Avatar of Soulstrifer
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: soulstrifer
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 118 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Soulstrifer 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
I have some time and I am back!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Didn't even get a chance to start new games and Im off again T_T
7 yrs ago
I am sorry I've been terribly busy. Promise I will be back around soon :)
7 yrs ago
Work is still going strong. I'm in the middle of an influx so replies may be a tad be slow due to utter exhaustion at the end of the day!
9 yrs ago
Got crazy busy again. I'll be able to get to replies next week!


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Ever since he'd returned from the Tournament... and gone back to his life as Suichi... he'd found himself twice as aware as he had been. He did blame that on Yoko. He could feel the demon under the surface. It was however, easy enough to convince him to remain there instead of trying to come clawing his way out. The last thing he needed was trouble with Koenma.

It wasn't like life was much different. He still went to the prep school. He still held the top of his class... and he came home to his very alive... still loving mother. She'd been so happy to see him home from his ' vacation '. She'd even been happy to see the ever petulant Hiei, that had been a surprise. She hadn't said anything about his rather poor attitude. After all he was one of Kurama's 'friends'.

Despite everything though, for some reason he was having to press extra hard to behave himself. Still, as he sat quietly in his class, already early and waiting for the bell... he was certain he'd felt something familiar. It was a nagging in the back of his mind, not a demon... no far from a demon actually. The signature wasn't quite the same. It was still something he knew shouldn't technically be in Ningenkai.

It took just about every ounce of control he had not to press to try and find the source. How fortunate for him that he didn't have to, she came right into the class room. Subtly his brows lifted, emerald eyes flickering across her. Botan. What was she doing here? Did that mean there was trouble? His mind began to turn and he almost didn't realize class had started. Not that he needed to pay attention much.

When it came time for their break his was briefly caught by a young woman who was yet again trying to encourage him to join the debate team. He politely declined and offered her a smile that seemed to completely satisfy her even if she didn't know it.
He traveled across the room, until he stood only a few feet from her.
“ Suichi,” He hummed quietly, “ However friends call me Kurama.”

He offered her a trademark Suichi smile, soft and kind that lit his green eyes up pleasantly.
“ A dramatic change from what you're used to?” Kurama tilted his head inquisitively, easily playing the curious... innocent high school genius.
“ I have noticed you're in most of my classes,” he hummed, “ that is to assume that it was done on purpose and I am to be your escort for the first few weeks here?” His brow arched again with secret inquiry. Was he missing something?
Lol I apologize. My brain just noped for a second I read it over again and got it LOL. It's hard to concentrate when you have a 29 lb corgi trying to get you to play with him by getting on your desk from the bed and stomping on everything ><
Quick question >> This may be a stupid question LOL but is Kurama going to recognize her from the tournament?
I'm good with anything. Usually my post size is dictated by my partner. The more they give me to play with the bigger my posts will be. Also I'm good with sharing NPCs
Sounds good to me :D
Honestly, my brain has skittered under it's rock today and is refusing to come out. >< Maybe Botan is sent to Ningenkai by Koenma and is in need of a place to stay. It would give them a reason to be around each other other than the whole let's fake like we aren't a bajillion years old and go to high school... LOL
Sounds good to me :D Slice of Life stuff will allow me to settle into Kurama's character again.
There's a great number of plots that could go down, I have more than one. It all depends on the OC I suppose, and timeline Loki
AH okay :D Good! I'd say I think I'd enjoy Kurama /Yoko more than Yusuke. I've written him more often and he's a little different than the other characters I usually play. - has not been watching from the start again LOL I think you're right though, that somewhere between the DT and Black/Sensui is a fine place to start. With Yoko back on the scene after the tournament it would be cause to draw other's towards him, which would stir up some trouble for one reason or another and of course you've gotta have some sort of mushy fluff this is sweet Suichi - or at least part of him HAH -
What's the usual that you tend to mix?
I did not >< I haven't received any links
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