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    1. Tal 5 yrs ago


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After sitting and staring into the rain for a long time Ya-Shuur decided that he would travel. There was only so much he could see while staying in one place. Travelling would grant him knowledge. So he stood and walked through the rain until he came to the beach. Here it was raining as well. He stared out into the fog and unknown and he felt scared. The sea was endless and dark and the clouds were overcast. Staring out into it he felt truly insignificant and weak. He shook his head and turned away. Maybe travelling was not for him after all. It was not a good idea to go blind into the unknown. At least here he was on stable land. The unending rain was frustrating it was true but it was no reason for him to leave. He looked out again at the sea. Despite his terror it still held an allure. But he was not ready for it. This was his home and he would stay here.

As he walked back in the forest he felt that something was watching him. He looked around for a while but saw nothing that was unusual. But the feeling didn't go away so he looked harder. At last he saw some kind of creature taking shelter under a tree. He paused and looked at it but could not quite make out its features so he approached. It was a small horned animal that bent its head down and bit into the greenery every now and then. It looked very unhappy about all the rain. Ya-Shuur smiled at it and waved his hand. "Hello little horned creature. What are you doing there?" It looked at him for a few moments then released a terrifying screech that made Ya-Shuur jump and back away quickly. To his surprise it followed after him. He sped up into a jog and he saw that it stopped by a tree and stared at him. Relieved that it had stopped chasing him he returned to his cave. It seemed like the world was full of terrible things!

Some days later as he was exploring the up the stream near his cave he came across the same creature. Only this time it had two others with it. Ya-Shuur stared at it from across the stream and it made a sound at him that sounded like a "baaa". It was nothing like the strange screech from the first time. He laughed and thought they looked almost cute from here. Nothing like from up close when they turned into monsters and started chasing you. He continued up the stream and was shocked to find they started walking up with him. Terror gripped him and he turned around and began running back to his cave. The little horned creatures didn't give chase this time. Ya-Shuur was relieved about that.

Not long after that he was walking along the beach. He had been walking aimlessly for some time when he realized that he was searching for something. What he was searching for he did not know. But he kept looking until eventually he spotted the very same creature from that day he had decided not to leave! It was confronting something in the woods. He could not really see it. But that moment seemed to last forever. Ya-Shuur stared at the animal as it defied the unknown darkness. "Goat..." he said to himself, "Goat Defying the Darkness." He thought there were tears in his eyes but they might have been rain. As he watched a huge bear emerged from the forest and growled at the stubborn goat. Instinctively he ran forward. He picked up a stick and shouted. The bear looked at him and roared. "Here! Here!" he shouted and the bear did not like it. It stood on its hind legs and lashed out with its paws to warn him off. By this time the goat had scurried away. Ya-Shuur stopped and found that his heart was beating stupendously in his chest. His hand was frozen in fear around his stick so he couldn't drop it even as he turned and ran away. The bear stared after him and roared in victory. Then it looked around and realized the goat was gone and it mewled in confusion.

When he was back in his small cave Ya-Shuur found himself trembling. That had been a terrible experience and he would never do anything like it again. A sound disrupted his fearful mind and he looked up aghast. Coming towards the cave was the goat and maybe six others. The first goat came right up to him and baa'd gently. Ya-Shuur chuckled nervously and patted it between its horns. "Y-yeah. You were very brave back there." He leaned back and looked at the goats. He looked at the stick and smiled. He remembered the name that had come to him in that strange moment. Goat Defying the Darkness. He liked it.


The rain was unending and Ya-Shuur was drenched. His hair was plastered to his face and his beard was leaking onto his chest. It was also quite cold. This form was not very good at keeping him warm. He remembered that Li'Kalla had placed stuff on top of it, and she had housed it in the mansion to protect it. Ya-Shuur thought that it would be good for him to do the same. He gathered leaves from all the trees and stared at them blankly. He collected twigs too, but he was not sure how he could turn a pile of wet twigs and leaves into clothes. He watched some of the creatures on the island. There were bears with thick coats. There were mud pillars that did not need clothes. There were birds with feathers. He found a few carcasses and dragged them to the pile he was collecting. He unfeathered the birds and then stared at the bear, trying to work out how to use its fear. He picked at it like he had picked at the feathers, but that did not seem to help. At last he left it, deciding that it was not going to be very useful.

