Avatar of Stekkmen
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 977 (0.26 / day)
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    1. Stekkmen 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Taking a pretty permanent hiatus. Thanks for all the stories!
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5 yrs ago
Feelin' pretty fine, feelin' pretty sharp.
5 yrs ago
Blizzard Entertainment supports the tyrannical government of China. Blizzard Entertainment ends the careers of those who dare dissent against their chinese overlords. And they're not the only ones...
5 yrs ago
Got to get back into the swing of the things
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5 yrs ago
In other news, Republicans in Oregon have laid siege to the state capital, shutting down the democratic process. They have the support of right-wing militia groups who have shot at police before.
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I've been on and off this website for six years now. Right now I've only barely got time for one RP, and even then I mess that up. Trying to be more consistent and online more often, because I really do enjoy online roleplaying. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to write as much as I used too. Until then, I shall brood gloomily in the shadows.

Life goes on! Hobbies change and so do schedules. I hate ghosts, so I'm trying to put myself to rest as best I can with a status and bio officially marking my departure. If I'm going to do any writing, it's going to be working on that book I always wanted to finish.

Most Recent Posts

cyka blyat comrade
should the RP be set to full? or will there be more people allowed to join in the future?
Alcohol, Mayor of Steelbird Landing

Al was rubbing his temples, leaning his elbows on the wooden desk, sitting in a wooden chair. The floor was concrete, with some decent rugs scattered about to make it easier to walk on. There were a few windows, with no glass, but instead wooden shutters with curtains on the inside. All of them were currently closed. On the wall behind Al's desk was a painting of a quaint farm, peaceful and serene with easily managable shrubbery and amber waves of grain. There was also a poster, a very old poster made of the old materials, durable, plyable and shiny. On it was a picture of the Steelbird itself, the ancient airplane slumbering somewhere in the jungle, from which the town got it's name. A reminder of things that once were. Al had never had an opportunity to learn to read, but apparently the poster was marketing for an airport, where people used to ride airplanes and fly all over the world.

But here, in the ground floor of the mayor's office, Alcohol was dealing with much more grounded issues. At least, he would like to be, but apparently the boogie man himself was getting ready to bust in and make a mess.

"...so that would be the third this month an alleged monster was spotted outside of town." Twice finished.

"Right." Al grumbled, exasperated. "Dismissed." He waved a hand. Twice swallowed dryly. "That's not all." He spoke up after a brief moment of silence.

Al raised one eyebrow and made eye contact with Twice, expectantly.

"Apparently, according to Coop, this time it talked."

Al didn't seem to react. "It...talked." He slowly said.

Twice nodded.

The mayor raised his hands into the air and put his weight on the back of his chair. "Well. By all means, what did it say?"

Twice hesitated once again. "Harbinge, sir." Al nodded, wisely, as if this was all expected. "Harbinge?"

"Yeah," Twice nodded his head, "Just the word 'harbinge.' Over and over and over again. Allegedly. Apparantly. According to Coop." He distanced himself from the theory.

"Harbinge. Ain't even a real word."

"No, sir, I suspect not."

"That all?"


"Okay. Thanks. See you around, Twice." The messenger guard nodded and exited the room, shutting the door behind him. Al exhaled. Monsters. They talked, now, though they said no words. Coop was either crazy, or something terrible was about to happen. The mayor stood, and locked the door behind Twice with a wooden bar that clunked heavily on two pegs.

Then, he approached the map of Steelbird Landing. It was one of the only maps in a town. A similar map was in the headquarters of the police force. It was hand drawn, a rough representation of the different streets and districts of the town. N, S, E, and W, the letters Alcohol knew to represent the cardinal directions, were marked down as well. There was a little X on a square towards the eastern side of town, which repsented where the mayors office was. Towards the center of town, there was a symbol of a gun that represented where the police office was. A big, bold line surrounded the whole thing that represented the walls, that thinned at the northern and southern points into gates. Around the town, not fully pictured, were the farms of Steelbird that provided the towns food and a lot of jobs.

