Avatar of Skelace
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    1. Skelace 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Those times you look back at the previous things you've posted and said and realize how much you've developed as a human being.
6 yrs ago
Waiting for life to deal me a new hand.
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@Krinos Solstice

Alexander had barely made it into the room before he stopped in his tracks eyeing the large sword being strapped to the General’s back. That was something the man didn’t put on often and if he did it certainly wasn’t before acknowledging his young pupil. Alex followed the man’s orders without hesitation, taking his position slightly behind and to the left of the General. Any idiot would’ve been able to guess something was wrong simply by the General’s lack of acknowledgement and the strain in his voice and Alexander was certainly no idiot. His mind raced around trying to infer what was going on collecting what data he could as his hand absentmindedly tightened around his wooden walking staff. The General gave little for Alex’s mind to work with, as they walked along at a difficult pace even for Alexander who hated how slow walking seemed. The silent general wasn’t going to be giving any clues as to what was happening so Alex turned his mind to where they were walking. Past the training grounds… this was unusual. Normally this is where the two would stop to practice whatever spell it was they were focusing on at that time. But Alexander wasn’t surprised by this, the General would never bring his own sword to something as trivial as the training grounds. There was a slight hiccup in Alex’s step as they made their way past the barracks. They had never gone farther than here in all of Alexander’s training and the young lad had been about to stop before he realized was still continuing on past the structure.

Alex could already feel his forehead begin to moisten, curse this frail body, though whether it was from the punishing pace the General had set or nervousness Alex couldn’t exactly tell. When they arrived a giant gate of steel Alex felt his stomach drop. He knew from listening in the dark and shadowy corners of where others congregate that within these gates were the monsters the military experimented with. Alex had dealt with monsters before during his time in the Wood but nothing worthy of this military’s time. The General’s explanation did little to calm the young mages nerves. Steel yourself fool. Now is the time to show the world what you can do. Any nitwit can cast a spell unthreatened on the training grounds. This is will be the real thing.

As soon as the gate began to open the destruction was evident. Scorch marks were everywhere, even along the steel beams that lined the walls. Even before the General began pointing out the signs Alexander knew the type of magic that could do this. The straightness of the scorch marks, the lack of explosive holes in the ground and no evidence of fire spreading. The fried machinery really gave it away as well as the tiny precise holes here and there the likes of which could only be done with, “Lightening based magic.” The young mage felt his nerves calm as he began to understand his foe. The whisper of magic beginning to creep into his mind as his thoughts turned to water, the natural enemy those who preferred this type of magic.

His thoughts were disrupted as he played through what the General had said a second time in his head. Looking at the General a quizzical look upon his face as he asked. “Do they know anything more useful of this spy besides the fact that he was here?” Alex fought to keep his usual condescending tone from his voice whenever he asked a question and expected a less than satisfactory answer. No wonder then General was in such a foul mood.
Barachiel Alexander Eamon

Location: Churchill Gardens, 2A

Barachiel took another sip from its coffee mug. A habit it had seemed to pick up from its time experimenting with cafes. The warmth of the steaming liquid is really what it was looking forward too, hoping it would fight off the bitter cold that was becoming all too routine these past couple weeks. Its heart sank and shoulders felt heavy as the television continued on with the news stating that the werewolf that was at the center of these recent events had turned up deceased. Another soul stained with sin in these unfortunate circumstances. What a pity. A quick prayer came to its lips for all those involved in the incident before it turned off the TV.

It puffed its chest out stretching out both arms and wings filling the small apartment before turning back to its room. It was time to don its business attire. The room was very plain, holding only a full sized bed covered in white sheets and comforter, night stand with an alarm clock and a cell phone on top, and small closet. The closet contained five different white long sleeved button up shirts, five pair of matching navy blue pants and suit jackets, and three ties, one red, one light blue, and one silver. Today felt like a light blue day.

Finishing clothing itself, Barachiel took another sip of its coffee before picking up his cell phone and looking at its notifications. The BBC app scrolled by about a “Helsing” claiming responsibility for the death of creature the television mentioned earlier. Its interest peaked it clicked on the notification reading the story while sipping its coffee. Again it felt its shoulders grow heavy as sorrow washed over Barachiel. Man never ceased to stray from the path.

It walked back out into the common area hoping to find Suriel. They were wise on the subject of understanding mankind, perhaps they could help give an explanation into this cycle of sin man now seemed bent on with the supernatural. And maybe they could even offer advice on how to react if this bled into his dealings at work. So far it hadn’t affected it at all there but there had been a rumor going around about a grandparent of a child wanting to take custody of a child because the current guardian was accused of being something other than human.