He twisted the wet twigs together messily. They barely held. Then he began tying the leaves to it. Some broke, but some held. He decorated the mess with the feathers and attempted to tie it around his hips. It fell off and fell apart. Ya-Shuur frowned and looked at his poor attempt. He had nothing to properly bring the different parts together so they would not fall apart on use. He stroked his beard as he thought. He touched his beard a bit more with both hands. “Maybe that would work...” he said to himself. But he did not have enough hair to make experimenting a good idea. He looked at the shaggy carcass of the bear. That could work.

So he got to tearing off the bear's hairs and tying them together until they made decent enough string. Then he began tying the twigs and feathers and leaves together. When he was done he was able to cover his waist well with it. Ya-Shuur was satisfied and now set to finding a shelter that would keep the rain away. The place he chose was near the sea so that he could see it, but it was also in the forests. There was a stream flowing by. Not too far away was a rocky formation that created a tiny enclave in the rock. It was just deep and large enough for him to be able to sit down in it and bring his legs in so that they were safe from the pouring rain. He was satisfied with this and sat down there staring out through the trees and rain.

Now that he was clothed and out of the rain, he could think more clearly about what had happened. He knew that what had happened was bad and should not have happened. It was bad because it had caused suffering. It had caused Li'Kalla to suffer, Vakk to suffer, the mud clump to suffer, and him to suffer. But despite that Vakk seemed to have been happy with it when he left, so Ya-Shuur thought that maybe Vakk had gained something from it. So that made it good for Vakk somehow? If it was good for Vakk then why should Vakk not do it? Ya-Shuur thought about this and was uncomfortable with it. It was selfish. He knew selfishness was bad but he could not think of why. Wasn't it normal for someone to want what was best for themselves? But if everyone acted like that... it would lead to bad things for everyone wouldn't it? Yes. But if everyone was aware of this and so tried to not be selfish, that meant that selfishness became viable again since only a few people would do it. They would be able to take advantage of everyone else who was unselfish. Ya-Shuur scratched his drying head.

Maybe he was thinking about it wrong. Vakk had hurt Li'Kalla. Li'Kalla should be able to hurt him back surely. But that did not benefit either Li'Kalla or Vakk. It did not undo the hurt done to Li'Kalla. Ya-Shuur thought about this. Undoing the hurt was a good thing. Perhaps if Vakk undid the hurt then there would be no need for Li'Kalla to hurt him in return. But could such a hurt be undone? Li'Kalla had been turned into a monster after all. And could Vakk be convinced to undo it? He had no incentive. He was happy about what had happened and seemed to have benefited from it in some way. Ya-Shuur rubbed his head. He could have an incentive... Li'Kalla would not hurt him. So fear of retribution. Fear of punishment.

Ya-Shuur placed his finger in the mud and wrote: “Hurting others is evil. Those who hurt others are to undo the hurt they have done. If they do not do this then they are to be hurt.” He thought about this. This could easily become circular if no caveat was put in place. So he wiped it away and wrote again: “Hurting others for no good reason is evil. Those who hurt others for no good reason are to undo the hurt they have done. If they do not do this then they are to be hurt.” He looked at the words as they were slowly wiped away by the rain. What would he call this? He thought for a few moments then wrote again in the mud: “This is Justice.”


Ya-Shuur was starting to like Li’Kalla. It was nice watching her playing in the snow and making friends. But he also noticed that this island she had found was burnt and many souls had been suffering. It made him want to do something about it. All he could do for now was comfort some of the souls as they went away. Then Li’Kalla went home and started playing in her bedroom. He did not want to spy on her when she was in her room. So he decided to leave the mansion and explore her sphere some more. There were many things in this world and he wanted to see more. But then he heard a strange sound and felt a criminal presence.

Vakk screamed at Li’Kalla and torturd her, and Ya-Shuur was horrified. He tried to come close so he could tell him to stop, but he could say nothing. And getting close to the fighting gods was hard. But soon he was close enough and tried to reach for one of Vakk’s tentacles so he could help Li’Kalla. But it was too late and there was suddenly blood everywhere. It splattered all over him even though he was not a physical creature. He felt it reacting and mixing inside him. It was the blood of the both of the gods. And then Li’Kalla turned into a monster. Vakk’s words had driven her to madness. “No…” Ya-Shuur murmured, and there were tears in his eyes. He blinked and reached for his face, and he realized that his face was transforming. An energy wave from the fighting gods came at him and he was flung back.

