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@Letter Bee I'll reply after I write my final essay for history.
John Williams

John did not consider himself a thief. Sure, maybe stealthy, but never a thief. Back in Arizona stealth was a virtue.The creatures of the waste were much more dangerous than those of the old world. There was the easy prey, like Big Horners, but in the wasteland most things are not prey, but predator. Geckos, Deathclaws, and Radscorpions are constant threats. It might be hard to believe that a Deathclaw could sneak around, but entire groups of hunters have been wiped out in one slash. John was not the best hunter, but he always came back and he always brought back something. From hunting to soldier John carried an extraordinary ability of coming back alive with whatever was required. When John deserted the Legion that was all he had left was the skills he picked up and they translated really well into a bounty hunting. The contracts offered good money, preferably alive, but some souls really just needed a bullet. Not every job was for a bounty sometimes a friend of a friend of a friend needs a little help. Currently a friend of a friend of a friend was in need of a little help. John was all for it, the only problem was the gunfight he just happened to stumble into between the Fiends and the NCR.

Bullets were flying everywhere, the Fiends were armed with whatever weapons they could get a hold of and the NCR was armed to the teeth, complete with an assortment of brush rifles and assault rifles. John still wasn’t sure how he got himself into this mess, sure this side of Vegas can be bad, but a full fledged battle? The Fiends need to lay off the jet. Currently John was propped up against a window of a two story shithole with two NCR soldiers firing off his repeater rifle. The problem was not insufficient firepower, but instead the overwhelming force of Fiends. There were about twenty of them and around 8 NCR soldiers, half of them were green as the sparse grass and just were shitting down their boots. John squeezed another shot off hitting the drug addled raider center mass. With another in his sights John pulled the trigger only to be met with the dead man's click.

“Fuck really?” He pulled back into cover and began to reload. Downstairs the sound of a brush rifle fired off followed by a screams. Not another fucking one John pulled out his revolver and crept down the stairs. The fiend didn’t hear John, not one peep, but that did not have anything to do with John. The raider was animalistically tearing into the soldier, without thinking John fired off two shots into him. The screams stopped, not because of the pain, because of the blood filling his throat. The soldier's eyes screamed for a quick end and John delivered the wasteland’s most pure form of reward, a bullet to the head. John reloaded his pistol only to find he had three bullets left. Upstairs his rifle had eight more, that was 16 total bullets. Just fuck me He thought. John wasn’t proud of what he was about to do, but the only thing you can do in the Mojave is survive. Upstairs the NCR soldier was firing away each shot taking him closer and closer to that inevitable click. John went back up and grabbed his rifle before offering some half assed excuse to shoot from downstairs. Without a second thought John slipped out away from the battle, avoiding eyes or bullets.

The rest of the trip to the meeting point was not as much as an adventure as the previous hour. Finding the address seemed to be the hard part. He was looking for a tenement building complete with a garage. This side of Vegas’ middle name was rundown tenement, but it became a lot easier to find as there were Kings, complete with 10 millimeter machine guns protecting the house. Honestly John did not know if they were expecting his arrival and finding out could result in a couple bullets buried in his chest. Luckily they seemed bored and became distracted when a giant rat began to scurry about. Taking his chance John darted and headed for the back. There was a door and a couple windows. The door was locked and the windows were all but bored up. The only thing he could think of doing was to knock on the door, so he did.

Name: John Williams

Age: 24
Personality: John is as honest as possible in the Mojave. He’ll try to do the right thing, but sometimes the influence of caps can be can be too much. John will find himself lending a helping hand in dire situations, however in situations that have less impact John will shy away.
Faction Neutral (formally Caesar’s Legion)



It’s a story as old as the Stars and Bars. They see savages in need of a little “civilization” and so they shove it down their throat. For the price of innocence, land, and lives these savages become happy members of the Legion. John William was young when the Legion swooped in to save the Huachucan Tribe from the depths of ignorance. From that point forward they became subjects of Legion. However there is a price to being subjects of the Legion, first there are fiscal obligations that must be met and then there is the matter of providing soldiers.

