Avatar of Smarty Jones
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    1. Smarty Jones 5 yrs ago
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Update: I just heard from them. It's all good now. [Insert sigh of relief.]
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@MacieLightfoot Okay. Makes sense.
<Snipped quote by Smarty Jones>

Jessie thought about it and had it come to her as giving their pokemon nicknames was like a means of being very tight. She thought about it and came up with something.

Jessie: How about Rocky? He seems like a fighter with that Aura. So I'd call him Rocking fist. I'd call my Zebstrika... Lightning Mare. My Timburr... Demolition Man.

It sounded rather funny... but it was like they were bonding and coming together on sharing ideas and feelings on things...

By time they made it to the point below Arrowhead...

Dogwood Family Campground...

Jessie: It's starting to get dark out. Would you like to pitch camp here for the night. It's rather cozy... Moreless.

"Sure. I rather not stay out too late, so that sounds like a plan to me." James said, pulling out his wallet and started going through it, trying to figure out how much camping here would be for the night.

"Does it cost anything?" James asked, putting his wallet away.

"If it does, I can probably cover it, depending on the price." James continued.
@MacieLightfoot Okay. It is usually six in a party at one time in Pokèmon Roleplays, that's why I asked.
@MacieLightfoot What is the max number of Pokèmon that a trainer can have? I know it's six in a party at one time, but I don't know if there can be any in storage.
"Anyways, not to change the subject, but I have been thinking about nicknames for my Pokèmon. Riolu asked me about naming him and my other Pokèmon, but I haven't exactly found a good name for the others. Riolu, I was thinking about naming after Sir Aaron, the legendary knight who saved his kingdom. The thing is, his Pokèmon partner was a Lucario, and I think it's fitting, as Riolu will evolve into Lucario one of these days." James said.

"I don't know. While I would like to have a name other than the name of my species, I feel like you're cursing me by naming me after somebody who sacrificed themselves, even if it was for good reason." Riolu replied, having been told the story by his trainer before.

"Fair point. Do you have any suggestions? Riolu or Jessica?" James asked.
"Damn. I am sorry to hear that. No one deserves that kind of thing. I've experienced hardships, though, after hearing your story, I can't really say that it compares with yours. I was considered a stereotypical nerd in school. Other kids would pick on me, for years, the bullying got to me. I wasn't a cutter or did anything like that, but there were times I could barely focus on my school assignments. During my second year of high school, which was the hardest year for me, my uncle, my father's brother, gave me my first Pokèmon. I wasn't sure what he was trying to tell me by doing that, and for the first couple of months, I was a little mean to my Riolu, but Riolu managed to convince me that life wasn't exactly what I thought it was, a joke, and turned me around. I wasn't the most social kid in school either, and I felt awkward talking to other students." James replied, feeling bad that he really couldn't compare with Jessica.

Riolu was awfully quiet as his trainer and the woman talked. Riolu could feel that they were bonding, but didn't say a word.
<Snipped quote by Smarty Jones>

Jessie: So... Big bear it is. And on the part of having been to Vermont. No. I haven't. But to be honest... i wouldn't mind checking it out. Of course that now since we're on this pokemon Journey and everything... it'd be a fine opportunity to stroll along over there while we're eventually gonna be on the east coast. *Thinking* I was thinking that we also could opt in for checking out Arrowhead while on the way up to Big Bear. We might come across some Flying types and bug types. Maybe even some water types that are Water/Grass types. It's a perfect chance to get a look at some of that stuff. Big bear... we might see some Ice-types. Steel Types and perhaps Rock/Steel types. It'll be a wonderful experience.

Arcanine: *Pouncing around and panting excitedly*

Jessie: Looks like my Arcanine is happy. She's just busting with eagerness. Wanting to go for the trip.

While on the Road...