He saw Vakk running away then. Li’Kalla was eating something. He realized with horror that it was that mud creature she had befriended. He was not safe here anymore. The longer he stayed, the more physical he became, the more likely it was that the monster would find him. Sadly he turned and ran away from all the crimes.

Outside of the So’E he looked at his newly formed hands and found that they looked like Li’Kalla’s before she became a monster. Horror tore through him at the idea that he might have accidentally taken away her kind shape and turned her into a monster when the blood spattered him. “No no. It wasn’t me. It was Vakk.” He told himself. But the doubt would not go away. He looked into a puddle. A kind bearded face looked back at him. His beard was brown and long. His hair was the same. It curled down until it reached his shoulders. His skin was darker than Li’Kalla’s. He shook his head. It could not be that he had stolen Li’Kalla’s kind form. He looked nothing like her.

Somewhat assured (but a small doubt was niggling at the back of his head still) he began walking through the mud and rain. There was a deep frown and sandness in his brown eyes. He kept looking back behind him. Even though he wanted to help he was completely helpless and lost. If Li’Kalla could not help herself (and she was such a powerful creature) how could he hope help himself let alone her? The thought made him sad and he walked away.


When Ya-Shuur became Ya-Shuur the first sound he heard was the screaming. But for a while before he heard the screaming, he was the screaming. The screaming that he heard came from a never-ending swarm of souls. He saw that these screaming and wailing souls were being thrown into many furnaces that were dotting the emptiness of space. Ya-Shuur was horrified by it all. But he could do nothing except watch helplessly. Ya-Shuur did not understand why this was being done. There seemed to be no one he could turn to for answers. The screaming was the question. And screaming was the answer. Just screaming.

In all those screams there was one scream that was different. When Ya-Shuur heard it he knew that it was not coming from a soul that was crying out against the injustice of the waiting inferno. And it was not screaming at being condemned without a hearing or a trial. It was the cry of a mighty and powerful creature. And this made the cry bizarre to Ya-Shuur. So he followed it. He wanted to know why a creature so powerful and so mighty would be crying out against injustice done to it. “Can injustice ever be done to a mighty and powerful creature like this one?” Ya-Shuur asked himself.

It took him a long time to trace the cry. Finally he found the one who had screamed. She was sleeping on a big blue bird. She seemed happy and at peace. She did not seem like someone who was suffering from injustice to Ya-Shuur. He thought that maybe he had made a mistake. Or that maybe he had not followed the trail properly. He thought that maybe in all those screams for justice he had accidentally imagined one that was slightly different.

But even though he thought all of this he was still drawn to Li’Kalla. While she seemed perfectly fine there was something not quite right about her. The creature (because Ya-Shuur was just a strange creature partly soul and partly scream) stayed far away because he was shy. So he floated there and just looked at her from far away. He thought that maybe if he looked hard enough he would know what was wrong.

Hello! This seems very interesting and I would love to jump in! I was thinking of jumping in as a members of Cassius' band, but I'm not sure if they are still around. Or if there is somewhere more interesting to jump in!
Is every character a dragon? Should I just put a character sheet in the character thread?
Hi. How can I join this?
<Snipped quote by Tal>

Can you elaborate more upon this idea? The origin of your demigod is an integral part for us to evaluate, and I've been waiting to hear about what you came up with.

If you'd rather not spoil it for everybody, you can just PM us three GMs. Maybe put Frettzo in the PM convo to, if you decide to do it.

Ok. I put it in the character sheet I think, but I'll say some more.

The Great Shepherd was first just normal soul ash, but then the soul ash heard the suffering of the first souls, and maybe also because of Li'Kalla's cries and other gods who might have been in some troubling experiences and this caused a soul creature to come together. Nothing powerful, just something that hears the cries for justice and cries of suffering. It can be attracted to Li'Kalla because her suffering is probably very noticeable and it just stays around her. Frettzo and me said in our messages that Li'Kalla probably notices it. Then when Vakk comes to fight with Li'Kalla the soul creature will be near Li'Kalla and some blood will go on it. So he will only becomes a god when Vakk and Li'Kalla confront each other and he gains divine ichor due to the violence, but before that for one post he will be a soul creature that hovers around Li'Kalla.


