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    1. SimpleD 8 yrs ago


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@Arthanus Posted! Apologies that's like a day and a half late - felt exhausted after driving back and Work today didn't finish till late.

As the night wore on, Sonya eventually found the fatigue of the day's event catching up with her as it became harder to keep her thoughts in order and she struggled to find the right words. As the idea of sleep crawled from the edges of her mind and vision, she bid Odessa farewell for the night, knowing the two of them would meet once more in the morning. Making her way through the campsite illuminated by the moonlight and flickering flame of the torches, Sonya managed to keep herself steady until she was inside her tent before succumbing to exhaustion and falling asleep

Despite her tired she was, Sonya was a creature of habit and awoke shortly after the rising of the sun, its rays filtering through the tent and bringing the world to life. Though it was still early, the camp was already beginning to buzz with activity with a number of militia, though others would unlikely to be getting up before midday without help given the amount of liquor that had been consumed. Even with the activity throughout the camp, it was a relatively quiet morning, the songs of birds and other wildlife filtering through the air as Sonya managed to find the energy to shuffle out of her tent. Breathing in the cool morning air deeply and catching the smell of warm food, it was hard not to find such sensations relieving compared to the blood and chaos of the day before.

Taking a moment to visit the Triage tent, Sonya did what little could be done to ensure some comfort for those remaining but did not allow herself to linger as she recalled Amare’s words from the night before. To keep herself occupied, she headed to the location of the meeting early, waiting for the others to arrive and keeping an eye out in particular for Odessa. As the others trickled in, eventually Silas arrived as well, allowing the meeting to begin.’Plenty of information, but all to the point. No doubt Silas would be eager to get moving before we join up with the rest of the force and the former commander recovers Sonya mused to herself, somewhat impressed with how effectively Silas and Dixon managed to work.

As Silas made his reveal though Sonya was surprised, given the way the man had fought and led the others the previous day she could not have guessed his background. More than that, she could not help but ponder if such a revelation could give a clue as to his motives ’Such a fate could easily lead one down a road of Vengeance, I wonder if such a fire burns within his heart and his front so far is just a facade. Though Silas had opened the floor to challenges, Sonya took the chance to raise a question ”I would not question your skills as a commander, they were proven enough yesterday in my eyes; but I would pose a question - For what reason do you find support the Empire given history with it?” both out of natural curiosity and a desire to know more about his character given she would be joining a group with him as the head
Yeah still here as well. Wedding concluded but wont be heading off for another day, ill try to get a reply tomorrow but doing it on a phone is painful
Just a quick update: currently out of town for a wedding, ill try to reply if I get time

Kali gave the bard a knowing smirk but otherwise remained quiet as she spoke her piece. Though she managed to keep her expression neutral, internally she could feel heat spreading through her form as the bard’s words conjured vivid images in Kali’s mind. ‘As troubling as her company prove to be in the future, it does seem like she has a lead we could follow up on’ Kali concluded as she and the goddess watched the Bard’s form mingle and then disappear into the crowded bar, and only when she was out of sight did Kali release a sigh and relax her form.

Taking a few moments to compose herself, Kalu turned back to Cecilia and returned the soft-smile with her own. ”No need to apologise, I can understand being flustered at such forward attention. Especially if you have not experienced it before it can be quite easy to be caught off guard” Kali replied with a soft chuckle. In truth she had pulled very similar stints before when mingling with social circles of higher standing than her own. When she had performed it herself, she had always wondered how it could have been so effective, but now having witnessed it performed against her, it was easy to see why many people could become flustered and led along as one desired. ”I suppose as far as encounters like that go, the outcome was preferable. It seems as though she might even be able to give us a lead to follow, though I might need to keep an eye on her lest she try to steal you away” Kali continued, finishing with a bemused smile at the last thought - both thinking the bard would struggle at any attempts but still being somewhat possessive of Cecilia.

At Cecilia’s question of their next step, Kali leaned back in the seat and glanced across the bar as she considered their options, before finding her gaze returned to Cecilia’s face, unable to fight the desire to continue to stare at the goddess. ’I wonder if she wants me to make the decision as a form of test? Or perhaps that last encounter has her somewhat..unsettled perhaps? Kali thought to herself as she studying the Goddess with her own thoughtful expression. After a moment she replied ”Well, I’ll admit I’m somewhat new to the adventuring life but when I was travelling it was often necessary to stock up on supplies. Even with our abilities we’ll likely find some use looking through the town stores and spying for anything that might prove useful. I’m not sure what kind of work that Red-haired woman might have in mind, but since she wants to discuss it at night we’d be best booking a room for the two of us while there’s still vacancies as well. I do also admit I am curious to learn more about Julia’s Cord through practice, so if there is time it could be fun to explore the nearby terrain and perhaps take a few practice shots”

Leaning back against a nearby tree, Sonya turned her attention towards the night sky above as her heard swum with various thoughts. For the corner of her vision she caught the changes in Odessa’s expressions, her eyes flicking beneath the mask to catch the details. Though Odessa struck the smaller woman as a very capable figure - especially based on the actions that had transpired today, it was undeniable that she was comfortable for someone else to take that spot of leadership. More curious for Sonya though was the red tinge that spread across Odessa’s face, the sight stirring a strange string of emotions within Sonya’s own form that brought a torrent of thoughts of their own.

Sonya’s forced her eyes skyward to quell those emotions for the moment, the moonlit sky offering a sense of calmness as she gazed off into its illuminated darkness, all the while a melodic song seemed to carry itself across the night’s breeze. As Odessa took the time to explain her fallen comrade, Sonya found herself closing her eyes as she attempted to imagine the kind of person Ashley must have been to leave such a strong impression on Odessa. ”I would have to agree with her assessment of your heart, and it would seem that many of her traits have rubbed off on you. It would have been quite an experience to meet someone who has earned such praises from you” Sonya replied to Odessa’s after she had described her fallen comrade.

Though earlier at the triage tent she had been wanting to bring this night to an end, as Sonya brought her vision back down and caught the sight of Odessa’s warm smile, a part of her did not feel ready to bid farewell for the night. Prompting a conversation Sonya asked ”So what do you make of the others that have been extended the same invite as we were? A few of them I am uncertain of what motivates them but given the events of today I feel they are trustworthy and wise is their own ways. Amare was especially helpful to me earlier after we had finished in the Triage tent...they were able to offer some valuable wisdom that is no doubt only gained from experience”
@Arthanus I have fixed up my computer, and as you suspected it was indeed no fun at all. Saw lots of red static and gibberish text so possibly involved demonic possession? Regardless now that my computer is back to normal, I shall get my reply done asap.
Turns out thanks to a windows update my computer no longer wishes to connect with my monitor. Might be a bit delayed in replying for a bit
@Arthanus Haven't forgotten either just been celebrating the Easter weekend with the family so haven't really had the chance to do up a reply. Shall try my best to get one done the next few days.

And I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything to help regarding the reply length, it appears to be a condition of mine that I am incapable of doing a short reply. We shall just have to suffer through the walls of text :P
@Lyla Replies up =D

Apologies to everyone on my delayed replies. Work has been very unkind these last few days and I've spent a few all nighters getting the work done, been had to find the energy to do replies I'm happy with as a result
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