Jessie: So... James. You came from Vermont. Your home is there. But did you ever feel like you could have perhaps lived somewhere other than Vermont? Maybe like another place to consider home? Wichita, Kansas then Metropolis was my one known home. But then when i dealt with a heavy loss... a Deep and personal one over the last 2 years close to 3... My new home became California. Been there since. However now... i'm on the journey to get my chance in competing in the Pokemon League then getting my chance at nailing the bastards who done away with my Landlord/Benefactor Andre Possleson. He took me in and gave me a home. An allowance and it was like 50-100 dollars a month. But i'd do some errands for him and earn my keep. All he asked was that i went to school and got an education for myself and that i stayed out of trouble for as much as i could. Because i'll tell you. He could frickin' tell that i was troubled and from the shit that i went through... It shook me and numbed me so much... I took to smoking. *Pulling out her pack of smokes* Cigarettes. I was that screwed up and it got to where... i could just shut down and say... the hell with everyone. But while i was going through the pains of what i lost. I dug deep and remembered that i still had a talent of singing. I did some Karaoke and there would be contests. One of them... no. two of them... were with prizes that came with Pokemon. Which are some of the ones i got with me. Charmander... Andre gave to me. Pidgeotto... i caught on my own. but the rest... Won from a contest. I came across a troubled person who also smoked. She's the daughter of a family that didn't give two shits about her. So... she did whatever the heck she wanted. This whole thing makes me think about the hell i went through... The things about it though... It's that... I am learning to flip it and put a positive spin to it. I focus on how to make better with myself. Because i know that i can get past it and make things better. Do i miss my father and Mother... And Brother. You better believe i do. I miss them alot. But i also know that in spite of it all... their passing was a blessing because it reminded me that we're only here for a short time. A very short time. And while alive... we have to make best of what sort of life we happen to lead. Just keep looking forward and keep going. Living. Because when it's your time to die... that's it. It's over. There's no redo's... no takebacks... nothing. You're done.

Jessie was getting some things out that she normally wouldn't let off right away. But with them being on the road again... heading towards Big Bear... It was a perfect time as any to just say what came. Just to lay down the confiding line...

"I haven't really given it too much thought. The part about feeling that my home should've been elsewhere. What I know, is that Vermont does not really have to worry about too many natural causes destroying everything that you own every few years. Tornados, wildfires, things like that. Most of wildfires in Vermont are usually caused by drunks messing with fire-type Pokèmon. Most of the wild Pokèmon in the more remote areas are grass-types in the warmer seasons, and ice-types in the colder seasons. In Lake Champlain, and other water bodies, there is water-types, and I've seen ghost and poison types handing around cemeteries and graveyards. Steel and Rock types help the Granite workers in the quarries in Barre. I guess that is why I never really left Vermont until recently. I felt too much at home." James replied.

"But, I have seen or heard enough to know that you're not wrong with the part about death. My parents were a Pokèmon ranger and a sheriff, and sometimes, my parents would be called out because of a bad car accident or something like that. Of course, it was just bad luck that my mother, who is a sheriff, had to be called in for the more... bloody car accidents." James continued, wondering how his mother could still be a sheriff after seeing all that blood and gore.

"I am mentioning the whole car accident thing because each day is a gift. Not a given right. Anyone could die any day, and when your time is up, there's nothing you can do." James finished.
<Snipped quote by Smarty Jones>

Jessie: *Thinking* We could make way to Big Bear. It's said to be like some sort of mountain like town... high up in the San Bernadino mountains. It's supposed to be with snow during the winter season and hardly gets considerably hot. Just a bit warm... that's about all. we could try there and see what we can find.


Pidgeotto: *Soaring up and then down looking to journey onwards* Pidgeotto! Pidgeott! Pidgeott.. Pidgeotto!

Jessie: *Chuckles* Looks like my Pidgeotto is willing and able with heading off to journey further.

Timburr: *Popping out from his pokeball* Timburr!

Jessie: Looks like all my pokemon want to head off again.

She then thought about it a minute and as she started thinking on about the issue revolving Team Magma...

Jessie: We should be able to stop them from awakening the pokemon. Problem is... What if they already have a ace in the hole? That's what we have to think about. Like what if they happened to attain the thing that they didn't have last time? Something that they didn't happen to count on?

There were questions to think about and ask in their minds. What to consider... What to figure out. There were details which they hadn't counted on. But sooner or later... they'd have to come to terms. Jessie knew that she'd have to come to terms with the whole thing... it was only a matter of time.

"Riolu! Rio...Riolu!" Riolu exclaimed as he voiced his approval to continue onwards.

"Poochyena!" Poochyena called from the Pokèball, agreeing with the plan to continue onwards.

James chuckled.

"Well, I think that heading to Big Bear might be interesting. As a person from Vermont, the cold shouldn't bother me, nor should the mountains. Have you ever been to Vermont, just out of curiosity?" James said, though he imagined that was most likely a no from Jessica.

James had literally people asked him questions like "is Vermont part of Canada?" Or "what country is Vermont in?" James was both surprised and annoyed that some of his fellow Americans clearly didn't know that Vermont was indeed a state.
<Snipped quote by Smarty Jones>

Jessie: We'll have to find that out as we press further in the journey. The answer is there... we just need to find it and figure out what the hell their endgame really is.

Jessie then paused and recalled something she came across...

A note...

"To all who still reside upon this location... Do not dare interfere as your fate will not be merciful. Groudon will be reawakened and nothing... NOTHING WILL STOP IT!"

Jessie: Groudon. The note said something about Groudon. But... also that they planned to awaken it.