The prewar town the tribe occupied once held a military base known as Fort Huachuca, while the tribesmen were no strangers to the ways of battler small arms maintenance was almost non-existent. When the Legion opened up the armory the base once held they found a multitude of guns that were almost more useful as good as scrap metal. The Legion put began to teach the tribe the skills needed to be contributing subjugates. Soon the young men and women of the tribe were being trained in the art of war, in the ways of an army.

Like most John Williams was required to join the Legion and by the time he was sixteen the Legion was a part of everyday life. The thought of service was almost a patriotic duty when the facts of subjugation and required service are ignored. So like all others John was out through the vigorous training and it was through this that John found himself to be a crack shot. John’s military service was not spectacular, he did not storm a gun tower and hold off half of an army. John was just a foot soldier, he saw the smoking remains of the world and added a little more smoke. It was not long into the enscripted service that Williams wanted out, not because of all of the senseless killing, but it finally hit him that his life was going to belong to the Legion day in day out. So on a dark moonless night John snuck into the wastes. It wasn’t soon later that John found work as a bounty hunter where he began to further refine his skills further.
Weapon choice:
.357 Revolver
Repeater Rifle
Combat Knife
Quick Draw
Gun Slinger
Light Step

'Tagged' Skills):

'Weak' Skills :

Any other info not included in the above:
John Williams as a name was given to him not long after the occupation of Fort Huachuca .

This was based in part on my most recent New Vegas character, a little less Indian roots in this one, but I tried to keep the tribal backstory intact.

I hope you don't mind if I come along
Isaac Hawthorne

“My purpose? I intend to visit Nathaniel Hawthorne? I’ve already said I’m his son for Rao’s sake.” The man in common garb was arguing with the behemoth of a prison guard was Isaac Hawthorne. This wasn’t the first time this argument has occurred. Every time Isaac walks in it’s the same scenario over and over again. There are constant explanations to a man no smarter than an ox. But every time Isaac makes it through, however you could almost see the steam blowing above his neck-length wheat-colored hair. No matter the cost to Isaac’s patience it is worth it to visit his father.

For the past six years Nathaniel Hawthorne has been stuck in the Pit, mining away for the Chamberhill family. Nathaniel deserved it however; Nathaniel had been a master thief and had been a thorn in the side of the law for years. Evading capture for so long can only create arrogant attitudes. His arrogant attitude was quickly flipped when a routine heist went wrong and injured his son. To save himself, his son, and his fellow conspirators Nathaniel took the blame and received a lifetime in the Pit. With six years down Nathaniel only has the rest of his life left.

Isaac masterfully navigated his way down into the earth. With every step the air becomes thicker and hotter. At the end of the third hallway, past all of the freaks, lays a cell. As Isaac walks down piercing blue eyes open up and lock onto Isaac. The eyes belong to weary and dirty man. This prison could wear men down till they are nothing more than empty shells that mine for anything of value, but Isaac’s father magically kept himself together. Nathaniel’s body was lean, the prisoners are fed just enough to work and sleep. Even with his body’s appearance anybody could see that mentally Nathaniel was strong. They locked eyes briefly before Isaac broke the silence between them.

“Hey Pa I brought you a little something.” Isaac pulls out an object wrapped in cloth. To Nathaniel’s surprise it was a small hunk of cured beef. He pulled a strip off and stuffed it in his mouth like an animal, but who could blame him the food served was a pittance in comparison. While the man was ravenously eating the meat Isaac began to talk.

“There was an attack in the marketplace again, some Nerull worshiper tried his luck on a merchant, but luckily I was there. I wasn’t able to take him alive, he tried to cast some kind of spell on me, but my sword was quicker.” In between bites Nathaniel said,

“Good. Wouldn’t. Want. Nothing. To. ‘appen. To. Ya.” Nathaniel didn’t disapprove of Isaac being a member of the city guard, it was a “respectable profession” and it was a reason as to why Nathaniel was able to have his son visit every week.

“ Well Pa you know…”
I'm good to go whenever
That seems like a good idea to me
Okay cool thanks
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