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Sebastian giggled. "Yeah, that's understandable. It's pro'ly best I don't know where you live, as you'd have two people screaming at you in the morning."
"Oh, well, I was going to ask whether you guys wanted t' go on a mission, but if you're not up for it, that's okay," he said. Ethan didn't answer; he continued to stare at the wall.
@Regitnui I ship it.

As they neared the mountains, Zeke paid attention to the sun. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it, though he'd need a few nights to be sure. He didn't know whether this was a heliocentric or geocentric earth - that was, if it was even a planet at all. An idea struck him. What if it was a moon? Were they orbiting a greater planet now, and was that one orbiting still yet another planet? The thought was absolutely ludicrous, though fascinating and thus worth contemplating. But another time.

Kneeling momentarily, Zeke gathered a few solid rocks. They were abundant in this area, so he decided it would be best for him to take some now. He quickly stored them in his pack and pulled out a few of his wood rods. In order to help him make sense of this new world, he would need to run a few tests. That was precisely why he brought these rods, and so he began to work at them, boring holes and cutting notches with a utility knife. Hopefully he'd be ready for his first test by the time they set up camp. If he wasn't, though, it was hardly an issue. Being an astronomer, he'd have to stay up through the night anyway.

Zeke nodded slightly as Esailia talked, but refrained from asking her any more questions. Other group members wanted her attention, and he didn't feel like fighting for it - especially when he had nothing worthwhile to say. When she mentioned that he might work with others to determine cardinal directions or otherwise develop a map, he wasn't very enthusiastic, especially considering the people he was to work with. The halfling - Shel, was it? - didn't seem so bad, but Rhen was a different story.

As soon as Zeke was aware that a changeling would be entering the portal with him, he knew there would be problems. How could anyone trust a creature with the ability to change its appearance at will? It put him a little at ease that the changeling seemed so unsophisticated, and thus less of a threat, but still he couldn't know for certain whether that was accurate. Rhen could be hiding anything.

But as much as the changeling was dangerous, Rhen could be an even more formidable ally - provided Zeke would be able to withstand their apparent lack of maturity. It was for this reason that he approached Rhen and tried to strike up a conversation, thinking long and hard about the first thing he would say. Do you often use your face as a projection of your personal qualities? He coughed. "I've not met a changeling before. If you don't mind, er, what kinds of forms can you take?" he asked politely though curiously, absently whittling.
"All right, then! I wish you good luck!" Sebastian gave her a smile and a thumbs-up. Then he turned his attention to Daya, who seemed a little out of it. "You okay, Daya?"
"Oh, well then! How far along in training are you? Are you past your second year?"
Ethan drew his legs up into his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees and moving as far back on the counter as it allowed. He gave Maya a hostile glare, though after a moment looked away and stared off into the distance.

"Oh, okay, cool," Sebastian replied, having no problem with it. "So, Maya, are you training t' be a DH, or...?"
Ethan was sitting on the counter, bare feet dangling over the side. They hung high above the floor, as he was short and the counter was not. He'd apparently brought in a few things to spice up their workspace, namely magic devices and personal lab equipment. His hair was still blue.

Sebastian had been fiddling with a small cube-like object with magic runes and shapes inscribed on it. "Oh, hello, who's this?"
@Yuuta I'd like to know how advanced science and mathematics are exactly in the world everyone came from. I gave Zeke lenses and knowledge in optics, which is more of a 1600s concept. His profession would also require the awareness of heliocentrism, as he's an astronomer. At this time period would be calculus, gravity, cell theory, all-important oscillatory motion, and of course we can't forget Newton's Laws. Are these too far ahead of your world? How much is allowed?

May have missed it since it's on a different page, sorry about that.
Sebastian jumped out of bed as the sun was rising. He loved the smell of the air fresh in the morning, and the atmosphere when the world was bright but still asleep. He leaned out over his balcony, breathing it in, ears forward, tail curled against his back. When he smiled, his small fangs were just visible beneath his upper lip. He normally wouldn't reveal so many of his bestial aspects in this quarter of the citadel, but the streets below were empty. No one would notice.

He went quickly inside, grabbing his bag and grooming his face, then ran back out and leaped over the rail of the balcony. Sebastian remembered the first time he did - peering over the edge wondering whether he'd make the drop from two stories up. A fit human could do it, he'd told himself, and I'm fitter than a human.

Landing low with bent knees and a sturdy thud, Sebastian took off, once again embarking on the four-mile sprint to DHHQ. The roads were all his this time, as hardly anyone would be outside this early. It took him a half hour, but still he arrived at the always-open campus before 5 o'clock.
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