Avatar of Sync
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    1. Sync 10 yrs ago


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Yo! I'm a fairly simply guy who's in here due to my love of writing. I've never got into the swing of things on these forums due to other stuff, hence the massive difference from the time I joined to the number of posts I've made. I'm a big geek when it comes to all things anime, fiction and games. I can roleplay just about anything as long as it doesn't involve me using an actual person's picture. I usually lean on the anime style of RP's, but recently I've been branching out for the sake of gaining perspective. I don't inherently dislike any character tropes, I believe if the execution is right and the direction is clear then something of value can come out of that. I might be online in theory, but that might just be me leaving the tab open. If you wanna talk just go ahead! I don't bite... much.

Most Recent Posts

In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Korvo Granetti


There was a moment in time where all seemed to have finally be in their favor. Korvo, who up until recently thought he would be once again the lone wolf in a battle of lions, had been surprised with outcomes of other Aeons coming onto aid. This monstrosity had been pushed, tripped and soon enough snuffed out of existence with so many Aeons in the fray. It was merely a matter of time, witnessing all come to a ear close he knew the casualties would be high, the numbers would be a detrimental loss to Helston, and he would once again had to see more men and woman buried and mourning. But, the silver lining was that, this didn't have to happen anymore. This could be sto- Something was off, victory was on the palm of their hands, but there was a tremor under the heel of his boot, it began to shift the earth ever so faintly yet it grew increasingly potent with every passing moment. The hood of Korvo's shawl dropped, turning to what seemed to be the source that emanated from withing the crater. Behind the mask, Korvo's eyes widen in horror, as a beast peered its ugly presence from within the such, towering above all the people. It's massiveness was enough to halt his movements, awe and fear of what would come rushed throughout his core. A grit of the teeth, damning all that had brought this misfortune. Korvo felt useless and dozens, upon dozens of options came to mind on how to defeat it, all ended up grim. Those who were lost layed on the surface of the earth beneath his feet. Blood, gore and death was what now permeated throughout the scenery. What was once another ordinary day at the construction site had now shifted itself to a walking, breathing nightmare.

The survivors began to ran pass him. The monsters continued the assault, but at this juncture Korvo felt time move slowly. Perhaps-- A voice called out, snapping him away from his trance. The quadrupeds were gaining momentum again, one had leaped towards the youth and was quickly taken care off by another Aeonic blast. The young woman from before began to shout retreat. Korvo turned once more to witness the giant and resorted to run away for now. He darted with no remorse towards the carrier, witnessing the other Aeons do the same, he decided to take the wheel. Dropping the empty mag from his gun, he immediately reloaded and began to open a path towards the carrier's driver seat, a dead man took its place, which Korvo had to remove. A silent apology followed by a tug and push. Replacing the man's position and turning on the engine. It took awhile, perhaps it took too much damage during the skirmish. Korvo began to get frustrated, bite his lip, notably getting angry almost. He opened up a small compartment under, began to shift and twist the vehicles wiring before a spark emanated from such, bringing the carrier back to life. At this point, he heard the woman on the hood once again. "On it! Hold on to your things, I'm not about to be subtle!"

He lifted the handbrake, hit the gas causing the wheels to run in place, shifting the weight of the carrier and turning in place, shifting gears and dropping set brake the carrier lunched at full speed. The monsters began the pursuit. Korvo was not too worried about running them over; some made it to the hood and were quickly disposed off with a couple swerves. His hand pulled out the window and began to shoot at any who were in the near proximity before him. Damn it, where to, the way to Helston was blocked, they had no options but to continue northward, Korvo didn't have much time to think and he decided to get on the highway, from there he took the first exist left and now it seems they were headed towards Dedana City... In this small interval where the distance began to become clearer and the shifting noises of screams and violence had turn to that of road travel. The skies had turned into a fall of meteors much like before; this was no random circumstance of fate... This had turned into a full on war. A lot came to mind; he wondered if an evacuation was ministered on Helston, he wondered if Venito was safe, if grandpa made it out. The circumstances… He should’ve listened to his sense when all this began, but now it was all just a little too late. In their way to Dedana, a single fleeting thought remained. There were far too many people with him, and some didn’t look their best. The beats could be seen ever after such a distance, the monstrosity that skyscraper’d unto the heavens, not concerned about the possibilities of retaliation, it was free to do as it pleased and it was right. None held any power to do anything against it as of yet. Not even at its brightest, the moment nightfall struck, they would lose their powers and become no more useful than a handful of soldiers. Korvo knew his limits, and so… maybe it was time for him to humble himself a bit, maybe it was a time where he needed to ask for assistance. For a moment, Korvo hesitated on making a decision; his helmet blaring red began to slowly change to it more subtle blue, the worse that read “Out of Combat” were almost a mockery to what seemed to be the start of something bigger. A deep inhale, follow by a slow, controlled exhale.