It was a beautiful town, really. It had it's issues, sure, but it was the best he'd seen. Alcohol might have had something to do with it, but really it was the hard working people of this town that kept everything running. People like Twice. People like Coop, even though he was delusional. Still, to dismiss the notion of encroaching "monsters" outright was to be foolish. Clearly something was happening out there, and perhaps Coop's monster sighting were a side effect of these events. Or, maybe, there was really a horrifice beast on the outside of town saying made up words. What a shitty time that would be, huh?

As his eyes scanned the town, he began thinking about what to do. The patrol was already thinner than he'd like. Could he really afford to have guards on monster patrol? Peeking over the walls at night with lights, hoping to catch a glimpse at some abomination? What if these rumors and sighting amounted to nothing? See the guards looking for monsters would only confirm the rumors in most people's minds. Panic might spread. But if they were true...what would happen then? So far, no guard had seen it, and only a few townspeople had claimed to have spotted it. No guard had spotted it, no one really trustworthy. Just people seeing things in the dark, acts of the maelstrom and drugs, perhaps. So many reasons for it to not be true.

Yet the seed of doubt remained. The primal part of all humans that feared the dark and the monsters that lurk within. The mayor could not allow fear to spread. If one of his guards corroborated these tales, than yes, he would act. Until then, the town's guard detail would continue to be the well-oiled machine it was today. Of all the things the Mayor had done, revamping the police was the thing he was perhaps most proud of. No longer were they the lazy, apathetic brutes of old who were just bullies in uniform. Now, they were loyalists, benefactors of the community who did fine work to help keep the town safe. It was important to get that right; the police were representatives of the law, and by extension, everything Alcohol believed in. The town had to like them, had to trust them, for this whole thing to work.

Alcohol turned and pulled open a wooden shutter. The sun poured in and his eyes adjusted to the bright outside lighting. The mayors office was on a slight hill, and it was a taller building than most, so he could see over the rooftops of many of the houses. He could see some people milling around, going about their business. And on the very edge, he could the walls, and beyond that, the mysterious jungle. Somewhere in that jungle there were monsters. Metaphorical monsters and perhaps literal monsters as well. Al couldn't tell which was worse, which one he would choose to deal with. The good news was he wouldn't have to choose; the choice was being made for him.

Level 1 - (7/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Master of Masters Mushroom Mercantile Market
Word Count: 348

Centurion looked intently at Micheal as he explained the mechanics of the gun. His face lit up underneath his helmet as he said a word that was familiar to him. Gunpowder! The Wu Lin to the far east had used it for fireworks, and he believed his good friend Charles used a similar conconction in his so called "bombs", but those seemed rather ineffectual.

"Fascinating. This device allows one to be powerful in combat with little physical skill. I imagine this has had disastrous consequences on the moral fiber of your lands, Micheal, but I am glad to have you here alongside us. This should prove useful. I will take cover if our enemies have the same devices. Perhaps you could explode at them, causing THEM to take cover, and then I take the moment to move closer. They may be able to hide from your bullets, but they cannot hide from my blade."

Blazermate appeared and extrapolated. Centurion startled. "Two hundred thousand rounds!? By the Pope! What a horrible world, where crooked, undisciplined men with evil in their hearts an bring about such destruction! Where I live, even the most barbarous Vikings have a code to live by." He reflected on his life for a moment, before looking back at his new friends.

"Well, thank you for the information. I shall keep this in mind as we continue onwards." Then, they approached the so called Master of Masters and listened to his speech. Agoston was learning many things, apparently. Spirits, Galeem, the journey ahead was long and treacherous, and they would need to grow in power. The magic in this realm would allow them to expand their skills much faster than the years of training and a life-time of combat, which was good.

