Avatar of Sightseer
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    1. Sightseer 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Fake it until you make it, works in all areas of life.
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Studious student and spirited seeker of stories.

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Once tomorrow is over, I'm down for either (last paper due!!!).

I'm fine with keeping things going (and can easily do so), but I can also see there being some distinctive advantages to a soft-remake/reboot.
Tegan, the Now Certainly Drinking Necromancer

Rising out of her throne-like chair with a remarkable and alarming alacrity Tegan grabbed a hold of Stein's arm and dragged the in her eyes always heroic wizard to the bar with a not so well whispered shout of glee, "Stein! Looks like you don't have to pay! Finally, this heroism stuff is paying off!"

Resting her staff against the bar counter and finally releasing her vice like grip on Stein's arm, Tegan practically threw her summons at the guardsman, loudly and very excitedly speaking in the direction of the barkeep, "I'm Tegan, also a hero, also hired by King Whatshisname! Barkeep! A bottle of your finest wine!"

Pausing as she waited for the irritated looking barkeeper to fetch her precious alcohol, she looked over the large, rather smokey fellow standing next to the bar, he was pretty big she noted, the ideal size for adequately sized bone golem, and she wondered idly if she could convince him to donate his skeleton to the necromatic sciences. Not that she assumed he would die anytime soon, but you never knew, quests were serious business, and it would be a shame to waste good material.

Gesturing towards Stein, the cheerful necromancer addressed the guardsman seriously, "This is Stein, he's an even more heroic wizard, he deserves at least two bottles of wine, maybe even three."

Trying to make it to the end of the semester! So partially alive.
Sounds interesting!
Posted, I'm agnostic to how the angry wizard is dealt with, so no pressure on anyone (he can quite easily just be told to sit down), I just thought it was funnier to write this way.
Tegan, the Drinking Necromancer

In a corner of the tavern, a group of wizards had established themselves and oblivious or more likely feeling smugly superior to the other patrons, they were holding court, expounding on the nature of existence, debating on the most useful school of magic, sharing the most recent arcane gossip and mostly arguing about who had the biggest staff...standard wizard stuff really. Tegan sat among them, having somehow acquired a looming leather chair, colored a deep shade of black, that was somehow made all the more ominous by the white staff of polished bone that she had leaned against it.

Tegan's ownership of the chair and in fact her place among the other wizards, had been a point of great contention, at least until the first drinks arrived, at which point everyone decided it would be easier if they just pretended the necromancer practiced a less taboo form of magic.

Unlike her arcane brethren she was not draped in a robe of questionable embroidery or worse the classic sign of an academic, a muted robe of grey, black, or brown. No, that would not do, not for Tegan, not when she was the last hope for finally bringing necromancy into the light and out from the dark, death-filled crypts were it traditionally resided. Instead, she wore a long flowing dress, resplendent in color, dancing hues of red and black, the work of a master dressmaker, it was a great indulgence, but for Tegan it was an important one, her last chance to enjoy both color and fashion before she ventured once more into the wilds on what promised to be yet another wonderfully heroic quest.

She had been lost in her thoughts, idly wondering and mostly hoping that the her current situation had little or preferably nothing to do with her recent temporary resurrection of the long dead Queen Joanna, she'd had an important bet to settle, surely the King would understand?

However, once more, important wizardly matters demanded her attention, and with a bemused raise of her eyebrow she turned her gaze towards her compatriots, poorly dressed and cowardly as they were.

"And that is why the Great Magus Matthias suggested that..."

"The Great Magus was a fool and it says a lot about your mastery of the arcane arts that you would even mention his name as some sort of reference for-"

"We could ask him," Tegan cheerfully interrupted, slamming her now empty goblet of wine loudly onto a nearby table.


"I said, we could ask him, Matthias, the Magus, the Great dude, whatever, you know?" Tegan replied, nodding in the direction of the first wizard.

Tegan noted the involuntary shudders of the gathered wizard and the angry glares they shot in her direction, but felt little inclination to police her tongue, not when faced with such fearful ignorance at the very least. They were letting the knowledge of the past vanish, right before them, and they did nothing! It was a heinous crime, a terrible crime, and one that she could not let silently pass by. More importantly, she had gotten very bored and she'd heard from a reliable source that boredom could kill...and she wasn't quite ready to embark upon the next stage of her investigations, at least not yet, not for a couple of decades.

