Avatar of The Great Nahman Jayden
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 190 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Great Nahman Jayden 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current @anyoneWhoRemembersMeFromTheMinecraftForums (what a meme that was) i'm a girl now ok?
6 yrs ago
it's be a long time


I used to fuck around on the Minecraft Forums a lot, and very poorly wrote the story of the South American Union for Untold Empires and EVEN WORSE I made the Muscle Tribe of Awesomeness for Alternate History: The Game. Forgive me, I was like eleven.

Anyway now I'm a communist and a girl. And a marginally better writer.

Most Recent Posts

Here's a draft of my first IC

Brazil steals nukes from America.

Brazil nukes Finland.

All Finns die.

The end.
Nah guys, pretty sure Finland will conquer the world this time.

Finland can try me.
<Snipped quote by The Great Nahman Jayden>

Brazil can into space?

Brazil can into world supremacy. Space comes after that.
<Snipped quote by The Great Nahman Jayden>

Nope! Thus far no IC posts so I doubt anyone joining is a problem yet!

Awesome. Guess it's time to make South America STRONK!
Is it too late to claim Brazil?
So which one of us is going to move the story forward?
Michael's eyes shot open when he heard the Dunmer's hissing. "Would you be quiet!?" He stood from his cell and pushed himself up against the cage to stare at the Dumner. "The likes of you would be executed in the Empire!" Michael's attention then turned to the Orc. "I know it makes you feel tough to slam the cage but you're making too much noise!"

It quickly set in to Michael that he shouldn't be yelling at the others. He rubbed his head and groaned. "I apologize. I just get mad when I'm tired." He scratched at the wrist of his left arm, under the shackles. "Being a slave to the dark elves doesn't help my mood either." He collapsed back and sat against the bars in his cell.
My heart keeps breaking.
One can only hope.
Golem is marked as online! Huzzah my friends! The drought has ended and roleplay shall be restored!
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