Korvo's hand began to press the touch pad on his wrist, dialing a number which only displayed the name, Emergency Only...

"Ashwin... It's me. I know I haven't called in awhile, but- I need your help, I'm on my way to Dedana. I'll meet you at Aurora's Medical Facility. Get a few rooms up, I bring friends."

In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I might get a post up later tonight or tomorrow.

I can make Korvo drive the carrier if you guys would like. If I had to choose though I'd choose Dadena City cause I like the sound of it :D
In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Happy New Years, guys. Hope you spent it well.
In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Oh damn, that's pretty awesome!

Also I have to agree. Great work on the posts guys, they're highly entertaining.
In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Korvo Granetti


Much to his concerns, her words vibrantly reflected his expectations. Yet, behind the detailing of her visage, now hid under the cloth of her scarf, a smile painted itself on the contours of her eyes. The iris displaying the irony and sarcasm of the final statement, or perhaps the lack of thereof. A chuckle brewed out of Korvo... 'But, at least the sun is shining.' Perhaps in slight disbelief or maybe due to how everything seemed so colorless beyond them. Men quivered in their boots, while others gripped their rifled close to their chest. And yet, it was refreshing to know someone held close to their selves. "Nice and bright." Soon after their little exchange, a myriad of faces peered out of their scopes. All of which were oddities themselves. A man who needlessly blared out into the distance of the fray, without much cause of pause he merely allowed the world to beckon at his attention. A cross of the arms, and a deep stare. Korvo did not do much after such, but certainly shifted his view to a slightly familiar visage of a red-haired individual. One of Venito's close contacts or more so, one of the people who Venito owns. Korvo knew only a bit about this kid, but not much to actually strike a conversation. Next to him was a woman of blonde, noticeably different to the male in both aspect and aura. Her mien stapled her lips into a straight line, her brows shaped a grimace toward the myriad. Seemed she wasn't so friendly, but then again, Korvo didn't expect anyone to be as such. Much to the other distance was a youth, perhaps even younger than most. Although fairly tall, his features were an canvas where youth still sprang true. Not much to be said, as this stranger whom Korvo had just interacted with invited him to join her on the vehicle. He agreed, and so the two set forth towards their destination alongside the others who boarded with them.

Perhaps the road paved time for thought, his mind began to drift to the palms of his hands, witnessing the delicacy of his fingers open and close in attempts to grasp a wavering memory. It's been awhile, and some part of him senses a shred of anxiety crawl down his spine in a cold sweat. The heat of the day's sun etched itself on the heat of his arms and he could sense a power, long forgotten, cycle with each beat of the heart. His breath felt constricted, yet there wasn't a moment where any of this felt foreign. This invitation, this moments felt right. Steadiness was key; experience was the guiding map to victory. My feet are strong and able, my hands are sturdy, and the scars are the testament of a past I rather keep behind me. An explosion followed by a sudden stop, the world began to shift before them. Korvo along with the other soldiers rushed off their vehicle to be met with a chaos wrought by creature foreign to him. The bullets flew, screams and blood began to paint the scenery and not before long. The young man, released a breath and pulled out his pistol. Without much time to worry, it was time to settle the score before sun down. His feet propelled him onto the fray beyond the myriad. Every step with prejudice and flair. The quadrupeds where in the many, and would soon overrun their forces. To keep them busy they said, so be it!

"-Remember now, kid. You have to grab your victory's by the balls. It's never easy and there's bitch to pay. Be relentless, for once! Show 'em hell before they do the same to you!

There's was a sudden sense of realization to Korvo, perhaps it was due to the thought that Venito's voice was the once that pierced through, but more over-- The distance has shortened before himself and the quadruped. It was quick, but predictable. His hand pulled on the knife and with a duck the creature's swing, broad and merciless was brought to a miss. Quick, without pause grasp the extended limb and sustain its weight with your own, pull the knife and stab its most volatile section. A stab to its skull and a screech followed. With his own force, he slammed the body onto the ground and followed up with another stab to the joints that connected shoulder and arm. Disabled, stomping it before it laid motionless on the soil, its brother followed suit. Almost coordinated in their approached. His helmet began to mark the targets before him, the once cyan texts now shifted to blaring crimson. His breath finally released, the pounce was incoming, Korvo invited such and grasped it on flight, the other slashed its brothers back unable to relent after the command was ushered. One gunshot, another and a third were heard at the behest of Korvo's hand. His gun centered at the monster's core before flinging him to the distance, and following suit with the other.

