Avatar of Sisyphus
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  • Posts: 231 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Sisyphus 7 yrs ago


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@Sisyphus I love the trickster idea but I'm a bit weary about players being able to control other players' characters through mind control (if that's what your building this power up to), so I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be with that. Not to say that that's what your character would do, but the possibility alone makes me question if it'd be fair to other people's characters. Could you tell me a bit more about how it would work?

Oof, hadn't even considered that, that's a good point. The way I figured it would work would be that he could essentially charge a simple command or a question with ether such that anyone listening was compelled to answer or obey - it would take less ether for easy things, like 'sit down' or 'what's your name?', but the more complex it got it would eat more into the ether supply. It might also have some offensive ability if you'd be willing to allow that, like a command of 'hurt' causing someone to get a headache. If you're worried about player abuse, which is totally fair, perhaps the explanation could be that it's a rather inelegant technique, and anyone who was skilled in etheric manipulation (such as the other players) could counter it without even really trying? Again, I've got some other character concepts if this doesn't pan out, so if you don't think it'll work all you need to do is say so and I'll get cracking on one of those.
Color me interested. I'll try and throw a CS up today or tomorrow.

What would you say to a character whose etheric abilities are more based around mental manipulation, i.e. mind-reading or a 'compelling voice'? Just a character concept I'm toying with - kind of a trickster type who leans very hard on his abilities to solve his problems. I have a few other ideas if that doesn't pan out.
Hey! Everyone made it!

Go team.
Hey, GMS. I just read through the royal's sheet and noticed that Auley likes knowledge and studies a lot. She'd probably be fairly close with Arthur then, right? Considering that he's the royal family's live-in genius? Let me know.
The Bard

@Holy Soldier

It was an excellent night for song.

The tavern was full of patrons, and the ale was flowing like water. Why wouldn't it be? The festival was starting soon, and every young Marked romantic in the world was journeying to the city with stars in their eyes, eagerly awaiting their beloved. Of course, Ciara's mind was far more occupied with her coinpurse than her wrist - the Festival was a business opportunity, the best she'd get any time soon, and love songs would be at a premium.

Not tonight, however. Tonight was a night for freedom songs - loud and lively and toe-tapping. Ciara took her seat with the other bards, her lute already strung. Her reputation preceded her: she didn't even know this band of players, yet as soon as Ciara Keogh had walked into the room they'd been dying to play her songs for her, provided she show them the sheet music. Now if only you could eat a reputation. The inn continued to bustle, men attending to their ale and their conversation. Nobody was looking at her, but that would shortly change.

Ciara took a deep breath and felt a grin rise to her face. The quiet girl faded, replaced by the bubbly performer. She reached up and pulled her black hair out of its bun, letting it fall around her pale neck, a broad smile fixed on her face. She shifted in her seat, pulled the front of her dress down ever so slightly, and began to play, a loud and jaunty melody.

"Well, I went into the chandler's shop some candles there to buy,
I looked around the chandler's shop but no one could I spy.
Well I was disappointed so some angry words I said,
Then I heard the sound of a (knock,knock,knock) right above me head."

She sang loud and proud, her airy voice cutting across the noise of the tavern, stomping hard on the floor for the onomatopoeia of the knocking. This was as bawdy a tavern song as any she knew, and she rose from her seat as she continued, her hands still strumming the music automatically. A faint memory entered her head just then, of her mother being very angry with her father for teaching her this one, but she forced it away.

"Well I was slick and I was quick, and up the stairs I sped,
And much to my surprise I found the chandler's wife in bed;
And with her was another man of most gigantic size,
And they were having a (knock,knock,knock) right before me eyes."

Now she was walking across the inn, deftly jumping onto a table and making sure the taverngoers got a good look at her legs. In truth she didn't really care for the hungry gazes she was starting to get, but she knew that lustful men were always freer with their coin - she knew that very well. And if seeing a pretty girl singing about 'knocking' made them want to tip her generously... that was more than fine by her. And so Ciara flashed her smile and rolled her eyes at the men, giggling girlishly as the bawdy lyrics continued.