Agoston had a terrible thought. "This light...you think it may have consumed everything? Everywhere? All the lands in all the realms, across all the stars in the sky? This Galeem? Not just myself?" He said. His voice was had a tinge of worry in it.

@ProPro because bowser didn't even react lol. loud noises happen all the time in For Honor land! I think Micheal's the only person Centurion has seen kill something with a gun
Level 1 - (7/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Starting Line
Word Count: 282 (give or take)

The Centurion removed his blade from the last enemy creature, and wiped it's blood off his steel gauntlet with a sharp mettalic rasp. He breathed in deep, span the blade around, and sheathed it. Satisfied, he turned to his allies.

"Alright, friends. Take a few minutes to rest up-"


"-Soon we'll make our way over to the Castle-"


"-Now this hooded person has some information for us, he told me-"



The Centurion narrowed his eyes at King Bowser. He would have to discuss leadership roles with turtle man later. However, the Centurion had something he felt was more important- the capabilities of his comrades in battle. Some of them very clearly posessed some kind of magic, like the magic dancing, the magic healing, the magic flying. This, the Centurion understoof. Clearly he was entering a realm of high magic. However, the abilities of the seemingly normal man, Micheal, intrigued him. Before the group continued onward, it was important the Centurion gauged the fighting prowess of his comrades.

"Micheal!" The Centurion shouted jauntily, approaching with a jog.

"Micheal, my good man, I must ask you. What is that loud contraption? You seem to be a mediocre person, of sub-par physical build and of an age much older than recommended for front line combat. How does this...device assist you? Is it some kind of weapon? A bow-less crossbow?" He peeked around, trying to get a better glimpse of the sub machine gun inside Micheal's holster.
that evil engineer with Bastion is hilarious

he's far too powerful for us mere mortals
sorry, I fell behind and didn't post this time around. i'll try to be more active.
razes hell??? that's awesome. did you come up with that yourself?

i almost played Doomguy but I didn't want to be a silent protagonist so instead i went for an extremely talkative protagonist
Level 1 - (5/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Starting Line
Word Count: 388

The Centurion was briefly entranced by the hooded man's words. But the sound of battle quickly came to his ears. "Forgive me, merchant," He said, despite the fact that the hooded being did not identify as such. It was not malicious, but it was probably inconsiderate.

"There is battle afoot. I will ask you my pressing questions later. Right now, there is a more immediate concern! Stay safe, brave peddler." The Centurion quickled scanned the developing skirmish. Bowser was in trouble, in danger of being overwhelmed. Blazermate and Micheal had yet to counter attack, but then again, the Centurion had only just turned around. By the time he will get there, they will most likely have begun fighting if they were worth their salt. However, he saw in the back, turtlemen were using teamwork to launch themselves into battle. That was where he would strike. Directly into their flank, he would churn his way through the ranged attackers like a knife through butter. Then, he would join his comrades in the fight against the assault mushroom creatures. First, however, he needed to eliminate the enemies who were staying away from the frontline. Truly, there were few things more satisfying than eliminating an enemies reinforcements before they had a chance to enter battle.

He looked down at Tora. "Tora! Our allies need our help! Quickly! I say we attack those infernal ranged turtlemen!" The Centurion than began sprinting forth, making good time towards the Koopas. His boots pounded across the dirt, his arms and legs pumping with fervor. Yes, he felt it in his bones, down to his core. This fight was righteous!

Once within range, the Centurion leapt high into the hair, his Gladius raised for a powerful forward thrust. "InFIRmus!" He cried out, slamming the Gladius as hard as he could into the nearest Koopa's neck. He removed his Gladius by crouching and uppercutting the Koopa in the race, removing his Gladius from it. Using the momentum of the punch, he span around, gripped his Gladius by the blade with his free hand and precisely guided the tip of the sword into the forehead of the next Koopa.

The Centurion was attempting to cut a bloody swathe through the enemys back line, allowing his allies to deal with their opponents without interruption.

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