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    1. The Muse of Eru 9 yrs ago


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I'm back.

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Interested in being one of the Beastropes.
Editing my previous post to include Emil, 'cause oops.

Awesome! Feel free to post a CS in the OOC.
Seeking more players presently, due to the initial first month drop outs.
As of right now, these are the NPC characters that can and will die (except Nina, I suppose):

Valerie - Lupa
Markus - Ulfric
Unknown rabid werewolf

Presently Adam is targeting Markus and Dracul is targeting Valerie. I will continue with those two by tonight so those in the Lupanar will have something to do!
Posted the time skip and some ammo for people. You all can NPC your encounters, NPC an encounter for someone else, or if you want I can step in. Just say the word, but the default will be you NPCing your own encounters as needed.

Just to reiterate for everyone else!

It is NPC, as I mentioned in the OOC post regarding the plot ammo stuff. =p do what you want!


You're fine. Post without Violent for now - make it up. A clearing, stone throne, feeling of power. I'll message Violent soon (heading to work and can't do it just yet if I do this) and see what she wants to do and if I should NPC her character.

@Guess Who
I like it!
Posted. Sorry it's a little rough - juggling the three was a little odd. =P
Marrec, Sam, Markus

Marrec stretched his tall form, releasing a low groan that reminded him how much he disliked Markus' driving. He absently turned, offering a hand to help Sam out, but the Geri shot him a withering glance and leapt out, quickly skirting around his bulk and moving away from the vehicle. Acacia had already gotten out before him, so the remnants of Marrec's chivalry quickly dispersed as he returned to his duty. Turning to the Ulfric, Marrec awaited any commands available. His eyes briefly strayed to the outline of the building a few blocks down that housed a pitiful number of classrooms and not many more students, a brief spurt of yearning fluttering through his chest. Ah well, he thought. Perhaps once he met the right lady he'd return to his previous life, but the quiet routine of the school teacher would likely be a death sentence in his current state – and Marrec was a man who enjoyed life.

Marrec, stop looming,” Markus muttered as the enforcer's shadow fell over him, though the two men were of similar height. The Ulfric was staring about the street, a frisson of worry inching up his spine as he noticed a few new faces peeking out of various establishments, their stares just a little too intent. He was considering what to do first when Sam stepped up to the two men, dark eyes showing vague amusement.

You two stand out like a sore thumb. You're attracting far too much attention at this rate – anyone we want to find will be put on guard far too soon,” she complained, gesturing at them in general, though she stared pointedly at Markus' tattoos for emphasis. “I'll take guard duty. Marrec should go... grocery shop or something,” Sam added with a smile that wasn't particularly friendly. Although she didn't doubt the man's loyalty, she did doubt his finesse – brute strength only went so far.

Marrec glanced at Sam and rolled his shoulders in a shrug, not entirely disgusted by her new plan. He enjoyed grocery shopping, since he'd been doing it for a long time and had once had quite the garden. Domestic qualities weren't foreign to the man, nor did he find the duties entirely unpleasant. He was about to open his mouth and agree, only to find his attention diverted by a woman strolling past. Her pale hair was the first glimpse he caught of her, but Marrec stared at her long enough to get a better look, and then continued to look after that. He responded with a slow and easy grin, eyes tracking her movement to the bookstore with an almost predatory interest.

Marrec. What the fuck?” Markus' coarse voice rose loud enough to capture the enforcer's attention, irritation showing from previous attempts at gaining Marrec's attention, drawing his dark gaze back to closer faces. Chuckling with a sheepish smile, the man didn't bother offering an apology. A new face was, well, new to Marrec. Being an enforcer meant he was pretty much trapped in the pack house, so the only faces he saw were those that belonged to the pack and even then, it was really only a dozen or so that stuck around on a regular basis. He got along with most everyone, but Marrec could admit that he liked a little more variety in his company.