"When the fun was over and done and the lady raised her head,
And quite surprised was she to see me standing by the bed.
"If you will be discreet, my dear, if you would be so kind,
I'll let you come up for some (knock,knock,knock) whenever you feel inclined."

That sent up a massive roar from the audience. Already a few of the patrons were leading giggling barmaids in an awkward dance across the inn, and coins were clinking into Ciara's bucket. Toes were tapping, men were smiling, ale was being swilled, and Ciara smiled honestly this time. She loved that music could do this.

She was just drawing breath to finish the song when the mood changed suddenly. Some confrontation had turned violent, and it was only a brief matter of time before some huge man was knocking a drunkard on his ass. The bar exploded after that, all spilled drinks and smashed chairs and frenzied punches, and Ciara paused for a moment, her mouth hanging open, her fingers stopped, her mind near overcome with frustration. She hadn't made nearly enough to pay for lodging tonight - with all her money spent traveling, she had needed tonight to be a payday. Now...

Behind her, the other musicians were still playing, the song waiting for its mistress to finish it. Ciara shrugged - may as well salvage the night as best she could, she reckoned. And so she played, and stood on her perch atop the table, and sang in that same clear voice as the music mingled with the chaos below her,

"So, all you married men take heed, if ever you come to town,
If you should leave your woman alone, be sure to tie her down.
Or, if you would be kind to her, just sit her right there on the floor,
And give her so much of that (knock,knock,knock) she doesn't want any more!"
Gonna work on Ciara's post now - I think I'll have her in the inn that Darius just arrived at, unless anyone has any other outstanding ideas.

Arthur's should come up later; he's just gonna be screwing around in his lab, methinks. Question: Is there any kind of official event or parade to mark the beginning of the festival? Might be good to get some of the more isolated characters bumping into each other.

Really glad this has been saved! Should someone perhaps notify everyone to check in? I fear a few people may have wandered off, judging by a few of the 'last seen' numbers...
I'm not writing an exit for Aleksander, we can just skip ahead.
Is this still open for people not in the interest check? I have some thoughts for a pilot.
@Sisyphus Just FYI Qiao is a woman.

... I knew that, too, I don't know how I screwed that up. Fixed.
Carol's hands were shaking as she took her place in the line, tagged in by some big brute of a man with hands the size of hams and sweat pouring down her face. She flipped her safety off and peered down the line at the approaching wall of meat and metal. Every time she saw them, it was like the first. Gricks - all blades and twisted flesh, wilder than the savagest outlaw had been back on her planet and totally fearless. And what was worse, this was the easy part.

She spat into the dirt, a ritual of her Uncle's, and her head was clear. She took aim with her carbine down the range and sighted her first target, a big mean-looking one (which was to say he was completely indistinguishable from the others) and fired a three round burst. The creature's head spurted fluid, and like that Carol was in.

"C'mon, you sons a bitches, time to cowboy up!" She called, firing robotically at different targets. She hadn't taken to training easy, but her old instructor had definitely managed to get through to her on fire discipline, and she managed a full five kills with one clip of ammunition. Some crazy fuck next to her on the line was laughing his ass off as he fired, and Carol snickered a little bit at his moxy.

"I'm out! Reloading!" She said and stepped away from the line, her spot immediately filled by some older woman - looked to be in her 40s. The Gricks were falling all across the line, but they just kept coming, stepping over the bodies of their fallen like they always did. And they were getting closer. She'd seen plenty of people get torn apart by Gricks back home - her planet had fallen so quickly, the aliens hadn't even needed to bring the big guns, instead just swamping them in waves of half-living monsters. She'd seen the screaming and the blood and promised herself that that would never happen to her. Four for them, one for you, and one just for me.

Carol slammed a new clip into her weapon, spat in the dirt, and stepped back in.
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