Nurse Joy: Groudon?!

Jessie: Yeah. That's what the note said... Clearly it was telling that they were seeking to reawaken the legendary pokemon... Or whatever it was.

Nurse Joy: Groudon is a legendary pokemon. Ancient. Groudon possesses the ability to expand continents. In ancient times it came in conflict with Kyogre, a Pokémon with the ability to expand the oceans... Groudon is a massive, bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon covered in red, segmented plates of thick skin that act as armor. It has a gray underside and large white spikes that run along the sides of its head, body, and tail. Groudon has four claws on each hand, four dozer-like blades on the end of its large tail, and three claws on each foot with gray markings under its feet. It also has blue stripes inside the seams of its armor plating which can only be seen when Groudon is glowing with power. As Primal Groudon, its appearance is similar to Groudon, but larger in size. Its skin color changes from dark red to deep crimson with its underside, spikes, and teeth turning black. The blades on its tail are more separated from one another. The Ω symbol is now shown on its arms. Its eyes, the inside of its mouth, and the now-enlarged openings between its armor plating glow bright yellow, and its irises are now red. The energy that fills Primal Groudon pours forth as magma, and it burns with such an extreme temperature that its body is always shimmering with the haze of its heat. Groudon is an immensely powerful Pokémon, having the ability to summon intense droughts and cause volcanic eruptions. The droughts it can cause allow it to evaporate water, while the volcanic eruptions it can summon enable it to create land. It sleeps underground in large magma chambers. If it encounters its rival, Kyogre, they will engage in a cataclysmic battle.

Jessie: Holy crap. That pokemon... it's a monster in waiting. It's been in slumber and those clowns want to tamper with fate and awaken something that dangerous? Are they insane? What do they plan to do... control it? That thing won't listen to anyone. It won't obey anyone's commands. It's gonna do whatever the hell it wants the moment it comes back to life and gets out into the open. It's gonna do whatever the hell it damn well pleases to do.

Arcanine: *Howling in terror* Arrrrcaniiiine!

Jessie: The details are enough to spook anyone.

From the details... they now knew the endgame of Team Magma and what they were after... but the journey to be fully prepared to awaken the foretold pokemon... was far from over. Because there was one thing that no one saw coming. Using the voice of the Rising Star to call out to it...

Moments later...

After the pokemon were all healed...

Jessie: *Looking at James* Where to now?

"Well, I have no idea. I originally was visiting the area, to see what more... populated states are like. Vermont isn't really populated with human life compared to some states, unless you count the Milktank and Tauros as humans. There are some Ponyta and Rapidash farms there though." James said, explaining what his homestate was like.

"But the whole thing with Team Magma... it's making me wonder if something can be done to stop them from awakening that Pokèmon. Looks like heading back to Vermont is going to have to wait." James continued.
<Snipped quote by Smarty Jones>

Jessie: So, James... you have a type of history with those asswipes too, huh? I guess there are a whole bunch of people who would just so give nothing better than to have a piece of Team Magma's ass. Rip them apart.

Arcanine: *Growling at the sheer thought of Team Magma* Arrrrrca! Arrrcanine!

Jessie: Cinnamon Flame... Settle down. It's okay. We'll get them. one way or another.

That was when Nurse Joy saw the Injured Magneton...

Nurse Joy: What happened to it?

Jessie: It got smacked up by a possible trainer and lost.

Technically... it wasn't exactly the truth. But it wasn't a lie either. It was a half truth.

Jessie: Can you help this Magneton?

Nurse Joy: I can try. However... this makes the 20th Magneton we had to heal this week.

Jessie: 20th?! Why so many?

Nurse Joy: I don't know... But from how they were being brought in... i would guess it were from the same circumstances as this one was being brought in. If this was the first one... i would count it as a fluke... perhaps an accident that comes from time to time. But... after the 8th one... i had to raise suspicion and figure that something had to be going on. after the 15th one... there was no denying that something or someone was doing this to the Magneton.

Jessie: You have your instinctive deduction that it was Team Magma... don't you?

Nurse Joy: It isn't that far of a stretch. After seeing now the 20th Magneton in less than a week... it's a sure guess... that it would speak their M.O.

The clues and the plot was starting to thicken... however... there was much more to the tale than what was there...

"What doesn't make all that much sense though, is why. Perhaps it is just me, but I don't see the reason, or reasons, for attacking Pokèmon like that. Unless they are training their Pokèmon for something huge. Still, that doesn't excuse their actions." James said, racking his brain trying to figure out what exactly was Team Magma's plans were.

"Rio?" Riolu said, walking up to Arcanine and trying to settle her down. He didn't like seeing others upset, that was for sure.
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