A step forwards and he could sense the energy begin to circle at the center of his core. Like a spiral it began to surface and culminate in the essence of all that surrounded him. Like if the world’s energy itself blessed him with strength. Every single step held purpose, every single movement and kill was calculated. But even so, there was something that kept Korvo focused, it was more than just sustaining this urge to replenish and hold whatever it was that boiled up in his blood. His soul screamed for a push. It’s been awhile, yes. But this feeling still remained fresh. A monstrosity began to shift between the people and tentacles protruded from his chest. Bipedal and swift, Korvo had a difficult time following it, his was larger by a considerable amount to the others, and he was ahead and witnessing it in it full glory. A couple of shots were directed towards it, but it seemed immune to any of such. Its gaping mouth ripping through flesh, blood trailing through its body, devouring men and woman alike without any evidence of a pause.

Korvo gritted his teeth as his gun ran out of bullets way before he realized any of them did any effect, with a leap it utilized its surrounding to gain inertia and rocket itself towards Korvo. The blares on his helmet indicated danger; he rolled towards the side to be met with an eruption of power landing next to him. The young fighter witnessing its height in all its glory and its massive strength, it pulled its hands and swung a second time without pause, a third and a forth. A duck, a twist and a push and Korvo managed to avoid most of it, until one of its tendrils wrapped along his leg and cause him to fall. It came close, closer than ever before. It’s menacing glare, its intimidating nature… A grit of the teeth and the roar of his soul exposed itself. A pulse, began to embellish his sense of creation and power became malleable on his finger tips. His feet traced the earth beneath his feet, a stand and his arms trust forward and open. A final defining swing and another eruption permeated in place, dust clouds began to surface in its wake but now Korvo, surrounded by a spherical barrier of power. Illuminated by the strength which permeated through his finger tips onto creation. Korvo demonstrated his Aeon powers without hesitation.


Releasing the barrier his feet kicked the earth under his heel to summon four pillar of stone floating above the head of the creature before all coming down in a hurl and slamming themselves in attempt to hit it. However, it displayed its earlier speed once more, noting that such would require more to even hurt it. However the gap has increased between the two now. A crack of the neck, before Korvo extended his hand and closed his palm, with the exception those index and ring fingers were extended. His arm began to swivel back and forth in a pattern, a light soon crackling into creation lead it to form a light that held no control. Lightning, power of the storm at his finger tips, his hands traced before him horizontally, a number of quadrupeds now lining behind its leader, before set finger punctured his gun and energy flowed into its metal.

One shot was enough again, the bipedal alien avoided with much trouble, but the others were swallowed in a small sphere which soon eviscerated them in it clutches. Lightning bolts surfacing briefly from within…

“What happened? Afraid of the light?”

In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Oh right one question, I suppose. Are all Aeon able to manipulate multiple elements or are we only able to use one?
In BLEAK 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Happy holidays, guys. Hope you guys spend it well.

Also, yeah I enjoy the pacing we're delivering on the story. It gives me time to think on how I want to present Korvo's narrative.
In BLEAK 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Korvo Granetti


Interaction: @Prisk

Survival was the first tactic. There were many object on the home, upon the dust and debris were remnants of unuse and destruction... The creeks of the door, the tumble of the knob even to the color of the walls were all condemned to wear and tear. Rust upon zinc ceiling and noted signs of entry could be sought with the footprints and broken glass. An unlocked home is an invitation, of course, to all of those who trail the streets with prying eyes. Intuition was the blend of such tactic. A ransacked home becomes territory of the world. It losses all purpose of value, the home is composed of objects and people and without the objects such functionality is lost, yet what thrives upon a home are the souls upon them. And so, the welcoming nature of Korvo's home was but a simple ruse to invite intrigue and much to their demise, to find disappointment. Korvo's home had not a thing of value, the lights were inoperable, the distant a droplet hitting bouncing onto a liquid surface continuously surface among silence. Cunning was the result of tactic, his foot continued down a muddied hall. And a bulb of light shone from the side of his helmet, upon reaching a room the door was twisted, torn and broken. But it would be too much to say that this was a means done by strangers, no... of course not. His hands traced upon the pad on wrist. Soon a light shone which enveloped the room and a small compartment on the outer wall facing away from the entrance. There, an automated voice welcomed the youth upon the screen on the inner helm, before the reveal of his weapons and armor were upon full display. A building, destroyed holds no value to those who have all. Therefore this mess, this chaos was intentional. To avert the eyes of the myriad, to avoid the eyes of thieves of both livelihood and goods. His home was a garage, nothing more, nothing less. The compartment was small, only Korvo could fit and shift from one side to the next. First was the protective gear.