Finding its fellow angel not immediately in the small common area it set about finishing its coffee and cleaning the utensil that had once held it, letting its mind wander to the other matter of legal debate going on about the rights of the creatures. Just when it had been getting used to acting human, it may have to openly display its differences. Not that it was scared of admitting to others that it is an angel, but it could cause some difficulty with the more ignorant parents and guardians he often has to deal with. “The children do seem to love the snow though.” A serene kind of smile crossed its lips at the much more pleasant train of thought.
@MiddleEarthRoze Haha not when he's around "normal" people. I was more or less just playing around with that and thought it would be nice getting used to writing like he thinks. He doesn't see himself as an I more an extension of the heavens hence the "it". But when he's out and about socializing it'll take the more socially acceptable path and refer to itself as an individual.
Sticky. Sticky and wet? For the briefest of moments Alexander couldn't recall where he was, and his eyes burned far too much for him to open them to find out. His mouth was terribly dry and his cheek was covered in a liquid that seemed stuck to a smooth piece of... wood? The young mage snapped up, forcing his eyes open, if only just slightly, and wiped away at the slobber that had coated his cheek with his sleeve before using the same sleeve to wipe down his desk. The sudden motion caused papers to scatter about a bit one or two falling to the floor. Thankfully the inkwell stayed upright. Alexander let out a low growl of frustration. Sleep had stolen him from his studies again. He had no idea what time it was, his eyes only just getting used to the darkness of the room that held no windows and candles that were running out of wick. Rising from his seat he rubbed his eyes hoping that would make it easier to keep them open. It was a bad move for the one didn't seem to want to open at all not that it had a chance to close again. The young lad would've made quiet the site had anyone else been in the room as stumbled around grabbing at the parchment on the floor, his hair messy and a mixture of wetted down and stuck up on the side that had been resting on the desk.

Squinting through his one responding eye Alex, grabbed book that lay open, fitting the loose parchment in the open page before closing it. Text in hand he continued to stumble his way out the room, every step seeming to bring back just a bit more consciousness. Opening the door of what was now revealed to be a shed he was relieved to find it was still dark outside. Couldn't have been more than a couple hours then. Alexander had been pouring over texts and practicing the spell Demi and Alex just knew he was close to a break through. Today was going to be the day. Just a few more tries and he would cast the spell flawlessly. Last night he had found a text that his mind ate up and understood more so than any of the others on the subject and he was sure he understood now. Just a bit of fine tuning.

The General was not an easy man to impress and Alex had to constantly show improvement if he was to receive access to the great wealth of information General Asharna had at his disposal. In fact Alex sometimes questioned whether the General expected more from Alex than the young mage did from himself. That was impossible though because no one could possible dream as big as Alexander. He was going to be become so powerful in the dark arts that he would someday challenge the gods themselves for a place in eternity. But before that could happen he needed to clean himself up and go to the General's study. And so Alex made his way back to his room, and began the same routine that he had been through everyday since his first day working with the General. Cleaning himself down changing his attire and walking briskly across the courtyard and making his way to the study.
Poor @Undine having to sort through this gigantic web of people and their relationships.
<Snipped quote by Skelace>

Yay!!! Would you mind switching the apartment number on your CS to 2A so @Undine can update the housing arrangements post.

Also, I'm very happy I'm not the only one who chose to roleplay an 'older' character. I think this roleplay has the widest age range of character's I've seen thus far, 8 - 30 I believe. That should be interesting!

Also also, I have been having trouble using 'they' instead of 'her' as well. Although Suriel is fine with being call her/she on Earth, I am trying to stick with the idea that angels, in their truest form, are genderless, I'm glad you are joining in that! It's also a good exercise in using inclusive pronouns, which is something I think everyone needs practice with. We can keep each other in check. :3

@Undine Fixed it all up so Barachiel and Suriel are now roommates!

Yeah I thought about making it younger but that felt really weird seeing as how angels have been around since forever and they are supposed to be these wise kind of elder beings above all the sin and emotions that youngins are prone to delve into.

Haha sounds good, I'm probably gonna need someone to keep me in check if I'm rushing to throw a post together and don't proof it. And I swear I had most of the same ideas as you about the sexuality/age (you may have given me the idea about not referring to it as a him) things before you posted Suriel's CS so I wasn't completely copying. But I was really struggling figuring it out and looking at what you did with they really helped me finish it up... so I did kind of copy.


Haha Not at all. I've just been thinking of ways for him to insult and aggravate all the other creatures without really meaning too.
@Silent Observer

Haha love that picture!

I may or may not have already been thinking all of those things while I was fleshing it out heheh <_< >_>
If she ever did anything helping kids out they could have definitely met that way. I just wasn't going to go about asking about anything till I was sure the GM peoples would accept Barachiel.

And having another heavenly body around to confide in would surely ease the pain of having all those temptations around. It would love to move it with Suriel! (Gawwwd it's so hard to not call it a him when I start typing.)

@McHaggis Thanks! Can't wait!
@McHaggis It has taken me a little longer than expected to figure this fella out but here he is if it isn't too late to throw my hat in. (Also first time ever using gifs so yippie to learning new things.)

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