Does anyone know when I can expect a response for the character sheet? I have talked with Frettzo and we have a plan for him to first be a soul creature before being born as a demigod in the next age.
Name: Ya-Shuur

Alias: The Great Shepherd

Portfolio: Justice
What is justice? Generations past and present have sought to define it (some saying it is the quality of being fair, others that it means being reasonable, others that it means treating people equitably, and others that it is allotting every person their due) but ultimately, justice is known. Just as the entropic force of injustice is immediately recognized and brings about feelings of indignation, justice also is recognized and causes peace and contentment to people. For the Great Shepherd, as he comes into the world, the aim of justice is harmony and the resolution of conflict (and so the resistance of entropy). Whatever brings about conflict resolution and brings about harmony is justice. So anyone who strives towards these goals can be said to be striving towards justice. The Great Shepherd strives to bring about these ideals. In the end, justice, or at the very least the feeling that justice is striven towards, brings about feelings of safety, and that ultimately means people can organize and society can function properly.
Due to this portfolio, the Great Shepherd would be more attuned to people's needs, being able to sense disharmony due to injustice and perhaps he will have the capacity to see through to solutions that will ensure everyone gets their due rights in a manner that satisfies them. Where there is discord due to injustice, his very presence may cause people to act slightly differently or to be amenable towards conflict resolution and harmony. Perhaps he would be able to tell whether a person (or ruler or chief) abides by the principles of justice or not (which normal demigods would not be able to do as it comes somewhat under mind reading). I imagine his abilities with regards to this portfolio will shift or grow as he begins to explore different understandings of justice, so there may be a more limited number of things he can do with it at first but this will later grow as his story develops. For instance if he comes to understand justice as being divinely ordained, his commands might begin to hold the force of normative law for some mortals.

Persona: The Great Shepherd views the rights and duties of people as sacred. Rights are to be protected and duties observed, and when these two things are in balance then conflict is avoided and harmony achieved. Such a state of harmony is a state of justice. When this harmony is disturbed, however, it does not necessarily mean there is no longer justice and a descent into entropy is at hand. Justice is adaptable, it can handle conflicts and disputes, the neglect of duty and the violation of rights. In such cases, justice lies in giving all parties their dues so as to return to a state of harmonious equilibrium. So order and harmony are paramount for the Great Shepherd. It is possible for there to exist order due to strong laws, but for there to be no harmony due to the unjust nature of these laws, so the Great Shepherd is not shackled to laws. He does see it as his duty, however, to ensure that laws adhere to justice. To bring about order and harmony, and therefore justice, is his great ambition and calling.

The Great Shepherd was created out of the screams of suffering of billions of souls, along with the cry of Li'Kalla for help and Seidhara's cries for justice. He only becomes a god when Vakk and Li'Kalla confront each other and he gains divine ichor due to the violence.
The Great Shepherd was first just normal soul ash, but then the soul ash heard the suffering of the first souls, and maybe also because of Li'Kalla's cries and other gods who might have been in some troubling experiences, this caused a soul creature to come together. Nothing powerful, just something that hears the cries for justice and cries of suffering. It can be attracted to Li'Kalla because her suffering is probably very noticeable and it just stays around her. Frettzo and me said in our messages that Li'Kalla probably notices it. Then when Vakk comes to fight with Li'Kalla the soul creature will be near Li'Kalla and some blood will go on it. So he will only become a god when Vakk and Li'Kalla confront each other and he gains divine ichor due to the violence, but before that for one post he will be a soul creature that hovers around Li'Kalla.

This means that at the start, before any real character development has taken place, he will be of the mindset that violence is reprehensible and to be avoided. Justice must seek to avoid violence. Before any true character development takes place, the Great Shepherd will be an empty slate with a general conviction that he should create peace, order, and harmony, so as to bring about justice. By nature he will be patient, and he will also have a good ability to focus on things, especially things that might be a bit academic or mind-numbing to others because this will be important when he is hearing people's complaints and trying to do justice. He is also very empathetic, able to sense especially those who are distressed or suffering or feeling that they are not being treated with justice. He is confident in himself but also very curious and thoughtful as he is always questioning and asking what justice is. Sometimes when he witnesses particularly unjust things he may react impulsively, but usually he is level-headed and reasons things through. While he does look to others for approval and sees the benefits of working together, this will not prevent him from stepping up and challenging things he knows or deems to be unjust. When innovating when it comes to justice, he does not fear unpredictability or even instability.

Other Information: The Great Shepherd yearns to experience life as a mortal and wonders about reincarnation.


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