Avatar of Silentsniper211
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    1. Silentsniper211 9 yrs ago


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Carly's trip was quiet and lonesome. The only noise coming from the beeping of her data pad, and the occasional rumble of the engines. There was a swish from the cockpit door, as the co-pilot walked in and saluted to her, without looking up Carly spoke; "Drop the formalities Marine It's been too long a trip, how far out are we?" The marine looked quite awkward as he dropped his stance to a more casual position."We're just coming in on the station, now, you’ve been directed to Dock AA3", the marine promptly walked out and left Carly to her mission reports. As the pelican touched down, she grabbed her satchel and jumped out the back. Leaving a few credits on her seat. She put on her helmet and made her way to the Docking bay. She knew she would already be late she had one heck of a journey.

She made her way to the location given to her by the pilot, not after stopping to pick something up at the nearest mess hall She knew it was going to be a long journey, after all, it had to be important to ONI to bring back Rogue seven. After picking up a sandwich and throwing it in her satchel she ran to docking bay provided to her. Just as she was about to enter the ship she was interrupted by an AI, "Hello Sargeant Renton, I am Colonel Icarus's personal AI assistant, you may refer to me as Nesalla Your squadmates are already on board the bridge.” The AI spoke calmly with a sense of authority about it. “Thank you, How late am I?” The reply came swiftly; “You are currently ten minutes late, Strike Commander Andromedai is just finishing up, I suggest you hurry Sargeant” Carly dismissed the Ai and made her way quickly to the Bridge just as Nesalla had ended. “Sergeant Renton reporting in.” She turned to Andromedai. “Apologies for the delay ma’am, Had a bit of a trip,” She inspected those that had arrived, It had been sometime Since they had been together, She just hoped that the bonds they had formed had still stayed intact. Carly checked her Datapad and just as expected Nesalla had, luckily for Carly, already sent the details to her.

Carly took off her helmet and examined the details, Trying to find as many possible scenarios as possible. "I have no questions, But if possible I would like Nessalla to Send me the latest basic medical forms for the strike team, recent injuries, and all that jazz, The standard procedure," As much as Carly wanted to sit down and catch up she knew she had a job to do first.

Contrary to popular belief I am still alive! My apologies for the delay. :D

Also Interested,
miles came up to the Hangar bay just as they other Shuttles left to other ships. Dressed in what he called his 'diplomatic uniform. Whilst Raiden had gone for his officer's combat suit. "you ready for this captain?" Miles asked walking into the shuttle's side doors, " about as ready as one can be in this situation," he jumped into the cockpit and loaded up the engines; "Buckle up my flying might be a bit rusty." He opened up the comms as the ship left the hangar, "Haines, Any news on this paramount cruiser?"

"I've personally checked through all of our records, and the only thing I found was a small insurrectionist group on BT_44, but I doubt insurrectionists, would act like they have"

"Understood, thanks for the info"

"Paramount This is Oblivion Shuttle 01 approaching The specified hangar."
the gravitational field kicked in as the shuttle drifted into the hangar the feeling of the sudden acceleration was odd as per the usual, but after all his years in space flight, it was standard. The door to the ship opened with the hiss of hydraulics. Moving out, both with breather helmets. after testing the atmosphere onboard. they removed them, He was going to move towards the commander before the sudden intrusion. The two men both pulled out their pistols, ready for whatever was coming, once the two men had landed Raiden and miles both holstered their weapons. Miles inspected them both and turned to Raiden; "Cosmonauts I believe, different era entirely, had a specific attitude to doing things their way," Raiden just nodded and continued walking. He was about to announce himself when a beep from his comms cut him short. "Commander We've just completed a scan of the ship as per your request, It's known as the spirit of wind, but we believe that it acts as a Hub for AI almost, It's weaponry is much similar to that of what we faced on Operation Genisis." a lump formed in Raiden's throat, as he looked at Miles. "Understood Haines, keep The APAC ready" he closed the comms channel and turned to commander Powers and introduced himself "Raiden captain of the SOSCOM HWRS Oblivion, and This is my XO Miles, I'm glad you set this up commander, This is a strange time for all of us."

I'm not sure if I have the time either, I'm limited to what I can do at the moment.
To save time, if anyone Wants to get a lift on one of the oblivion's shuttles I'm about to send a few out in my next post, so if you want to write about flying in them, they are one of these bad boys:

(I couldn't find one in white, So I hope you can use your imagination a bit)
@Hostile what does the inside of your ship look like, is it like mine a bit clinical or militaristic, I assume it's the second but I just want to make sure :)
I think it's probably best if I Edit my post since you've already posted, I'll keep the shuttles option for some, to make it easier for others, I think that makes it easier for everyone :) @Hostile

[EDIT: My post has now been edited]
My apologies for the delay, Work has kept me on my toes Recently
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