The knee pads and boots demonstrated signs of use. The distinctive scratches enveloped its designed and told the story of battle. Perhaps he ran across a mountainous region and fell, or a foe bested his defenses and managed to connect on them. The breast plate, as it would, was one more commonly seen upon militarized personnel. It was rather simpler however, perhaps it wasn't as protective as well. However it enabled movement, it allowed for ease on the joints and core. Getting it on was not the problem, but righting its tightness was. Perhaps he has gained much more pass on the passing months, or maybe even lost a few. The weapons, a single brief case that was at the end of the small compartment. Standardized pistol and combat knife. Not much to go on, a couple of ammo stocks for the road. He didn't know the danger of the situation but similarly he wouldn't underestimate. Sign of such would leave to quick death, and much more to a death of other people. Korvo assumed he wouldn't be on this alone, of course he wouldn't. The alarm was sent, much would rush for the opportunity... and the credits. And finally, a hooded shawls. Nicely kept and black, nothing fancy at all. Simply to add to his mystery. In a world where everything is so over exposed, keeping a secret held much value. And he didn't feel the need to expose much of himself.

Preparations were as complete as they could be. The compartment closed and the youth was met with the other half of a destroyed home, removing the bed, he took the cellar to the outside, hiding his pace from any who would attempt to follow. Finding himself to the world, the helmet gave the signs of the compartment door closing. A sigh, a look upon the sky and a long walk to the destination. Perhaps getting a ride would be the next thing he would do, provided the credit were enough.

Time slipped through his fingers, and Korvo found that there was transport. A small bus ride allowed him and other members of Helston to arrive. But the visage of everything seemed grim. People were scouring and trembling in their boots. Other ran on the other direction and already signs of blood and death permeated the seams. What had happened? Korvo pressed his fingers on the side of the helmet; nothing of use was posted on the notice boards or anything of the like. Something was terribly odd, different. A myriad of possibilities began to surface, but the best option that would resolve his query was to ask an official. Seemingly, he wasn't alone in such a thought. Before long he began to search of a captain a lieutenant or someone in charge. To no avail, the sounds of men and women in distraught and the insipid chatter continuously began to plague the area. Korvo figured, they were bait at this junction. "Sergeant?"

A faint chatter, not so distant caught his ear. A youth spoke to a man who fidgeted on his step, he couldn't make out the details and so he pursued him, to realize he had made his way beyond the perimeter. "Hey, wait!" Korvo attempted to reach him, and only found himself standing next to the young woman who was previously speaking to the man. A nod, and a turn, not all was lost on this moment. A better look on her features, although much of what Korvo interpreted was seemingly the eyes. They held a softness to them, peculiarly so. Shoulder length hair, and a complexion which soothed the flair of her cheeks. "Did he say anything? About the situation we have?"

In BLEAK 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
^ I second it.

Everything's good so far tho. Been entertained Smash Ultimate, so I don't mind the wait at all.

The morning dew lit the pastures on subtle rays of shimmering day light. There's a symphony of bird welcoming the start of the with songs amd chirps lifting up the spirits to undertake the day. That being said, perhaps these tune herald better muse in the ears of another, but Nagaharo Junji was one that woke at the blare of a loud and uncomfortable alarm. The heaviness of his body urged him to stay at the comfort of his bed, an ache that form a groan as he banged the able once to halt the faulty alarm clock to halt. The damned thing was already broken beyond repair, the vibrations of the hit was enough to silence it indefinitely. Or so he thought before the alarm gave out yet another scream, seemingly much louder than before. "Fine! I'm up, I'm up!" Naga had no other option but to remove the sheets of himself and unplug it from the wall before it continued to become a nuisance any longer. A long, exaggerated stretch ushered his muscle to loosen up. His mother and father had already left and there in the kitchen was the eggs and toast with a note that said "Morning! Don't forget to close everything after going to school. xoxo mom." Naga paid no never-mind to what it said since the structure to this is always the same. A greeting, command, and the infamous x's and o's. Morning routine went like always, meaning that today was a day much like any other. But something was... terribly off. Nagaharo didn't say anything about joining dad today, and neither did mom say anything about--

"Today's the first day!" Suddenly the rush of morning felt a lot more pressurizing. Soon he had to finish breakfast and get dressed appropriately after carefully ironing his clothes and picking them out a month ago before the semester started. It was already getting a bit small, seems he had grown a couple of inches during the break. A flick of his tongue depicted his frustration, but more over than anything he wanted to ride his bike to the start of the year. He wasn't particularly excited, but it was something different from the everyday life and monotony of this place. At least he could hurry up and hang out with people his age! He hoped... Picking up his bike and striding towards the school, he needed to be at least considerably early. Teacher already say he looks like a delinquent, he shouldn't start acting like one too.
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