Avatar of solaruin
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 116 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. solaruin 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current We'll name our children jacks and Whiskey, raise them on rhythm and booze


Just your average 24 year old with a decent amount of spare time and a love for writing. I've been at this for a HOT minute (probably 7ish years at this point), and have picked up a fun style unique to myself. I mix a healthy dose of humor into nearly all my writings, have a penchant for the ridiculous (as well as the graphic), and love to develop my characters into detailed individuals.

My pronouns are Osiris and Quetzalcoatl and I identify as Djent.

Most Recent Posts

How I tend to do these things is to list my characters with a short synopsis of who they are and what type of universes they fit well into, so I'll just do that here! If you'd like a full CS of any of these characters, please ask me in a PM!

Before we go into that, a few basic ground rules...
1) you must be 18. Not because ERP is a requirement, but because I have a habit of being graphically detailed with most things, including highly gory details surrounding people dying. Often with dismemberment and other pleasantries.

2) character development is a must! Thats the entire point of this sort of thing, so develop your characters!!

3) u cahnt tipe liek a returd
paragraph-ish is an acceptable length. go long if you like!

Character list!


Gai, the scythe; human; 26 YO; 6 Foot even, athletic build.

Armand Dupont; Kite; 30 YO; 5 foot 9, slim build.

Roland; Human(sorta); 38 YO; 6 foot 2; heavy athletic build

Mitsuwa Merinis; Neko; 17 YO; small build, only 50-60 pounds.

Innis Malla;15 YO; 5 Foot 2; Average build for his age.

Makani; Minnow; unknown age; 4 foot; above average tone for his race


Ava Mazet; human; 18 YO; 5 foot 5; slim but toned build

Cybele Petit; human; 28 YO; 5 foot 8; heavily toned body.

Tomika Marias; Human; 17 YO; 5 foot 5; slim body.

Raven Mercier; Human; 21 YO; 5 foot; slim, athletic build

If any of these characters interest you, drop me a line or post here, and we'll figure out a setting and get the ball rolling!
op is active; they've put up dozens of posts over the last week, and as recent as 6 hours ago. Pretty sure this ship has sunk bro.
Maybe we should get some IC rolling while we wait..
Noplz, think of the children!
*Dumps water on*
People should update their relation sheets to include the new characters :3
@Apokalipse makes 0 difference to me, but it looks like you already changed it. if you want it I'd drop it. *shrugs*

NPC for the first murder would be best I think, so that when a PC does finally die, it has actual impact because we'll know them :p

Also, question. If A character spawns something in their room, is it possible to take it out of the room?
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