Avatar of superservo27
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  • Posts: 241 (0.10 / day)
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    1. superservo27 7 yrs ago


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You know what’d be great? If you could give permission so other people could edit your post! That would be great!
7 yrs ago
I have a cold. It sucks. A lot. I can’t breathe through my nose
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Happy Halloween everyone! Get spooked!
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I will always take more people, please join roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Hello! I'm superservo27! Call me that or any variation thereof.
I like sci-fi. Seriously, of all the RPs I've been in (as of this writing, January 2018), only two weren't Scifi in some capacity. I like a lot of stuff. If I went through it all, it'd be an ungodly amount of text. It also fluctuates on a sometimes daily basis.

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If we did that he'd have like 150 kills
I'm just going to remove the kill count and the time passing.
Oh. How much time and how many kills should I edit it to have?
Edited it to show some time progression. 25 in 3 hours seem reasonable?
@OfWindAndRain I wasn't trying to mock you, it was an honest question. And his character sheet doesn't have a callsign because he loses Titans really fast. I was trying to show that it was 25 on this chassis alone and Monarchs are only given to good Pilots. It's more like 25 from this one battle.
@Dragonruby I posted my IC, your turn.
"Copy that, commander." He unslung his Predator Cannon and scanned the terrain, which proved to be free of enemy Titans or Pilots. He had some scuffles with some quickly dispatched infantry. "You ever wonder what happens to the family of IMC infantry? You think they give them free healthcare? Dental? A ten-thousand dollar compensation?" "That question has been asked to IMC P.O.W.s. They said that the IMC compensates the family with a check equal to all the pay the deceased has earned serving the IMC. Most of the time, the casualties are very new, and haven't made much pay, so the family doesn't receive more than two, maybe three thousand dollars. This is one of the reasons the Militia is better. We compensate with health insurance, dental, and free tuition to one of the several Militia-owned colleges on Harmony." "Okay, I get it. I wasn't going to switch sides, I was just curious, Jesus."

This conversation continued as Ryan kept moving toward the facility. "Pilot, enemy Titan detected to our left. Caution advised." Directly after that, Ryan started his Power Shot as he swung around, aimed in the general direction of "left", fired the shot, and emptied the magazine until he had reloaded three times. "Titan down. Excellent work, Jäger." "Was that sarcasm I heard?" He questioned as he exited the cockpit and cloaked. When he got to the Titan, he decloaked. "Liiiiii! We've been over this! When you find a Brute, just say "Brute detected"! You say caution advised for Ronins and Ions! You say it for Monarchs, not Brutes! We've been over this!" "Acknowledged. From now on, if the enemy is a Brute, I will say, "Brute detected."

They continued toward the factory, dispatching enemies as they came across them. As they did this, they would see flashes of red between constructs. As they came to a clearing, they saw it once more heading toward Alms and Madrys. "Commander Alms, confirm. Possible Titan headed toward your location. Be on guard, over." he radioed to his CO as the hatch opened. He took out his R-97 and held it up to his eye. The HCOG scope activated and zoomed in on his target. "Oh, shit! That's a Monarch! Alms, do you read me? There is a Monarch heading to your position with 115 kills! Repeat, a Monarch with 115 kills is heading to your position! I believe this is a very experienced Pilot! I am chasing but prepare to fight!"
I'm almost done.
@OfWindAndRain I know HEAT rounds are real and it makes sense. What is Power shot? Close range: all barrels fire shotgun shells?
Can I ask what made you come up with this?
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