Avatar of TheDookieNut
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: thedookienut
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1459 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. TheDookieNut 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
If anyone I used to RP with comes back to check my profile and is wanting to carry on: sod it, dm me your discord, let's get started again
3 yrs ago
I miss the old RPGuild..


Fuck recovery

Most Recent Posts

Please note: I'm still pretty low so I'm making a slow effort to return. All roleplays will be slow paced due to this. I'll always have the intent to respond.


Major cravings:

Superhero (doesn't matter what universe)

All above are not as major as the below

Generic pairings (have ideas, trigger warnings)
^ Looking for a doubled pairing for this ^

Virtuoso x Rock Singer/Bad boy type
Plus a dozen other pairings
Highly adaptive plot. Drama. Romance. Some other stuff.
My other one hit a dead end due to my health

A little something about me

  • I live in the UK, so exist within the GMT time zone.
  • Suffer badly with some mental health issues — I’m currently in recovery so if I don’t post for a while, then understand recovery is one million times more important than this site, so understand I need time and will come back.
  • This doesn’t mean I won’t answer if you check on me.
    Just message.

Roleplaying Resume

  • I post between high casual and advanced.
  • Whilst I love light-hearted roleplays, I adore more serious and "darker" toned roleplays.
  • I'll match my partner's character count and always give back what I'm given.
  • I don't play canon characters unless they're side characters.
  • Nothing makes me happier than a plot that twists and turns with all sorts of interesting and fantastic plot twists.
  • I don't do Master x Slave, kidnapped, or torture X Victim role plays..
  • I tend not to play Canon Characters and hugely prefer original characters
  • I love suprises!
  • I'm not afraid to kill off my own characters if the time is right
  • I have no gender preference
  • I don't play animal characters, only human or humaniod - humanoid means elves, orc, etc. Not anthro furry people
  • I have no limits aside from the obvious; there's no need to spell those out
  • I play multiple characters and will end up with a good dozen over time.
  • Some roleplays will include mental health issues


I've not listed any pairings because, honestly, there are too many. But hit me up if anything on here reminds you of a pairing you're interested in.

I have a fair number of plots too, mostly for Slice of Life roleplays, so feel free to message.


  • College/High School
  • Fantasy
  • Reunited Friends
  • Roommates
  • World Building
  • Ancient China
  • Military
  • World Building
  • Dsytopia
  • Slice of Life
  • Apocolypse
  • Vampire
  • Horror

Fandoms - Games

  • Mass Effects
  • Elder Scrolls
  • The Long Dark
  • Metro
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Fallout
  • Vampire: The Masquerade

Fandoms - Books/Films/Tv Shows

  • Game of Thrones
  • iZombie
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Harry Potter -
  • Divergent
  • The Hunger Games
  • Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire
  • Twilight
  • Marvel Avengers
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Firefly
  • Avatar
  • Death Note
  • Kick Ass

Modern Concepts

  • Knights of Badassom
  • Her
  • Band / Kpop Group
  • Tron or Sword Art Online (Trapped in a game. Ideally something similar to Tron)
  • Idol x Saesang / Singer x Fan

If what you'd like to do isn't here: suggest it! The worst I can say is no.
That's so good! Ah, having people you can rely on in that way is amazing. I'm so happy for you! Oh god, hopfully hes not an ass to you, have you got anyone over whilst he collects his stuff?

Ahh! I bet there are loads of great places for 3 bedrooms! That's so good!

Ahh, that's probably a better call then. Just because of how expensive they're going to be. Plus there's only so many before you run out. It's cool that theyre still actively updating though.
That’s such a good plan for the day! I hope it goes as amazingly as you hope. Go relax and celebrate life!!

Ahhh- I know which one you mean. She’s definitely freaky looking hahaha. Are they bringing out any other themed ones again like Mike?
Oh no, fuck that guy. It’s just a game. There’s no need to be a c*nt. hopefully you’re divorce finalises soon so you can relax and be free! You’ll have to go steal those 8 years back. Go live your best life, or whatever the saying is!

Ooooooh! That’s awesome. Reminds me of Elijah Wood’s character in Sin City, which was the grossest part of that movie. Had to skip it every time just because of how gross it was. Huntress is the invisible one? I might be wrong there, only played a few times and we go super owned the entire time XD
Do it! Do it! It’s such a good game.
Haha, that game is terrifying. Terrible at it though. What’s the new guy like?
Yes! You totally should. Especially since the summer games are around the corner ^^ Haha, I know how you feel. I used to main Orisa but spent so long maining Mercy that my aim has gone to shit XD
You should definitely get into it again
You’ll get back in the swing of things! In no time! You’ll have to ask her to see some movie or what games she’s into.
Oh man, Phamercy is a annoying powerful combo, great against Wrecking Ball, at least when you’re out of the way XD

Take your time :)
George looked at Sadie as if she was speaking a completely different language. Football he'd heard of, but tennis and rugby? Perhaps had he seen a video or an example of the former, he likely would have understood the former. Since examples weren't available, he remained clueless.

"That's a bit rude if they didn't let you play. Did you ever ask him why?" It hardly seemed fair that Sadie hadn't been allowed to join in. Although, had he known the rules, he likely wouldn't have agreed. Quidditch was violent but at least they weren't so young; and magic, which helped a great deal when injuries got worse.

"You'll have to show us some, one day. Probably not when it's freezing outside though." Especially since it was only going to get much colder. November had started wet and continued through until the approaching winter winds hit the castle and seemed to whip across faces and under cloaks as students made their way across the bridges and the grounds. They'd each be grateful for the temperature inside their year-round home, but it only seemed to be getting colder by the week. George hadn't expected it be long at all before the snow hit, as excited as he was. The white flakes weren't common in London, nor at his Aunt's boggy home.

"Who do the sister's play for? Are they on a team? Like a city team or a country team?" Such a closeted anti-muggle household meant such commonplace things such as television and tennis were far more alien than most would expect; especially considering the short distance between his home and the famous tennis court.

"I think you're thinking of Rugby, Georgey." Seine continued, a wide and bright grin still creasing his cheeks. "There aren't really any teams in Tennis, right?"
Oh man! I know how you feel. Definitely, admire from afar. Having a fellow nerd on hand at work is amazing though, so many conversations that you get to have without being looked at like you're mad.

Ahh! I'll try and get something up soon. Never worry about how long it takes :D You know I'm happy to wait ^^
Supportive colleagues are the best!! Especially when third parties get shitty down the phone. It’s good that they’re treating you so well! It’s great when you have somewhere you enjoy working.

Ahhh! I’ve missed them all so much too. We have much drama to concoct!
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