Yeah, Sam's right,” he agreed, still a little distracted. “If you want to find that old crone, or anyone else a little suspicious, maybe you need someone who looks as harmless as Sam,” he added, grinning widely at the glare this earned him. “You two can also get half the list, and I'll do the other. We'll meet in a couple hours for food or something... Call me if you need me.

Glancing at the Ulfric to see how his reponse was taken, Marrec focused long enough to receive a curt nod and then went on his way, adjusting his coat so his weapons were still concealed. He paused to look at the bookstore's exterior, not recalling if he'd seen the same establishment the last time he'd been in town – the name of the store definitely didn't jingle any internal bells, anyway. Discarding the thought, the man pushed his way into the book store and came to a stop a few feet in, allowing his eyes to adjust while he searched the interior for the towheaded woman.

Having spotted her, he moved forward with a steady, quiet tread. “Hullo there,” he said, a warm smile curling his mouth and filling his dark eyes, the corners crinkling. “Something you'd recommend?” He looked pointedly at the book she was reading, a dark brow winging upward in question.


"So those two seem to be getting along."

Emil had stopped beside Markus and Marrec just as Marrec decided to go scurrying into the bookstore. Sam stared after Marrec, a look of incredulity and annoyance blending across her features. Dismissing the enforcer, Sam turned her attention to the Bolverk, considering the man with a critical gaze, wondering about his true intentions and desires that led to becoming the pack's Bolverk. The mostly blind werewolf had always intrigued Sam, though she had never said as much and mostly kept her distance. She turned to eye Acacia and Ryan, made to notice their companionship due to Emil's commentary. A slight smile touched her mouth as she considered the ramifications of such a friendship, particularly considering how oblivious the young hunter was.

Markus shifted his weight as he dug around in the front seat of the vehicle for some misplaced item, drawing Sam's attention. The recent events with the Odessa pack, or perhaps the past several months, had clearly worn upon the newer Ulfric. He didn't always successfully balance respect and fear among his followers, allowing his temper to gain the upperhand, but Sam had no qualms with him. She worried, however, knowing that some of the packmembers were not wholly in favor of him – it was truly only the fear of all the battles they would have to fight, only to then challenge him, that kept some of the werewolves from rebelling. Rather than relieve Sam, this was a concern – it meant subterfuge was far more likely, especially if the werewolf simply wanted to remove the Ulfric and not take his place.

Where first?” Markus interrupted Sam's thoughts, looking around and not noticing the slight frown she was wearing. The Ulfric removed the duffle he had filled from the vehicle, slinging the awkward weight over one shoulder. He offered a broad grin to Emil, moving to slap the man on the shoulder before arresting the gesture, ending it with a considerably lighter impact between his hand the other man's arm. He wasn't sure how well Emil would respond to anything so abruptly aggressive, especially when unprepared, and had no desire to ruin the man's balance.

Gun store, preferably,” she responded immediately, already moving to lead the way. Her eyes scanned their intended path, her frame allowing for a relaxed and harmless posture that spilled into a walk that was more feminine than she naturally exhibited. Playing the silly female companion was not unfamiliar to Sam, but she wasn't sure she was wholly convincing most of the time. Markus strolled after the Geri, not looking particularly harmless in any way.



A dark-haired man shifted his weight, allowing the blinds to fall back into place over the window. A smirk curled the right corner of his mouth. Kelly had been right about the Ulfric's eventual visit to town, a tidbit of information gleaned from several months of surveillance. Moving back into the bedroom so that he could dress, Adam let loose a deep, silken laugh that lit up his face with genuine delight. He pulled on a grey teeshirt that fitted his form, eyes settling on the woman that lay sprawled in their bed. His would let his Lupa sleep and wake her up later, when it was time. A hunger rose in him, dark and violent as it raged through his veins. It always woke when he neared another pack's Ulfric, when he found the unworthy cur and sought to seal the other's fate and cleanse the world of another werewolf. Lesser underlings were fine, but Adam loathed those who sought power and didn't deserve it – didn't deserve the energy of the Lukoi, the power of the Munin. He would fix that soon enough.

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