was different, but it put her at ease all the same. It was the supportive hand on her shoulder, and the smile of a loved one, all diffused into energy.

When Julia -Tourner- finally opened her eyes, Jillian was once again Tuer. You're pretty too. she praised, one hand upon her cheek and the other upon her elbow as she tilted her head in fond examination. And goodness, the way Jillian seemed to glow and preen was visible despite the distortion of their ghostly forms.

With her hands upon her cheeks and her head tilted in a coy sort of bashfulness, the twinned soul's response came to the surface of the jumbled stream that was her conscious mind. It was infused with a touch of empathy to ring with emotion and easily caught by Julia's own psychic power. Oh stop it, you. Now who's not focused?

Raising an eyebrow, Julia snapped her fingers. The wheelchair folded up seemingly of its own accord, drifting weightlessly into the air along with Jillian and Julia herself. Up and over they went, drifting to a stop above the nearest roof. I'm very focused.

Jillian accepted the sudden application of Julia's power with the casual ease of experience, shrugging playfully. Seated primly on thin air, the dominant psychic of the pair directed her gaze towards the hospital nearly a block away. Her focus was in her power, rather than her vision; she reached across the distance to feel the minds there without probing.

Her eyes drifted shut as she felt her weightless twinned soul propel herself through the air with small pushes of gravity until she was behind her. Her longer arms wrapped around the psychic, the only embrace that her incorporeal form seemed to be able to accept. Perhaps it was a matter of their shared soul. Regardless, it was as soothing as every hug from her empathic other self.

Resting her weary eyes, the psychic turned her focus fully outwards. It was a faulty form of observation, but it would hopefully tell her what she required; their intent, and their allegiance. If they were servants of the Beacon, then even the inability to directly interfere would be enough, should she choose to probe further.

It was strange, though; what would compel magical girls to make such an open ruckus? Their patron was a being of little to no advice, so perhaps they were in the dark about some recent event or another... Her focus was only mildly disrupted when Jillian's head rested upon her shoulder, her thoughts surging forward once again. What now?

Smiling, the psychic spoke aloud for the first time in 4 hours. "Now we wait, my dear."
Edited Julia and Jillian's sheets in the CHAR tab with their colors on the incantations.
Alexander boosting Julia (due to highest MAG), plus her working in concert with all the other gravity users, plus a portal loop so they can continually accelerate it. Railgun indeed.
Can I switch out Jillian's 'Hoarder' with 'Sentinel' from the dark magical girl sheet? Just that. It's much closer to what I wanted originally.
It's a joke man, chill.

Tone is extremely hard to interpret through text, especially with strangers. I usually just settle for face value. Sorry if that's the case. I didn't like the remarks from multiple people and felt the need to speak bluntly.
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