Avatar of The 42nd Gecko
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    1. The 42nd Gecko 10 yrs ago


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Da-Xia Chen
Tsushima Diver Services, Main Lobby

The laughter didn't phase Da-Xia any. She was in a crowded building full of people, any one of whom could have looked up something funny on any number of electronic devices, and was not the kind of person to hear laughter and assume it was aimed at her. When someone went flying past her, on the other hand, she looked for the unusual source of wind, in precisely the wrong direction to see what was going on. Scratching her temple for a moment, she shrugged it off.

The location being Night City was both advantage and disadvantage to Da-Xia. Streets were the flat out ideal terrain. But there were also lots of buildings and verticality that were decidedly the worst terrain for her. But after having offered her services, there was no way Da-Xia would back down. "My deepest thanks that you would allow me to join you, Sir Michael, Sir Hyun-jin. Da-Xia shall not let you down." She bowed to each in turn.

At the question of whether either of them were holders, Da-Xia's brow furrowed. She glanced over her shoulder at her massive lance, then at Hyun-jin's not unimpressive sword either. Then back at Michael. Then at the weapons again, then at Michael. Oooh! He had a cool eye-scar and was wearing sunglasses indoors! He must be one of those cool blind swordsmen from the stories! "Nay, Sir Michael, I am not a Holder, but Da-Xia Chen's lance and steed are ready to serve. It also has a grenade launcher with flashbangs!" She unslung her lance held it in front of her with the same proud grin one might use when holding forth a particularly stretchy cat. Before realizing that she had just come to the conclusion that Michael was blind and she put it away.
Da-Xia Chen
Tsushima Diver Services, Main Lobby

Da-Xia appeared uncomfortable in her skin as she walked in Tsushima. Opposed to the cool confidence she portrayed aboard her loyal steed, relaxed and set back, Da-Xia's shoulders crept forward, and her arms kept tight about her frame defensively. Something about islands always felt so claustrophobic to her, and cities doubly so. More at home on the mainland was she, where there was always the option to simply roam into the wild as Da-Xia was wont to do. But such flights of whimsy required resources, which in turn required money, which brought her to Tsushima. The Diver Services in particular, of course.

But a certain sound shocked Da-Xia straight up, sending a tingle of joy through her spine and joy to her lips. The cries of those in distress always brought a smile to her face! Wait, it sounds really bad when you put it like that... She's just excited to get a chance to be a big hero, really, honest.

Regardless of various confused motives, Da-Xia bounded across the lobby several times excitedly, looking for the source. Her haste was her undoing, as she passed the boy several times before locating him, by which time Michael had already made his full pitch. Nonetheless, she did find him eventually, coming to a skidding halt in front of the boy just as he was was half out of his chair to respond to Michael. "Hark! I cannot stand idle while those in need cry out for want of righteous might. Da-Xia, Knight-Errant, stands ready with her lance to take up your noble cause!" She firmly smacked a tightly clenched fist to her chest with rather more jiggle than normally considered elegant.

It was only after delivering this full impassioned speech, that Da-Xia seemed to finally notice the boy had been getting out of his chair to engage with Michael, and she followed his gaze and pieced it together. "Ah! My deepest apologies sir." Glancing at his sword, she assumed he must be another diver. She bowed deeply before returning upright. "I did not notice you had presented your services first. I will not oppose your first right of refusal." Drawing a step back out of the way after stating her piece, she waited for the boy to address Michael.
@OwO Forgot how mentions work, see above.
@OwO do you mind if I have my post assume that the boy was going to stand up and start to engage with Michael? I have some plans for sillies.
Nice choice, I've a fondness for Travis Touchdown.
Thank you. I believe that means we've got a perfect stamina - speed - power RPG trio. Now we just need our wizard.

At the mention of 'philosophic bullshit', one of the cards Caprice was playing with sprung forth with a loud snap, fluttering wildly out of her reach. Caprice's mouth shot open, but whatever noise sought to come forth was strangled. Her mouth closed and her face contorted through multiple expressions before settling on resignation.

She folded the cards away into her coat, reaching out far across the table to snatch the one that had gotten away. She struggled forward with her fingertips to grasp it, stomach fully resting atop the table and legs kicking. Upon seizing her apparently precious prize, she leaned back, setting her boots upon the table, crossed upon each other. "She's got a point." Caprice glumly said, tapping one of her heels in agitating, pouting in her seat.

Despite her many actions, Caprice certainly hadn't given anything even vaguely resembling a straight answer to the student president.
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