"Ignoring the offensive suggestion of our so-called colleague-"

"The only thing offensive here is your lack of pragmatism...and taste," Tegan retorted, shaking her head at the clearly ridiculous robe the other wizard wore, the clashing colors and the awful, just awful trim which traveled across the edges of his robe hurt her, almost as much as the terrible stigma that afflicted the necromatic arts and its well-intentioned practitioners.

"Look, girl, why don't you go steal another corpse for your research and leave the heroics to proper wizards, like us?"

"Oh, Thomas, what an ugly thing to say. You know that I abhor ugliness...if I wasn't in a such a generous mood, well, I might see that as a very rude comment, and I just don't think I could bear it if I thought you were being impolite," the necromancer said with a grin, mostly in jest, probably in jest, at least partly in jest, but with a devious enough smile that the aged pyromancer could not be certain.

The wizard known only as Thomas shrank back in his far less impressive chair, gripping an oaken staff in one hand and pointing the finger of his other at Tegan, very rudely in her opinion, as his voice rose to a shrill shout, "Barkeep! Remove this vile necromancer from the premises, before I do what the King should have done long ago and turn her into a pile of smoking ash!"
So much to do, so little time, but best of luck all!
Woo, definitions.

Amending Blue's CS to mention her status as an AI.
@ShwiggityShwah, using the preformatted tag will let you show code as html reads it without it triggering (pre and /pre with the standard brackets and whatever you want to show between them).

[i][b]Example:[/b][i] Fancy Code

CS Template:
[b]Name:[/b] Your characters full name and nickname or title
[b]Age:[/b] Age doesn't really matter, Mankind has existed in Elysia for over a 1000 years and some races were here much earlier.
[b]Gender[/b] Self explanatory. Some races have no genders, or three... yay genetic variability.
[b]Race:[/b] Any you can think of. If you want to use a canon race, it will be part of Empires Tab (Coming soon)
[b]Culture:[/b] If you are none human race, give a short description of their culture, helps with world building. For clarity, some races actually were born in Elysia, its been around for a long time. Some races didn't have any calamity or even knew about the gods until suddenly there were more planets in the sky than before, which I could imagine is still quite a shock.
[b]Racial Features:[/b] List a few things that are unique about your particular race.
[b]Appearance[/b] Picture or Description
[b]Occupation/Concept[/b] How would your character describe themselves? Is he a fighter pilot, a prophet, a priest, a captain, a mercenary, a monster catcher, a demon hunter. Skies the limit here.
[b]Training:[/b] List and describe atleast 3 particular skill sets your character is proficient at. They dont have to be just weapons.
[b]Powers:[/b] As an Exalted you get divine gifts with your status. You are considered physically superior to others of your race, and your mental faculties and your sway over a crowd are now without biological limits, but your power manifests in other more spectacular ways. List 5 ways you manipulate essence as specific powers. These can be particular spells you can cast or magical effects you can use. Try to be creative. You could go for a particular theme and be a master of one element or you can grab bag of alot of different effects. As an Exalted, any power or magic is capable of being acquired through study or training. Listed examples will be in the Exalted and Magic Tabs. Coming soon.
[b]Equipment:[/b] At the very least, unless they are from some backwater feral world your character has a universal translator implant (for understanding languages of others) and a PDA of some variety. Your PDA is essentially a smart phone. You can save info on it, contact people, play games, and if you are near a planet that has a network, you have access to the internet (Which may or may not be restricted) Sometimes ships will also have their own network, but only whats saved in the ships database is able to be accessed, sometimes with security restrictions.
Anything else, is good to go. Weapons, Armor, Gadgets, Implants, Magical Artifacts, Magitech, Cybernetics, Special clothes, all that gets listed here.
[b]Airship:[/b] It's perfectly fine to not have an airship, trust me there will be plenty. Look to the Airships tab for examples. Coming soon. Again picture or description
[b]Motivation:[/b] What drives your character in life and what is their personal goal in this world?
[b]Personality:[/b] How your character acts. Be as broad or specific as you like.
[b]Flaws:[/b] All great heroes have tragic flaws. Substance abuse, PTSD, you cant fly a ship to save your life, or you just don't get along with people due to trust issues. If your race has a particular weakness.
[b]Bio:[/b] Your character's personal history and major points in their life, maybe when and how you were chosen to be exalted. There will be very little I wont allow for someones backstory. Feel free to use worlds, races, empires, and events, again world building.
[b]Extra Info:[/b] Anything more, maybe a pet, a personality quirk, an asset you can utilize?
I'm tinkering with a living construct type of character, but I'm not feeling anything tinker related, so I'll probably go somewhere unexpected with it.
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