Avatar of Spectral
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    1. Spectral 5 yrs ago


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Alright, updated the character sheet for the new stats.

Is Albia City the capital of Albia?
Sure. It can be nations or even say certain sets of people (I.E. Nobles, Peasants, Demi-Humans, a Royal Family itself)
I would say either they all have some sort of bias against them or none of them do for fairness sake. Personally, I’d go for all of them having some sort of bias attached to them that the players can try and overcome as the quest goes.
I can accept the hero party version if that is the preferred way that you would like to run it. (If this is still something that can happen)

Dawn, Miricia

Arms crossed and eyes closed in thought, Zachary thinks upon the two options. On one hand, a longer but generally safe route back through their home country before taking a boat. This route also gives them a better opportunity to restock on supplies and manpower in the later half of their trip. He could even check back home, if time permits, and see how the family has been since his departure.

On the other hand, time may be of the essence with how things how things are going here in Miricia. With how the relations between Beorc and Laguez citizens have seemed to have deteriorated since the assassination, there is worry in Zachary’s heart that things can snap at anytime. And if that happens, then there can be a tragedy here beyond that of a murdered king.

Zachary sighs. Both options have their own benefits and flaws. There is no clear option that greatly outweighs the other to him. “My Prince… after weighing each one… I too think that returning back through Albia is perhaps our best option. While I do believe that time is of the essence… we should make sure we are properly prepared before we set out towards Derak. We have no idea how they will feel about a party like ours coming into their nation in search of Temerus, after all.”

It was then that Zachary sees Sir Gregory jump at something. Turning his head to the source, he too is surprised at the sudden arrival of the boy in their mist. Instinctively Zachary’s body moves, placing himself between Prince Erik and the strange newcomer. “And why are you here?!” He follows up after Sir Gregory.

Dawn, Miricia

His hand clasping his chin, Zachary thinks upon what the current goal now is. Though King Jacob was quite sure that King Temerus was the one behind his fathers assassination, it seemed odd to him that said king would do such an act out of nowhere with what the kingdom’s recent goals had been. There was still little information for him to come to any sort of clear conclusion on the matter.

“There is nothing solid that we know of right now. King Temerus could be guilty, but it just seems odd to me that with the goal he and King Jacob’s father were working towards.” Zachary looks Prince Erik in the eye with a look of certainty. “No matter the case though, seeking out King Teremus and finding out anything he may know is probably our current best course of action if you ask me, your highness.”

His eyes then drift back towards the castle. “Besides, with King Jacob’s current… disposition, I don’t believe staying here will be very productive in solving the current crisis. Every second it continues, the more the innocent Laguez citizens here will suffer.”
I’d love to participate in a Rising of the Shield Hero RP for sure if it happens.

Personally, I’d actually lean more towards Thundere’s idea, that being that RPers are part of the Hero’s party, in which the hero is a QM controlled character. I say this as I believe it would be easier for players to handle a regular character than a hero with their ever expanding weapon enchantment system that can become overwhelming with each new material added in. Party members, though perhaps not as mighty as one of the heros alone, they still can get stronger and advance their classes as time goes on.

On top of that, with the QM having control of the Hero, it could help more in keeping the progression of the story in control/focused, than potentially having each separate hero splitting up and have to keep up with separate plot lines outside the waves. That’s not to say the party members have no chance for independent actions. There could certainly be down times for everyone to handle or do their own things when applicable.

These are just my own thoughts at the current moment.

Bringing his hand up to clasp his chin, Kouta thinks upon the new arrivals plan for getting fishnets. It certainly would give them a likely higher chance to capture said bird. If it was like the birds he knew, it’s likely going to be rather agile and hard to catch by hand alone. But…

“While I see the positives of getting said net, I’m not sure if we have the time to send some back for some,” Kouta shakes his head and frowns a little, “I worry about said group running into one of Catamount’s patrols. We just started this guild and… I don’t want to put anyone here at risk before we are ready.” Kouta can’t help but look between the members here, his right fist at his side tightening at such a thought.

Dawn, Miricia

An incredulous look came to Zachary’s face as he hears the diplomat of Kuro speak. I-Is this guy trying to start something?! The situation is already tense as is. Throwing grease onto a flame will only make this worse. Body moving on instinct, Zachary moves in front of Mr. Casimir, letting out loud fake coughing to grab attention as he gently pushes the diplomat back with his arm.

Zachary brings his arm back over his chest, bowing quickly to King Jacob. “Your Highness, allow me to speak upon this morning. Prince Eric and we of his group, arrived here after 18 days of travel. Once we arrived here in Dawn, we headed towards the meeting at the ‘Dancing Dragon’ tavern. Not long after our arrival, however, a strange young man had fallen through the roof of the tavern. As soon as said individual was up on his feet, he started casting magic at other patrons of the tavern sporadically, causing chaos as some patrons started to lash out in the fray. Prince Erik quickly took action, ordering several of us to aid patrons out of the tavern, as he jumped into the brawl and tried to apprehend the mad Mage. Plans changed though, as said mage’s fire magic caught the tavern alight and we made our exit. It was at that time we came out to the waiting if you guards and soldiers of Monos, who of course, brought us to you.”
Doing alright.
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