Avatar of Starmie
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 104 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Starmie 4 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I miss you, my friend.
4 yrs ago
I'm alive.
4 yrs ago
I have a few openings on my supernatural investigative RP if anyone's interested.
4 yrs ago
I want to remind everyone about the fundraiser, if anyone needs help financially during this time!
4 yrs ago
I'm gonna start working on the fundraiser banner, finally!


Most Recent Posts

"She hasn't done anything wrong," he said almost unintelligibly, still chewing a mouthful of chocolate chip cookies that Dorian brought. Usually, Deanna doesn't let people bring outside food in, but after tasting one of the cookies she made an exception ("Just this once!"). He swallowed the rest of his food and took another sip of the beer. It was good to relax after a long day of work, but it was even better when they could do that after a case was put to rest. "Well, except maybe getting stuck in this case. Willingly."
Caron followed John's eyes and waved at the other agents and Dr. Jules. It was nice seeing them outside of SEMA. "Dorian shouldn't have been there in the first place."


She leaned back on her chair, a bit shocked by what she witnessed. Her eyes followed the girl leaving the classroom with tears in her eyes. It was not the first time someone had left Professor O'Callaghan's class with tears in her eyes, and most of the time Jemma feels happy she's never been a target of the young man's sadism. But he always seemed to be trying to make his students drop the course instead of making them excited about what they are studying.
She lowered her eyes back to her notebook and flipped to the last page writing something at the end of a large list. Do not ask him about whether vampires are good or not.
Welcome, @Eldarion! The Guild js very active in the Casual setting so I'm sure you'll find something that interests you. You can always do your own interest check if you're willing to GM an RP. Most people on the guild are quite friendly and lots of us are around or above your age range, so typically people are very understanding of IRL responsibilities. Feel free to ask any questions and join us on the discord server, it's where we usually hang out.
Welcome, @Abolish nICE! I'm sure you'll find plenty of people to roleplay with. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, most people are quite friendly. We also have a discord server if you feel like just hanging out and chatting with folks.
Welcome to the guild, @phosphene! I'm sure you'll find someone who enjoys the same things as you. Let us know if you have any questions, most people are quite friendly around here. I know you said you get your hands full but we also have a discord server where folks like to hang out and talk if you're interested.
Giving this another bump!
Thank you so much for helping us spread the news of the fundraiser. Us involved in it are glad to help whoever needs help. :)
Hi, I just found this site today and it looks cool. I've been playing for 30 years, so it will be fun to run a game here thanks.

Welcome! Most people on this site tend to be very friendly and welcoming, I know I've made a lot of friends. Feel free to check the discord server if you feel like interacting OOC with the community!
def interested

Glad to hear it! Here is the actual rp thread.
Hi, welcome back! The guild has a lot of nice people, so I'm sure you'll have no problem making friends. We also have a discord server where a bunch of us just hangs out of you want to check.
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